Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Yes dr. riders we can look that Lemaitre with time adjusted did not run sub10 yet, but he is very very near. Probably when he make 9.94 or 9.90 that i hope in Daegu it will be sub10 adjusted too.

dr.rider, I see you are from Trentino, my family is from Friuli. Nice to see another Mountain Guinea on board
Yes, i'm from Rovereto, Trentino, a town in the Adige valley, in the Alps. Albinosprint, is your family from Carnia or plain Friuli?
Lemaitre run a real sub 9.99 in the semifinal of the 2010 European championship (10.06 with -1.2). In 2010 the second time was the 10.02 in Rieti (9.97 with +0.9). But if you see the previous times they were all between 10.07 and 10.05. So his improvement was 0.06-0.08 seconds. This year he constantly run 10.00 with some errors and in a preparation period. The maximum in 2009 was a time like the constant times runned before Barcelona.
yes dr riders but he did not run sub10 yet in final race(only like you tell in semifinal,round previous).
The big improvement of Lemaitre is his reaction time around 0.04-0.05 in his last races compared to his old record last year.
If has good reaction time and he improve his start, first 30 metres and his drive phase, after his last 40-50 m are amazing really

Is interesting new people like you, dr riders, for talk about interesting things.

Wellcome dr riders
Bolt told today that he go try make around 19.75 in Paris, if the condition are good, i think that is very possible, he made this year 19.86 in oslo with bad weather in his first 200m.

If Bolt make 19.7 or better Lemaitre has try to be near, i bet(without rain or negative wind) 19.91 for him.
There will be a new track for this meeting. They installed the Mondotrack FTX. It is supposed to be the latest technology and a very fast track. It is the one used in Beijing2008.
it will rain the afternoon and at night. But there is a good chance to have good weather in the evening during the race. Temperature forecast : 22°C
Not perect condition, but they all should run fast. I predict 4 sub 20 runners (including lemaitre of course)
4 sub20 LoLy?ummm i think that you are very positive, hehe,i only remember one race with many sub20(5) and was final 200 in Berlin 2009(in Beijing 2008 were 5 but 2 were DQ)

I think that Bolt will get sub20 very easy, Lemaitre 90% and Alonso Edward perhaps 50%.
I dont think that another runner get sub20 tomorrow.
Zellgadiss, i agree with you, but I am</span> puzzled by</span> the performance</span> of Alonso</span> Edwards. Strange, very strange.</span></span>
Damn... I must drive from Montréal to Québec tomorrow... I couldn't see the race in live !!!! Rahhhhhhh ! I'm disappointed.
dr.riders said:
Yes, i'm from Rovereto, Trentino, a town in the Adige valley, in the Alps. Albinosprint, is your family from Carnia or plain Friuli?
Cavasso Nuovo in the Pordenone Province.
Ok, at the foot</span> of the mountains. I have a great friend from Spilombergo, 15 km from Cavasso Nuovo! Beautiful places. I swim in the Tagliamento river too.</span></span></span></span>
4 sub20 LoLy?ummm i think that you are very positive, hehe,i only remember one race with many sub20(5) and was final 200 in Berlin 2009(in Beijing 2008 were 5 but 2 were DQ)
Bolt+Lemaitre+Blake+edward or forsyth: 4
Blake will not run 200 tomorrow LoLy, Bolt will get sub20 sure, Lemaitre i think too and Edward perhaps with luck, The rest of runners i dont think that run sub 20.2 hehe

Words from Lemaitre today, before the big race against Bolt:

"Everybody talks to me about the national record on 200 m (20:16). </span>I
do think about it as well. If I look on my two races on the distance
(20:28 and 20:32), each time against a strong wind, I know I have it in
my legs. And I know I can run under 20 seconds.

Maybe as soon as on
Friday night, if conditions are good and if I don't have any physical
problems in my warm-up. But if I don't succeed, I will do it anyway, one
day or another. This race on Friday night will be one the last
opportunity to run on 200 m before Daegu, where I will double. So, it's
an important race for me.

Being in the same track than Usain Bolt will
help, that's for sure. To be fast, you need a strong opposition. Buts I
hope I will not do the mistake of copying my race on his own. I need to
stay focused on my own race and technique. About Tyson Gay out of the
picture in Daegu, it raises my chance to be on the podium. But I do
regret his withdrawal. I was very excited to have an opportunity to race
against him. And he will miss the show."Â￾</span>
But white lightning in the list Lemaitre will not run 100, only 200. It is good, because is like if he run in a event for take shape in 200, that is european sub23 is only the name, i think that Lemaitre will use that tournament for run another 200 in the season...

He does not run 100 because would be stupid, the better there will be only 10.23, very far of Lemaitre.
And in 200 the second better 20.51 ehhe, he will run very very alone that day hehe.


below an interesting VID.

very interesting about what his coach said:

"he (CL) will run sub 9.90 very soon as he already has it "it the legs". It's just a matter of opportunity. He also worth a lot better than sub 20 on 200m".

So as we all felt, he's got for this year the potential for great times. He just needs the right conditions. Good luck to him for tonight ' run.

Edited by: LoLy
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