Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I agree with your arguments about importance to increase its muscular power but as other persons on this forum, you forget a very important thing, christophe is only 21 years old!A sprinter is successful generally at about 23-24 years old !His entraineur wants to develop him gradually to avoid him wounds!your are right to say that christophe runs very fast without having of muscle it is extraordinary!When he will more be developed the muscle he will run faster!If you look at christophe's body in the video of its first race, we see that he has more muscles!This winter christophe has ran the 60M in 6,57 but his coach said He would run below 6,50 during training!You are far too much impatient!!!!!I am sure that this year christophe will run below 9,85 and below 19,60
I understand that he may be more developed at 23-24, but I don't think it is wise to not use weights before then, I'm not talking about adding a ton of weight, just add weight. He is 21, you are acting like he is 15 or 16. All the other sprinters are gradually increasing the amount of weight they train with (unless they juice, then they can do it much quicker). Christophe will be behind. Do you think at 23 that he will be able to magically increase the amount of weight to a significant amount in one year? No it takes time. You gradually increase the weight over time, unlesse you are juicing (and im not talking gradual with 10 pounds, you can add much more than that). Unless his trainer plans on letting Christophe doing a few cycles when he is 23 to be training heavily with weights it will leave him very behind when he is 24. He should have added weights at least by 20. The weights he were working with, its not going to hurt him to increase significantly seeing what he was lifting. If he keeps at this pace he will be behind at 24.and like people are saying, he is already regressing! his body is developing more, this is why he may look bigger now, but he has to have strength to go along with his body's development! You have to use weight training to do that.
I understand that he may be more developed at 23-24, but I don't think it is wise to not use weights before then, I'm not talking about adding a ton of weight, just add weight. He is 21, you are acting like he is 15 or 16. All the other sprinters are gradually increasing the amount of weight they train with (unless they juice, then they can do it much quicker). Christophe will be behind. Do you think at 23 that he will be able to magically increase the amount of weight to a significant amount in one year? No it takes time. You gradually increase the weight over time, unlesse you are juicing (and im not talking gradual with 10 pounds, you can add much more than that). Unless his trainer plans on letting Christophe doing a few cycles when he is 23 to be training heavily with weights it will leave him very behind when he is 24. He should have added weights at least by 20. The weights he were working with, its not going to hurt him to increase significantly seeing what he was lifting. If he keeps at this pace he will be behind at 24.and like people are saying, he is already regressing! his body is developing more, this is why he may look bigger now, but he has to have strength to go along with his body's development! You have to use weight training to do that.

Bingo. He is bigger, but his strength to bodyweight ratio is not high (that is his main problem). 10 pound dumbbell squat jumps are done by my 9 year old niece, not a world class sprinter at 22 years of age
Well looks that Lemaitre is not in big shape in this moment, but well no problem is early yet.
When is his next race?Rome perhaps?
There can be no denying the regression now. Race after race, indoors and out, he has performed well below a year ago. 20.48 with virtually no wind. Ouch. It's getting painful to read his results.

I don't know how anyone could possibly have lost so much speed at such a young age, but this is bad. Based on what he's proven in previous years, he's scheduled to run against sprinters who will simply embarrass him. Sure, this 200 result is not as dreadful as the 100 from last week, but it's still not the sort of speed that would get him into an Olympic semi-final, much less final, much, much less medal stand.

As things stand, we are either about to find out that every race this year has been a fluke and that Christophe has some strength-sapping illness, or he's about to be totally humiliated in three weeks, finishing a distant last, half a straightaway behind the world class sprinters he currently doesn't belong with.

What the heck happened? I give up guessing at this point. I mean, the poor weight training might explain lack of progression but it shouldn't make him slower. He should AT LEAST be as fast as he was last year. My only hunch is that perhaps Carraz's misguided attempt to improve his turnover rate has messed him up badly.

