Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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if I may but in here...(my personal trainer advice coming out here)
50 lbs in 55 weeks is a snack if you get with the program. 1 kg (2.2 lbs)a week is about the healthy limit to losing weight in a way the body can cope with and keep off.

Don't put in calorie wise what you're not using... if you're not very active you may have to adjust your calorific intake.
Try and find a good walking course and do it 4 times a week, timing yourself to monitor improvement but don't knock yourself out! e.g. I walk a 5 km course through our local university, hospital and backstreets an time myself at kilometre points. I know if I walk it in 36 minutes or so my heart rate has been 130 and perfect for fat burning.
At 33 you'll have to raise your exercise heart rate to about 140-145 for ideal fat burn.
Keep a diary of your times.
Reduce your carb intake (bread, rice,pasta, snacks) and eat higher protein such as beans, lentils, fish, red meat... and add a salad.

Don't try to do too much at once 'coz that's the biggest way to loose interest in your goals.

Do a day's track work a week to get back into the feel of it.
I wanna see you give your mate a hiding this time next year LOL

I intend to stay 5'11" and 175 lbs for the rest of my life but I know it's a dream if I don't keep to a healthy food intake and do the muscle work I do as a builder and during training days!!!!

Good luck and all the best with your efforts!Edited by: mastermulti
mastermulti, thanks! I'll keep you posted on my progress.
I am extremely interested in seeing what Christophe will run in the deuce this year. I want him in the mid to low 20's. In the 100 he should lower his PB under the 10.19 French record for juniors. I really want to know if he will be doubling in Berlin or choosing the 100 or 200 meter.
He still might run at the World Junior Champs. I don't think he has decided as it is still early. If he runs at the Juniors, he should go for the double in both events.

If he runs in Berlin, I say pick one event, probably the 100 and shoot for a new p.b while getting experience running multiple rounds against the best sprinters in the world.
I think he should go for the WC just for the experience alone.
I hope he gets under 20.50. In Berlin he should run the 100 in my opinion, unless he pulls out something under 20.30 tomorrow. Either way, he should break the French amateur record of 10.19 this year set by Ronald Pognon, a sub 10 sprinter.
Thanks for the updates jphoenix001. You should encourage Christophe to get his own website or at least a channel on youtube.comIt would help to get his name out there to people that are not hard core track & field fans. I would love to see him be as popular as U.Bolt someday. Good luck tommorow night.
Sorry I made a mistake with the link for the results.

It works only for the meeting in France.

For the website you are right but apparently he is not that much interested by Internet.

Don't expect great performance, it's raining currently on Geneve

Dwain Chambers run the 100 and 200m.
I have the results guys,

I don't know why they announced Chambers, he did not run.

Despite the bad weather (16 degrés and rain) he ran 20'68, finished 2d of his final just behind Devonish Marlon who ran 20'60 (Devonish ran 10'11 on 100m this year).

The wind was pretty good (+1,9). He has the 4th time of all the finals and 4th time of the top list 200 m junior (which is leaded by an amazing Skyers Roberto in 20'24!!!)

For a first 200m that's not bad. He has improved his PB of 15 hundreth. (last year 20'83 when he won the world championship)
I agree although that was a nice race for him. A new p.b. running in bad conditions with little preparation. Christophe Lemaitre is quickly gaining maturity and poise.

It's just so frustrating that almost all of our sprinters are racing in terrible conditions. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Is it too much to ask for sime nice weather? It's fricking summer time!
StarWars said:
His 100 meter times are better. He should stick with that for Berlin.

That's an amazing time for a guy who did not train for 200m. And for his first 200 m of the season.

Of course his 100m time is better because he trains for that and he does not have stamina for the moment for a 200m.

But if you expect him to run 20'30 now you will wait for a long time because that is the junior european record.

It's important to stay realist and not think he will be 9'80 or beat Bolt...

Edited by: jphoenix001
We should be realistic for now but why not aim to be the fastest man in the world. Why stop at sub 10? Aim for the sky and see what happens. It will take alot of work but he has amazing talent. I hope he can get the 100 french junior record. When is his next race? Also you should tell him to get a website or youtube channel. One of his friends could probably set it up for him if he is too busy. It would really help his publicity. Great race today!
white lightning said:
We should be realistic for now but why not aim to be the fastest man in the world. Why stop at sub 10? Aim for the sky and see what happens. It will take alot of work but he has amazing talent. I hope he can get the 100 french junior record. When is his next race? Also you should tell him to get a website or youtube channel. One of his friends could probably set it up for him if he is too busy. It would really help his publicity. Great race today!

Well if you want to think that it's up to you.

But when Pickering was younger everybody said :"he will be the first white under 10 seconds" and he did 10'31 today and probably he won't never be a sub-10.

