What is the minimum required for the 100m?
I've read on a couple of web sites that it is 10.08 but in the same time, Pickering said on his blog "reported by whitelightning on Pickering's forum":
"I then had another good run in my semi-final, clocking 10.19, just 0.01 seconds off the World Championships A standard, and my fastest time since 2008. It was a bittersweet feeling though, as the clock stopped at 10.18 (the A standard) – I thought I had achieved the standard, only for it to have been rounded up. In the final I ran 10.17 wind assisted for second behind my training partner, Harry Aikines-Aryeety"
in the same time, at the french athletic website:
"Jimmy Vicaut avait réalisé la performance majeure de ces championnats côté sprint hommes en remportant avec une énorme marge le 100 m dans le temps de 10’’07 (+0,3m/s), soit un centième en dessous des minima requis pour espérer être du voyage à Daegu"
10.07 by jimmy vicaut, one hundreths below the minimum required to go to Daegu, which is 10.08!
So is it 10.08 or 10.18
plus: what are the B standards for? and who is already qualified for the 100-200m ? how many white guys besides Lemaitre?