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- Aug 1, 2010
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You are totally right !
I tried to explain that to some people of the forum, but they prefer to criticize Pierre Carraz with arguments stupid!
Christophe progressed, he will run faster this season, the next race of christophe will be May 20th, probably it will be for a 100M to prepare the 100M of Rome on May 31st!
Its highly improbable that a wind READING +2.0 is going to help a sprinter exactly .10 EVERY SINGLE TIME. I would say there are tons of variations that exist anywhere from .05 to .10 for different races. I have read some information, I have read the study showing the inconsistent times when reading the wind on both sides of the track every 20 meters and I have read that a crosswind of +3.0 can read as +1.7, how much does a crosswind of +3.0 help by?Thanks by your comment
Really a wind 2.0 is around 0.10 better that wind 0.0
People should to find information before to talk about it.
This is a 0 wind reading. Wind readings clearly aren't accurate every time.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHPK_71uQXcIts highly improbable that a wind READING +2.0 is going to help a sprinter exactly .10 EVERY SINGLE TIME. I would say there are tons of variations that exist anywhere from .05 to .10 for different races. I have read some information, I have read the study showing the inconsistent times when reading the wind on both sides of the track every 20 meters and I have read that a crosswind of +3.0 can read as +1.7, how much does a crosswind of +3.0 help by?
He has not progressed. if he did, he would of, for one, beaten his 60 meter time. He did not. He opened up with slow times this year, much slower than last year... and in his last interview, he even states he is disappointed and he may not beat his personal bests this year.
Lets see what happens this week in the 100. If he runs slow, you will say the same thing - wait til next week. There is something wrong with his training or mindset that is keeping him from flourishing. Take it as you wish, but Carraz is not good for him at this stage. He needs a new direction. Change is good.
The problem with you it is because you do not seem to know the athletics!
You look at TIMES without understanding what they mean!You say that christophe did not improve on 60M! FALSE !!!!
2010: his first one 60M of the season = 6,62
his best 60M of the season = 6,55
2011: his first one 60M of the season = 6,69
his best 60M of the season = 6,55
2012: his first one 60M of the season = 6,57
his best 60M of the season = 6,57
Christophe had never begun his season in running the first one 60M so fast (6,57)!
It is logical that the first race of the season is always the worst, every sprinter improves these time gradually during the season and it is that did christophe years previous one EXCEPT this year ! Why?
Because Christophe worked a lot his body-building this winter, his entraineur explained that during the season indoor, his body had not "digested" the sessions additional of body-building yet !
For you, his season indoor demonstrates that he declines, for me his season indoor demonstrates that he progressed, because the one who knows the athletics knows that when a sprinteur run his first one 60M of the season in 6.57, it means that he can run 6,50 !
Moreover Pierre Carraz said that during the sessions of training christophe would run 6,50 !
I repeate it, it is not enough to look at TIMES, it is necessary to understand them!
You speak about the bad 100M of christophe but you forget that he have ran with an unfavourable wind between -4m/s and - 6m/s, a real storm !
A lot of people here compare the TIMES of the Americans, jamaicains with christophe's TIMES ! It is stupid
The Americans and the jamaicains have ran races with sometimes very positive wind and ESPECIALLY with very warm temperatures !
There is an enormous difference between to run with 30°c and to run with 14°c, the muscular efficiency is not at all the same!
For example:
In 2011 yohan blake has ran on May 7th to Kingston 9,80 with a wind of 2,2m/!
1 month later in Montreuil he would run 9,95 with a wind of 1m/s !
The difference it is in jamaica he had ran with a temperature of 30°c and to Montreuil (France) he had run with a temperature of 14°c!
To judge a stopwatch it is necessary to analyze it by taking all the parameters who influences the performance !
A performance it is not only figures !
We shall see how is going to run christophe during his next race planned next Sunday !
At the moment the weather planned for Sunday it is rain and cold (14°c) !
Christophe has ran a 250M in 26,25 !
For run 26,25 it is necessary to be capable of running within 20,20 in the 200M, it demonstrates that christophe is in shape !
I hope that what I write will be understandable for everybody because I use a francais / English translator !
Christophe has never said that he would not beat these records this years, I do not know where you read that !
La musculation, c’est la mode, mais je ne sais pas si c’est une bonne chose. Surtout sur 200 m.
Oui. Il fera un peu plus de séances. Et également un peu plus de musculation. Mais une musculation intelligente. Il ne va pas soulever de poids énormes.
La musculation ne doit pas être un but en soi
Christophe himself said after his indoor season he expected to run a faster time in the 60, so he did not progress.
The link provided by another poster says that breaking his personal records this year is not a goal and it may not come.. but if he cant beat his personal bests this year there is no way he will medal in either the 100 or 200 and probably not make the finals in either, considering how all the Jamaicans are running with their super yam formula and to deal with Tyson Gay, Dix, Wallace and Gatlin from the States. He needs to be more confident and state to the press - YES! I will break my personal bests, and he needs to truly believe it. He needs to see it in his mind breaking the records. Mind is as important as muscle.
