Brian Leonard 23

Yes, and more bilge from Jerve. You'll notitce he didn't deny what I said.

Moral suasion is best given in a tone of respect. And that you have little
of, my grad school friend. Besides, to have crediblity, one must set a
personal example. Yes, respect--where's that in your endless,
"florid" (haha, misused word!) verbal piles?

"I have my masters degree in the medical field. We have tons of "students"
who come through the facility trying to make up for their lack of
knowledge buy going overboard with grammar. The professionals with
real jobs find it quite amusing."

Yes, mr. wonderful, that's true of many young, ambitious lads feeling a
bit inferior. The inferiority complex runs deep in this troll.Edited by: PitBull
JerveyGotGypped said:
More Ad Hominems from PitBull.

Mr.Wonderfull: Why don't you deconstruct my point rather than trying to set up a lame-duck Appeal to Authority ploy?QUOTE]

You have a point? If so it is so lost in jibberish and theories that I dont have the time or energy to decipher it. Edited by: mr.wonderfull
Bart said:
guest301 said:
But I better stop it before I get accused(once again) of being the "moral conscience" of Caste Football.

Moral conscience?  Not hardly.  In some of our more contentious threads, you've been accused of  hypocrisy in relation to your selective - moralizing - which is not the same.   I guess it all depends on whose ox is being gored. 
Don't worry Bart, you would never be accused of being a moral conscience about anything. I doubt you would even be accused of moral relativism. I find it really interesting how you readily come to the defence of anybody that violates the guidelines around here. It just proves to me how much those guidelines really bother and "rankles" you so. It was because of the enforcement of those said guidelines that you left the site for 8 months. I could care less about your responce to this because whatever grudging respect I have always had for you here disappeared not that long ago.
Can we get back to talking about Brian Leonard, since that is the title of this thread?
guest301 said:
Don't worry Bart, you would never be accused of being a moral conscience about anything. I doubt you would even be accused of moral relativism.... I find it really interesting how you readily come to the defence of anybody that violates the guidelines around here.

I haven't defended or argued in favor of violating guidelines.I have defended posters who made good points, but were attacked by the sensitivity police for using slurs. It is the substance and merits of their posts that I have defended, not thelanguage. Besides,if you would letthe occasional indescretion slip by instead of jumping on it like a chicken on a bug -- few would notice.

For being only half Chosen, you have a ton of Chutzpah!Aren't you the same fellow who saw nothing wrong with Jews in the bible wiping out with utter cruelty, barbarity, and ruthlessness anygroup of peoplewho happened to get in their way? Men, women, children, babies, and animals, without any mercy whatsoever?? And you champion their right to do so even today! But those of us who have made a few jokes and uttered the - N - word or the - J - word are beneath your contempt? Give me a break.

Sure, we can get back to Leonard, I won't object.Edited by: Bart
John Bender said:

Look Jervy, I can see you getting all bunged up for the ad-hominem
attacks. But face it, you're a Neo-Maxi-Zoom-Dweebie!
KG2422 said:
Sark, are you also a Jew? After reviewing your posts, it seems that most are critical of other posters. And you said of Eric Weddle, "he should be at least a starter at safety". What kind of crap is that? Many of your posts are trollish. Subtle but trollish nonetheless.

Blast, you caught me. I knew that my secret Jewish troll identity would be uncovered after over 240 posts!

In reality, I am probably one of the most liberal semi-regular posters on the board. The reason I came here was due to discrimination against whites, especially in the NFL. Unfortunately my personal views on other matters are different from many posters on this board. The reason why I feel prompted to argue against said posters is because I feel they harm the credibility of Caste Football's argument of white discrimination which I do believe exists.

I have realized that these attempts are mostly futile, hence the short "I agree" to guest301's post.

edit: When I said Eric Weddle should at least be a safety, I was being optimistic. I knew the odds of him being a CB in the NFL are slim, so he should "at least" be a starter at another position where whites are usually not found. Worst case scenario if you will.Edited by: Sark6354201
Sark6354201 said:
Blast, you caught me. I knew that my secret Jewish troll identity would be uncovered after over 240 posts!

