Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Well here they are so far:
1/ Lemaitre is sick and or hurt - (why would he run 2 races in the same day if he was sick or hurt?)
2/ not enough wind in the race - (everyone else in the race had the same wind)
3/ too little rest betw. the 200m and 100m - (why was his first race slow?)
4/ Jamaicans are taking PEDs - (what does this have to do with Lemaitre's performance?!)
5/ his body is changing - (he's 23 yrs old now!)
6/ he has too much pressure on him - (he has a lot less pressure on him than all the big name sprinters)
7/ his university studies are too strenuous - (hmm, what about all those university athletes that run in the NCAAs?)

Anything else?!
7 is valid if he is taking a full course load. Engineering is demanding mentally and time wise. I suspect he is taking a half course load which while still demanding isn't nearly as time consuming. Do we really have to get into the various athletes that take community college interest courses that are disguised as a 4 year university course? Or the community college level associate degrees that are disguised as 4 year degrees? The other criticisms are valid IMO.
We are all making the assumption that improvement is linear - meaning that an athlete WILL improve year over year up to some kind of limitation factor. But looking at IAAF progression charts for a number of athletes this is rarely the case. What I am saying is that ALL athletes have lulls and spurts - perhaps for a number of different reasons. All of us here focus of Lemaitre because he is the only one of exceptional talent that has broken through the pernicious Caste System. If we had five or ten to follow then Christophe's last two years would be easier to take.
For those who are too depressed look at this video - just 6 weeks ago:
7 is valid if he is taking a full course load. Engineering is demanding mentally and time wise. I suspect he is taking a half course load which while still demanding isn't nearly as time consuming. Do we really have to get into the various athletes that take community college interest courses that are disguised as a 4 year university course? Or the community college level associate degrees that are disguised as 4 year degrees? The other criticisms are valid IMO.
It's summer. School is out! I'm fairly sure that Lemaitre is not taking classes at the moment.
It has been an up and down year but this video might cheer some of you guys up. At least most of it. Hoping the best is yet to come in Moscow starting in just two weeks from now. This kid is a fighter and he will not go down easily. Let's stay behing Christophe!

From a French news website:

Christophe Lemaitre, he had to settle for a disappointing 10'' 23 (7th).
Times are definitely hard to protect it from Pierre Carraz, who could not do better than fourth in the 200 an hour earlier (20'' 23).
Behind the Jamaican Warren Weir and 19'' 89. "I totally miss my race technically, I'm very disappointed. I have no explanation, I felt super well in training."
more from the French press:

And Lemaitre in? Nothing very encouraging for French which seems to be the most complete blur. In the wake of the weekend failed to Charléty Lemaitre announced plans to work a little harder, making the stroke overlook Monaco. The Annecy was very expected Friday on a track from London who had not smiled much last year for his first Olympic Games (sixth in 200 meters). It has totally sunk in seventh and last place in 10 "23. The double European champion was still asleep in the starting blocks (0" 204 reaction time).

Worse, the Frenchman had a similar mishap on 200 meters. One hour prior to challenge Usain Bolt in one of the gardens, Lemaitre had indeed go on the half-lap. Program, a real test against the Jamaican Warren Weir, partner Bolt in training and third right here at the Olympics last year. Furthermore champion Jamaica (with an excellent time of 19 "79 to the key), the meeting looked like a real European Championship with three British, Dutch Churandy Martina gold medalist in Helsinki a year last but Jimmy Vicaut seeking landmark in the distance.

Alas, as in Saint-Denis in June Lemaitre ran a poor turn. The line has not allowed him to return even if it ends in the wake of Wallace Spearmon third in 20 "17.'s Time of 20" 23, far from Weir winner in 19 "to 89 Jason Young (19" 99 ) is hardly reassuring compared to 20 "of 07 meeting Areva already achieved after a missed departure. He leaves especially away from a barrier of 20 seconds he wanted to shoot for the first time this season. Missed! Jimmy Vicaut took fifth place behind him. Handicapped by his lane 9, the recent champion of France's 100 meters achieved a time of 20 "44 a distance that still tends to tame. No case of Christophe Lemaitre whose performances leave more thoughtful ...
Interview with Lemaitre's coach:

Peter, how do you think the two benefits Christophe Lemaitre in London?

I must say, it was not brilliant. Times and places are disappointing. I still believe there is a place for Christophe on the podium at the world championships in Moscow 200m. Although with what he showed yesterday (Friday), it is not granted, far from it. He told me that, technically, he was not able to run the way he wanted. This is quite disappointing because he had shown great things in training. We'll have to address these issues in two weeks but I do not lose hope.

Is it a physical or mental problem?

Maybe the head begins to work a little after big failure championships France (third in the 100m in 10'' and 19 1 200m in 20 "34, ed.) It was so huge that it became in anecdotal, but it may leave traces.

Competition Jimmy Vicaut may explain some destabilization?

I do not think because he loves confrontation. He has a personal problem he has set. We must now do everything it goes well in Moscow. I do not lose hope.

Is it his most complicated season since its emergence at the highest level?

