Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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CL should be doing better than this. I don't know much about track but it is easy to see that he should continue to progress. I agree with those here who believe he should also be running the 200 meter races. I'm glad he won the 100 meter European title again, but he should be doing better than he is. He needs to hit the weights and get a new coach, period.
Times official for final 100m,with high speed video in STADIUM, by PJ Vazel.

I imagine that everybody are interested(perhaps not RCSMAN that he loves analyze video from TV,where the mistake can to be big...)

0.166 - 3.92 - 6.56 - 8.32 - 10.09 Christophe Lemaitre
0.161 - 3.88 - 6.52 - 8.30 - 10.12 Jimmy Vicaut

Lemaitre at 60 6.56, Vicaut 6.52
So last 40m of Lemaitre 3.53 that with negative wind is not bad.
With positive wind usually Lemaitre gets around 3.42-3.45 in good shape.
But his beginning is very weak

Regards to everybody :icon_wink:
I think that Lemaitre should not to run 100m, i tell it again.
His options are very very very small there,it is the reality

And in my opinion is STUPID to run 100m by "mentality","experience","to try",... STUPID really.

The list of runners clearly better to Lemaitre is very big: Bolt,Blake,Powell,Gatlin,Gay,Bledman and perhaps some more.

And no, i dont think that 3 or 4 of those runners will be injuried or very bad shape in London.

It is better for me that he gives all his energy in 200m, with big options for medal.

Of course if Lemaitre finally decides double, ok, good for him and i wil support him, but i think that the best option is to run only 200m in OG :smiley:
Once again, I find myself agreeing with Elispeedster. Anyone who thinks that Christophe has a chance this year in the 100 is going to be sadly disappointed.

Christophe needed to improve dramatically this year to compete with the Jamaicans. Dramatically. But he simply didn't. He regressed badly. He has consistently run times closer to the women's world record than to the men's. Think about that.

Race after race, people make excuses for him. It's wet. It's cold. The wind isn't pushing him like a tornado. Whatever. Enough excuses. He's run a lot of races. The times all suck.

Go back and watch all of the videos. In every race he runs, no matter how pathetically weak the "competition" (and, let's face it, Christophe's competition even in the French and European championships couldn't compete at an elite Jamaican high school meet), Christophe always finds himself behind, working like mad just to catch up and barely win at the end. Do you think Blake, Gatlin, Bolt, etc, would have to give 100% just to beat those bums? Blake could jog from start to finish, stop and sign autographs, wave to the crowd, and still win comfortably.

I can only go back to what I said at the beginning of Christophe's nightmarish season: He is squandering his talent working with a coach who makes him practice with tiny little cones all over the track, constantly worrying about where every foot strikes the ground. Maybe if there is a French version of "Dancing with the Stars," Carraz's proteges will win. But they aren't winning any Olympic medals.
I concur brother. This is not his year in the 100 meters. In 2 years he might make some noise. I hope he does.
I think that Lemaitre should not to run 100m, i tell it again.
His options are very very very small there,it is the reality

And in my opinion is STUPID to run 100m by "mentality","experience","to try",... STUPID really.

The list of runners clearly better to Lemaitre is very big: Bolt,Blake,Powell,Gatlin,Gay,Bledman and perhaps some more.

And no, i dont think that 3 or 4 of those runners will be injuried or very bad shape in London.

It is better for me that he gives all his energy in 200m, with big options for medal.

Of course if Lemaitre finally decides double, ok, good for him and i wil support him, but i think that the best option is to run only 200m in OG :smiley:

LOL! It is stupid to 'think' mentally that one can succeed? It is very important to create a picture in your mind at succeeding whatever you plan to accomplish, whether it is real or not. Its the only way to give it 100% and reach the top potential.

Christophe may never run 9.58, but if he believes he can, he will run much faster than his current best. That is the point....and Christpohe is a 100 and 200 meter runner. Very few sprinters have run under 20 in the 200 and under 10 in the 100. Even Michael Johnson never ran under 10 and wallace spearmon has run under 10 once or twice. Christophe, is to me, a White Carl Lewis type - there is similarity in their running. He has potential to run under 9.9 and under 19.7 if he has the right people around him.
I understand that you tell elispeedster
but if he does not have options in 100, is better to save all his energy in 200 where he is a lot of better.

And not only is "to think" or "to believe", if im Lemaitre i prefer to be 3rd in 200m that 6th in 100 and 5th in 200 by example.

In 200 he is really good, in 100 he hardly never will be good starter, there is where he lose a lot of time for to run near of the best sprinters, i talk since logic not since the heart.

I only think that is not the moment now in OG for to run 100m, he will have more chances in the future, he is only 22 years and he is far of his peak yet.
The people should to have patiente, and he is natural 200m runner by his style of running.
Of course he is so talent that he is good runner in 100m, but in this moment he can not compete for medals with great sprinters in the world.