Yeah, about 200 of those posts are critcisms of other posters. Okay, so you're probably not a genuine troll, but you never said if you are a Jew or not. That would be something if you and guest were liberal lights unto the caste football nation. No offense to guest. I guess what I'm saying is it gets old for me to see someone who is not a moderator policing everyone all of the time. Edited by: KG2422
Members of this site try to police each other because they have a genuine desire to see whites treated fairly in sports and they want to see this website succeed without having its message obscured by intentionally inflammatory or ignorant language. It's perfectly possible and (in my opinion) a whole lot more productive to make intelligent points about discrimination without trying to insult other races. So much more damage can be done to the caste system through calm and articulate rationalizing.
I think the people on this site need to ask themselves if they really want the castefootball message to spread to a larger audience, or if they just want a forum where 10 or 12 good ole boys can sound off on negro transgressions and zionist conspiracies. This board has some of the most intelligent posters I've ever encountered on a single forum, which is why I continue to visit on a daily basis. I enjoy the discussions on here but I wish we could tone it down with the "you're a liberal jew-loving troll" finger pointing.
I forgot to bring up once again that registered, message-posting members aren't the only people who view this website.Edited by: jared
jared said:
Members of this site try to police each other because they have a genuine desire to see whites treated fairly in sports and they want to see this website succeed without having its message obscured by intentionally inflammatory or ignorant language. It's perfectly possible and (in my opinion) a whole lot more productive to make intelligent points about discrimination without trying to insult other races. So much more damage can be done to the caste system through calm and articulate rationalizing.
I think the people on this site need to ask themselves if they really want the castefootball message to spread to a larger audience, or if they just want a forum where 10 or 12 good ole boys can sound off on negro transgressions and zionist conspiracies. This board has some of the most intelligent posters I've ever encountered on a single forum, which is why I continue to visit on a daily basis. I enjoy the discussions on here but I wish we could tone it down with the "you're a liberal jew-loving troll" finger pointing.
I forgot to bring up once again that registered, message-posting members aren't the only people who view this website.
Solid post.
I agree with Jared, even though I too have gone overboard when I have been on a soapbox. The funny thing is, I saw 2 new pages to this thread a minute ago and figured something really awesome or really horrible had happened to Brian Leonard, and all I find is trolling accusations. Boy was I let down.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
GSOT said:
jared said:
Members of this site try to police each other because they have a genuine desire to see whites treated fairly in sports and they want to see this website succeed without having its message obscured by intentionally inflammatory or ignorant language. It's perfectly possible and (in my opinion) a whole lot more productive to make intelligent points about discrimination without trying to insult other races. So much more damage can be done to the caste system through calm and articulate rationalizing.
I think the people on this site need to ask themselves if they really want the castefootball message to spread to a larger audience, or if they just want a forum where 10 or 12 good ole boys can sound off on negro transgressions and zionist conspiracies. This board has some of the most intelligent posters I've ever encountered on a single forum, which is why I continue to visit on a daily basis. I enjoy the discussions on here but I wish we could tone it down with the "you're a liberal jew-loving troll" finger pointing.
I forgot to bring up once again that registered, message-posting members aren't the only people who view this website.
Solid post.

Jared, Great post - couldn't have said it better.
Here you go guys, maybe this will make you feel better!! Can't we all just get along!

Everybody sing: I love you, you love me, we're a happy fami-i-i-ly.....

jared said:
Members of this site try to police each other because they have a genuine desire to see whites treated fairly in sports and they want to see this website succeed without having its message obscured by intentionally inflammatory or ignorant language. It's perfectly possible and (in my opinion) a whole lot more productive to make intelligent points about discrimination without trying to insult other races. So much more damage can be done to the caste system through calm and articulate rationalizing.
I think the people on this site need to ask themselves if they really want the castefootball message to spread to a larger audience, or if they just want a forum where 10 or 12 good ole boys can sound off on negro transgressions and zionist conspiracies. This board has some of the most intelligent posters I've ever encountered on a single forum, which is why I continue to visit on a daily basis. I enjoy the discussions on here but I wish we could tone it down with the "you're a liberal jew-loving troll" finger pointing.
I forgot to bring up once again that registered, message-posting members aren't the only people who view this website.

I know you're all about the Jews jared. You have one as your avatar. I guess he's doing happy fingers or some garbage. But I never said he was a "liberal jew-loving troll". So I don't know why you would place that in quotes. I asked him if he was a Jew. That's "ignorant and inflammatory" for you huh? Well, why don't you go to the drugstore and get yourself some vagisil and lube yourself up so you won't get so inflamed? We are in a battle that is bigger than sports, and forming a rainbow coalition of respectability is not going to save us. I agree with not using any racial slurs and I don't. People bring up negative things about blacks all over this site and not much is said unless racial slurs are used. Let me simply ask someone if they are a Jew and many come rushing to his aid. I tell you one thing I know. If this battle for our survival ever becomes physical I would take one of our hard core members over a hundred "semi regular liberals" like Sark any day. Now I don't want to screw up this thread any further so if we discuss this any more we can do it in happy hour. Back to Brian Leonard.
jared said:
Members of this site try to police each other because they have a genuine desire to see whites treated fairly in sports and they want to see this website succeed without having its message obscured by intentionally inflammatory or ignorant language.

I'm sure that sentence has great appeal to many. In fact I know it does because I've been in this battle (the larger one, not just sports) on the front lines for almost a quarter century now. Get 20 or 30 white men together in a room and each and every one considers himself a general. No privates will be found, no one to do the real work, no, just a bunch of philosopher-kings.

