Brian Leonard 23

Leonard needs to prove his worth in the receiving game in my opinion in order to open up some carries for him. If he can have success catching the ball out of the backfield then maybe it is possible the Rams would use him more at running back in order to change it up some as teams will expect them to use Leonard in the passing game.
White Shogun said:
Surprising amount of superstition by Caste Footballers in this thread. Does anyone actually believe that wishing Jackson an injury will make it happen?
It's not about superstition and I think you know that Shogun. It's just plain not right to wish a season ending injury on someone just so someone else can get playing time. Now if Jackson does in fact get injured, it won't exactly bring tears to my eyes but I'm not hoping for it.
guest301 said:
It's just plain not right to wish a season ending injury on someone just so someone else can get playing time.

If a wish has no power, what difference does it make?
You are being deliberately obtuse. You know what difference it makes. It's not about the result of whatever your wish is, it's about you and what goes on at the very core of your being. But I better stop it before I get accused(once again) of being the "moral conscience" of Caste Football.
There are plenty of other posters here on this thread that have posted and probably plenty here who haven't posted that think I am right on this one. I wish you could see my point but what difference would it make
guest301 said:
But I better stop it before I get accused(once again) of being the "moral conscience" of Caste Football.

Moral conscience?Not hardly. In some of our more contentious threads, you've been accused of hypocrisyin relation to your selective - moralizing -which is not the same. I guess it all depends on whose ox is being gored.
guest301 said:
You are being deliberately obtuse. You know what difference it makes. It's not about the result of whatever your wish is, it's about you and what goes on at the very core of your being. But I better stop it before I get accused(once again) of being the "moral conscience" of Caste Football.
There are plenty of other posters here on this thread that have posted and probably plenty here who haven't posted that think I am right on this one. I wish you could see my point but what difference would it make

I agree.
Sark, are you also a Jew? After reviewing your posts, it seems that most are critical of other posters. And you said of Eric Weddle, "he should be at least a starter at safety". What kind of crap is that? Many of your posts are trollish. Subtle but trollish nonetheless.
Come on now... So we are not suppose to judge people based on looks?? Get real. If someone looks like a thug then thats how im gonna judge them. They have the choice to present themselves any way they want. Gold teeth and dreads = thug to me. They are trying to portray a bad boy image or lifestyle more than likely. Does that mean everyone with dreads is a criminal? No, but im gonna exercise my freedom of judgement to stay away from them or not trust them. Some people may not JUDGE people based on their looks. Most likely, those are the people getting robbed and raped. I for one will continue to judge by looks and I hope others have the common sense to do so also. People use judgement everyday to make choices. Its a way of life. Dont be brainwashed by our deviated society's belief on judgement.
mrwonderful is dead on right, you HAVE to judge on looks, it is sometimes the only information you have to go on. Why ignore it especially when the other person is sending you such clear signals?
Mr. Wonderful, welcome back. What's up with you having only one post? Did you forget your password and have to re-register? You don't post much but I've noticed that your posts are always dead-on. Try to make it to the board more often.
Hey, I'll be happy to interlope with my usual "Moral Conscience of Caste Football" routine...!

Here goes:

If nothing else, I figure that a key subtext on this board is the lamentation of unfair hiring practice, and rejection of the Moral Relativism inherit in stuff like Affirmative Action, etc. Also, there's alot of bemoaning American Blacks' and Hispanics' blatant, biased support of their own kind in matters of inter-group conflict.

Further, alot of you seem concerned most with preserving the alleged Western European Christian traditions of unwavering righteousness and strict Moral Absolutism. On this board I've often seen something to the effect of; "I sure hope they are as fair with us as we've been with them when we become the minority in our own country..."

So which is it? The base relativism of "I hope Jackson blows out his knee" or the fanciful idealism of "I just hope Brian steps up when given his chance...if any"...?!

If you don't require it among yourselves, how can you reasonably demand the same of them?Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
Jerve, who has demanded that blacks stop rooting for blacks? or that blacks stop wishing for whites to get injured? They can wish anything they want. I don't believe in thought police.
JerveyGotGypped said:
So which is it? The base relativism of "I hope Jackson blows out his knee" or the fanciful idealism of "I just hope Brian steps up when given his chance...if any"...?!

If you don't require it among yourselves, how can you reasonably demand the same of them?

I think goofing around about wanting an athlete to get injured is a very tiny violation of higher moral ideas. This isn't a forum for saints. I think overall we hold to our ideas in a consistent but not perfect manner.