And yes in near future he will get sub 9.9 and sub 19.7 but i think this year no, and perhaps the next year neither(although i would love it).
But i repeat, he only has 22 years¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Some people here want that he has great start, great times and all perfect since NOW, hehe for me it is not think with logic.
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I understand that you tell elispeedster
but if he does not have options in 100, is better to save all his energy in 200 where he is a lot of better.

And not only is "to think" or "to believe", if im Lemaitre i prefer to be 3rd in 200m that 6th in 100 and 5th in 200 by example.

In 200 he is really good, in 100 he hardly never will be good starter, there is where he lose a lot of time for to run near of the best sprinters, i talk since logic not since the heart.

With the right people around Christophe, he will run faster in the 100 and be a better starter. The problem is not his potential - he has it- but unleashing that potential. I think his coach and handlers are limiting him out of fear.

This year, yes you are correct, the 200 would make more sense, but he hasnt even run under 20.3 so far. Last year at this time, he ran 20.3 into a -2.5 headwind.

the best time of the semi final in Helsinki was 20.63. Lemaitre should have run. It was an easy medal for him, and the opportunity to test himself on the distance he is supposed to run in th O Games.

That illogical !
,you should to be quiet, Lemaitre has the next week 100 in Paris DL and the next 200 in London DL, im sure that he will get there better times.

I think that he will arrive to OG with around 20.1 in 200 like better time and it is good :smile:
LoLy , you right, probably Lemaitre would win in 200 too.

But i understand, he tells that he is very near to OG, and he does not want injuries now.
In adittion he tells that the tight bend could hurt him a little bit, and he does not want it neither.

He comments too that he finished European in Barcelona a litle injuried after rounds in 100,200 and 4x100 and he can not have injuries this time because the OG are very near.

Of course everybody would want that Lemaitre gets another 3 gold medals, but we have to think in his health too :shy:
Christophe's coaching staff has failed him miserably. Christophe himself said he has been lifting weights for four years with no improvement. His lack of improvement must be fall heavily on the shoulders of his coaches. Most coaches could have easily increased his strength within the first 6 months and after 4 years he should be much much stronger. We can all agree that one of the areas that would increase Christophe's performance is he explosive strength to weight ratio.

I understand different coaching styles and taking things slowly however, 4 years is a significant amount of time. Slow progress in his strength is fine, but NO progress in strength levels in 4 years time is a complete failure. Are we to wait another 4 years to see Christophe remain stagnant in the hands of his inept coaches? What more proof do we need of their failure?
Christophe's coaching staff has failed him miserably. Christophe himself said he has been lifting weights for four years with no improvement. His lack of improvement must be fall heavily on the shoulders of his coaches. Most coaches could have easily increased his strength within the first 6 months and after 4 years he should be much much stronger. We can all agree that one of the areas that would increase Christophe's performance is he explosive strength to weight ratio.

I understand different coaching styles and taking things slowly however, 4 years is a significant amount of time. Slow progress in his strength is fine, but NO progress in strength levels in 4 years time is a complete failure. Are we to wait another 4 years to see Christophe remain stagnant in the hands of his inept coaches? What more proof do we need of their failure?
There has to be some. Just going from 18 to 22 and becoming a man vs a youth. I know when I was that age I could barely bench press 100 pounds within a year I was doing around 200 pounds(granted I wasn't running too). Maybe he plateaued early and hasn't made gains since? He obviously has made some size gains in his lower body as his thighs really aren't that spindly compared to his uppper body.
There has to be some. Just going from 18 to 22 and becoming a man vs a youth. I know when I was that age I could barely bench press 100 pounds within a year I was doing around 200 pounds(granted I wasn't running too). Maybe he plateaued early and hasn't made gains since? He obviously has made some size gains in his lower body as his thighs really aren't that spindly compared to his uppper body.

Christophe does not need much thigh work. He needs power in his shoulders, and torso. Believe it or not, and it has been confirmed, the strongest starters are almost always sprinters that have great upper body power and strength. NFL speed men have 40 yard times as good and in some cases better than world class sprinters -all due to their high volume of power and strength training. Speed that comes after 50 meters (top end) is god given (much harder to improve) - guys like Lemaiture, Bolt, Gay etc.

Take a natural fast guy like Christophe and build his power at the start= sub 9.9 very easily.

Maybe his body is still not adapting yet to his newfound strength and eventually it will come to play in the later part of the year. This could be a reason of his lackluster performance. His body has not 'healed' yet from the training, especially when ones does it naturally, unlike the 'HGH' Beast - Yohan 'will get caught soon' Blake. :icon_tongue:

No argument, only stupid critics !
Wait at least for the end of the season to say your resentful, disrespectful comments!

