Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Everyone else ran a good time..
who ran a good time?
a month to Daegu, Bolt ran 9.88, is that good?
frater and rogers with SB at 9.85 and 9..88 ran 9.96 and 10.01: I don't think it's ggod. they all ran ver yslow. look at my previous post with the SBs
Those guys all beat Christophe by a country mile. He was never close and never getting closer. Recently, people have been disappointed by his 9.95's because they weren't below 9.9. But 10.03? Vicaut almost beat that time in the juniors earlier today.
Good news : reaction time and time near Frater (it's a really bad time for him too !!!!!)

Bad news : his time...

Well : why ? He's tired ? Injuried ?
also... he cant run in a straight line

it doesnt really matter about his arms flailing everywhere but he has to have consistent foot placement so he isnt running sideways into the lane twice every 100m

diagonal running like that could easily add 1m to his race, that is 0.08s
I think your being a little too hard on Christophe trackster. Everyone can have an off day. Especially in an event were everything has to go right with only 10 seconds to win or lose. He had an off day but still ran a 10.03! Not too bad. He will get it fixed. My only worry is that he does seem to get a little nervous with the biggest stars all around him.

The biggest plus this season is his reaction times. Now they need to fix his drive phase and his transitions between the different phases. He needs to work on smoothing things out just a little as he goes from one phase to the next. I still think he didn't look 100% today though. Lemaitre just didn't have his normal top end speed either due to a lack of speed endurance or a slight injury. I wanted him to break his national record so bad. Hopefully next week will be the time to shine in front of the home crowd!
Now, CL is not a runner, IS A TORTOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He must be sent to the guillotine. :laser::laser:
And I thought these things only happened in Spain.
it wasn't that bad lol.He is very consistant normaly only now a bit less and he was maybe even a bit injured or was a liitle less becuase he couldn't train much.The only thing is he didn't improve much since last year and he probably has to do some hill excersize which most sprinters do not or only once a week.He could imporve his form a bit too maybe but that wouldn't give him more then 0.05 or maybe 0.1 but you can't run totally straight line and most sprinters do never run totally smooth, which can be a bit trained but coordination is also genetic.
I think it's too easy to be disappointed. That was a high calibre field. I agree Christophe gets a little nervous in races like this where he has told the press he wants a 9.90. I don't think pressuring yourself like that is at all helpful. You can't just run a PB at will..............

In the light of day his reaction time is consistenty good this season, his actual start shows a relative lack of strength, his acceleration phase OK but not up there with the best at present and he still tends to run a bit ragged when straining to catch up to guys who have comparable speed endurance.
I think he DID make up a little on Frater (everyone else was too far away and obscured to tell).

All said and done this is what could happen in a big final. This field was a "finals" field.
Big race nerves, running a little ragged, whiff of slight injury, can easily result in a meter lost.

Apart from that it wasn't a superfast race by anybody.
He was still well within 2 meters of the world's fastest man
When the , Pickerings and others race nothing hapens when they have an off day here you get a 10.03 and its a disaster thres so much pressure on lemaitre and its a lot to deal with others don't have this. Its like powell at the 2004 olympics sometimes its unhealthy to put so much pressure on somewhone so young put yourself in his place, and all of this because of a 10.03 which is smoking last year he ran 10.10s and was in thaat zone now he runs 9.9 consitent which means he has the potential for 9.8 but you cant force it has to come naturally.Damn some people are hipocrats
you could say it was a slow track, no?. the fact he was all over the lane could suggest he does have a slight injury. overall it wasn't that bad of a race. the fact he's got another countryman to push him makes things more interesting. I see a new PR out of him in the final of the French Champs.
Sorry fellas haven't posted in a while. Is it just me or are people just losing it? It wasn't a slow race or a slow time for Lemaitre. Very recent history tells us that a 10.03 will get you into any world or olympic finals as recently as 6 years ago Justin gatlin could have kept his gold medal @ the WC with a 10.03( Frater ran a 10.05 for silver) and four years ago Powell could have kept his bronze( fourth place was a 10.07). By the way a 10.2 qualified for the finals that year and a white man had 10.1 in the semi's making him the first one in something like 20 years to make it to the final. People 9.88 is still good, very good, and I wouldn't be shocked if such a time won the worlds this year; Lord knows Bolt would have kept his gold in Bejing with that time. I think that his Olympic and world records are in people's heads too much. He still the only guy to be sub 9.7 and one of only 4 to be sub 9.8( 2 of which aren't in competition). Now I admit the rash of sub 10's is a little disconcerting(fishy to me:dodgy:) but 10.03 is still good and that kind of form can produce high returns. Now if you want to talk about finishing 5th....
Not just finishing fifth, but finishing fifth in a race that did not have Asafa Powell, Tyson Gay, Yohan Blake, etc, etc. Three of the guys that beat him have zero chance of medalling at the World Champs, and little chance of even making the finals.

Look, you guys can act like this was a fine result all you want, but it simply isn't. It's a fine result if this were 1979, but it's not; it's 2011.

