I think Wariner had a really good career.
He spent a few years as basically unbeatable in the 400 and he has the #2 all time mark for the 400 (I think, unless I'm missing someone), second only to Michael Johnson. Maybe Wariner was on the stuff, but it's pretty obvious Johnson was 'roided like a motherf*cker.
As for LeMaitre, he's still young enough to make some noise in the short sprints, but I think he's suffering the same thing as Pickering and Shirvington and Nagel and Wariner—he shows up and no one thinks he will do anything, then he shocks a lot of people and gains notice, then the pressures come in.
Anyway the racial component of sprinting doesn't seem to be such a huge thing, because ASIATICS are running competitive times (many times superior to Whites) and there's clearly NOTHING physically unique about them, so it's probably mostly a psychology thing, since the Japanese are hard workers and don't give a f*ck and are racist as hell.
Probably Whites are our own worst enemy, because of COURSE dumb a-holes from other races are going to talk sh*t—that's to be expected.
But it probably really galls on a young White sprinter when so many people of his own color are telling him to give up, that it's pointless, that he doesn't belong, etc.
The Japs don't get that from their own kind, which is why I think eventually more of them will crack a ten second hundred meter run than ours, until we stop shooting our guys in the foot.
All this is tongue in cheek however, since the best BLACK records for the hundred will be faster than ours.
I accept that in general the average Black sprinter might have a FRACTION of an advantage over the average White sprinter (just as Whites are in general superior in core and arm strength though no one will ever admit it), but at the elite level, there should be Whites in the mix, and there aren't (unlike in the past) because Whites psych their own brothers out.
ALL elite sprinters are physical anomalies, and as such, it should be no surprise that there will be a few Black ones, White ones, Yellow ones, etc that are "special" from the general population.
The racist media likes to act as if some a-hole like Usain Bolt (whom I believe is juiced) is representative of the Black race in general, which is just a tacit admission that the Black race is in general mediocre and has to really "reach" in order to troll for signs of success.