He regressed badly. He has consistently run times closer to the women's world record than to the men's. (TRACKSTER)

Race after race, people make excuses for him. It's wet. It's cold. The wind isn't pushing him like a tornado. Whatever. Enough excuses. He's run a lot of races. The times all suck (TRACKSTER)

I can only go back to what I said at the beginning of Christophe's nightmarish season: He is squandering his talent working with a coach who makes him practice with tiny little cones all over the track, constantly worrying about where every foot strikes the ground. Maybe if there is a French version of "Dancing with the Stars," Carraz's proteges will win. But they aren't winning any Olympic medals (TRACKSTER)

He needs to hit the weights and get a new coach, period. (COLONEL REB)

I think his coach and handlers are limiting him out of fear. (ELISPEEDSTER)

Christophe's coaching staff has failed him miserably (CHRISTOPHE LEMAITRE)

No argument, only stupid critics !
Wait at least for the end of the season to say your resentful, disrespectful comments!

He regressed badly. He has consistently run times closer to the women's world record than to the men's. (TRACKSTER)

Race after race, people make excuses for him. It's wet. It's cold. The wind isn't pushing him like a tornado. Whatever. Enough excuses. He's run a lot of races. The times all suck (TRACKSTER)

I can only go back to what I said at the beginning of Christophe's nightmarish season: He is squandering his talent working with a coach who makes him practice with tiny little cones all over the track, constantly worrying about where every foot strikes the ground. Maybe if there is a French version of "Dancing with the Stars," Carraz's proteges will win. But they aren't winning any Olympic medals (TRACKSTER)

He needs to hit the weights and get a new coach, period. (COLONEL REB)

I think his coach and handlers are limiting him out of fear. (ELISPEEDSTER)

Christophe's coaching staff has failed him miserably (CHRISTOPHE LEMAITRE)

I mde my argument. He has not shown anything positive as far as progression. He struggled indoors, he can't break 10 legally and has run only 20.3 with positive wind. Last year he ran 9.96 and 20.3 into -2.5 headwind at the same time period. So what is your answer? I know, I'm stupid blah blah

Prove me wrong. I don't expect him to run 9.90 or break 19.80 at this moment, but he should be running at least a legal 9.95 and 19.90

No argument, only stupid critics !
Wait at least for the end of the season to say your resentful, disrespectful comments!

He regressed badly. He has consistently run times closer to the women's world record than to the men's. (TRACKSTER)

Race after race, people make excuses for him. It's wet. It's cold. The wind isn't pushing him like a tornado. Whatever. Enough excuses. He's run a lot of races. The times all suck (TRACKSTER)

I can only go back to what I said at the beginning of Christophe's nightmarish season: He is squandering his talent working with a coach who makes him practice with tiny little cones all over the track, constantly worrying about where every foot strikes the ground. Maybe if there is a French version of "Dancing with the Stars," Carraz's proteges will win. But they aren't winning any Olympic medals (TRACKSTER)

He needs to hit the weights and get a new coach, period. (COLONEL REB)

I think his coach and handlers are limiting him out of fear. (ELISPEEDSTER)

Christophe's coaching staff has failed him miserably (CHRISTOPHE LEMAITRE)


I think Christophe Lemaitre is an true inspiration. I love to watch him run. He is my favorite sprinter and is uniquely gifted. My hope is to see him achieve his potential. Since I do not know all circumstances involved in his training I will not profess to know what is best for him in all things. However, I will make comments on a 4 year trend that has been verified by the words of Christophe himself.

I may be a what you consider a critic but I would like to hear your thoughts on why Christophe says he has not gotten stronger in the weight room in 4 years. He has added muscle in his appearance but says he is no stronger in his lifts. Please explain this and then give your reasons why you think this supports your opinion of good coaching.

You ask me to wait until the end of the season and that is fair. I look forward to great possibilities for Christophe in 2012! But let us not forget that when the purpose of the weight room is to get stronger and that purpose has not been met year after year, something is very wrong with the method being used.
With out repeating what has already been said by myself and many others, Christophe has regressed. I don't even think we can say he has hit the wall. He has went backwards a little. All of us here love Lemaitre and we also know how he hates to lose. In my honest opinion, it's time for a coaching change. I do appreciate everything Coach Carraz has done but he needs to retire and Christophe needs to move forward with a new world class coach and also a world class strength coach as well. Please do not waste any more of your prime years Christophe. You have a very rare God Given Talent which is like winning the lottery. You have to make the most of it!

I think Christophe Lemaitre is an true inspiration. I love to watch him run. He is my favorite sprinter and is uniquely gifted. My hope is to see him achieve his potential. Since I do not know all circumstances involved in his training I will not profess to know what is best for him in all things. However, I will make comments on a 4 year trend that has been verified by the words of Christophe himself.

