Brian Leonard 23

castefootballer said:
You can say what you will about what White noise posted, but in these overt caste times...where talented white student athletes constantly get the shaft for black affirmative action criminals...err I mean "projects" hoping for an injury to one of them so one of "our" good guys can get a fair deal is completely logical and warranted in my mind!
Sorry but i dont agree with you at all. Jackson is a great running back and a good person, i would not wish that on him at all, and for you to wish that he encounters an injury just so Leonard can play...shows me that you are a very narrow minded person indeed.
GSOT said:
castefootballer said:
You can say what you will about what White noise posted, but in these overt caste times...where talented white student athletes constantly get the shaft for black affirmative action criminals...err I mean "projects" hoping for an injury to one of them so one of "our" good guys can get a fair deal is completely logical and warranted in my mind!
Sorry but i dont agree with you at all. Jackson is a great running back and a good person, i would not wish that on him at all, and for you to wish that he encounters an injury just so Leonard can play...shows me that you are a very narrow minded person indeed.

Injuries happen all the time in professional sports. It's part of the game. It's not as if White Noise was wishing for Jackson's death or something. I'll say it: I wish for an injury to Jackson also. To you delicate flowers out there who are offended - tough. Go pick some daffodils and skip through the meadow - you'll feel better.

BTW, how do you know Jackson is a "great guy" anyway? He looks like street thug dreadlocks and all. Do you know him personally? Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Aww, can't we all just get along? How about he gets turf toe?
Can't say I wish Jackson ill myself, but if others want to, that's their business.
I agree with the general idea that an injury to the black starter, and good play by the white backup, usually only results in the white backup being replaced later. When white backups play well it is usually chalked up to luck, not ability. The fans breathe a sigh of relief when they can finally get that white guy off and field and replaced with a proper black player.
What's with some of the PC crap from some of you?The only chance Leonard will get to play is if Jackson gets hurt and you know it.If Jackson goes down in a game and Leonard comes hopping in and puts up big numbers what then.But I guess that would not be right.Our guys have been kept down too long so I'll take it anyway I can get it.
nevada said:
I agree with the general idea that an injury to the black starter, and good play by the white backup, usually only results in the white backup being replaced later. When white backups play well it is usually chalked up to luck, not ability. The fans breathe a sigh of relief when they can finally get that white guy off and field and replaced with a proper black player.

and this, ladies and gentlemen, is the real problem. once the perception changes (if it ever will) caste system will collapse. for now, if Jackson gets injured, fine by me, but i wouldn't actually go as far as wishing it onto him.
Kaptain Poop said:
GSOT said:
castefootballer said:
You can say what you will about what White noise posted, but in these overt caste times...where talented white student athletes constantly get the shaft for black affirmative action criminals...err I mean "projects" hoping for an injury to one of them so one of "our" good guys can get a fair deal is completely logical and warranted in my mind!
Sorry but i dont agree with you at all. Jackson is a great running back and a good person, i would not wish that on him at all, and for you to wish that he encounters an injury just so Leonard can play...shows me that you are a very narrow minded person indeed.

Injuries happen all the time in professional sports. It's part of the game. It's not as if White Noise was wishing for Jackson's death or something. I'll say it: I wish for an injury to Jackson also. To you delicate flowers out there who are offended - tough. Go pick some daffodils and skip through the meadow - you'll feel better.

BTW, how do you know Jackson is a "great guy" anyway? He looks like street thug dreadlocks and all. Do you know him personally?
So you are basing the fact he is not a great guy, because you think he looks like a thug?

Okay here is why i dont want Steven Jackson to get injured, or wish injury on him...Firstly i think it is just immoral to wish that upon another human being, secondly he is a damn good running back, he led the league in yards from scrimmage last year and showed great promise for the future, iand as a Rams fan why would i wish injury on one of teh best players in teh league? Also you said how do i know he is a great guy,, i dont know him personally, but i do admire the work he does for the community in St Louis and also he does great work with breast cancer re-search:
How any human being can wish that on another is just cruel. Not even Leonard himself is wishing for that. Obviously, if Jacksion goes down it will mean more opportunities for Brian, but in no way does that we should wish for that to happen. If Jackson were to die, Leonard would be the premier back. Should we wish for that too? Besides, I'd rather have us bust through the caste system soley on talent alone. Obviously, that is extremely difficult given the obvious bias and what's happened to great white athletes in the past, but whites succeeding without needing injuries to blacks would support their case even stronger. Then there could be no question and no excuses for the blacks they'e replaced.
So daffodil pickers, should we hope for Jackson to have a great season too? After all, somebody may think that wishing a player be benched for poor performance is "cruel" and "inhumane." I mean how will these poor guys put food on the table for their families?

And yes, I do judge people based upon their appearance as well as other factors. God gave me a brain to be able to use my better "judgement." That's what separates us from the animals.
Surprising amount of superstition by Caste Footballers in this thread. Does anyone actually believe that wishing Jackson an injury will make it happen?
whiteafflete15 said:
Besides, I'd rather have us bust through the caste system soley on talent alone.