Meanwhile, I checked a lot of the French papers online, and they are all very negative now. The LeMaitre Effect could turn into a nightmare if they don't turn this around in 3 weeks.
There can be no denying the regression now. Race after race, indoors and out, he has performed well below a year ago. 20.48 with virtually no wind. Ouch. It's getting painful to read his results.

I don't know how anyone could possibly have lost so much speed at such a young age, but this is bad. Based on what he's proven in previous years, he's scheduled to run against sprinters who will simply embarrass him. Sure, this 200 result is not as dreadful as the 100 from last week, but it's still not the sort of speed that would get him into an Olympic semi-final, much less final, much, much less medal stand.

As things stand, we are either about to find out that every race this year has been a fluke and that Christophe has some strength-sapping illness, or he's about to be totally humiliated in three weeks, finishing a distant last, half a straightaway behind the world class sprinters he currently doesn't belong with.

What the heck happened? I give up guessing at this point. I mean, the poor weight training might explain lack of progression but it shouldn't make him slower. He should AT LEAST be as fast as he was last year. My only hunch is that perhaps Carraz's misguided attempt to improve his turnover rate has messed him up badly.

Meanwhile, I checked a lot of the French papers online, and they are all very negative now. The LeMaitre Effect could turn into a nightmare if they don't turn this around in 3 weeks.

you are so stupid !
Ok guys. Everyone here at this board can see that he is stuck in reverse at the moment. There are multiple reasons why and like it or not, his coach is one of the biggest reasons. I just hope this was a wake up call for Christophe and his coach. Time is short and they have some serious work to do. He might even want to pull out of the meet with Bolt and Powell if he is not ready. No reason to get embarased against two of the best sprinters on earth.

There is still time to fix things. He can still go sub 10 and sub 20 this summer if they get back on track. Heavy weights, plyometrics and hill running can get him there in a hurry. They also need to really watch his diet closely as he doesn't like vegtebales and many other essential types of food. He needs alot of supplementation to help fix some of his deficiencies in his diet. I have faith that they can still turn it around. My fear though is that he will be lucky now to break his personals bests this season. It might happen but I doubt it and that just might cost him some medals in London. He should still be a favorite for the European Championships as he defends his multiple gold medals.

Let's just try to remain patient and stay behind him. He will be 22 soon so at least time is still on his side. I love rooting for this kid. Things will get better but it may take a while. I will be anxious to see who takes over as his new coach next year.
I haven't found a full video, but this partial one pretty much says it all. In the past, when Christophe finished a race, he would "gallop out," like a race horse, quite a ways, able to carry his speed a long way. Here, Christophe strains hard then practically stops right on the finish line. There is no "gallop out," just an abrupt stop. He's not half the runner he was last year or the year before. What have they done to him?

Christophe is at 1:27 in this video.
Bingo. He is bigger, but his strength to bodyweight ratio is not high (that is his main problem). 10 pound dumbbell squat jumps are done by my 9 year old niece, not a world class sprinter at 22 years of age
I think his upperbody strength is subpar, but he is developed in the thighs and calves compared to his half miler upper body. Here is a photo from the last two years and you can see the carriage strength...... I too think something is up. When guys perform poorly early in the season they don't magically get it late in the season. Last season he would have beaten the club level sprinters by 4th's of second regardless of the wind. Here he was barely able to beat them. This could be a season of regression, I just hope it doesn't get him in a funk like Pickering got into after 07'.......
I think his upperbody strength is subpar, but he is developed in the thighs and calves compared to his half miler upper body. Here is a photo from the last two years and you can see the carriage strength...... I too think something is up. When guys perform poorly early in the season they don't magically get it late in the season. Last season he would have beaten the club level sprinters by 4th's of second regardless of the wind. Here he was barely able to beat them. This could be a season of regression, I just hope it doesn't get him in a funk like Pickering got into after 07'.......

in your comments the contempt to pierre carraz is a shame!

