Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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well dr riders after several injuries last year in back and leg, in the news i read that this morning the newspapers known that Bolt had flu, he is not 100% in this moment , it is sure.

When finish Daegu, we talk the difference between his record and his time this year OK?
The last year he did 19.56 and for trackster he down so much.
This year in Daegu im sure that he will get very good time(i hope that no injuries of course)
also, there is a difference between clean, and natural
beeing clean, like bolt this year and last year, means to take roids and other things, but stop taking them near the competition

he makes excuses for his relatively bad times: flu, injuries
but actually, he tries, like he said, to still be the best, without any risk
do you understand when he says "this year i will only try to keep my name on the scene" when he is asked if he thinks he will beat his own record
this answer means "i am known enough now to win money without using lots of gear, like in berlin or beijing, i'm not going to risk it all"
Frederic is right. Last year, Bolt announced that his times would be slow before the season even started. How could he know that he would be 5/10's of a second slower? Because he knew he wouldn't be on the same juicing plan. Then, when Bolt realized how much slower he'd become, he started pulling out of races and making excuses to save his reputation. This year, Bolt is healthy, but he makes excuses before every race, trying to lower expectations. There's no reason for a healthy runner at his peak to suddenly slow down massively. That's just like when a baseball player hits 50 home runs one year but only 20 the next. It's a sure sign he's gone off the juice.

Furthermore, there are published reports from people who have trained with Bolt in Jamaica saying that he was never tested. Jamaica would never allow it.

As for the flu, give me a break. Do any of you guys know anyone with the flu right now? Has anyone read anything about a Jamaican flu epidemic? It's July, for crying out loud. He doesn't have the flu, just a bad case of not-enough-steroids.
well tracker, you and other people can talk about theory or all that you want, but nobody know it 100%. For you is possible it, for me no, and in my opinion for talk about Bolt, will be when Daegu finish.

If he win 100 and 200 with very good times, your theory and other things will not be nothing..


Busy doing yard work. Not fun but Lemaitre had one hell of a straight. His speed is very close to Bolt, Powell and Gay. He just has to get better starts in both the 100 &amp; 200 meters which will come with weight training and plyometrics. <div></div><div>As for Bolt. He is 100% a juicer. Look at how defined his muscles are and how big he has gotten in the last 2-3 years. Trust me. He will be back on the flinstones for the World Champs. Expect arcade like times from him and most of the Jamaicans. They are cheating just like the United States have been for years and East Germany back in the day.</div>
white lightning what does mean "He will be back on the flinstones for the World Champs."?
Sorry but i dont understand what you want tell , sorry by my english...

that means that bolt will use his full drug stack only for the world champs or forthe olympic games

while lemaitre runs the same times all year , bolt goes from 19.19 to 20.03, depending on the importance of the race

i don't think he will run times like 9.58 and 19.19, but he will run his best times of the season i think, 9.70 for the 100m and 19.65-70 for the 200m

Edited by: frederic38
Flintstones are/were a brand of kids' vitamins.
So he means that Bolt is taking some special pills for the WC.
In other words, he will be using performance enhancing drugs.

Anyway, I'm not concerned about what Bolt takes or doesn't take right now.
I'm concerned about what Lemaitre does.
He is a special talent.
But I want him to really develop that talent.
He runs terribly on the curve. He needs to work on technique and not just rely on his physical talent, otherwise he won't fulfill his potential.
frederic38 i think same about the times in Daegu but sorry in my opinion he is clean, i dont think that he take drugs few weeks before run in Daegu for win, sorry i dont think it.

By the other hand, Lemaitre has try get sub20 in Daegu and 9.90 in 100.
About 5th place in 100 i see and in 200 only Bolt can win him easily and perhaps Dix if run really well, but i have my doubts.


also, alonso edward did not participate for no known reason
it's a shame, because we would have known where he is compared to christophe, since he is one of those that can beat christophe on the 200m
If Bolt was sick is not an excuse,"he had been taken ill overnight at his
hotel with a virus. His management talked to organisers about his
withdrawal but after rising late Bolt insisted on racing".Who want think another things ok, but since this morning the media knew it.
So i only tell it for finish the thread, we will see the shape of Bolt in Monaco for to be sure.

