Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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That is a stupid quote. They wanted Wariner to go up to the 800 and they only do that with white sprinters. I go to that message board all of the time. Some of the posters are ok but too many use caste speak and they are great at putting down white sprinters.

Lemaitre ran 20.11 in his first race back after injury. He hadn't raced in three weeks. He is number one on the european season lists for the 200 meters. I'm sure his coach said to take it easy on the corner. This wasn't for a championship so there was no need to risk injury but running all out on the curve. I'm very happy with his time and his closing speed. This is only the beggining. He will go sub 20 without a doubt again soon. Anyone that doubts that doesn't know track. A sub 10 in the 100 would be alot more difficult but he is still by far the best white sprinter on the planet. No one else other than Gemeli(who some don't count as white) can do what Lemaitre does. So we need to support the kid and not always bash him.

Good race today. I'm excited for Saturday in Paris. A sub 10.10 at this point would be a good starting point with only 2 days rest and coming off an injury. Come on PepeLeFlew!:becky:


bad training ? coach too old ?
No he hasn't eaten enough of the magical yams. Yohan Blake loves the breakfast of champions!
No he hasn't eaten enough of the magical yams. Yohan Blake loves the breakfast of champions!

No, he had very important injury in his knee the last season.
He was near near of the retirement.

So it is logical that this season he makes not very good races.
And perhaps he will never run like before...

By the other hand, words from Lemaitre:
"I´d like to run around 10.10, and why not get even closer to 10 seconds. That would be a great performance for me."

Very intelligent, i think same.
He could to be around 10.10 or very near 10.00 with a good wind :grin:
This is getting so depressing:

LeMaitre was last place every step of the race. He never seemed to gain ground at any time. He finished with a dreadful, dreadful time (10.28). Move him to the 400, they say? He barely has 800m speed at this point. He hasn't been competitive in the 100 or 200 since 2011.

And this was before the home crowd.
Lemaitre got rattled by the protests of the Jamaican who false started. Regardless, there is no reason on Gods Green Earth that he should have run that slow at home. He was dead last running 10.28 which is is seasons best. Who would have thought that? He was very angry after the race. I think alot of times honestly that it is as much mental as physical. In sprinting as any coach will tell you if your not totally relaxed, your done for. You will run slow no matter how hard you try. Lemaitre has trouble relaxing and when he tightens up he really looks like he is stuck in sand. So sad to watch from such a gifted sprinter. I was really hoping he was going to get his confidence back in the 100 today. The exact opposite was the case.
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Trying to be optimistic: most runners were well off their season's best - Thompson (-0.26) , Ujah (-0.24), Alonso (-0.24), Carter (-0.10) - so the conditions didn't help.
This is getting so depressing:

LeMaitre was last place every step of the race. He never seemed to gain ground at any time. He finished with a dreadful, dreadful time (10.28). Move him to the 400, they say? He barely has 800m speed at this point. He hasn't been competitive in the 100 or 200 since 2011.

And this was before the home crowd.

I dont think same.
Lemaitre in 2012 got sub20 in 200 and final in OG too.
He had very tough semifinal there and so he had very bad lane although he got amazing 20.03 in semis (20.01 Blake and 20.02 Spearmon)
He does not know to run in lane 1-2.
After in 2013 although he had not very year, he got very good final in 100 in Moscow with amazing 10.00 in semifinal.
After he had injury in the final sadly.

Now in 2014 yes, he is not running well in 100 but in 200 he got 2 days ago a very good 20.11, perhaps this month or in august a sub20 is possible.

Today he got 10.28 with -0.8 wind, the problem with Ashmeade and with very horrible start (in 10m his rivals had almost 2m advantage¡¡¡)
Lemaitre with average wind (+1.0 wind) and with decent start he is for 10.10 easily.
Ok, it is not super wonderful, but it is not bad.

I must in Lemaitre for this year a time around 10.00 in 100 and sub20 in 200.
Probably gold in european 200 and with luck some medal in 100 and 4x100

Is it bad?NO :clap2:
Lemaitre got rattled by the protests of the Jamaican who false started. Regardless, there is no reason on Gods Green Earth that he should have run that slow at home. He was dead last running 10.28 which is is seasons best. Who would have thought that? He was very angry after the race. I think alot of times honestly that it is as much mental as physical. In sprinting as any coach will tell you if your not totally relaxed, your done for. You will run slow no matter how hard you try. Lemaitre has trouble relaxing and when he tightens up he really looks like he is stuck in sand. So sad to watch from such a gifted sprinter. I was really hoping he was going to get his confidence back in the 100 today. The exact opposite was the case.

Lemaitre has a coach that is a clown and downer and unconfident fool... A coach that tell his star Athlete to strive for third place. A coach who said he would be happy if Lemaitre finished last in this race as long as it would be close.

here is the link to this idioitc statement from a idiotic old man who should have retired long ago

Seriously, What coach in his right mind, realistic or not , would tell their pupil to strive for third, last.... other than winning!

....and stop making excuses of weather, being startled, false starts etc.
I dont think same.
Lemaitre in 2012 got sub20 in 200 and final in OG too.
He had very tough semifinal there and so he had very bad lane although he got amazing 20.03 in semis (20.01 Blake and 20.02 Spearmon)
He does not know to run in lane 1-2.
After in 2013 although he had not very year, he got very good final in 100 in Moscow with amazing 10.00 in semifinal.
After he had injury in the final sadly.

Now in 2014 yes, he is not running well in 100 but in 200 he got 2 days ago a very good 20.11, perhaps this month or in august a sub20 is possible.