Yes, this is the most difficult season for him and the coach. Nothing has successfully passed this year. It is difficult but there are seasons like that. Avoid the doubt settles because it is the biggest enemy. I hope that Moscow will erase the bad impression.
It is a mental and technical thing in part due to the fact that he has beaten Gatlin and Kim Collins this year. He beat both of them in 100 meters race will he ran 10.07! That is the closing speed he still has when his head is on right. He also beat Collins and others in the 150 meters race in England. Where did that form and speed go? He did start poor in both of those victories but his speed still reigned supreme. He is faster than almost anyone on the planet when he is relaxed. I think he is over thinking and running tight. The times show.

For Christophe or any elite sprinter, relaxation is the key to fast times and victories! I also think he over thinks his start and it shows time and time again. He is not relaxed and he fails to react to the starting gun like he should. Learn to relax Christohe. You do belong at this level.

His self confidence needs a boost. Damn I wanted him to look good in London so he would be more relaxed in Moscow. Have to hope that training sessions will be enough to prepare him for the biggest test of his career!
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WL - Thanks for all of your great comments over the years at the various T&F threads. They are very much appreciated. The definition of an intelligent man? Someone who agrees with you. :icon_lol:
Thanks Freddie. I'm glad someone appreciates the time I put in as I love athletics. The purest form of sport on earth!

I also thank you and many other loyal posters for helping to make this track and field forum what it is. It has really grown from when it started. I remember posting randomly on countless sprinters and other track and field athletes and it was a ghost town for a long time. It has been fun to watch it grow into what it is like today and I hope it continues to grow with posters from around the globe.
Obviously there's a crysis in CL life those days, don't forget his 9.98 in Rabat, and the way he beats Gatlin... Maybe it's normal : too much money (500000$/year), enormous pressure from sponsors, medias, fans, parents, staff... may be, in his head, he give up for a while...

Feels like he had no fun running anymore, looks like a burden to him, the contrast with Vicaut is amazing. I think he have to leave, family, coach, etc... another life, other training partners, other trainer... recover the joy of running... fast !

:huh: you're so CRAZY !
HIS SHAPE IS VERY VERY GOOD, it's not the problem !!!!

it's ONLY technical problem !!!
It has been an up and down year but this video might cheer some of you guys up. At least most of it. Hoping the best is yet to come in Moscow starting in just two weeks from now. This kid is a fighter and he will not go down easily. Let's stay behing Christophe!


GREAT VIDEO, thank you !
I also think he over thinks his start and it shows time and time again. He is not relaxed and he fails to react to the starting gun like he should.

That's it.

Blessing Okagbare had a weak start too last year. Look at London 2012 (100m final + semifinal). Now she has fixed the problem and had a very good start in London 2013 and defeated SAFP.
I don't know what's going wrong with Christoph.
It was the same thing (weak start) when he ran indoors in February and March.
Will he ever learn it?

In his 200m race in London he was centimeters behind Richard Kilty after 100m.
It has nothing to do with him running two races. He ran 10.19 in the french championships. He should be able to run 10.00 and 20.00 in the same day within a hour apart. These are high level trained athletes. Lemaitre's problem is a coach who does everything backwards and tells his athletes to strive for bronze.

Obviously you know jack schitt about track. I do however compete in track and whether you're running at national or international level, EVERYONE will be affected after maxing out in the 200, especially after only one hour rest. That easily cost him a tenth. Running 200m after 100m is a lot less fatiguing, though. That being said, it is no excuse, Leamitre is in a crap form.
Obviously you know jack schitt about track. I do however compete in track and whether you're running at national or international level, EVERYONE will be affected after maxing out in the 200, especially after only one hour rest. That easily cost him a tenth. Running 200m after 100m is a lot less fatiguing, though. That being said, it is no excuse, Leamitre is in a crap form.

BS...had he run 20.0 or 19.9, then a slower time in the 100 would make some sense. He ran a slow time in the 200 in comparison to what he is capable of.... and everyone talks about him not being in shape is also BS, Lemaitre himself states he's been feeling good in training. It could be technique, or he has no focus for some personal reason or feels he cant compete with the Jamaicans because of coaches and managers who tell him to strive for third.

PS; you dont know me to make a judgment about my knowledge of Athletic training. So keep it to yourself.
When Christophe ran 6.55 (60M) or 19.80 in (200M), WHO WAS HIS COACH ? Pierre Carraz, NO ?

Christophe achieved those times more on his natural ability. And what is wrong with getting a second opinion? He has not progressed in two years, so something is wrong. In professional team sports, when a team fails for a certain time, no matter how good and respected the coach may be, he will be fired. Sometimes change is very beneficial. it helps break the plateau.
Christophe achieved those times more on his natural ability. And what is wrong with getting a second opinion? He has not progressed in two years, so something is wrong. In professional team sports, when a team fails for a certain time, no matter how good and respected the coach may be, he will be fired. Sometimes change is very beneficial. it helps break the plateau.

"what is wrong with getting a second opinion" SECOND OPINION ?

Christophe has 3 trainers !!!!!

