Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Lemaitre has very very few options in OG in 100.
Only at 90% Bolt,Blake,Powell,Gatlin and Gay are a lot of faster that him.
And to spend energy only for to be in the final with luck, umm i dont know.
In Daegu he had "easy" silver or bronze and finally only 4th(without Powell,Bolt,Gay,...).

In 200 OG i want to see the duel between him and Spearmon for the bronze medal, it will be great.


POWELL : best race in 2012 9,88 (BASIC TIME)
GATLIN : best race in 2012 9,89 (BASIC TIME)
GAY : best race in 2012 9,95 (BASIC TIME)

For me Christophe can run around 9,90 (BASIC TIME) THIS YEAR

so for people who say will be hard for him to be in top a slap.. i know is not a great time but he is not very far of gay and gatlin
so for people who say will be hard for him to be in top a slap.. i know is not a great time but he is not very far of gay and gatlin

3rd place for Christophe is very good considering all the guys he beat have run faster than he has this year. I am shocked that the race was so slow overall. No wind. What gives?
0.190 reaction time, but paradoxically good beginning, he unusually did bad at the end, otherwise he would've won! very frustrating..

CL shaping up nicely ... i reckon CL has real chance of a medal over 200m , his pickup from 50 thru to 100 was excellent he had almost 1.5 meters to make up on gatlin after a shaky start.. this race should give him real expectation .. very cool in paris and 0.0 wind tonite...:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
3rd place for Christophe is very good considering all the guys he beat have run faster than he has this year. I am shocked that the race was so slow overall. No wind. What gives?
The broadcasters mentioned it wasn't very warm. Also the track may be a slow track.
Lemaitre very good 10.08 without wind, 3rd after gay,gatlin
9.99 and 10.02, the conditions for fast race i imagine that were few.


Sorry , with all my respect, but i only can slaught.
In this moment(and since 2010) for Lemaitre is almost impossible to get sub10 basic time, and you tell 9.90 BASIC?you looks a joker.

lemaitre is solid in 10.00-10.10 basic time, and since 2 year ago, and his improvement in 100m in these 2 year is very very few.
It is the reality RCSMAN, i analyze , i dont like to think with the heart.
of course the race was slow because was 0 wind..... anyway is a good place and when i see his start and i know with a good start he could won that race....

and real respect to sally pearson... she will be the world record holder within 1 yr... note not one of her opponents shook her hand..!!! beats me what alack of class by any of the americans.... all 100meter men acknowledged each other regardless of color... but women are so so different:evil::evil::evil::evil:

reaction time is what it says on the tin "REACTION TIME" a quality start is drive over the first 20 to 30 meters :behindsofa:
lemaitre didn't improve very much from last 2 yeas because he didn't improve his fist 60 meters from last 2 years,he improve a little his second part of race but he cant be a regular 9,8 sprinter without a good 60m..i think he must run on 60 m somewhere 6.47-6.48 and then he could be a serious contender in any championship but if he cant do that....sorry is my favourite sprinter but will be just a 9.9 guy.
Lemaitre very good 10.08 without wind, 3rd after gay,gatlin
9.99 and 10.02, the conditions for fast race i imagine that were few.


Sorry , with all my respect, but i only can slaught.
In this moment(and since 2010) for Lemaitre is almost impossible to get sub10 basic time, and you tell 9.90 BASIC?you looks a joker.

lemaitre is solid in 10.00-10.10 basic time, and since 2 year ago, and his improvement in 100m in these 2 year is very very few.
It is the reality RCSMAN, i analyze , i dont like to think with the heart.

I agree 100%... But he can run 9.90 basic if he builds up his scrawny torso. The best starters are very strong in the upper body. He needs to get more serious at lifting heavy weights. He should avoid the indoor season and work on strength and only strength, then take that strength and train it to be explosive and fast. That and only that is what is holding him back.
elispeedster of course, if Lemaitre gets some kgs in his torso and he train harder, yes ok, in a near future he could get 9.90 basic time.
In this moment is totally impossible.

