Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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In this article :

Pierre Carraz :

« En aérobie, le travail d’endurance que nous effectuons sur la piste en herbe de l’hippodrome, Christophe traîne en queue de peloton des garçons. Il est au niveau des meilleures filles. »

That's the reason why he always has problems after the race.
In this article :

Pierre Carraz :

« En aérobie, le travail d’endurance que nous effectuons sur la piste en herbe de l’hippodrome, Christophe traîne en queue de peloton des garçons. Il est au niveau des meilleures filles. »

That's the reason why he always has problems after the race.

it's an old old article ! (2011)
at first it is really tempting to say that CL has a great chance at the world champs with all the black cheats being caught, and that it is a shame that he's not very confident right now
but as a frenchman, i know that french athletes are always disapointing when they are under great pressure, and expected to succeed and CL i believe wouldn't handle so much pressure
so i think that it's a good thing if he can get less attention before the competition
RCSMAN, you are a little blind with your opinion about Lemaitre.
The reality is that the progression for Lemaitre since 2010-11 until now is few or nothing in 100m.
His final metres are very well like always, are not better around 3.42-3.45 last 40 metres in his best races last 3 years.
And his first 50-60 metres are probably worst now that before.

He has perhaps a little more of muscles, but he is not improving in 100m, it is the reality.

In 200m is not very important his first metres, although he should to improve for to get wondeful times.
But in 100 with bad start he will never have good times.

Again, the reality is that Lemaitre has record 9.92 with super strong wind 2.0, only 9.95 with average wind and never sub10 with few wind or 0.
And his best race in basic time is 2010 Barcelona semifinal with 10.06 -1.2 or 9.99 basic time.

The reality is it, in 100 his performances never were incredible, were good.

You will can tell, that in that or in another race he has "bad luck" because he had bad weather, or bad reaction time or bad first 50m,...
really are excuses.

I must so much in Lemaitre, but i dont see Lemaitre getting sub 9.9 with few wind in his life...
But i see him in sub 19.7 in a good race in 200 with great runners like rivals :smile:
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RCSMAN, you are a little blind with your opinion about Lemaitre.
The reality is that the progression for Lemaitre since 2010-11 until now is few or nothing in 100m.
His final metres are very well like always, are not better around 3.42-3.45 last 40 metres in his best races last 3 years.
And his first 50-60 metres are probably worst now that before.

He has perhaps a little more of muscles, but he is not improving in 100m, it is the reality.

In 200m is not very important his first metres, although he should to improve for to get wondeful times.
But in 100 with bad start he will never have good times.

Again, the reality is that Lemaitre has record 9.92 with super strong wind 2.0, only 9.95 with average wind and never sub10 with few wind or 0.
And his best race in basic time is 2010 Barcelona semifinal with 10.06 -1.2 or 9.99 basic time.

The reality is it, in 100 his performances never were incredible, were good.

You will can tell, that in that or in another race he has "bad luck" because he had bad weather, or bad reaction time or bad first 50m,...
really are excuses.

I must so much in Lemaitre, but i dont see Lemaitre getting sub 9.9 with few wind in his life...
But i see him in sub 19.7 in a good race in 200 with great runners like rivals :smile:

ZELGADISS I know that you do not agree with me!

It is difficult to explain to you with my bad English!

In 2011, Christophe had run 3.45 in the last 40 meters.
In 2013, Christophe runs 3.43 in the last 40 meters.

Christophe is faster in the last 40 meters while he is slower in his first part of race, that's it which is incredible and which demonstrates its progress.

A sprinter doesn't accelerate any more after 60M thus, if Christophe runs more slowly between 0 and 60M, his top speed is lower thus his finish is necessarily slower, but not for Christophe, Christophe is faster in 2013 than in 2011 in the last 40 meters, how is this possible?
Because Christophe is much more powerful.

Because of his bad start, his top speed is slower, but Christophe is much more powerful what allows him to lose less speed in the last 40 meters!

