Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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The wind is BS....It could of been swirling, meaning they may have had the wind at their back during mid-race and at their face at the end...not sure where they actually measure the final wind, but it is possible swirling winds can be the cause. The fact is Lemaitre gave up a lot on Gatlin (which is expected) but should of been closer to Rogers. I think if this race had no wind, Lematire's time would of been 10.20 (which is terrible). He is better off concentrating on the 200 where he has a better shot at the European Gold. Forget the 100..unless he goes on a new path - which he should of done 2 years ago - not the same old path that is not working.
Well it's a shame about the negative wind. Adjusted for the wind, the times are very fast.
But whatever the wind was, Lemaitre was nearly .3 behind 1st place, and .2 behind 2nd place. This is definitely the worst start to a season he has ever had. It's very discouraging to be a fan of Lemaitre and watch him regress so much so quickly.
At this rate he might not even be able to make the final of the European Championships. Sad.
Well, we will wait if this wind is right.
If finally is it, the wind was not measured right.

I think same, Gatlin and Rodgers never ran so fast in their history, basic times, and in this race suddenly they made it...

Very very rare..

Lemaitre weak again, i hope watch him running near 10.00 basic time soon.

Regards, bye

RCSMAN always has an excuse for Lematire's poor times: wind, jet lag - as if Gatlin and Rodgers didnt have to deal with it - ingrown toe nail, always something..not Lemaitres obvious amateur trainers/coaches and methods that are basic; there is no cross training or new methods of learning in his camp...and according to RCSMan just added stretching and a extra hour of training - HAD TO LOL ON THAT ONE!.. The start (1st 30-40 meters) is much easier to fix/develop than top end speed! Probably stubborn coaches who think they know everything....I said this before that I hope I am proven wrong, but in the 100 meters he should just give it up or use it as a tool to build on his 200.
Well it's a shame about the negative wind. Adjusted for the wind, the times are very fast.
But whatever the wind was, Lemaitre was nearly .3 behind 1st place, and .2 behind 2nd place. This is definitely the worst start to a season he has ever had. It's very discouraging to be a fan of Lemaitre and watch him regress so much so quickly.
At this rate he might not even be able to make the final of the European Championships. Sad.

Don't worry, Leamitre added an extra 15 minutes of training and 2 stretching exercises. He will run 9.7 very soon, you shall see! HA!

"Once I got past the 50-meter mark, I just wanted to stay relaxed," said Gatlin, who had to race into a strong wind. "If the wind was none, you might have been looking at another meet record.(9.91)"
In my opinion, the wind reading was wrong then in that race.
Watching times for Gatlin and Rodgers(9.78 and 9.87 basic time would be with -3.5 wind) and the other races only minutes before with -0.8 m/s in 100m women and -1.2 m/s in 200 men, it is very possible.

By the other hand, Lemaitre was 0.3 seconds behind Gatlin and 0.2 Rodgers, it is big distance.
Our french runner is not running good yet, it is sad.

We will see soon if Gatlin is really in that shape, but i doubt so much this basic time for him today.

Good luck for Lemaitre in his next races :biggrin:
Last year (9. June) Lemaitre beat Gatlin in Rabat .... now he's far away from him.

@RCSMAN: WE are all fans of Christophe, but elispeedster is right. It's really easy/simple to develop the first 30m.
Why do you defend his coaches so obstinately? It's obvious, that some things are going wrong.
Stupid Christophe's bashing again and again.
it's not opinions with argument, it's just bashing .

"his coach is incompetent et too old" is it an argument ? NO it's only disrespectful comments
"his Christophe's training session is bad" how do you know that ? crystal ball ? you don't know his training and trainer
"This is definitely the worst start to a season he has ever had" is it true ? NO it's FALSE !!!!!


First race : 10.19 (0.8) = 10.23 basic time
Second race : 10.08 (0.6) = 10.11 basic time


First race : 10.45 (-1.7) = 10.37 basic time
Second race : 10.05 (2.2) = 10.16 basic time


First race : 10.29 (-0.5) = 10.26 basic time
Second race : 10.17 (-0.6) = 10.14 basic time


First race : 10.33 (-0.9) = 10.28 basic time
Second race : 10.31 (-3.5) = 10.14 basic time

2014 the worst start ? NO !!!!

"It's very discouraging to be a fan of Lemaitre and watch him regress so much so quickly" is it true ? NO it's FALSE again !!!!

2011 : SB 10.00 basic time
2012 : SB 10.02 basic time
2013 ; SB 10.02 basic time


"At this rate he might not even be able to make the final of the European Championships". :huh:

"elispeedster is right. It's really easy/simple to develop the first 30m" FALSE

If START was so easy to assimilate, why a lot of sprinter are bad or irregular ?

START is the part the most difficult to learn, it's very very technic, the body of Christophe change a lot (muscular), every year these marks, these sensations are different, Christophe has to re-lean everything.

