Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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If anyone knows when Christophe will race first outdoors, please post it here. I would love to see this kid get down into the 10.10 range before he hits 19. That would be sweet. He has the ability with that huge stride and great turnover speed. Just imagine when he can start more similar to Craig, what times he will be throwing down. I can't wait. Viva La Lemaitre!!!!!!
Christophe has just equaled his personal best (10.26) in Aix-les-Bains in preparation for interclub. He was favored by a generous wind (1.9m)but it is only April and it's his first race! It looks like he is going to have a huge break through this summer.

Edited by: white lightning
That's what I'm talking about! I always know it's gonna be a good season when you start your season as fast as you ended the last one. He may break 10.2 as an 18 year old, which is on pace to beat Craig Pickering in the next couple years. Lemaitre is doind this skinnier than most high jumpers too, once he gets ripped he can not only break 10, but utterly destroy it.
He just ran a 10.30 and just like in his previous race,Christophe got a horrible start. Here is a picture from this most recent race. He runs these times like a jog in the park. When he peaks this summer, he should drop his times into the 10.10 - 10.19 range! All of this at only 18 years of age. What a future he has ahead of him.

What was the wind if it wasn't close to 2 m/s then that time is good because his 10.26 was 2? Not mention he is trying to peak months from now and to run 10.1x at 18 is just incredible. Once he safely gets on those weights he will be truly elite.Edited by: StarWars
This Lemaitre has sure thing written all over him. He gives me the same feeling I had when I first saw the Klitschko brothers in boxing.
Ok freedom. I agree but let's not jinx him. I said the same thing about my idol Shirvo when he ran a 10.03 at 19 years of age. We all know what happened. Let's just let it happen naturally. My biggest fear is that the weight of the world is on this 18 year old kids shoulders. Many people can crack under constant scrutiny like that! Let's hope for the best.

One thing I love about Lemaitre is his moon stride. Very few guys have that long of a stride. If you look at the fastest guys in the world(on roids), they all have one thing in common except Maurice Greene. One was peds. The other is a huge stride length. From Carl Lewis, Ato Boldon, Linford Christie, Ben Johnson, Justin Gatlin, Dwain Chambers, Asaffa Powell and Usain Bolt. They just eat up the track. It is a huge advantage!

Some shorter and average height sprinters try to overstride and this is counter productive. You need to have a natural stride with incredible strike frequency! Lemaitre has this. He was born with it. Once his body fills out and he starts out of the blocks better, the sky is the limit. 9.80's and beyond are possilbe!

He is only fricking 18 years of age! Scary talent! As I've said before:

Viva Lemaitre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give him time. I don't want to force anything with talent like this. Just let it happen with Lemaitre. He will fill out, and his country will support him.

We need to leave the rushing to Unger, Collio, Di Gregorio, and Macrozonaris.
The wind was pretty favorable 1.8 or 1.9.
Still it is a very solid time for him this early in the season.
I think we could see a major break through from him in the next year or two.
Here is an interview with Christophe Lemaitre. He wants to get into the 10.15 range this season. Let's hope he can acheive this feat at only 18! That would be sweet. Talk about putting pressure on Pickering. Competition is a good thing in my opinion. It will bring the best out of both sprinters. Here is the link.

Click on the link for the interview on May 11, 2009 with Christophe Lemaitre. Enjoy.Edited by: white lightning
He raced again today and won in cold weather into another negative wind in a time of 10.31! He is consistantly in the 10.25 - 10.30 range. Very good for a teenager and this is running into a wind the last two races. Keep it up Christophe.

Edited by: white lightning
consistency usually leads to a new PR. I would like to see this kid dip into the 10.14-10.19 area this year. then next year dip into the 10.05-10.10. that would be a nice healthy progression.
albinosprint said:
consistency usually leads to a new PR. I would like to see this kid dip into the 10.14-10.19 area this year. then next year dip into the 10.05-10.10. that would be a nice healthy progression.

This year I have no doubt he will break 10.20 as a teenager, but he needs to train smart. Because of his height and his success at 200 meters I am confident he will be one of the best sprinters of his generation. If not at 100 meters then at 200 meters.
I'm afraid that they might overrace the kid. He has probably run more races indoors and outdoors this year than anyone. He may be a teenager, but sprinting beats you up physically and breaks you down. That is why so many guys use peds to recover quicker, train longer, and race faster. Obviously Christophe is clean as I know 12 year olds with as much muscle as him. Not to knock him He is simply amazing.

I just hope they don't burn him out. He will get hurt if he keeps racing every week. Give the guy a week or two off. The main thing is to get him in peak shape later this summer. Now doesn't mean anything except for new personal bests. He will break his p.b. soon with some warm weather and even a little bit of positive wind. I'm pretty sure his next race will over the 200 meters. I'm curious as to what kind of time he will put up. I'm guessing around a 20.60 - 20.70's time with good weather.Edited by: white lightning
I wonder if he will run the 100 meter or 200 meter in Berlin. He has the potential to make the final in tthe 200 this year, or at least break 20.50.
Christophe Lemaitre runs a 10.03! Hold on. I about exploded in celebration as well but as usual, the wind was way, way over the limit. Still a nice race for him. I want him to race in hot weather with a under 2.0 wind to see what he can do. He keeps having bad luck in his races. His last race was a -3.1 wind. The kid can't win. Is it too much to ask for some nice weather so the kid can produce a new personal best? Lol.
Here is the link. This kid is so fun to watch progress! by: white lightning
More athletes should have websites for themselves like Blum, Wissman, and Wariner. Craig needs a website with his schedule. So does Lemaitre, because I want when and if he will ever focus on the 200 meter. Maybe after he runs sub 10?
I forgot to tell you guys this. When Christophe Lemaitre ran that 10.03 wind aided, that was in the finals of the meet. In the prelims he ran a 10.28 legitimate time. Just .02 of his personal best time. He destroyed the field like in the finals and the wind in that race was just about non existant. The wind was a .01 so basically no wind. Christophe(White Lightning Junior)ran that 10.28 with no help & no competition so smooth. From what I've been told, it was almost effortless and this is by an 18 year old skinny kid from France. His stride is beautiful. I can't wait to see just how good he will become down the road.

He needs to run a 200 to see where he is at over that distance as well. I'll bet all the girls are chasing him.

We should get some nicknames for him.

White Lightning JR.

Lance Romance.

Pepe LeFlewbecause he flys down the track and is from France.

French Flys.

Racing Caucasion Sensation.

French Comet.

French Flyer.

Screaming Streaming Teen Sprinting Machine.

Ok, that's enough for one night but damn can this kid run. He deserves all those nick names and then some more. Good luck to Christophe.

Viva Lemaitre!
Pepe LeFlew, lol. You've had too many. His 10.28 no wind is his fastest race yet. I cannot wait to see how fast he'll be in a month or more with a wind behind him and a sunny day.
he will have a big PR at the WC, mark my words. anyone wahe any predictions? I'll go as far to say 10.12
I say 10.09. Craig will get a 9.98. Then will be Christian Blum in 10.12, and Stefan Schwab in 10.14. The will be Simone Collio in 10.16 ties with Di gregorio. Cerutti will get 10.19.
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