if I may but in here...(my personal trainer advice coming out here)
50 lbs in 55 weeks is a snack if you get with the program. 1 kg (2.2 lbs)a week is about the healthy limit to losing weight in a way the body can cope with and keep off.
Don't put in calorie wise what you're not using... if you're not very active you may have to adjust your calorific intake.
Try and find a good walking course and do it 4 times a week, timing yourself to monitor improvement but don't knock yourself out! e.g. I walk a 5 km course through our local university, hospital and backstreets an time myself at kilometre points. I know if I walk it in 36 minutes or so my heart rate has been 130 and perfect for fat burning.
At 33 you'll have to raise your exercise heart rate to about 140-145 for ideal fat burn.
Keep a diary of your times.
Reduce your carb intake (bread, rice,pasta, snacks) and eat higher protein such as beans, lentils, fish, red meat... and add a salad.
Don't try to do too much at once 'coz that's the biggest way to loose interest in your goals.
Do a day's track work a week to get back into the feel of it.
I wanna see you give your mate a hiding this time next year LOL
I intend to stay 5'11" and 175 lbs for the rest of my life but I know it's a dream if I don't keep to a healthy food intake and do the muscle work I do as a builder and during training days!!!!
Good luck and all the best with your efforts!Edited by: mastermulti