Talking about Lemaitre, that is the most important now, he is getting confidence for believe that he is one of the best runners of the world.
I hope that he improve in his next race that i think that is Monaco 100m. He should get break his record again. there will be Bolt and probably 2,3 or 4 sub10 runners too.

maybe Bolt is a guy that can holt his top only for a very short time becuase some years ago, he could go less then 19.5 in the 200 meters with flu or eating chicken nuggets it didn't mather.
Congrats to Christophe on a good run! CL does have a ways to go in his start and technique, but it is awesome to watch a White man run with the elites! IMHO, only a very naive or mislead person would think that Bolt isn't doping.
Very true Colonel. The exciting thing is that Christophe is still able to beat most of the other guys that are very muscular as well. Some of them are on peds too. Even the way he beat Chambers very easily the last few times was great to watch. When Christophe fills out his body and fixes his drive phase, he will challenge anyone in the world. Including Bolt, Powell and Gay.
Christophe has a solid chance of making the final in the 100 this year in Daegu, but this year and the next coming years will most likely show that he is better equipped for the 200 meter dash. I believe he is already faster than his 20.16 PB or his 20.21 SB would indicate. He has an outside chance of a medal in the 100 in 2012 and moreso in 2016, but a relatively good chance of medalling in the 200.

Prediction (2011):
Interview with Justin Gatlin published in "El Pais2, a spanish newspaper:

P. ¿Conoce a Lemaitre?

R. Es un buen atleta, le vi el viernes en París. Creo que sorprendió a mucha gente. Es todavía joven y tiene mucho talento.

P. ¿Comparte la idea de que ningún blanco puede correr como ustedes?

R. Creo que pasa lo mismo que con los blancos y la natación. Simplemente los negros no lo intentan porque piensan que no pueden ser tan buenos. Es lo mismo con los sprinters blancos, no lo intentan porque se sienten intimidados. Lemaitre es muy valiente. Solo salir a correr, y ganar un montón de carreras, competir con Bolt y el resto, demuestra que tiene coraje y ningún miedo.

Q. Do you now Lemaitre??

A. It's a good athlete, I saw him on Friday in Paris. I think he surprised many people. He is still young and very talented.

Q. Do you share the idea that any white can run as you?

A. I think the same happens with whites and swimming. Blacks do not try swimming because they think they can not be as good. It's the same with the white sprinters, they do not try because they feel intimidated. Lemaitre is very brave. Just go for a run, and win lots of races, to compete with Bolt and the rest, it shows that he is brave and fearless.
Q. Do you now Lemaitre??

A. It's a good athlete, I saw him on Friday in Paris. I think he surprised many people. He is still young and very talented.

Q. Do you share the idea that any white can run as you?

A. I think the same happens with whites and swimming. Blacks do not try swimming because they think they can not be as good. It's the same with the white sprinters, they do not try because they feel intimidated. Lemaitre is very brave. Just go for a run, and win lots of races, to compete with Bolt and the rest, it shows that he is brave and fearless.

Strange way to say Whites are as fast as blacks, but I'm glad to see Gatlin will at least admit it. As for blacks being just as good at swimming as Whites, all I can say is :D:D!!!
I was glad to see Gatlin give Christophe some credit too. Most people don't realise how tough it is to line up against 7 black sprinters week after week and not be intimidated.

So we have to make some predictions. The French National Champs is only a couple of days away. I will be the first to make mine known.

Christophe will win both titles.

He will set a new p.b. in the 100 of 9.93

He will also break his p.b. in the 200 running a 20.05

Your guys turn.
I think his times will be a bit slower due to lack of competition. I do however feel the 200m NR will be going down. 9.97 / 20.03
Lack of competition ? Why ? I don't think that. Christophe will run in Monaco in few days before.
Lack of competition ? Why ? I don't think that. Christophe will run in Monaco in few days before.

I mean at the French championship. Mbandjock is the 2nd fastest Frenchman and his best this year is 10.13 w/ 2.0 wind. so, he will have a lack of competition.
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