Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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He should be called: Yoyam Blake

Bolt looks finished to retain this titles. For Bolt to drop off like this so badly may be due to more tighter monitoring and restrictions of his yam intake.

He was saying he will be a legend once he runs 9.40 seconds and sub 19 seconds in London. No, I don't think that is going to happen now...

2009 was Bolt's best year, and maybe he was taking or doing something different back then?

I think this was Bolt's first defeat at 200m for 5 years!

Christophe will still have a chance at a medal I believe though. You never know.
Well, for anyone who says that Christophe needs to change his coach; Carraz said several times that he will retire at the end of this season.. for example in this ITW:

"How far will accompany you?"I promised his parents to train and follow him to the London Games in 2012. After, it will probably be time for me to hang up. I am 70 years old.I'll probably be too old to accompany a top athlete. ""
so let's wait and see; Christophe has improved in the deuce under Carraz's coaching, nobody can take this from him; and he'll have another team around him for the next year, hopefully in Paris
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He should be called: Yoyam Blake

Bolt looks finished to retain this titles. For Bolt to drop off like this so badly may be due to more tighter monitoring and restrictions of his yam intake.

He was saying he will be a legend once he runs 9.40 seconds and sub 19 seconds in London. No, I don't think that is going to happen now...

2009 was Bolt's best year, and maybe he was taking or doing something different back then?

I think this was Bolt's first defeat at 200m for 5 years!

Christophe will still have a chance at a medal I believe though. You never know.

Could be Bolts back, he has scoliousis...He did run a 9.76 into a light headwind in Rome which is far from the 1.1 positive wind and humidity of Jamaica that gave Blake a better time. Heat and Humidity does prove beneficial for sprinters as the muscles are already warm and loose.

Bolt will run faster at the Olympics. As far as Lemaitre, we shall see against Gay and Gatlin this week, and then against Spearmon in london on the 14th. These two races will determine his shape ad what he can really do. I hope a legit sub 10 and hopefully sub 20
I must 100% in Bolt , but of course i have doubts about Blake and doping since last year.

Bolt is natural talent runner, would junior champion since 15 years and sub20 since 17.
Blake was not so good really...

He never ran sub20 and suddenly 19.78 with horrible bend, he almost never ran sub20 and wow suddenly 19.26... really a lot of doubts about him...

Lemaitre will have like big rival in bronze medal to Spearmon 19.82 +2.3 in trials this weekend.

Bolt and Blake are very far or Lemaitre, both will be in sub 19.5 in London sure...

The medal bronze will be in range 19.7-19.8 probably, and Lemaitre is capable to make it :happy:

Yes I remember that race against Tyson Gay. Blake's 200 best that year was 20.6, then runs 19.7....sure he did.
elispeedster it is sure that Bolt was 85% maximum.
Im not sure if by injury in back, little pain by his car accident, bad feelings with the start because other rivals were moving in the position READY before the gun shoots....

Mills, his coach, tells that he is in bad shape now, because he have to be 100% in London OG.
So i imagine that he had his first peak of the season in Rome,Oslo,.. and he was there 90-95% and now he was with heavy training and so he is "slower" now.

But this last month he will not have so heavy training and he will can run a lot of faster sure :happy:

Lemaitre i wait that he runs very well this Friday and he gets his first sub10.
Finally Bledman looks that he will not run in Paris....

Only Gatlin and Gay looks better that Lemaitre in this race, the other runners very near level of Lemaitre.
Personally, I won't be able to watch or even comment on the race, but this weekend should pretty much settle the controversy over Christophe's readiness. Bolt and Blake are not in the race. They are, without doubt, the two fastest this year. Thus, in order to medal in the Olympics, Christophe must be able to beat everyone in the field this weekend.

No reason to make excuses about wind, temperature, or anything else. They will all be running under the same conditions. If someone false starts they will all be affected by it equally. It's a race, plain and simple.

We will see how ready Christophe is. It's his home turf. Everyone in the stands will be pulling for him.

Note, though: even without Bolt and Blake in the race, every single runner has a faster time this season than CL. That's what "Dancing with the Cones" has done to his Olympic year.

But we'll see.
They are, without doubt, the two fastest this year. Thus, in order to medal in the Olympics, Christophe must be able to beat everyone in the field this weekend.

No reason to make excuses about wind, temperature, or anything else. They will all be running under the same conditions. If someone false starts they will all be affected by it equally. It's a race, plain and simple.

Really you think it?
I see almost impossible that Lemaitre can to defeat to Gay or Gatlin, only if they have horrible race and Lemaitre very good race.
For him to finish 3rd would be great, like in Rome :shy:
Personally, I won't be able to watch or even comment on the race, but this weekend should pretty much settle the controversy over Christophe's readiness. Bolt and Blake are not in the race. They are, without doubt, the two fastest this year. Thus, in order to medal in the Olympics, Christophe must be able to beat everyone in the field this weekend.

No reason to make excuses about wind, temperature, or anything else. They will all be running under the same conditions. If someone false starts they will all be affected by it equally. It's a race, plain and simple.

We will see how ready Christophe is. It's his home turf. Everyone in the stands will be pulling for him.