Perhaps this year he could get around 9.90 if he have a lot of luck with 2.0 wind, but without wind impossible.

be petient guys the building of a future olympic sprint gold medalist takes several blocks.. and only being around the athlete can indicate different aspects to development, including strength ... one has to be very very careful developing strength it has to be very specific to fast twitch.. ... and defining exactly what is needed for each phase ..... the jamaicans and glen mills swear on ultra strong hamstrings ... the powerhouse on the drive phase..... hamstrings are built with patience !!!!! and hard hard work over several seasons as a pro athlete !!!!....the fact that he is not as strong means he has huge upside ... be patient carraz knows what he is doing ... and more importantly CL trusts him completely..:flame::flame::flame::flame::flame:
temperature : it's not bad condition
track : fast
wind : 0

BAD time for everybody ! VERY STRANGE RACE !
The concept of Basic Time is flawed because it does not take into account the air temperature, the humidity, and the track surface condition and temperature; and only partially addresses wind (one reading, at one time, in one direction). Comparison to competitor's season bests is a better approach. In this evenings race six of the nine were 0.20 to 0.25 slower than their bests. Gay and Kimmons were 0.13 and 0.16 off their bests. Lemaitre effectively ran his best time of the season (only 0.04 off his best with a reaction time 0.04 off his most recent races).

So under equal conditions he ran 0.05 (0.04 if reaction times are equalized) slower than a 9.80 drug cheat and defeated 4 sub-10 season men.
The concept of Basic Time is flawed because it does not take into account the air temperature, the humidity, and the track surface condition and temperature; and only partially addresses wind (one reading, at one time, in one direction). Comparison to competitor's season bests is a better approach. In this evenings race six of the nine were 0.20 to 0.25 slower than their bests. Gay and Kimmons were 0.13 and 0.16 off their bests. Lemaitre effectively ran his best time of the season (only 0.04 off his best with a reaction time 0.04 off his most recent races).

So under equal conditions he ran 0.05 (0.04 if reaction times are equalized) slower than a 9.80 drug cheat and defeated 4 sub-10 season men.

I really appreciate this perspective. His time in this race does not tell the whole story. His placing (3rd) and his proximity to his competitor's times says much more this time.
Well in my opinion, the diference today between Gay-Gatlin and Lemaitre is not real.
They had peak in their trials USA(in adittion some jet lag), now they are in worst shape but they will back to their top shape again in OG.

Lemaitre is in good shape and running like always 10.00-10.10 basic.
Im sure that Gay and Gatlin will be in range 9.8(9.9 low or 9.8 high basic ) in OG.

Lemaitre ran well today but not really good.:undecided:
I dont see him options for medals in 100, but very good options in 200.
I hope that in his next 200 he can to run around 20.1
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it's morning over here and I opened my computer to the IAAF results with some trepidation to find Lemaitre finished top 3.
To be one metre down on Gay and gaining ground on Gatlin is a great result.
No matter the time, those that finished behind know Lemaitre beat them (again) - they're not thinking "only 10.08"

That was a very promising run for his own confidence and for us.
I also think on last night's run he'd run Gatlin into the ground over 200 which is going to be his specialty distance.
I'm betting history will describe him as a very competent 100 man but a great 200 meter sprinter

On a side note Gay is looking good again. That turnover and determination got him past the guy who beat him in the trials. For me he is the one to challenge to two big Jamaican B's in the 100 final
This is a good result and it tells me the Lemaitre can aim for a top 5 finish in the 100m. He did beat some good runners so hopefully this will be good for his confidence. I can see no reason why he cannot at least make the final of the 100m. I also don't see how running the 100 will damage his medal chances in the 200m.

Can someone tell us how long it has been since there was a white man in the 100m final in the Olympics? I don't care nor do I expect a medal, but seeing him run the final will be a big deal and a good experience for 2016. He's definitely in that mix for 4th-6th after Bolt, Blake, and Gay. As I have repeatedly said, let's not assume that Gatlin, Powell, (or even Bolt) will run perfect races, anything can happen.
temperature : it's not bad condition
track : fast
wind : 0

BAD time for everybody ! VERY STRANGE RACE !

For me the results are strange !

25 minutes before men's 100M, Sally Pearson gets a great 12.40s thus the track is very fast !

Why a few minutes later, for men's 100M, the performances are bad.

MAY BE, I know why !

The anemometer, the object which calculates the wind does not work!!!


21.46 MEN'S 100M WINNER GAY WIND 0.0

WIND 0.0 for the only 3 races of sprint of this meeting, it is strange, no ?

That could explain the differences of performances between womens's 100MH and men's 100M
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