Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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last weekend proved 2 things ...all jamican athletes are on doping programmes and

last weekend proved 2 things ...all us athletes, all russian athletes, all turkish athletes, all belarus athletes are on .........
When I see the muscles of some female australian athletes I get to muse/ponder ....

Back to CL and his 200m and 100m in one hour:
Armin Hary ran 1960 in Zurich on a cinder track 10,16 Sec. and 35 min. later 10,25 Sec. (with an intended slow start)
Harald Schmid ran 1979 in Turin 47,85 Sec. (400m H.) and one hour later 45,31 Sec. (400m).

If you are in very good shape than it's possible.
Is it possible to peak at 21? That's essentially what he did.

Any thoughts?

It IS absolutely possible to peak at 21 years of age, or younger. The high school thread is full of names of boys and girls who went onto college, and never ran as fast as they did in high school. There are numerous examples of this over years and years.

An obvious example is Usain Bolt. He ran his fastest times in 2009 at the age of 22 (almost 23). He is still running fast, but he is not running nearly as fast as he did then. He too, may have already peaked. (but since he was so much faster than anyone else, he can still win championships with slower times).
So it is entirely possible that Lemaitre may never run as fast again as he did a few years ago.
Of course, it is also possible that with a new training program and improved technique, he could still improve. But right now, those improvements seem unlikely.
Christophe has not peaked yet. I guarantee it. This year has been up and down but the kid will turn it around next season. That is what legends do and he is a legend. No doubt about it. As for Moscow, it could go either way. It's up to him and if he can relax and run like he was born to do.

Here is a great interview with Christophe which I translated into english. He talks about his struggles, his coach, and other things. He still predicts a medal in the 200 meters. I'm hoping he can really shock some people as he is a huge underdog at the moment due to his form.
The one thing I really like about this article is that he admits that his start is horrible. He says they are trying to work on it. He even knows that he is just running in water and going no where. He has to get this problem fixed. I'm suprised no one has commented on the article. I really hope they can make some quick adjustments. The mens 100 meters has two heats on Saturday and the semi finals plus finals on Sunday! So it won't be long from now. I'm pumped and I really hope we see the return of "the master".

PepeLeFlew needs to get ready to rock n roll. Moscow is only 1 week from now.
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Well, I for one am just happy that CL broke the 10 second barrier.

At any rate his fans can be disappointed in him all they want, but he doesn't owe us any sub 10s or sub 20s just to make the rest of us feel good or to support our pro-White agenda. He is not the banner-carrier for the White race.

He doesn't need any dumba$s pressure like that to add to his others.

He has done a lot already and just because he's capable of more doesn't mean he needs to be badmouthed. Dude's an effing beast and a world-class sprinter.

If supposedly the fastest guys are cheaters anyway, there's no point in trying to compete.

It's easy to talk smack about him, as if he's some sort of whiny baby, sitting at a keyboard. He's 23, famous, has already done lots, and ought to enjoy his life, whatever that means to him.

Racially-aware Whites have plenty—PLENTY—of other examples of White, smashing dominance (MMA or heavyweight boxing, anyone?) to look at if they're trying to shut someone up at a bar who says stupid things like, "Blacks are better athletes."

If Christopher Lemaitre wants to run, whatever. If he's sick of it, whatever. But he's a pioneer and is a hero for all time, because of 9.92.

Maybe he can do more, maybe not.

But he's shown that it's possible. Whether he does it himself, or some other White kid finally says, "You know what? Lemaitre ran less than ten seconds. I don't care WHAT the high school track coach tells me."

He's not the Great White Hope. The White race doesn't NEED hope, because the White race is a bit more proactive than that. We don't hope for crap. We DO IT. Maybe not all in one bite, but we will get it done, just like since caveman days, ya-heard?
It IS absolutely possible to peak at 21 years of age, or younger. The high school thread is full of names of boys and girls who went onto college, and never ran as fast as they did in high school. There are numerous examples of this over years and years.

An obvious example is Usain Bolt. He ran his fastest times in 2009 at the age of 22 (almost 23). He is still running fast, but he is not running nearly as fast as he did then. He too, may have already peaked. (but since he was so much faster than anyone else, he can still win championships with slower times).
So it is entirely possible that Lemaitre may never run as fast again as he did a few years ago.
Of course, it is also possible that with a new training program and improved technique, he could still improve. But right now, those improvements seem unlikely.

