Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Great run from Lemaitre today, he started well and held off Churandy Martina to win in 19.91, in pretty poor conditions in London.
Got to agree that Christophe should run both 100 and 200. He's done it before and done it well, in the 2010 Euros (won both) and the 2011 WCs (4th in 100, 3rd in 200). The 100 is the blue riband event of athletics, hell, probably of the whole Olympics, and it would be great to see him lining up in the final.
But if you look at what happened last night in the London Grand Prix 100m, anything can happen in these cold and wet conditions. Bledman ran horrible, not even making the final and yet he ran some crazy fast 9.86 recently. People mess up and lose form all the time.

If CL runs the 100m in the Olympics, I know he has the ability to make the final, and from there who knows what can happen?

CL and Gemili need to make the finals to show that European non blacks can compete with the best in the world still at 100m.

CL will be letting himself down and all of France if he does not run the 100m.
Many of these sprinters are running in optimal conditions with little or no wind. Lemaitre and other European sprinters have to deal with cooler temperatures and blustery winds. So the intrinsic worth of a 10 flat is higher if it's done in weather like London usually has. Ps Lemaitre did a sub 20 in these conditions.....
Great run from Lemaitre today, he started well and held off Churandy Martina to win in 19.91, in pretty poor conditions in London.

I thought his bend and last 30m were very weak, but great raw top speed, he has a lot of room for improvement, if he works on those, he could be something special
I thought his bend and last 30m were very weak, but great raw top speed, he has a lot of room for improvement, if he works on those, he could be something special

Well, he was being pushed by Martina (who had run 19.94 this season) in the last 30m, and he managed to hold him off to win.

Seems to me that Christophe is a good competitor. He tends to do a little better than expected - winning the 100 and 200 in 2010 Euros; good performances in last year's WC; retaining Euro 100m this year; finishing 3rd in the 100 last week when he had the slowest season's time of all the runners; and now this.

Kinda reminds me of Darren Campbell of the UK - though Lemaitre has much more potential than Campbell - in that Campbell's raw times weren't that great, but he ran well on the day (beat Chambers to win 1998 Euro 100m, silver medal in 2000 Olympic 200m, bronze in 2003 WC 100m, etc).
I'm really happy for Christophe. The better the competition, the better he runs. He got his second sub 20 second 200m which is wonderful. What a great win for him!

His start and turn looked like one of his best to me. He gained on Martina and hugged the turn the best if seen him do. Martina was gaining on him in the last 30 m which is something I haven't seen before but I think his start and turn is a good sign!
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here's the video of Christophe's victory, coming in at 19.91:


Great Britain's Daniel Talbot just missed third place, running a season's best 20.59.
here's the video of Christophe's victory, coming in at 19.91:


Great Britain's Daniel Talbot just missed third place, running a season's best 20.59.

Good run by Lemaitre, but he should have beaten Martina by a full tenth of a second. Christophe is way faster than that. Once he builds strength in his shoulder/torso, he will fly with ease into the 19.5's and 9.8 range.

If all conditions are good, Lemaitre will break Mennea's European 200 record at the games. Good Luck to Christophe and Adam Gemiili at the games.
I thought his bend and last 30m were very weak, but great raw top speed, he has a lot of room for improvement, if he works on those, he could be something special

Lemaitre will need an outside lane 6, 7, or 8 - at the Olympics.
Those lanes have less of a curve and so are always an advantage, but especially for CL, who doesn't have a good drive phase and doesn't run the curve especially well.
This guy still has so much potential. But he needs to work on the technical parts of his race. The speed is there.
Viva Lemaitre. What a race. This is the start of the season we have been waiting for all year. It's time to start kicking it into high gear. He is rounding into racing shape now and in another couple weeks, Martina will not be close.

Please run both events Christophe. So many people here and around the world want to see you go for the double. Congrats on a great race!
This was the the fifth fastest time ever run in the cold and damp UK. Those faster were: Bolt (19.76), Gay (19.84), M. Johnson (19.85) and Spearman (19.89). The PBs of these 4 average 0.40 faster than their best UK times.
now where is all people who say lemaitre regress?season for lemaitre begin from now,untill og he must be in form of 19.7 if the conditions are good,and i think in 100 he will be in low 9.9. GUYS you see how good run lemaitre bend-his weak point in the 200m he was first after first 100m that tell much
now where is all people who say lemaitre regress?season for lemaitre begin from now,untill og he must be in form of 19.7 if the conditions are good,and i think in 100 he will be in low 9.9. GUYS you see how good run lemaitre bend-his weak point in the 200m he was first after first 100m that tell much

I totally agree with you !

"where is all people who say lemaitre regress ?" :huh:
Glad to hear that CL is getting a little more consistent. I wish him well, but I especially hope he gets a new coach and starts hitting the weights. He doesn't have the luxury of waiting any longer. He needs to progress more quickly than he is. I don't like to see him "wasting" his time like this, especially since he is the only White with a legit chance to become a top 5 sprinter.

yep.. good display from CL today ..roll on london.... also who was the 4th sprinter on the dutch 4 by 100 who had a hell of a run to come 3rd.. brus? he looks interesting....:biggrin1:
Christophe seems to be peaking at the time, and it was great to see him break 20s today.