The truth is, there's a reason that so many people avidly follow Christophe's every move and post on this board--because he's our one shot at something extraordinary in track and field. You know what 10.03 is? Ordinary. "Good for a white guy." That's what it is. Well, Christophe is our lone hope of taking that phrase out of the English language. He's our one chance that no one will ever have to say, "Good for a white guy" again. We will never eradicate that phrase with bums like Connaughton and Aaron Rouge-Serret, or even Pickering. So when Chistophe goes out and runs a completely mediocre "good for a white guy" 10.03, I'm not happy about it.

I think you guys sometimes forget what a symbolically important figure Christophe is. He can afford an occasional off race, but he can't keep going out there and getting slaughtered week after week like this. All those fans filling the stands in places like Monaco and Paris. They're there to see Christophe win. And he loses badly in every one of these Diamond League meets. Often people post about the hope that young kids will be inspired by Christophe and go into sprinting. How long will they be inspired after watching their hero get annihilated every time they get their hopes up?

Nah. There's only one way to say this wasn't a lousy race, and that's to say, "good enough for a white guy." I refuse to say that. 10.03, in a race where others were running 9.88 and 9.90, was not good enough.
At least Christophe agrees with me:

"Extremely disappointed," Lemaitre "had nevertheless made a good start." "I was really warming up. I did not find my feelings at all. I was soft, he told the microphone of Canal +. I do not know it was not the race I wanted to do . I did not feel the same especially at the end of the race. We can even say that this is not the race I had worked. It shows that I have much to work. "
trackstar: Lemaitre is 21 years old when Powell was his age his PB !!! was 10.02 Tyson Gay at his age had a pb of 10.06 Usain bolts pb when he was 21 was exactly 10.03 give it a break everywhone has to pay their dues you cant just come out and beat everybody when you train 7 8 years less than they do its absurd to think that he will be the best at this point if your so concerned about running fast times put your matters in your own hands and don't bitch about Lemaitre cause he doesn't give a S*** about what you think neither does he have any obligation to prove anything. He's a competetor and he puts in the work day after day show some damn respect.
PlanB, get off your high horse. I do not address my posts to CL. Nor can I imagine an alternate universe in which he reads them, except perhaps in your fevered imagination. LeMaitre himself said he was "extremely disappointed" in the race. You can jump up and down and pretend an "extremely disappointing" race was fantastic, but I prefer to tell the truth. He stunk yesterday. He knows it. His competitors know it. The announcers knew it. The French press knew it (and reported it). I know it. I post as many track results on these threads as anyone, and I will express my disappointment or exultation as I see fit.
Fair enough (btw I know you dont post them to him) but what irritates me is that people want a pb everytime he runs, and frankly on an high level if a athlete achiewves one or two it's usually great the better you are the harder it is to best to achieve a pb Christophe must be in better shape/have better execution/better weather and envioromental conditions or a combination of all of these factors and since nobody had a pb from what i know in this race why do you expect one from Lemaitre
@trackster well running this bad and getting 10.03 isn't that bad, not just for a white guy but for anybody! I know that you want him to go 9.8, we all want him to do so, but to improve THAT fast, there is a special recipe that works well, but neither of us want him to go down that road.. he will lower his times gradually and respecting his growth.. he's only 21 and even Daegu isn't the main goal: the olympics are coming and he'll be there!
before this race he wanted to go down and break his PB, but his coach didn't think so, he said that he will be ready for the "french" because he had a heavy training before monaco that's why he felt "mou" weak/flabby on the race
his range this year is between 9.95 and 10.03 and that's what we should expect from somebody who is training seriously and on clear water..
the future will tell us what he will become, but I still beleive that he'll be on top of the world
I must say that I tried to use the irony to reflect the negative thinking of some people, but I do not know if this is possible on Internet.

Personally, I think that CL had only a bad day. Nor is there any athlete or sportman or even an ordinary man who has not had its ups and downs. Even Bolt. If that "superman" existed that would surely be an alien or a Terminator, but not a human.

As for me, I am a believer, just.. don't worry, be happy.

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I have to say that it goes both ways. I partially agree and partially disagree with trackster. I was frustrated but I know that this kid has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Not an easy task for anyone let alone a shy 21 year old! The thing that I like is that Christophe is at most times his own harshest critic. He is disgusted by his performance yesterday. His has such high expectations of himself. That is what makes this kid so special. One of a kind. Guliyev is incredibly talented but I'm not sure if he even has that competetive will to win at the highest level that Lemaitre has. Christophe will do whatever it takes to fix the problems and get back on track. Next weekend should be special. I just hope he doesn't get hurt but trying to impress too much. He needs to save his best effort for the World Champs a month from now.
the begrudgers