Today he got 10.28 with -0.8 wind, the problem with Ashmeade and with very horrible start (in 10m his rivals had almost 2m advantage¡¡¡)
Lemaitre with average wind (+1.0 wind) and with decent start he is for 10.10 easily.
Ok, it is not super wonderful, but it is not bad.

I must in Lemaitre for this year a time around 10.00 in 100 and sub20 in 200.
Probably gold in european 200 and with luck some medal in 100 and 4x100

Is it bad?NO :clap2:

Trying to be optimistic: most runners were well off their season's best - Thompson (-0.26) , Ujah (-0.24), Alonso (-0.24), Carter (-0.10) - so the conditions didn't help.

More excuses...other than Rodgers, Lemaitre if trained properly from the get go with a confident coach, would have smoked everyone in that race. Excuses excuses!
Whomever is to blame, change is the only answer. You can't change the athlete, so you must change his team. It's indisputable.
Lemaitre has a coach that is a clown and downer and unconfident fool... A coach that tell his star Athlete to strive for third place. A coach who said he would be happy if Lemaitre finished last in this race as long as it would be close.

here is the link to this idioitc statement from a idiotic old man who should have retired long ago

Seriously, What coach in his right mind, realistic or not , would tell their pupil to strive for third, last.... other than winning!

....and stop making excuses of weather, being startled, false starts etc.

YOU are a clown with your pierre carraz's bashing
I dont think same.
Lemaitre in 2012 got sub20 in 200 and final in OG too.
He had very tough semifinal there and so he had very bad lane although he got amazing 20.03 in semis (20.01 Blake and 20.02 Spearmon)
He does not know to run in lane 1-2.
After in 2013 although he had not very year, he got very good final in 100 in Moscow with amazing 10.00 in semifinal.
After he had injury in the final sadly.

Now in 2014 yes, he is not running well in 100 but in 200 he got 2 days ago a very good 20.11, perhaps this month or in august a sub20 is possible.

Today he got 10.28 with -0.8 wind, the problem with Ashmeade and with very horrible start (in 10m his rivals had almost 2m advantage¡¡¡)
Lemaitre with average wind (+1.0 wind) and with decent start he is for 10.10 easily.
Ok, it is not super wonderful, but it is not bad.

I must in Lemaitre for this year a time around 10.00 in 100 and sub20 in 200.
Probably gold in european 200 and with luck some medal in 100 and 4x100

Is it bad?NO :clap2:

"the problem with Ashmeade"

ASHMEADE was right to be irritated because many young people shouted "Christophe", Cchristophe", "Chistophe" during the start
Regardless of his slow time, even worse is that he came in last place against quality competition.

I can't even see him medalling in the 100m at the Euro Championships.
Jimmy Vicaut and about 5 or 6 guys from the UK can surely beat him.
Plus the black Norwegian and maybe even Guliyev.
I really think he is done in the 100m.
"the problem with Ashmeade"

ASHMEADE was right to be irritated because many young people shouted "Christophe", Cchristophe", "Chistophe" during the start

Not exactly, the first time yes, young people shouted Christophe, but so the race stopped and again to the blocks.

The second time i did not hear to the people, and if Ashmeade hear something is very very far, the other runners no hear enough for to have distraction neither.

By the other hand, it is logical that you are angry and you try that the judges excuse you, but after 1-2 minutes if you see that the decision is strong, you should go out.
But no, Ashmeade was there very heavy 5-10 minutes for nothing, really long time.
It is not normal

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Regardless of his slow time, even worse is that he came in last place against quality competition.

I can't even see him medalling in the 100m at the Euro Championships.
Jimmy Vicaut and about 5 or 6 guys from the UK can surely beat him.
Plus the black Norwegian and maybe even Guliyev.
I really think he is done in the 100m.

Vicaut of course, but 5 or 6 UK? :grin: i think that only 3 will run there hehe.
After with the nerves in a final, i doubt so much that those 3 defeat to Lemaitre.
the norwegian? i doubt it too.
Guliyev? No.

I see to Lemaitre 3rd-5th place in that final

Regards :icon_cool:
YOU are a clown with your pierre carraz's bashing


Vicaut of course, but 5 or 6 UK? :grin: i think that only 3 will run there hehe.
After with the nerves in a final, i doubt so much that those 3 defeat to Lemaitre.
the norwegian? i doubt it too.
Guliyev? No.

I see to Lemaitre 3rd-5th place in that final

Regards :icon_cool:

There are more than 25 European sprinters who have run faster 100m this year than Lemaitre. That's amazing! in a very bad way.
Not exactly, the first time yes, young people shouted Christophe, but so the race stopped and again to the blocks.

The second time i did not hear to the people, and if Ashmeade hear something is very very far, the other runners no hear enough for to have distraction neither.

By the other hand, it is logical that you are angry and you try that the judges excuse you, but after 1-2 minutes if you see that the decision is strong, you should go out.
But no, Ashmeade was there very heavy 5-10 minutes for nothing, really long time.
It is not normal


"The second time i did not hear to the people", YOU WRONG, I was there, stupid young people shouted Christophe, the second time also.

"the decision is strong, you should go out" YES you right
Regardless of his slow time, even worse is that he came in last place against quality competition.

I can't even see him medalling in the 100m at the Euro Championships.
Jimmy Vicaut and about 5 or 6 guys from the UK can surely beat him.
Plus the black Norwegian and maybe even Guliyev.
I really think he is done in the 100m.

:huh: Thanks for your humor or ignorance
:huh: Thanks for your humor or ignorance

10.28 is not elite time. so Lemaitre is done in the 100 meters, mostly due to the lack of skill Caraz and his team bring to a Natural, very talented, once in a lifetime Athlete like Lemaitre.... And Lemaitre is much to blame for not wanting change or to leave his surroundings behind. Hopefully this wakes him up.
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