Note, though: even without Bolt and Blake in the race, every single runner has a faster time this season than CL. That's what "Dancing with the Cones" has done to his Olympic year.

But we'll see.

I think Lemaitre is going to finish 6th, maybe 5th in this race. Some very serious competition in this race - Gaitlin, Tyson Gay, some top notch Jamaicans.... and CL just hasn't been as fast this year as last year.
I think Lemaitre is going to finish 6th, maybe 5th in this race. Some very serious competition in this race - Gaitlin, Tyson Gay, some top notch Jamaicans.... and CL just hasn't been as fast this year as last year.

guys wtf.....race will be in few days,we will live and see what will happend you cant know what will happend!!
Raul, I'm not assuming Christophe will necessarily do badly. I certainly hope he wins. But I have been in the disappointed camp this year. It's scary watching him go into a race with the absolutely slowest time in the field, given that the two fastest runners aren't even there. All I'm saying is, in regards to the argument over his training, this race will settle it.
dont worry he won't be tha slowest in that race,i am ready to bet my life on that,he will be in that worst case 4-5,in the happy case he will be second,but i see him third and maybe a sub 10 if the conditions is good
the race will be tomorow and he will see than what will happend :D so guys pray for cl......:))
Gatlin and Gay are very far of CL now, but the other runners are more or less same level that Lemaitre.
In a good race race he can defeat them :smiley: , i see CL 3rd tomorrow :happy:
An article about tomorrow's race:

"Despite the repetition of races at the European Championships in Helsinki, I do not feel tired. (...) I made ​​two good workouts Tuesday, based on starting and speed. I've found the right gestures. The shape is there. I feel good"

it seems that Christophe will skip the 100 at London:

[h=2]Lemaitre has not yet decided[/h]100m or 200m at the London Games? Christophe Lemaitre has not yet chosen. "What I've seen American and Jamaican selections gave us, my coach Pierre Carraz and myself, a clearer picture of the decision. But we decided to wait a bit before announcing it. "
i think he will run only 200m but i love to see him in 100 too,of course in 200 he have more chance to get a medal but .......i want to see him in 100 maybe he will make both.
i think he will run only 200m but i love to see him in 100 too,of course in 200 he have more chance to get a medal but .......i want to see him in 100 maybe he will make both.

Oh, I hope he runs the 100m at the Olympics. I know he will make the final and quash that stupid "all black" final stereotype thing.

Trust me, slower athletes are running the 100m in the Olympics from the UK. CL is the best in Europe and if he does not run the 100m, I will be so upset with him. Who knows in the future if he will be able to run the 100m again at the Olympics. We need CL in the 100m Olympic final at the very least.

CL has done better this year in the 100m than 200m. When you put all your eggs into one basket, you can end up like Nickel Ashmeade in the Jamaican Championships and not run at all!
Oh, I hope he runs the 100m at the Olympics. I know he will make the final and quash that stupid "all black" final stereotype thing.

Trust me, slower athletes are running the 100m in the Olympics from the UK. CL is the best in Europe and if he does not run the 100m, I will be so upset with him. Who knows in the future if he will be able to run the 100m again at the Olympics. We need CL in the 100m Olympic final at the very least.

CL has done better this year in the 100m than 200m. When you put all your eggs into one basket, you can end up like Nickel Ashmeade in the Jamaican Championships and not run at all!

I hope so too...even just for the learning experience. It seems like his handlers are afraid to throw him with the wolves. The goal of Lemaitre has always been the 2016 games. I just hope he can run a legit sub 10 tomorrow and hopefully close to sub 20 in London next week against Wallace Spearmon. I just want to see a little improvement from last year, not much to ask, is it?...maybe next year he can own the European 100 and 200 record.
I agree with Tside. Christophe needs to do both. He could even possibly false start in the 200 and his olympics would be over other than the relay. Always go for the double. Yes it may make him a little more tired but he is only 22 years of age! No reason not too and I agree he hasn't looked good in either event this year. Especially the 200 where his speed endurance has been average at best.

Tommorow is Dday for Lemaitre. He needs to put out a marker on time of 10.00 flat minimum to show that he still has the ability to make an final in a major championship. He has really had a down year but I hope and pray that he will return to fast times in less than 24 hours! He just has to put a whole race together. Christophe hasn't done it alll year yet indoors or outdoors but he is way overdue. I'm not going to predict a time for tommorow but let's just say I strongly feel a seasons best. Good luck Christophe and please do the double! Way more to gain than there is to lose!
Lemaitre has very very few options in OG in 100.
Only at 90% Bolt,Blake,Powell,Gatlin and Gay are a lot of faster that him.
And to spend energy only for to be in the final with luck, umm i dont know.
In Daegu he had "easy" silver or bronze and finally only 4th(without Powell,Bolt,Gay,...).

In 200 OG i want to see the duel between him and Spearmon for the bronze medal, it will be great.
start list

Points Diamond​
Classement Diamond

It might be difficult for him to be even in to top 6 of this race. To rank 3rd seems almost impossible. I think this race will show what is his 2012 level.
If he finished third, that migh convince him and his coach to run 100 & 200m for OG. Otherwise, he will only run 200m, with the risk of a false start or anything else.
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