"He has not progressed in two years" YES, FOR YOU !!!

"Christophe achieved those times more on his natural ability". OHHH REALLY ?

Christophe ran 9.92, just like that, only with his natural ability, without training HARD, REALLY ? it's magic ! :)
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There' are really no good answers here.
Yes, he is not strong, but he is stronger than he was a few years ago.
Yes, his technique is bad, but it's pretty much the same as it was a few years ago.
Yes, his coach can be questioned, but he is the same coach Lemaitre had a few years ago.

His decline/regression might be due to:
1/ Lemaitre himself isn't as motivated/competitive deep down as he was when he started out
2/ He's peaked. Yes, he's only 23, but it happens. It happens all the time. Some guys peak in high school, some in college, some at 25, some at 29. There is no predictive indicator for that.

Number 2 can't be fixed. Number 1 is quite difficult to fix.
In other words, we may have already seen Lemaitre's best.

Is it possible to peak at 21? That's essentially what he did.

Any thoughts?

Outside of Mennea, white sprinters typically have a short shelf life.

Borzov was number 1 in 71 and 72. After that he didn't do much. Shirvo and Macro fizzed out fast, so did Nagel.

I'm short Lemaitre, long Hari (isn't it interesting we have another sprinter named Hari/Hary). I wlll be eternally grateful to CL for breaking that blasted 10.00 barrier.
Hey guys don't forget that Christohpe is only 23 years of age. Alot of people wrote off Julien Reus before the last two years and he is now 25. Because of health issues, Julien almost gave up track and then came back last year to have the best year of his career. Reus is on track to have an even better season this year. There are many factors as to why Christophe is declining at the moment but we have no reason to believe that he is in permanent decline.

He needs to get back to running relaxed. Go back and look at the Penn Relays 100 Meters. Forget the time and listen to the announcers. They said that Lemaitre always runs great when relaxed. It is when he is pressed that he gets stressed and he tightens up. When your not relaxed the times will always suffer. YOU CANNOT RUN TIGHT. NEVER EVER! iT WILL SLOW YOU DOWN EVERY TIME!

The kid just needs to refocus and learn to quit overthinking before and during his races. The times will return as will the starts. When ? I wish I knew but I have faith in this kid. He will get this fixed and if not then he needs a new coach and trainers.

One thing I would advise him to do is to visualise each race over and over again in his head before it happens. Then forget the stadium or his fellow sprinters. Pretend that he is on a training run and go out there and scorch the track like only he can. Quit worrying about other sprinters, weather, etc. Just run your race Christophe. You can run faster than you did even a few years ago. Trust me on that. Just start getting back to being comfortable in your own skin. Run and have fun & the times will come!
Here is Christophe's record from 2010.
You can see that he was consistently under 10.10, except at the end of the season (Sept), when he was tired from the cumulative efforts of a long year.
His 200m times were not too impressive, but he wasn't running the 200m much. His main focus was the 100m.

10.09 1 Aix-les-Bains 1 May
10.24 1 Vénissieux 9 May
10.03 NUR 1 Franconville 23 May
10.09 2 Diamond League Roma 10 Jun
10.02 NUR 2 ETC Bergen 19 Jun
9.98 NR NUR 1 NC Valence 9 Jul
10.09 5 Diamond League Saint-Denis 16 Jul
10.06 1 ECH Barcelona 28 Jul
10.11 1 ECH barcelona 28 Jul
10.20 2 Metropole Villeneuve d'Ascq 24 Aug
9.98 NR NUR 2h2 Rieti 2010 Rieti 29 Aug
9.97 NR AUR PB Rieti 2010 Rieti 29 Aug
10.06 1 Continental Cup Split 4 Sep
10.18 1 Notturna Milano 9 Sep
10.16 2 DécaNation Annecy 11 Sep
10.26 1 Super Kawasaki 19 Sep
20.83i 1 NC-j Aubière 14 Feb
20.56 1 Marseille 5 Jun
20.96 1h1 NC Valence 9 Jul
20.16 NR NUR PB 1 NC Valence 10 Jul
20.37 1 EC Barcelona 30 Jul

Now compare it to what he's done so far this year in major competitions:
10.29 Penn Relays April 28th
10.17 May 19th
9.98w Rabat Intl June 9th
10.07 June 21st
10.19 French Championships July 13th
10.23 London Sainsbury Games July 26th

20.35 May 5th
20.17 June 3rd
20.27w Gateshead June 7th
20.07 Paris July 6th
20.34 French Championships July 14th
20.23 London Sainsbury Games July 26th
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last weekend proved 2 things ...all jamican athletes are on doping programmes and lemaitre is far from finished......firstly he was lazy over the first 50 meters in the 200meters fullstop , he knows he has superior top end , so he relies on it too much ......he has to learn against the dopes he must work hard from the blocks right through the bend and keep working hard .....and the 100 was really null and void as it was 1hr later( no real recovey) against the "best dopes " in the world........... i still think he will do well in moscow because as said before he is a championship performer , who has another 2 olympics in him a clean athlete he will have ups and downs ....
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