I know more about Human performance in relation to all sports, so Track and field is not specific. But I know how to train to increase speed and power. I also practice mediation when striving for a goal.
Are you friends with Christophe or Caraz?
Bolt bodybuilder?hehe i dont think it.
People like Linford Christie,Maurice Greene or Powell perhaps can to be called "bodybuilders", Bolt no.
Lemaitre never will be a muscleman sprinter ok, it is true, but he should to be with a little more muscles that now and with around 85 kgs that for his height is "normal weight"
Regards to everybody
tu me fais honte à reprendre les vieux clichés raciste sur les français, tu fais le jeu de certains sur ce forum !
avec ton "typiquement français" !
pour toi les français sont arrogant, gay, ne se lave pas etc... c'est ça !
tu aurais voyagé tu serais que les français sont très loin d'être les plus arrogant !
tu aurais voyagé tu serais que les français sont très loin d'être les plus arrogant !
d'ailleurs il suffit de lire les commentaires sur ce forum où beaucoup pense que lemaitre devrait partir de france pour progresser car pour eux les entraineurs français sont forcément moins bons : qui est arrogant là ?
je ne sais pas où tu as vus que bolt était bodybuildé, comparé la musculature d'un noir et d'un blanc n'a pas beaucoup de sens, les blancs et les noirs ne sont pas fait pareil !
christophe n'a que 21 ANS, arrêtez de le faire chier, laissez le progresser tranquillement, combien de jeune sprinteur qui était très performant jeune ont disparus suite à des blessures qui ne leur a jamais permis de revenir à leur niveau !
carraz a raison, les muscles sont certes important mais ils ne font pas tout, loin de là , sinon chambers serait n°1 mondial !
christophe doit se muscler et c'est ce qu'il fait, mais chambers n'est pas plus rapide que lemaitre au départ ça devrait vous faire réfléchir !
frederick i disagree with you again.
Maurice Greene had a body very different to Bolt.
Greene called too "Cannon ball" was super strong, very muscleman sprinter.
He was around 175 cms and 82 kgs, the difference is big.
The optimum weight for Bolt usually is around 90 kgs or few more for 194 cms.
The weights,muscles and styles of bodies dont lie.
Bolt has good muscles, but Greene had big muscles for his size, sorry but the comparation is stupid between Bolt and Greene heeh :icon_wink:
You can't compare him to Bolt we know he is drug fueled. You have to compare him to an athlete that is possibly clean. While I agree he needs to lift heavier. It's too late now this season is what it is and team Lemaitre has to let the chips fall where they may because if he were to start heavy training with weights he will get injured as clean athletes training threshold isn't the same as dirty ones. Ps any experienced weightlifter starts light before he trains to his max threshold so if you see him doing "girl" weights it could be a warm up to get the blood flowing.here is a video of lemaitre training:
weight training at 1.14, and 3.41
you can see that he doesn't train very heavy
but even worse is what his coach said about his lack of muscle mass: he said in the video that they don't have to do what every other sprinters do (a lot of weight training) and that lemaitre will never be very muscular like the american sprinters
i hate when he says things like that
other quotes by his coach about musculation:
"weigh training is fashionable, but i don't know whether it's a good thing or not, especially for 200m sprinters"
"yes, he will have a little bit more training sessions
and also a little bit more of weight training
but intelligent weight training, he is not going to lift huge weights"
"weight training shouldn't be an end in itself"
he thinks that he's more intelligent than every other trainer? every body do a lot of weight trainig but lemaitre doesn't have to do so?
i hate this attitude, i think that it's typically french to overlook weight training
and his coach mentions that the sprinters nowadays look less like bodybuilders than before
it's absolutely not true
look at asafa powell, or johan blake
and it's true that bolt is very tall so he doesn't look that blocky, but he is a bodybuilder too
look at the difference between lemaitre and bolt:
bolt's shoulders are 2 time as wide as lemaitre's
Ps any experienced weightlifter starts light before he trains to his max threshold so if you see him doing "girl" weights it could be a warm up to get the blood flowing.
yes ofcourse
his max feats in weigh lifting:
100kg for squats (220 lbs)
45 kg for snatch (99 lbs)
he says that he sucks at weight lifting, and also at aerobic training
Thanks by your comment
Really a wind 2.0 is around 0.10 better that wind 0.0
People should to find information before to talk about it.
What you say is not correct!
Here is the most known simulator
Its highly improbable that a wind READING +2.0 is going to help a sprinter exactly .10 EVERY SINGLE TIME. I would say there are tons of variations that exist anywhere from .05 to .10 for different races. I have read some information, I have read the study showing the inconsistent times when reading the wind on both sides of the track every 20 meters and I have read that a crosswind of +3.0 can read as +1.7, how much does a crosswind of +3.0 help by?