The problems of Christophe's start are technical problems, he is going to solve them in the next weeks, if Christophe has only the same start as in 2011 ( 6.55 ), (he can do it better) he will run in 9.93 BASIC time and not 10.00 BASIC time as in 2011, and you will see his progress.

The key is to solve his technical problem, the same start as in 2011 will be sufficient to run under 9.90 with +1m/s (wind)

At the moment Christophe's start are worse than in 2011 thus he does not improve his times but it is not like that that you have to analyse his performance.

In 2013, during his 100M Christophe ran 6.65 in the first 60 meters.

If Christophe had not progressed, Christophe should have run much more slowly his last 40 meters, 3.50.
6.65 + 3.50 = 10.15, with his current start, if christophe had not progressed he should run in 10.15 BASIC time not 10.08 BASIC TIME.

Sorry for my English.
You dont worry RCSMAN , i understand you perfectly.
And my english is not perfect neither heeh.

In first place Lemaitre ran 3.42 last 40m in 2011 in his 9.92 +2.0, 3.44 in his 9.96 +0.9 2011. and 3.43 in his 9.98 2010.
I got this splits by P.J. Vazel because he had HD cameras in the stadium when Lemaitre was running these races, i imagine that your times are by analysis TV yours and it is not so exact like made P.J.

So when for you Lemaitre got 3.40 in 2013?i think that never...

I have another split for Lemaitre(of course by PJ Vazel) the last year, and was 3.40 in his 9.94 +2.6, but this is not legal, super strong wind.

Really his last metres are not improving in the last 3 years.
And his first 60m are not well, so how is possible that Lemaitre gets sub 9.9?In normal conditions i dont see it possible.
9.89 with 2.0 wind?Perhaps but not much more....

I have another split for Lemaitre(of course by PJ Vazel) the last year, and was 3.40 in his 9.94 +2.6, but this is not legal, super strong wind.

Really his last metres are not improving in the last 3 years.
And his first 60m are not well, so how is possible that Lemaitre gets sub 9.9?In normal conditions i dont see it possible.
9.89 with 2.0 wind?Perhaps but not much more....


do you know the splits of the French Championships from Christophe and Vicaut?
I think that Christophe was less than 0,1 sec. at 50m (or 0,12 60m) slower than Vicaut.

Thank you!
from this interview, CL says he does 140 kg for ""half "squat" (not sure the name in English: weight on the shoulders and you bend your knee )

It doesn't look much for a professional sprinter

He is supposed to be now 1.91m 82kg

You dont worry RCSMAN , i understand you perfectly.
And my english is not perfect neither heeh.

In first place Lemaitre ran 3.42 last 40m in 2011 in his 9.92 +2.0, 3.44 in his 9.96 +0.9 2011. and 3.43 in his 9.98 2010.
I got this splits by P.J. Vazel because he had HD cameras in the stadium when Lemaitre was running these races, i imagine that your times are by analysis TV yours and it is not so exact like made P.J.

So when for you Lemaitre got 3.40 in 2013?i think that never...

I have another split for Lemaitre(of course by PJ Vazel) the last year, and was 3.40 in his 9.94 +2.6, but this is not legal, super strong wind.

Really his last metres are not improving in the last 3 years.
And his first 60m are not well, so how is possible that Lemaitre gets sub 9.9?In normal conditions i dont see it possible.
9.89 with 2.0 wind?Perhaps but not much more....


My times are basic times, your 3.42 is with (+2.0m/s), in his 9.92 Christophe had run 6.55 and 3.47 BASIC TIMES = 10.02 !!

It's the same problem with his 3.44 (+0.9), with his 3.43 (1.4), and 3.40 (2.6), these splits are NOT BASIC TIMES !
Hi RCSMAN, no, i never told basic times.
I tell splits last 40m.
Of course is not same a race that another race, different weather,wind,.. i know it.
But really i dont see improvement, and if exists improvement is really few in his final metres.
And by the other hand, his first half of race is very sure that is worst now, true?