I may be a what you consider a critic but I would like to hear your thoughts on why Christophe says he has not gotten stronger in the weight room in 4 years. He has added muscle in his appearance but says he is no stronger in his lifts. Please explain this and then give your reasons why you think this supports your opinion of good coaching.

You ask me to wait until the end of the season and that is fair. I look forward to great possibilities for Christophe in 2012! But let us not forget that when the purpose of the weight room is to get stronger and that purpose has not been met year after year, something is very wrong with the method being used.

I knew the comments of Christophe but it is necessary to understand them!

1/there is of the irony in the comments of Christophe

2/Christophe did body-building between 2007 and 2011 but in very low intensity because Christophe had big problems with his adducteurs!

3/between 2007 and 2011 Christophe had only ONE session of body-building a week, Pierre Carraz decided for the year 2012 that Christophe has 2 sessions of body-building a week! (cet interview was write in 2011)

4/this year Christophe has more muscle but it is not enough to be developed the muscle to make of good start, CONSIDERED Harry AIKINES ARYEETEY 4th of finale of European championships, this athlete is very muscular but it does not go faster than Christophe at first.
I knew the comments of Christophe but it is necessary to understand them!

1/there is of the irony in the comments of Christophe

2/Christophe did body-building between 2007 and 2011 but in very low intensity because Christophe had big problems with his adducteurs!

3/between 2007 and 2011 Christophe had only ONE session of body-building a week, Pierre Carraz decided for the year 2012 that Christophe has 2 sessions of body-building a week! (cet interview was write in 2011)

4/this year Christophe has more muscle but it is not enough to be developed the muscle to make of good start, CONSIDERED Harry AIKINES ARYEETEY 4th of finale of European championships, this athlete is very muscular but it does not go faster than Christophe at first.

Bodybuilding is not the same as training for strength and power. What Christophe needs to do is increase his strength to bodyweight ratio. Harry Aikines is big because a lot of it is genetic and possible enhancers. Harry does not have the natural speed of Christophe, he is a power runner, very limited. Christophe could never get that big, he does not have the frame to hold that much msucle, which is a advantage. He needs to gain only about 10 pounds of pure musce while at the same time increasing his strength to almost double his bodyweight in heavy lifts such as squats and deadlifts, then you will see marked improvment in the start and overall race. He needs at least 3 strentgh workouts a week.
I knew the comments of Christophe but it is necessary to understand them!

1/there is of the irony in the comments of Christophe

2/Christophe did body-building between 2007 and 2011 but in very low intensity because Christophe had big problems with his adducteurs!

3/between 2007 and 2011 Christophe had only ONE session of body-building a week, Pierre Carraz decided for the year 2012 that Christophe has 2 sessions of body-building a week! (cet interview was write in 2011)

4/this year Christophe has more muscle but it is not enough to be developed the muscle to make of good start, CONSIDERED Harry AIKINES ARYEETEY 4th of finale of European championships, this athlete is very muscular but it does not go faster than Christophe at first.


Thank you for your reply. You seem to have more information than many of us. I have a few questions for you.

1. What was the problem with CL adductors?
2. When you say he is doing "bodybuilding" is that just a bad translation from French to English? In English bodybuilding and weight training are very different things so I assume it's a poor translation and that he is not training with a muscle size focus but instead a strength and power focus.
3. I am glad to hear he is lifting weights 2 times a week this year. Do you know what lifts he is doing?
So Blake beats Bolt in the 100 and 200. Christophe has a lot of work to do in his better event - 200 meters.

This Yohan guy is way dirtier than Bolt. HGH is written all over his face. This guy is 22 and looks like he is pushing 30. His head is about to explode. He has muscles on his body that dont even exist. Im getting sick of this BS.

So far this season, I have only been impressed by Allyson Felix's 21.69 run. She seems very humble and nice, and natural. I know, not what you all want to hear, but I call it like it is.

If this Blake clown breaks Bolts 100 or 200 record, the Track governing body need to go undercover in Jamaica to see what the F is going on.

As for Christophe, I dont know what he can do come Olympic time. What BS he will have to deal with.
I must 100% in Bolt , but of course i have doubts about Blake and doping since last year.

Bolt is natural talent runner, would junior champion since 15 years and sub20 since 17.
Blake was not so good really...

He never ran sub20 and suddenly 19.78 with horrible bend, he almost never ran sub20 and wow suddenly 19.26... really a lot of doubts about him...

Lemaitre will have like big rival in bronze medal to Spearmon 19.82 +2.3 in trials this weekend.

Bolt and Blake are very far or Lemaitre, both will be in sub 19.5 in London sure...

The medal bronze will be in range 19.7-19.8 probably, and Lemaitre is capable to make it :happy:
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