Who wouldn't? If whites were allowed to we wouldn't be having this conversation. Talk about arguing in circles.

There are so many brilliant white football players who aren't allowed to shine. And it's been that way for a quartercentury plus, and is getting worse not better. And at all positions, not just running back.
Kaptain Poop said:
So daffodil pickers, should we hope for Jackson to have a great season too? After all, somebody may think that wishing a player be benched for poor performance is "cruel" and "inhumane." I mean how will these poor guys put food on the table for their families?

And yes, I do judge people based upon their appearance as well as other factors. God gave me a brain to be able to use my better "judgement." That's what separates us from the animals.
Well perhaps you should not be so foolish to judge people by their appearance, as all it does is make you look like an idiot.
How about instead of wishing bad on Jackson...maybe you could just hope that Leonard shines when he gets his shot. Also there is a big difference about hoping Jackson "tears" a knee than being benched.
GSOT said:
Well perhaps you should not be so foolish to judge people by their appearance, as all it does is make you look like an idiot.
How about instead of wishing bad on Jackson...maybe you could just hope that Leonard shines when he gets his shot. Also there is a big difference about hoping Jackson "tears" a knee than being benched.

When I interview people for jobs, I do look at their appearance as does every other employer. The person that looks like an "idiot" is actually the person that walks into an interview "looking like an idiot." It's that simple.

You do know that I am not a magic genie, don't you? Though I can't control injury, I would like to be in control of my own thoughts. Is it ok with you if I hope Jackson gets turf toe?
I'd never wish injury on a player like Jackson but how about cancer? It could be like "Brian's Song" only with the races reversed. Now that would be a great movie!
Kaptain Poop said:
GSOT said:
Well perhaps you should not be so foolish to judge people by their appearance, as all it does is make you look like an idiot.
How about instead of wishing bad on Jackson...maybe you could just hope that Leonard shines when he gets his shot. Also there is a big difference about hoping Jackson "tears" a knee than being benched.

When I interview people for jobs, I do look at their appearance as does every other employer. The person that looks like an "idiot" is actually the person that walks into an interview "looking like an idiot." It's that simple.

You do know that I am not a magic genie, don't you? Though I can't control injury, I would like to be in control of my own thoughts. Is it ok with you if I hope Jackson gets turf toe?
Yes but this is not a job interview, you just assumed Jackson was a thug, and yes you may be in control of your own thoughts, but wishing injury on someone and assuming they are a thug merely on appearance...well that tells me all i need to know about you.
I wonder how many black players might actually try to injure a guy like Leonard, as opposed to just wishing he was injured...Edited by: White Shogun
This reminds me of the book about the 1972 Steelers titled, 'About Three Bricks Shy of a Load'. The book was written by Roy Blount Jr. and recaps the season from an insiders perspective.

Terry Bradshaw was still a raw QB back then and struggled a lot. The fan favorite was Terry Hanratty but he was Bradshaw's backup.

During one home game Bradshaw was looking awful. In the 3rd quarter he took a hit and was helped off the field clutching his shoulder. The crowd roared its approval as they cheered Bradshaw's removal.

The players later described the cheering as "sick" but one fan defended their actions by saying "how else are you gonna get him outta there".

I'm a Steeler fan. When the Steelers won the Super Bowl two years ago they were aided by Carson Palmer's injury early in a playoff game against the Bengal's. A Steeler lineman unintentionally bumped Palmer's knee in just the right way to do damage.

I wonder how many Steeler fans across the country said "YESSS!" when it happened. I know I did. I don't think this makes me an immoral person.

Of course, one could say that because there are so many injuries in football, most being caused by the hits we cheer for, that just supporting football is an immoral thing to do and makes every fan as supposedly immoral as the poster 'WHITE NOISE'.
My .02 worth is that we should not become Mike Vick fans. Remember when he was a backup and the starter got hurt and his supposed posse was up in the stands taunting the wife of the starter.
Ron Mexico will likely go out of Atlanta without an injury, except those of the needless Atlanta losses thanks to his hands and cannon arm.
Well I take it back, I don't wish Jackson tears a knee in camp. Now I hope he gets into an automoblile accident on the way to training camp and looses a limb. Come on guys, this is tongue and cheek, don't take everything so seriously.
Who wouldn't? If whites were allowed to we wouldn't be having this conversation. Talk about arguing in circles.

There are so many brilliant white football players who aren't allowed to shine. And it's been that way for a quartercentury plus, and is getting worse not better. And at all positions, not just running back.

I know, haha, that's the problem.
Well I take it back, I don't wish Jackson tears a knee in camp. Now I hope he gets into an automoblile accident on the way to training camp and looses a limb. Come on guys, this is tongue and cheek, don't take everything so seriously.

Maybe he could go boating without a life jacket...

Ow.. bad taste, right?
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