Im not so sure that Bolt peaked with 23 years in Berlin.
He is stronger now although perhaps he runs now with less fluidity.
In London with good start he breaks his WR, it is very sure.
By false start and because usually he does not have good start he was smart and got only decent start for to win.

If Bolt is in good shape, good start and good conditions he will break his WR, he is stronger now.

By the other hand, Lemaitre was in peak with 21 years?
I dont think it although all is possible.
In my opinion i dont see to Lemaitre getting sub 9.9 without strong wind around 2.0m, and without good wind for him is very hard to get sub 10, now, in the past and in the future probably..

His strong event is 200m.
Only improving a few his first 50m(and getting sub10 without big problems like now), and improving his speed endurance(with the years you improve so much) he can to get sub 19.7
Im not so sure that Bolt peaked with 23 years in Berlin.
He is stronger now although perhaps he runs now with less fluidity.
In London with good start he breaks his WR, it is very sure.
By false start and because usually he does not have good start he was smart and got only decent start for to win.

If Bolt is in good shape, good start and good conditions he will break his WR, he is stronger now.

By the other hand, Lemaitre was in peak with 21 years?
I dont think it although all is possible.
In my opinion i dont see to Lemaitre getting sub 9.9 without strong wind around 2.0m, and without good wind for him is very hard to get sub 10, now, in the past and in the future probably..

His strong event is 200m.
Only improving a few his first 50m(and getting sub10 without big problems like now), and improving his speed endurance(with the years you improve so much) he can to get sub 19.7
Peaking is going to be different for everyone and I don't believe its possible to say someone has already peaked when they are still in the first half of their 20's. Lemaitre may have peaked but its impossible to say for sure in my opinion. Also, I haven't seen anything from Bolt that makes me think he'll break his records. Hopefully Lemaitre will come out strong and show us something great!
Im not so sure that Bolt peaked with 23 years in Berlin.
He is stronger now although perhaps he runs now with less fluidity.
In London with good start he breaks his WR, it is very sure.
By false start and because usually he does not have good start he was smart and got only decent start for to win.

If Bolt is in good shape, good start and good conditions he will break his WR, he is stronger now.

By the other hand, Lemaitre was in peak with 21 years?
I dont think it although all is possible.
In my opinion i dont see to Lemaitre getting sub 9.9 without strong wind around 2.0m, and without good wind for him is very hard to get sub 10, now, in the past and in the future probably..

His strong event is 200m.
Only improving a few his first 50m(and getting sub10 without big problems like now), and improving his speed endurance(with the years you improve so much) he can to get sub 19.7


"Dimanche dernier, fin d’après-midi. Le soleil cogne sur Aix-les-Bains. Christophe Lemaitre, torse nu, en termine avec l’entraînement du 4x100 m tricolore. Avant d’aller récupérer dans un bain d’eau glacée, le Savoyard boucle sa séance par un 100 m, tout en relâchement. Un chrono manuel largement en-dessous des 10 secondes confirme la belle impression visuelle. Les entraîneurs aixois, Pierre Carraz et Thierry Tribondeau, préfèrent garder ce temps pour eux. Mais leur sourire en dit long.

Comment vous sentez-vous à un souffle des Mondiaux ?

« Je me sens bien, j’ai de bonnes sensations à l’entraînement. Je crois même qu’elles sont meilleures que celles des années précédentes à ce même stade de la saison. Je n’en ai jamais ressenti de telles. Les temps que me donnent Pierrot (Carraz) et Thierry (Tribondeau) sont bons. Cela prouve que je suis en forme. Jusqu’à présent, j’avais juste des problèmes techniques et j’ai commencé à les régler, pour le 100 m surtout. On peaufine les détails, ce n’est pas encore parfait mais cela se présente très bien. Maintenant, il me faut juste réitérer cela en compétition. »
Du coup, demeurez-vous ambitieux pour ces championnats du monde ?

« Totalement. Même si je ne suis pas pour l’heure dans mes temps de 2011 ou 2012, je reste persuadé que je peux obtenir une médaille sur le 200 m. »

• Aborderez-vous le 100 m sans pression ?