Christophe will answer you on the track
he's right though. clearly, you can not forget such crucial part of today's sport as weight training, and that's something CL is in a DIRE need of, therefore it's a failing on a part of the coach.
an other video ! very interesting ! Christophe explains that he did a very good preparation this winter and that he is henceforth much more developed the muscle!

He is serene!

His coach explains that he is not worried, its time 20,48 ( -0,5 ) is rather close in reality to its time of the last year 20,33 ( -2,2 ) because when he has ran 20,33 the wind was measured in -2,2 but in reality the wind was favorable the first 120 meters!

pierre carraz says that christophe worked more hard this year and thus which it is necessary more time to see time falling!

pierre carraz thinks that christophe should beat his record this year !

next race :
12MAY 250M (oyonnax)
20 MAY 200M (aix les bains)
Frankly, the scary thing about that video is the complete loss of speed endurance. That used to be his natural strength. Watch the video, though. Not only does he have no momentum to keep galloping, but he collapses with his hands on his knees--and stays there a long time. All of the other club runners are walking around, looking only moderately tired. Christophe looks like he's about to throw up or possibly pass out. It's as if his new workout program requires him to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day.

I've always considered speed endurance work as important as weight training, especially after the best Jamaicans all started running 400m races early in their season. This is just another sign of regression.
Frankly, the scary thing about that video is the complete loss of speed endurance. That used to be his natural strength. Watch the video, though. Not only does he have no momentum to keep galloping, but he collapses with his hands on his knees--and stays there a long time. All of the other club runners are walking around, looking only moderately tired. Christophe looks like he's about to throw up or possibly pass out. It's as if his new workout program requires him to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day.

I've always considered speed endurance work as important as weight training, especially after the best Jamaicans all started running 400m races early in their season. This is just another sign of regression.

Christophe was always very tired after his races, LOOK at any video of his races and you will see him very breathless at the end of these races, thus there is nothing again!
Furthermore on the video it is normal that he has difficulty in finishing these races, he is still in training !

He runs next week a 250M exactly to work his endurence and thus his end of race !
In fact you are on this forum simply to denigrate him !
What an immaturity!
Continue to say that he regresse if that can make you happy !
Christophe has good speed he will graudally add anaerobic power to his 200m as he continues with his season last year blake was running 20.3 at first, like it was previoously stated his finish is weak so in essence there are no worries because his energy systems will adapt and restore
Christophe was always very tired after his races, LOOK at any video of his races and you will see him very breathless at the end of these races, thus there is nothing again!
Furthermore on the video it is normal that he has difficulty in finishing these races, he is still in training !

He runs next week a 250M exactly to work his endurence and thus his end of race !
In fact you are on this forum simply to denigrate him !
What an immaturity!
Continue to say that he regresse if that can make you happy !

We all here are Number one Christophe Lemaitre fans!!!! We call it like it is.

It all started with his subpar indoor season in which he and his coach expected to run faster than last year. HE, Christophe, is very disappointed with his times. HE cant figure out whats wrong. This is not training mode. His training mode times should of been at least 10.10 and 20.2 at this early stage. That is training mode.

Im angry because this Kid has the most potential than anyone else out there today. He is a natural, a human gazzelle... but I WILL SAY IT AGAIN! His training methods are not doing anything because Christophe lacks significant functional strength. He lifts weights to lift, not to build power. Struggling to Bench press 120 punds, and doing squat jumps with 10 pound dumbbells is sad considering he is an elite sprinter.

Most world class sprinters should be able to squat double their bodyweight and bench press 1.5 times their weight to be at an elitel level. This can be done naturally. I have done it, and the benefits were increased strength, power, and knocked off .4 off my 40 yard dash time (5.0 to 4.6) within a year when training for football! I know what I'm talking about.
We all here are Number one Christophe Lemaitre fans!!!! We call it like it is.

It all started with his subpar indoor season in which he and his coach expected to run faster than last year. HE, Christophe, is very disappointed with his times. HE cant figure out whats wrong. This is not training mode. His training mode times should of been at least 10.10 and 20.2 at this early stage. That is training mode.