Those that like this site and post here have one responsibility -- to try to enhance it. That's why the guidelines say "keep posts productive" and not to engage in flaming. "Policing" each other isn't mentioned, is it? A small group is so upset about how "others" will see us, but they don't seem to care in the least how "others" view this thread -- the most viewed thread ever on this board, in the most viewed forum and which is about a very important topic (person). This was a great thread that's been spoiled by petty bs, which I'm sure certain combatants would eagerly continue for hundreds of additional posts. However, when I ask those same people to actually do something, like buy a t-shirt or some cards to hand out, or to make a financial contribution to the site they claim towant to see succeed -- stony silence. After all, that kind of thing is beneath philosopher-kings.

Those that support this site have the right to post what they want, within reason. The "policing" is done by me, the two other moderators, and a few other people who have earned that right through their contributions over time. No one else has been asked to do any "policing." When I feel there is the need for more moderators I will ask someone of my choosing. Thanks for your unsolicited applications, but all have been rejected at the present time.

There is no political litmus test to post on this board. We have a wide range of views represented, and I have tried to make all feel welcome. No one has the right to tell others that they can't criticize blacks, Jews or anyone else, as long as it's done logically and intelligently and without gratutious attacks. If you're not interested in things political, limit your posts to sports only.

And if you have no sense of humor, too bad for you. We're not here to weep over every dumb black athlete who dies, or to wish that Stephen Jackson is that rare running back who never gets injured.

This thread is now closed, unless and untilsomeone decides to post on Brian Leonard. Edited by: Don Wassall
*re-opens the thread*

the following is the kind of stuff that Brian has been having to deal with every day of his life.

the important snippets:

So I was excited going into the second round that the Rams would select someone who would be a nice change of pace to Jackson. He would also need to be a threat to catch the ball out of the backfield. I was hopeful that they might take a look at Florida State running back Lorenzo Booker, whose lightning quick and could really take advantage of the Rams' fast indoor track.

Imagine my disappointment when Gene Washington announced that the Rams had selected Rutgers fullback Brian Leonard. Regardless Leonard, who brings great character and leadership to any team, is the complete opposite of Booker.

A slow footed running back/fullback hybrid who gains a bulk of his yards between the tackles and was used primarily as a blocker for Ray Rice and in short-yardage situations for Rutgers. We already have a back in Steven Jackson that can get us the tough yard when needed.

I fail to see the reasoning in selecting Leonard, not to mention in the second round, to give Steven Jackson a breather.

obviously this guy did a lot of research... not. Brian was one of only7 running backs at the NFL Combine to break 4.5 in the 40. he also set records at Rutgers for receptions. i can see why he would hate that kind of player coming in to camp.
I think a lot of people are excited with the prospect of seeing Brian run the ball in St. Louis. I have been on a few youtube threads where the response has been overwhelmingly positive. There are still those who doubt his abilities because of his skin tone, but if he is given the chance to do well, he will, and will prove them wrong in the process. Ray Rice will also be shown to be the mediocre back that he is this season, as he has no Leonard to help pad his stats/block for him.
In a small article interviewing Rams rookies about their diets, they state that the Rams are asking Brian to put on weight. I really hope this isn't the typical bulk up to be the glorified blocker.

"For the most part, though, the rookies took the information to heart. Case in point is running back Brian Leonard, the Rams' second-round pick from Rutgers. Coaches for the Scarlet Knights asked the versatile Leonard to switch positions, from running back to fullback and to gain 20 pounds. He earned All-Conference honors at each position. The Rams want him to gain weight as well as muscle.

In the past, Leonard said, he would try to stay full all the time, drink a lot of whole milk and eat a chicken sandwich or protein shake just before bed.

"I wasn't eating crap or candy, and I'd gain or lose it pretty easily, but I know now it wasn't the right way," he said.

Though he admitted to being a bit overwhelmed, Leonard said he would remember the benefits of whole grains and heart-smart fats, such as olive and canola oils, and Omega-3 fatty acids."

[url] hfitness/story/C1F3752782740A2B862573020070894C?OpenDocument [/url]
Why do the rams want him to gain weight? He might not be able to carry the ball as well. This might slow him down a bit. I don't understand.

it doesn't read as if Rams want him to gain 30 pounds, they want him to add some muscle which will not get in a way of him being fast or catching a ball.
I can't wait to watch the Rams play this year.With Drew Bennett,Marc Bulger,and my man Brian Leonard running the ball.The only bad thing is that Kevin Curtis had to leave but they will still be a blast to watch.It should be a very high scoring offense as usual.
I forgot about Dane Looker.I used to watch him play in the Pac Ten for the University of Washington.He would have been another Wayne Chrebet if they would play him more.Klopfenstein is fun to watch as well.
He wont get serious carries obviously, because Steven Jackson is the number one running back and probably the most important player on the team apart from Bulger. He will get carries to keep jackson fresh and he will also be used a lot as a reciever out of the backfield.
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