« Non. Je l’aborderai de la même façon que le 200 m. Je jouerai ma carte à fond et on verra ce que cela donnera. Après, je sais que mes 10"07 cette saison sur 100 m sont loin de ce que je peux faire. Je l’ai montré à l’entraînement, je vaux nettement mieux que ce temps-là. »

• L’objectif sur 100 m, c’est la finale ?

« Au minimum. Si je n’y suis pas, ce sera une grande déception. C’est même obligatoire que je sois en finale du 100 m. »
If supposedly the fastest guys are cheaters anyway, there's no point in trying to compete

This is a very great point. ALL black sprinters are cheating. If Lemaitre wants to compete he is going to need equal drugs to make it a fair race. Who knows what he could do with some PEDs is his system? Personally I dont think running in a straight line is very important.

"Last Sunday, late afternoon. The sun hits in Aix-les-Bains. Christophe Lemaitre, shirtless, in training ends with 4x100 lights. Before going to recover in a bath of ice water the Savoyard loop its meeting by 100 m, while loosening. largely manual a time below 10 seconds confirms the beautiful impression. Aix the coaches Pierre Carraz and Thierry Tribondeau prefer to keep this time for them. But their smile says it all.

How do you feel a breath of World?

"I feel good, I feel good in training. I even think they are better than those of previous years at this same stage of the season. I've never felt such. The time give me Pierrot (Carraz) and Thierry (Tribondeau) are good. This proves that I am in shape. Until now, I just had technical problems and I started to settle for the 100 m above. Details are honed, it's not perfect yet but it looks very good. Now, I just need to reiterate it in competition. "
So, do you live ambitious for these world championships?

"Totally. Even if I am not at present in my time in 2011 or 2012, I am confident that I can get a medal on the 200m. "

• You will approach 100 m without pressure?

"No. I will approach the same way as the 200. I play my card base and see what it will be. After that, I know my 10 "07 this season are 100 m far from what I can do. I showed in training, I'm worth that much better this time."

• The objective of 100 m, it is the final?

"At a minimum. If I'm not there, it will be a big disappointment. It is mandatory that I am in the 100 m final. "

Hi RCSMAN, i know that study about Bolt in 2012.
It was in spanish newspaper,im spanish ;)
The estimations were with analysis tv, and exists some mistakes.
I know to journalist Xavier Aguado and he explained me his method, it was not really good, big margin for mistakes only studying images from tv.
I talked with PJ Vazel, he was there in the final with cameras HD.
So this times YES, are realistic 100%:
Bolt got 3.79 at 30m, 6.32 at 60 and 7.96 at 80m in London.
Almost same that in Berlin but his final was a little worst.
Really his start was worst but his transition was a little better by strong wind(+1.5) and because he is stronger now that in 2009.
But he was 1 month without training, recovering injury after Jamaican trials so his speed endurance in the last 20-40m were not totally great.

Now talking about Lemaitre.
I see very hard that the french gets final in 100m.
He should to have a little "luck" and to be in "easy" semifinal.
If for to get final is needed 10.0 or less i see it very very hard.

Hi RCSMAN, i know that study about Bolt in 2012.
It was in spanish newspaper,im spanish ;)
The estimations were with analysis tv, and exists some mistakes.
I know to journalist Xavier Aguado and he explained me his method, it was not really good, big margin for mistakes only studying images from tv.
I talked with PJ Vazel, he was there in the final with cameras HD.
So this times YES, are realistic 100%:
Bolt got 3.79 at 30m, 6.32 at 60 and 7.96 at 80m in London.
Almost same that in Berlin but his final was a little worst.
Really his start was worst but his transition was a little better by strong wind(+1.5) and because he is stronger now that in 2009.
But he was 1 month without training, recovering injury after Jamaican trials so his speed endurance in the last 20-40m were not totally great.

Now talking about Lemaitre.
I see very hard that the french gets final in 100m.
He should to have a little "luck" and to be in "easy" semifinal.
If for to get final is needed 10.0 or less i see it very very hard.


OK Francisco, i didn't know for this analysis.

About Christophe, for me, he was never so strong, his shape is very very good.
His problem is only technical, if Christophe resolved his technical problem, then he will run between 9.90 and 9.95 BASIC TIME.
If his technical problem is not resolved then he will run in 10.07 BASIC TIME.