Im angry because this Kid has the most potential than anyone else out there today. He is a natural, a human gazzelle... but I WILL SAY IT AGAIN! His training methods are not doing anything because Christophe lacks significant functional strength. He lifts weights to lift, not to build power. Struggling to Bench press 120 punds, and doing squat jumps with 10 pound dumbbells is sad considering he is an elite sprinter.

Most world class sprinters should be able to squat double their bodyweight and bench press 1.5 times their weight to be at an elitel level. This can be done naturally. I have done it, and the benefits were increased strength, power, and knocked off .4 off my 40 yard dash time (5.0 to 4.6) within a year when training for football! I know what I'm talking about.

Christophe will answer you by running in 2012 the 100M under 9,85 and the 200M under 19,60 !

You can criticize if he doesn't obtain this objective but while waiting for LEAVE QUIET christophe and his coach !

wait ans see !
Christophe will answer you by running in 2012 the 100M under 9,85 and the 200M under 19,60 !

You can criticize if he doesn't obtain this objective but while waiting for LEAVE QUIET christophe and his coach !

wait ans see !

My friend, I hope he runs 9.7 and 19.4...I want to eat my words.
We all want Christophe to win. Always.

Meanwhile, an article on Danny Talbot.

Note what Talbot says:

I looked up to him and Michael Johnson and more lately Christophe Lemaitre (France’s world 200m bronze medallist). “Just watching a white European athlete challenging the guys from Jamaica and America is really inspiring. I have seen him do so if he can it, why not me?â€￾
Really the people here is very very optimistic.
9.85 or less this year?almost impossible
His first 60m the last year i repeat were around 6.52-6.54.
Only when he had 2.0 wind he got 6.50 at 60m.
His last 40m are around 3.42-3.44 in his best races.

For that he get 9.85 he should get around 6.45 and 3.40.
Sorry but i dont see it.

I see his 200m this year in London 19.65-19.75.

I love Lemaitre but im realistic :icon_tongue:
Really the people here is very very optimistic.
9.85 or less this year?almost impossible
His first 60m the last year i repeat were around 6.52-6.54.
Only when he had 2.0 wind he got 6.50 at 60m.
His last 40m are around 3.42-3.44 in his best races.

For that he get 9.85 he should get around 6.45 and 3.40.
Sorry but i dont see it.

I see his 200m this year in London 19.65-19.75.

I love Lemaitre but im realistic :icon_tongue:

Impossible? I don't think !

His best first 50M is 5.70s,
his best 2nd 50M is 4.27s for a 100M of 9.97 without wind !

He improved his muscular power this year, I thus think that he can run the first 50M in 5.65 and the 2nd in 4.22 for a 100M of 9.87 without wind !

9.87 with a favorable wind of 1m/s could allow him to run below 9.85 !
When Lemaitre run 9.97 without wind?

His sub10 are:

9.92 +2.0 Albi 2011
9.95 +1.0 Stockholm 2011
9.95 +1.0 Lausanne 2011
9.96 +0.9 Montreuil 2010
9.97 +0.9 Rieti 2010
9.98 +1.1 Rieti 2010
9.98 +1.3 Valence 2010

His best time at 60m(in a 100m)is 6.50 with 2.0 wind.
In his others sub10 are around 6.52-6.55.
So his last 40m are around 3.42-3.44.

And i did not tell impossible, i told ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE.
Really i dont see him 9.85 this year, really for that he get sub 9.9 he would have that to get very good wind +1.5 or 2.0 and very good race.
But 9.85 really is nearly impossible this year.

Sorry is my opinion :thumbsup:
In adittion you tell that he could get 4.22 for last 50m?
It could be around 3.37 for last 40m, are you sure?
I can tell you that is impossible that this year he can get 3.37 last 40m.
Only Bolt,Gay and Blake can make it in all history of 100m, 3.37 is really amazing, perhaps you dont know splits most runners...
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