Hi lactatking.
I talked with PJ Vazel, i asked him only by Vicaut because im always finding splits in fast races and sorry, but race of Lemaitre was slow.

In his 9.95 +0.3 in the final, Vicaut got 6.49 at 60m, so his last 40m were 3.46, very good for a short distance sprinter like Vicaut.
So Vicaut is improving in 200, where he got 20.30 this season.

Lemaitre should to be easily in 6.50 for to run against elite runners.
But yes, it is horrible that he is running in 6.60 or worst :Cry:
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from this interview, CL says he does 140 kg for ""half "squat" (not sure the name in English: weight on the shoulders and you bend your knee )

It doesn't look much for a professional sprinter

He is supposed to be now 1.91m 82kg

View attachment 818

We would need to know what is meant by "half squat". If he's going to where his thighs are parallel with the floor, then it's not too bad, assuming he can do several reps. If he's stopping above that, then it's a little weak. Also, it would be good to know if that's a proper squat, or with a Smith Machine. Sprinters typically don't go to parallel when squatting, since their legs are never bent that much when those muscles are engaged.
Hi RCSMAN, no, i never told basic times.
I tell splits last 40m.
Of course is not same a race that another race, different weather,wind,.. i know it.
But really i dont see improvement, and if exists improvement is really few in his final metres.
And by the other hand, his first half of race is very sure that is worst now, true?

Hi lactatking.
I talked with PJ Vazel, i asked him only by Vicaut because im always finding splits in fast races and sorry, but race of Lemaitre was slow.

In his 9.95 +0.3 in the final, Vicaut got 6.49 at 60m, so his last 40m were 3.46, very good for a short distance sprinter like Vicaut.
So Vicaut is improving in 200, where he got 20.30 this season.

Lemaitre should to be easily in 6.50 for to run against elite runners.
But yes, it is horrible that he is running in 6.60 or worst :Cry:

"Hi RCSMAN, no, i never told basic times"


but why you compare "my" BASIC TIMES (3.43) with "your" times (3.40 ...) with positive wind, it 's not logic !!!

you can compare basic times with others basic times !

in his 9.92, Christophe had run 3.42 in the last 40 meters, but it's not 3.42 basic time, because there was strong wind, his 3.42 (2.0) = 3.47 BASIC TIME.

In this race it wasn't his best last 40 meters, when he had run 9.95 (0.9), his finish was better (3.45 BASIC TIME)

"if exists improvement is really few in his final metres".

.YES THAT'S TRUE, 3.43 in 2013, 3.45 in 2011 !

his split is 3.43 BUT with a WORSE start than 2011, it's not normal, because when you start more slowly, your top speed is less high (60M), and you run more slowly in the last 40 meters, and not Christophe.

Because Christophe is more strength, he has progressed.

If Christophe would have the same start (6.55) than in 2011, Christophe could run 3.38 in the last 40 meters, 6.55 and 3.38 = 9.93 BASIC TIME and not 10.00 as in 2011.

when Christophe will have the same start than in 2011 (6.55), a lot of people here will see Christophe beat his record on 100M and 200M because he's more strenght !
I will agree with RCSMAN on one thing regarding his last 40 meters in 2013. Up until the last week or two, Christophe was showing amazing closing speed. Kim Collins has run a few sub 10's this summer and he even lowered his personal best down to a 9.97 wind legal. Christope walked him down with ease and made him look like he was barely moving in a 100 and also in the 150 meters street race in England. Lemaitre also walked down Justin Gatlin who is having the best year of his career with at least 4 or 5 ub 10's this summer. Gatlin also beat Usain Bolt around 5 weeks ago. So if you look at this as evidence, yes Christophe has been very explosive over the latter part of the races. That is the good part.

The bad part is his start is worse than when he was a teenager. It's awful to watch. This could be technical, mental or a combonation of both factors.