Last Christophe's training sessions were very very well. Christophe said that he had never had so good feelings, times were very good, and he had worked a lot about his technical problem.

wow RCSMAN, really you are super optimistic with Lemaitre.
For me 9.90-9.95 basic time sounds fantastic in this moment, i would love see it really :icon_wink:

His heat this afternoon is easy, only Kemar Bailey great rival.
A surprising african called Gabriel Mvumvure has 9.98 like PB this year but i think that he does not have experience and he will have nerves.

I hope that Lemaitre has "luck" and his semifinal tomorrow is weaker of the 3
We are getting really close guys. Lemaitre will be racing for the first time in the next 10-20 minutes. He is in heat number one.
I really want to see him race relaxed and conserve as much energy as possilbe. Martin Keller of Germany is in the same heat along
with one of jamaican sprinters. I'm getting nervous but hope both Lemaitre and Keller qualify with no problems.

Good luck Christophe!
Another horrible start but Lemaitre stormed back to take 2nd and qualify for the semi finals running a time of 10.12! Despite the start, he
looked very fast as he ran down almost the whole field. I think he has his speed back technically except for his start and drive phase.

One thing is for sure. Christophe has to get his best start of the year tommorow in the semis if he is going to make the finals and he will be in
the faster of the semi final heats due to his slower time. Regardless, he can make the finals. The speed is there. Just start better please!
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Yes white lightning, i think same.
So if he does not improve his start and drive phase, i dont see him in the final.

Umm we will see tomorrow :becky:
Awful start as usual !!! It's not funny anymore... :rant:

He was dead last up to 30 meters and then his drive got him second.
Allez Christophe reveille toi !!!!

Vicaut's legs are huge by the way :icon_eek: Obviously he has a 9.95 base time with ease.
Christophe upper body is also bulkier than before.
«J'ai fait à peu près la même course qu'à Rabat (où il avait réalisé 9''98, temps non homologué à cause du vent, ndlr). La seule différence, c'est que j'ai plus géré la technique du départ. Je voulais mettre en application ce que j'avais bossé à l'entraînement. C'était difficile de rentrer davantage dans la course en étant au couloir n°9. Mais je suis content. Evidemment j'aurai voulu faire mieux mais je ne vais pas me plaindre.»

Lemaitre at L'equire newspaper...

"I did almost the same race as Rabat (where he made ​​9'' 98 unregistered because of the wind, ed.) The only difference is that I managed a more technical departure. I wanted to apply what I had worked in practice. It was difficult to go further in the race after the corridor No. 9. But I'm happy. Obviously I wish I could do better but I will not complain. "
I saw the 3 semifinals.
Is not harder semifinal for Lemaitre :bigsmile:

The first semifinal is very hard: Gatlin,Carter,Thompson and Vicaut
2nd semifinal: Kemar Bailey,Ashmeade,Dasaolu and Lemaitre.
In my opinion easier, Dasaolu is half injuried, it is very sure and well he should to defeat to some jamaican, Ashmeade is weaker i think

The 3rd semifinal is not very hard neither: Bolt,Rodgers,Bledman,Martina

But we remember, ONLY 2 first each race and 2best times, it will be hard sure
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I saw the 3 semifinas.
Is not harder semifinal for Lemaitre :bigsmile:

The first semifinal is very hard: Gatlin,Carter,Thompson and Vicaut
2nd semifinal: Kemar Bailey,Ashmeade,Dasaolu and Lemaitre.
In my opinion easier, Dasaolu is half injuried, it is very sure and well he should to defaeat to some jamaican, Ashmeade is weaker i think

The 3rd semifinal is not very hard neither: Bolt,Rodgers,Bledman,Martina

But we remember, ONLY 2 first each race and 2best times, it will be hard sure

I would say that the 3rd semi is the easiest of all of them for the 2nd place for Christophe.

2nd semi should be logicaly 1st:Bailey 2nd Ashmede/Christophe ... lets hope Christophe !!!!
Yes Keyser, so Lemaitre had "luck" and he is not in the hardest semifinal.
So he has now some chance, not very much in my opinion but well if he is capable run very near 10.00 is possible :smile:
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