However, none of this changes the fact that he has not improved in the 100m, which is what some of us have been saying all along. He hasn't broken 10s yet this year, whereas every other elite sprinter has. But that may be a matter of a couple of weeks. I hope he will run the double, make it to the final of the 100m, and break 10s. That would be as good as winning a medal with the whole world watching.

In the 200m, it's pretty much a battle between him and Spearmon for that bronze, and it will be close. After today, I'm now very excited for the OG.
Christophe seems to be peaking at the time, and it was great to see him break 20s today.

However, none of this changes the fact that he has not improved in the 100m, which is what some of us have been saying all along. He hasn't broken 10s yet this year, whereas every other elite sprinter has. But that may be a matter of a couple of weeks. I hope he will run the double, make it to the final of the 100m, and break 10s. That would be as good as winning a medal with the whole world watching.

In the 200m, it's pretty much a battle between him and Spearmon for that bronze, and it will be close. After today, I'm now very excited for the OG.

STOP with your stupid comments like "However, none of this changes the fact that he has not improved in the 100m, which is what some of us have been saying all along. He hasn't broken 10s yet this year, whereas every other elite sprinter has"

Christophe has ran with VERY, VERY bad conditions in Europe, negative wind, rain, cold when the others sprinter ran in Texas, in California, Doha or Kingston with amazing conditions !
Many sprinters of Jamaica, or American have ran sub 10 but LOOK AT the performances of these sprinters since they run in Europe.

GAY in the USA 9.86, in Europe 9.99-10.03
GATLIN in the USA 9.80, in Europe 10.03
FRATER in JAMAICA 9.94, in Europe 10.14
CARTER in JAMAICA 9.95, in Europe 10.13
BAILEY in the USA 9.93, in Europe 10.09
RODGERS in the USA 9.94, in Europe 10.19

etc, etc,

If christophe had ran in Eugène, he would get easily sub 10, and your comments would be totally different, thus STOP with this comments !
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I think that the people here was very very optimistic when began the season.
They would want that Lemaitre gets sub10 and sub20 since beginning:dodgy:

NO, it is very hard,and Lemaitre needs time.
100 is really hard for him because he probably will need long time for to get a solid first 30m, where he is very slow.
He is a natural runner 200m.

So he should to run only 200m in OG
WHY?Because i prefer bronze medal in 200 with around 19.7 that 6th or 7th in 100 and 4th or 5th in 200 with around 19.9.

Sometimes here somebody talk, sorry but it is the truth, about 19.5 or 9.8 or 9.7,... stupid things in this moment.
We should talk few to few, this is very slow, he is 22 years yet, he needs TIME.
And it is possible that he does not get sub 9.9 this year or the next one, is it big problem?NO
While he try to improve his technique and to get a little more strenght and some kgs more in his body, it is good, and getting solid sub10

In 200 i think that his improvement will be faster, this year he could to be around 19,7 in OG, and well the next year probably 19.7 too or with a little luck 19.6 hight.

Here someone is a little blind and think more with the heart that with his brain heheh :bigsmile:
I think that the people here was very very optimistic when began the season.
They would want that Lemaitre gets sub10 and sub20 since beginning:dodgy:

NO, it is very hard,and Lemaitre needs time.
100 is really hard for him because he probably will need long time for to get a solid first 30m, where he is very slow.
He is a natural runner 200m.

So he should to run only 200m in OG
WHY?Because i prefer bronze medal in 200 with around 19.7 that 6th or 7th in 100 and 4th or 5th in 200 with around 19.9.

Sometimes here somebody talk, sorry but it is the truth, about 19.5 or 9.8 or 9.7,... stupid things in this moment.
We should talk few to few, this is very slow, he is 22 years yet, he needs TIME.
And it is possible that he does not get sub 9.9 this year or the next one, is it big problem?NO
While he try to improve his technique and to get a little more strenght and some kgs more in his body, it is good, and getting solid sub10

In 200 i think that his improvement will be faster, this year he could to be around 19,7 in OG, and well the next year probably 19.7 too or with a little luck 19.6 hight.

Here someone is a little blind and think more with the heart that with his brain heheh :bigsmile:

Here someone invents a friend who works with the IAAF ! isn't it, FRANCISCO ? :eyebrows:
Brilliant race Christophe!

That was a wonderful race for his first time in the UK. He is the European number 1 in both distances without a doubt.

For me it was the performance of the meeting. Nobody else did sub 10 or sub 44, so a sub 20 was the best sprint race in Crystal Palace over the 2 day meeting.

CL only took 80.5 strides for the 200m!!!

Now that is someone with an excellent range of movement second to only Bolt.

CL took 43 strides for the 1st 100m in around 10.2 seconds, and 37.5 strides for the last 100m down the home straight, averaging 2.67m EVERY stride on the final 100m!

No British athlete is living with that. No British athlete has run a sub 20 since John Regis about 20 years ago...

The British in this race race looked like garbage, getting beaten by at least 5 metres, and last place getting beaten by about 9 metres or so.

I feel very proud and happy for CL. He is already a legend in my eyes and should run in the Olympics 100m. Like others have said, in Daegu it did not hinder him. It helped him run that 19.80!
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