It also could still be him trying to adjust to the added bulk he is now running with. I hope it's this last one that very few of us have talked about. He needs to get that start phase right before Moscow. They also need to have him in another 100 meters race in the next 3 weeks if they can. Just running that one 200 left in England in a few weeks scares me. In fact if they do only run one more race, it should be a 100 because his start and drive phase are 95% of his problem with the slower times.

I am one of his biggest fans and I really hope that they can turn it around quick. I don't want to see this years World Championships end up like the nightmare at the Olympics last summer. Let's hope for the best and send this kid some positive energy!

Come on Christophe. We know you can get that start fixed. You have run in the 6.50's many times before and there is no reason on Gods Green Earth that you can't do it again! Good luck to PepeLeFlew!
RCSMAN in my opinion you should not to talk about BASIC TIMES.
Because then Lemaitre only will can to get great times with very good wind.
With medium wind, Lemaitre in 100 is not very fast, only 9.95 and 2 years ago¡¡¡
And with 0 wind or few wind never sub10...
You tell that with few wind if he improves his start, he will get to break his PB, are you sure?
Im not sure really, he needs good reaction time, good first 30m and good wind +1.5 minimum for to break his 9.92

In 200 i see him a lot of more margin, only with to get good first 30m he will get sub 19.8, and when he gets good bend he will get sub 19.7 :biggrin:

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Christophe said on Facebook that he will compete in London on friday and saturday.

Friday: 200m + 100m.
Saturday: 4x100m.

Last competition before world champs.
Christophe said on Facebook that he will compete in London on friday and saturday.

Friday: 200m + 100m.
Saturday: 4x100m.

Last competition before world champs.

For some reason I feel really good about Lemaitre in London, I expect something impressive
Start list for 100m:

Date of BirthPBSB
BOLT Usain​
LEMAITRE Christophe​
RODGERS Michael​
Start list for 200m:

Date of BirthPBSB
KILTY Richard​
LEMAITRE Christophe
MARTINA Churandy​
WEIR Warren​
YOUNG Jason​
lemaitre will produce no doubt , especially against the jamaicans..after the doping scandals , one will not see him as nervous , now he knows they are suspicions of doping of all jamaican sprinters ..lemaitre is a championship competitor and will produce in moscow..but before hand he will produce in london ...top3 each event ....and quality is warm at the moment but about to get hot with lemaitre on the way and an array of young white talent on show from britain ....note german sprinters have to start competeing more on the circuits , they suffer from lack of confidence
I hope that Lemaitre gets good times today, but i dont think that is very intelligent to run 200m strong and after in only 1 hour later a 100m strong :shocked:
I hope that Lemaitre gets good times today, but i dont think that is very intelligent to run 200m strong and after in only 1 hour later a 100m strong :shocked:
Christophe is focused on the 200m. He will run at 100% for this race because he wants to make a good time and know his current level. For the 100m, Carraz complained about the schedule. Running both 200m and 100m the same day (and nearly the same hour!) is not ideal but Christophe has to run. It will be very interesting to see how he manages fatigue. Just take this 100m as a test. He is the only one to run both 200m and 100m.

My hope is that he will win the 200m even if it's very difficult (the time is less important if he wins) or be 2nd with a good time. By good time, I mean sub 20.

On 100m, I just hope for a 10.0x (basic time).
I honestly don't know what to say after that, terrible 200m. But theres one thing that worries me, I hope Lemaitre doesn't lose belief in the weight training due to the recent poor times, if anything he should question whether the strength and conditioning work he is doing with Carraz is good enough, but also stick with it as it will benefit him in the long run.

If anything, Warren Weirs success should serve as inspiration to Lemaitre, Weir is a similar less talented version of Lemaitre, but the difference between them is Weir has better strength+conditioning, he isn't the biggest, like Lemaitre but I immediately knew he would be decently strong and have a proper weight room programme. Here's a video of 165lb Weir doing jump squat extensions(1/4 Squats...I know)
I have no doubt he full squats 400 as his 2RM from the way he handles the weight

And lemaitre still squats in the 2xx's at 180lbs?
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