Christophe is ONLY 23 years old

"WE are all fans of Christophe" :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: NO, you are only fan of Christophe when he wins.

When he lost it's Christophe's bashing, "his training is bad, his coach is bad, old... :blabla::blabla: It's not arguments

criticism can be interesting with ARGUMENTS.

I can not judge Pierre Carraz's training session when i ignore the contents of these training sessions.

You judge Carraz with picture or extract of video 2011, it's stupid and not correct.

Every year the physical condition of Christophe is very good, so the training is not the problem.

It's technical problems, marks, sensations

progression is not linear, this year is important.

there are many deceitful and disrespectful comments.

Sorry for my english
Last year (9. June) Lemaitre beat Gatlin in Rabat .... now he's far away from him.

@RCSMAN: WE are all fans of Christophe, but elispeedster is right. It's really easy/simple to develop the first 30m.
Why do you defend his coaches so obstinately? It's obvious, that some things are going wrong.

now he's far away from him... :huh:

Gatlin 2013 : 10.02 (2.9)
Gatlin 2014 : 10.02 (-3.5)

there is a big big difference between this 2 times

it was the same Lemaite but not the same Gatlin
RCSMAN , you convert badly the basic times

If really(i doubt it so much) Lemaitre got 10.31 with -3.5 today, it is around 10.06 basic time

You should to read this link and to learn

It is right +1.0 around 0.05 advantage and +2.0 around 0.10, but -1.0 is NOT -0.05 and -2.0 is NOT -0.10
The headwind affects a lot of worst that the tailwind for to run better.

Please, you should to read about this one :thumbsup:
Stupid Christophe's bashing again and again.
it's not opinions with argument, it's just bashing .

"his coach is incompetent et too old" is it an argument ? NO it's only disrespectful comments
"his Christophe's training session is bad" how do you know that ? crystal ball ? you don't know his training and trainer
"This is definitely the worst start to a season he has ever had" is it true ? NO it's FALSE !!!!!


First race : 10.19 (0.8) = 10.23 basic time
Second race : 10.08 (0.6) = 10.11 basic time


First race : 10.45 (-1.7) = 10.37 basic time
Second race : 10.05 (2.2) = 10.16 basic time


First race : 10.29 (-0.5) = 10.26 basic time
Second race : 10.17 (-0.6) = 10.14 basic time


First race : 10.33 (-0.9) = 10.28 basic time
Second race : 10.31 (-3.5) = 10.14 basic time

2014 the worst start ? NO !!!!

"It's very discouraging to be a fan of Lemaitre and watch him regress so much so quickly" is it true ? NO it's FALSE again !!!!

2011 : SB 10.00 basic time
2012 : SB 10.02 basic time
2013 ; SB 10.02 basic time


"At this rate he might not even be able to make the final of the European Championships". :huh:

"elispeedster is right. It's really easy/simple to develop the first 30m" FALSE

If START was so easy to assimilate, why a lot of sprinter are bad or irregular ?

START is the part the most difficult to learn, it's very very technic, the body of Christophe change a lot (muscular), every year these marks, these sensations are different, Christophe has to re-lean everything.

Christophe is ONLY 23 years old

"WE are all fans of Christophe" :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: NO, you are only fan of Christophe when he wins.

When he lost it's Christophe's bashing, "his training is bad, his coach is bad, old... :blabla::blabla: It's not arguments

criticism can be interesting with ARGUMENTS.

I can not judge Pierre Carraz's training session when i ignore the contents of these training sessions.

You judge Carraz with picture or extract of video 2011, it's stupid and not correct.

Every year the physical condition of Christophe is very good, so the training is not the problem.

It's technical problems, marks, sensations

progression is not linear, this year is important.

there are many deceitful and disrespectful comments.

Sorry for my english

He has not progressed in 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lemaitre is a unbelievable talent wasted at the hands of un-informed, stubborn, 'know it all' coaches and trainers who are afraid to try new methods or are prejudiced do to so! It is obvious!

You don't drastically change your training program by adding a few stretches and adding more time to training as you have said, rcsman; It is about Quality not Quantity! and cross training to confuse the body is very important, so it doesn't easily adapt - this is training 101! Christophe would make better gains by playing 18 holes of Golf then to continue to follow his current methods.

When Lemaitre breaks his PB' in the 100 and 200, which he should of done (or at least get very very close to it) years back considering his younger age and raw talent, then I will kiss your ass.... until then, I AM RIGHT ON MY OBSERVATIONS AND MANY HERE AGREE WITH ME!

**sorry about the caps
RCSMAN , you convert badly the basic times

If really(i doubt it so much) Lemaitre got 10.31 with -3.5 today, it is around 10.06 basic time

You should to read this link and to learn

It is right +1.0 around 0.05 advantage and +2.0 around 0.10, but -1.0 is NOT -0.05 and -2.0 is NOT -0.10
The headwind affects a lot of worst that the tailwind for to run better.