Christophe is currently 10'26 so it's important to remember that.

Think he'll be a sub-10 is already optimistic.

There is a lot of young guys who never improved their PB when they became adult.

I remember when Pognon did 9'99 at 21, everybody thought he'll a sub 9'90, even Maurice Green told that guy could be a danger for him.

The way to success is to be humble, to have some talent and to work a lot.

And to have a website I don't know if it's necessary.

Look, he did 20'68 and was happy of that and then someone said he should stick with 100m.

The high hopes of the people can turn into big disappointment and can discourage an athlet.
Edited by: jphoenix001
I said he should stick with the 100m for BERLIN. Down the road, who knows.

His lack of muscle and height are obvious reasons he has not tapped his full potential. He, unlike other white 100m guys, can run the 200.
First off, Pickering is far from done yet. I know this personally. The times in practice have been there for a while. I can't explain why the race was a disaster. No excuses but to move on to next weeks race at the Super 8! I will say this, 22 years of age and a career ahead. It is far from over as far as the chase for a sub 10! The battle was lost but the war will be won. It takes mental toughness. Training and hard work along with the right attitude.

That is what I am talking about when I say that Christophe and any other young sprinter should aim for the top. Don't limit yourself with saying I can only run so fast. You can make many goals however. If it's his goal to run a 10.10 or 10.15 this season, then fine. Just don't say that you will never have a chance to medal at the olympics because of guys like Bolt, Powell and Gay. If that is the case, then why would anyone compete? You cannot fear people on the track or you have already lost. Fear no one, stay humble, and train you ass off. Both of these young guys in my opinion have the physical and mental tools needed to acheive success. It is just a matter time.

I will say that your right to not expect overnight success. That would be a mistake for the coach, the athlete and the fans. It takes time to do it naturally. One last thing. Don't write off Craig yet. If you have patience with Christophe, please give Craig the same respect. Remember that alot of guys hit the 10.20's and stop. The hardest jump for a sprinter is that last .20 of a second. People do not realize how everything has to go perfect. I stand by my hypothesis. The sub 10 will happen this summer and it will be in Berlin! 9.98 will become reality!
I have a lot of respect for Craig Pickering and I really want him to run under 10 seconds.

I agree with you when you say it's important to have aim and to have a competitive spirit.

Trust me Christophe has an amazing fighting spirit, just look at his race when he became world champion. He was behind and came back thanks to his mind.

But don't be too more optimistic and let's just wait.

If something happens we'll enjoy.
I agree. I have so much hope in him, though. So many ignorant people say whites cannot be fast.
jacknyc said:
I think LeMaitre, Blum, and Cerrutti will all run faster than Craig this year. Maybe Schwab too.
Anyway, I hope all of them break 10.15 and maybe 10.10 too.

OK, here's how our gang stacks up so far this year:

10.191.8Stefan Schwab (also 10.20 with 1.1 wind)
10.241.4Simone Collio
10.240.9Emanuele Di Gregorio
10.261.9Christophe Lemaître
10.261.5Craig Pickering
10.301.2Alexander Kosenkow
10.31-1.3Fabio Cerutti

10.034.9Christophe Lemaître
10.163.0Craig Pickering
10.272.2Fabio Cerutti

Italy is looking quite strong, and Germany not bad either.
I kind of wish there was a White World Sprint Championships, so we could see all these guys go head-to-head. I know some people would mock it, but if I had a chance to be Fastest White Guy in the World, I would go for it.
One thing I think ought to be mentioned, if it hasn't already.

Lots of racist people -- white, black, and otherwise -- seem to get pleasure in disparaging white sprinters.

However, a lot of these same critics have never been able to run 100 meters in FIFTEEN seconds, let alone ten and a half or lower.

They call white boys "slow" with one end of their mouths, and stuff potato chips into the other and anoint themselves judges of all who are or can be athletic.

These same white boys who are always slammed on youtube and elsewhere will eat 99% of the critics alive in a race. Or, if I may be so bold, a flat out fight.

I hope people such as the Pic and Collio and others are laughing inside at all the haters. At least these sprinters know they're clean, while many if not most of the "athletic" heroes are probably pumped so full of drugs they're more pharmacy than human.
Excellent post. I couldn't agree with you more. People have no
idea what sprinters put their bodies through. It is one of the
toughest jobs in all of sports. It is very painful to push the body
day after day at these kind of speeds.
Lemaitre looked great on the relay in Berlin. He ran the anchor leg and was eating up ground. He has a very long, powerful stride. I'm impressed!
The question is why he pulled out of the individual 100 meters B Race? I was so pumped to see him break his personal best time. At least we know he is healthy!
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