yo whitelightning u may not always be right but, you are never too far wrong. some of the guys are way over the top in their critic of CL. the guy is still developing and clean! CL will peak for the worlds in daegu , just like he should be and not running 9.8 now and be fatigued mentally and physically by the end of august ! CL , its about management of ones self during the season and pray to stay injury free! and just look at tyson gay , he is gone ! why injury and the other guys are running relatively sparingly. go easy on the guy , it just too easy to be critical !:biggrin:
What is the minimum required for the 100m?
I've read on a couple of web sites that it is 10.08 but in the same time, Pickering said on his blog "reported by whitelightning on Pickering's forum":
"I then had another good run in my semi-final, clocking 10.19, just 0.01 seconds off the World Championships A standard, and my fastest time since 2008. It was a bittersweet feeling though, as the clock stopped at 10.18 (the A standard) – I thought I had achieved the standard, only for it to have been rounded up. In the final I ran 10.17 wind assisted for second behind my training partner, Harry Aikines-Aryeety"

in the same time, at the french athletic website:
"Jimmy Vicaut avait réalisé la performance majeure de ces championnats côté sprint hommes en remportant avec une énorme marge le 100 m dans le temps de 10’’07 (+0,3m/s), soit un centième en dessous des minima requis pour espérer être du voyage à Daegu"
10.07 by jimmy vicaut, one hundreths below the minimum required to go to Daegu, which is 10.08!

So is it 10.08 or 10.18

plus: what are the B standards for? and who is already qualified for the 100-200m ? how many white guys besides Lemaitre?
What is the minimum required for the 100m?
I've read on a couple of web sites that it is 10.08 but in the same time, Pickering said on his blog "reported by whitelightning on Pickering's forum":
"I then had another good run in my semi-final, clocking 10.19, just 0.01 seconds off the World Championships A standard, and my fastest time since 2008. It was a bittersweet feeling though, as the clock stopped at 10.18 (the A standard) – I thought I had achieved the standard, only for it to have been rounded up. In the final I ran 10.17 wind assisted for second behind my training partner, Harry Aikines-Aryeety"

in the same time, at the french athletic website:
"Jimmy Vicaut avait réalisé la performance majeure de ces championnats côté sprint hommes en remportant avec une énorme marge le 100 m dans le temps de 10’’07 (+0,3m/s), soit un centième en dessous des minima requis pour espérer être du voyage à Daegu"
10.07 by jimmy vicaut, one hundreths below the minimum required to go to Daegu, which is 10.08!

So is it 10.08 or 10.18

plus: what are the B standards for? and who is already qualified for the 100-200m ? how many white guys besides Lemaitre?

The minimum A is 10.18, the B is 10.25, in 100m. In 200 the A is 20.60 and the B is 20.70. The rules are:
  1. Each Member is entitled to enter two, three or four athletes per event (see below for Marathon and Relays), as follows:
    - 1, 2, 3 or 4 athletes with "A" standard;
    - 1 athlete with the "B" and 1, 2 or 3 athletes with the "A" standard;
    in both cases a maximum of three athletes will be allowed to compete.

  2. Each Member is entitled to enter two athletes per event who have both reached the "B" standard for that event but only one will be allowed to compete.

  3. The Area Champions in all the individual events (except the Marathons) automatically qualify for the World Championships and will be considered as having achieved the "A" standard (see specific Regulations below).

  4. Unqualified Athletes: - Members who have no male and/or no female qualified athletes whom they wish to enter in any event may enter one unqualified male athlete and/or one unqualified female athlete in one individual event except the 10,000m, 3000m Steeplechase and the Combined Events.
    - The acceptance of unqualified entries in the Field Events is at the discretion of the Technical Delegates.
    - Entries for unqualified athletes must be submitted by 1 August 2011. If another athlete then achieves the entry standard before the end of the qualification period, it will be possible to change the entry accordingly.

    In addition to the above, Member Federations are entitled to enter the Reigning World Champion regardless of whether he / she has achieved the corresponding entry standard (in the case of the Marathon see above).

    And the Minimum for London are:

    100m: A: 10.18; B:10.24
    200m: A: 20.55; B 20.65
Here is an interesting article about Usain Bolt. You guys will be suprised by what you read.

interesting white lightning
this explains why they take steroids, GH, and even insulin
you would think that in sprints, quickness is the most important, but we see it's not that way
sprinters take drugs to have better reaction times at the start (like adrenalin...) but they take drugs to be more powerfull too

also, they say bolt has the "total package" ("He has a very unusual combination of being extremely tall and relatively massive and being able to accelerate well") but blacks at his height seem to be really skinny, and bolt is not an exeption, he is relatively skinny (for a man on steroids and GH)
whites can be tall AND broad, like dolph lungren for example

so i think we should be able to break bolt's record
and we are more powerfull than blacks, we dominate in every sport where power is needed, so we should dominate sprints too
good read!
it's well known that cadence (speed of turnover) remains practically the same through out a person's lifetime but that
power and reaction when hitting the ground decrease markedly. We masters athletes are well aware we spend too much time on the ground lol.

But yes, a rare combination of all three makes for greatness. Let's see if Christophe can make up the power deficit he needs to develop to get that acceleration to match his stop speed and endurance
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