Please, you should to read about this one :thumbsup:

I knew this calculator

Bolt in 200M final 10.16 (100M)
I knew this calculator

Bolt in 200M final 10.16 (100M)

If you really know to Mureika, you should know that his studies about wind in races are very exact.
So you should not to give wrong basic times like you make.

By the other hand, , Bolt 10.16 in 200m final?¿? i dont understand you
He has not progressed in 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lemaitre is a unbelievable talent wasted at the hands of un-informed, stubborn, 'know it all' coaches and trainers who are afraid to try new methods or are prejudiced do to so! It is obvious!

You don't drastically change your training program by adding a few stretches and adding more time to training as you have said, rcsman; It is about Quality not Quantity! and cross training to confuse the body is very important, so it doesn't easily adapt - this is training 101! Christophe would make better gains by playing 18 holes of Golf then to continue to follow his current methods.

When Lemaitre breaks his PB' in the 100 and 200, which he should of done (or at least get very very close to it) years back considering his younger age and raw talent, then I will kiss your ass.... until then, I AM RIGHT ON MY OBSERVATIONS AND MANY HERE AGREE WITH ME!

**sorry about the caps

sorry but you understand NOTHING.

for you Christophe has not progressed, not for me.

Chistophe is more powerful, more resistant, his technic is better, his top speed is better

Last year Christophe ran his PB during his training session, in March 2014, Christophe ran his PB in 300M, in February 2014, Christophe ran his PB in 200M indoor, it's stupid to say "Christophe has not progressed".

Christophe has regressed in the first 50M, OK but he has progressed in the other "part"
If you really know to Mureika, you should know that his studies about wind in races are very exact.
So you should not to give wrong basic times like you make.

By the other hand, , Bolt 10.16 in 200m final?¿? i dont understand you

10.16 in the first 100M and 9.50 in the second 100M = 19.66
sorry but you understand NOTHING.

for you Christophe has not progressed, not for me.

Chistophe is more powerful, more resistant, his technic is better, his top speed is better

Last year Christophe ran his PB during his training session, in March 2014, Christophe ran his PB in 300M, in February 2014, Christophe ran his PB in 200M indoor, it's stupid to say "Christophe has not progressed".

Christophe has regressed in the first 50M, OK but he has progressed in the other "part"

He has regressed my friend... unless he runs PB's in the 100 and 200, he has regressed. He has not run fast in the 60, 100 or 200 in 2+ years. He has regressed. period.

Here is video of the Tokyo race.
It looks like 10m into the race, Lemaitre is already 5m behind Gaitlin.
He really lacks power.

Lemaitre lacks power in his torso which plays a big role in the start. There i no reason for this, makes no sense. One year, he runs sub 10 or very close to it, in most of his races. Now he has a hard time hitting 10.1

I think it is failed coaching and trainers who have no idea on how to stimulate the body from not adapting to training methods that cause him to plateaue in his progress
10.16 in the first 100M and 9.50 in the second 100M = 19.66

I dont get split at 100m in his 19.66 Bolt yet, but im sure that is not 10.16
It is not possible that Bolt got 9.50 last 100m while he is jogging last 50m.
His bend probably was nearer 10.05 than 10.16

I hope that IAAF or some biomechanical study show these splits soon.

Let me have a look into the future. We are writing the year 2016:

Jimmy Vicaut has just run a new French Record : 9,84 Sec.
And Christophe Lemaitre?

Here a conversation between Eli…. and rcs…

Eli: Christophe hasn’t progressed in 5 years.

Rcs: No, he ran a new PB in training session over 350m and his basic times are
2011 10,00
2012 10,02
2013 10,02
2014 10,02
2015 10,02
2016 10,02

Christophe just added a extra hour of training: Yoga

Sorry, but it’s so frustrating!
Caraz can not further develop Christophe . PERIOD

The problem is that Christophe don't seem to care or even notice that his coach is subpar and thats the main problem of Christophe as an athlete with ambition .He has immense raw talent but he will never reach his peak with the current situation and that's a pity for all his fans ....

On the other hand if he is 100% natural as he seems ,his regression maybe something predictable for a mediocre coach as Caraz ;)

We should all bombard his facebook page with what we think about his coach....
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From the IAAF-page:

2014 10.31 -3.5 Tokyo 11 MAY
2013 10.00 +0.4 Moskva (Luzhniki) 11 AUG
2012 10.04 -0.3 Rieti 09 SEP
2012 10.04 -0.1 Roma (Stadio Olimpico) 31 MAY
2011 9.92 +2.0 Albi 29 JUL
2010 9.97 +0.9 Rieti 29 AUG
2009 10.04 +0.2 Novi Sad 24 JUL
2008 10.26 +1.7 Albi 25 JUL
2007 10.53 +0.8 Narbonne 27 JUL

At the age of 19 he ran 10.04 +0.2, Basic time 10.05
With 19 after 4 (or 5) years training.

And now?
Now: He is a little, little, little bit faster
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