I refer you to the sports boards at or to see if your keen sense of moral judgement can discern a difference. Or perhaps you can look at the societies people like us build and compare them to the ones that they build. Let us know what you find.
Kaptain Poop said:
Mr. Wonderful, welcome back. What's up with you having only one post? Did you forget your password and have to re-register? You don't post much but I've noticed that your posts are always dead-on. Try to make it to the board more often.

Thanks. I can't get in under my old name so I just added an l and re-registered. I usually only post when I need to vent or have seen outrageousracism taking place. By the looks of things lately I will be more active!!
Kaptain Poop said:
Jerve, who has demanded that blacks stop rooting for blacks? or that blacks stop wishing for whites to get injured? They can wish anything they want. I don't believe in thought police.

Just off the top of my head:

You don't think blacks wanted Rampage to win?

An airing of grievances at the blatant, racist chauvenism of another group...for the purpose of what, exactly?

Ideally, to compel the offenders of the social etiquette to act with grace in matters of inter-group conflict?

Or is it just a juvenile game of fair comeuppance?

I seriously hope it's the former.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
Actually, it was neither. You aren't as smart as you think.

It was to point out to people like you and others meandering around on this site that black people do perceive things racially, even when white people do not. I have only anecdotal evidence to offer of course, but I'd venture to guess that there were many more white fans in MMA who rooted for Rampage than black fans who wanted Chuck to win. And of course, all of us here at Caste Football would say there is nothing wrong with that. We'd merely like the same privilege of 'race-based' cheering without being labeled as racist hate-mongers for doing so.
JerveyGotGypped said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Jerve, who has demanded that blacks stop rooting for blacks? or that blacks stop wishing for whites to get injured? They can wish anything they want. I don't believe in thought police.

Just off the top of my head:

You don't think blacks wanted Rampage to win?

An airing of grievances at the blatant, racist chauvenism of another group...for the purpose of what, exactly?

Ideally, to the compel the offenders of the social etiquette to act with grace in matters of inter-group conflict?

Or is it just a juvenile game of fair comeuppance?

I seriously hope it's the former.

Ok you lost me there Jervey.... But I did find my old password!!
I have a hard time believing posts like that one are intended to serve only, or even primarily, as fair evidence to racial chauvenism among Black Americans. I'm just not buying it.

And please understand that I'm not at all meaning to say that you're lying when you say that there is no primacy of Moral Indignance motivating the act of pointing it out in the first place; I'd prefer to believe it's some sort of Self-Deception on your part.

The points following the original post seem to support it as a "fair comeuppance" morality grievance among some of the posters, actually...sadly.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
mr. wonderful,

Jervey likes to think he is some sort of moral conscience, when really he's
just an anti-white jewish crank. If there's any group that knows from
tribalism, its his tribe.

He's a grad student, so he does nothing for a living.
I have my masters degree in the medical field. We have tons of "students" who come through the facility trying to make up for their lack of knowledge buy going overboard with grammar. The professionals with real jobs find it quite amusing.
You didn't include 'moral indignance' in your first list of two reasons. I do not deny there is some 'moral indignance' at not being allowed to cheer for people of my race merely because of their skin color, when other races are 'allowed' to do so.

The post was not written for you. I don't care whether you 'buy it' or not. We all know you don't 'buy' many of the arguments posited on this site anyway, I don't expect you to start with one of mine. You have been ticked off at us since the day no one here accepted your thesis on the role of exogenous androgens and racial inequality in sports.

Nice of you to say you 'prefer' that I am deceiving myself rather than lying. LOL Thank you for your concern, Jervey, but it is misplaced. Considering that I did not deny there was 'moral indignance' in the first place, I think you should retract your statement, as I am neither lying nor deceiving myself.

What would you say is your reason for posting here? Really?
White Shogun, thanks for posting your reply to Jerv, he's so obtuse I look forward to you sorting out the BS and providing some clarification.

Now was that deceiving yourself by lying OR lying about deceiving yourself.....???
More Ad Hominems from PitBull.

Mr.Wonderfull: Why don't you deconstruct my point rather than trying to set up a lame-duck Appeal to Authority ploy?

Okay...try this one...say I'm a Gay Jewish undergrad Feminist History major.

Run that through your coefficients of social arbitration...then tell me how that reflects upon the repugnant Moral Relativism in rooting for the injury of Steven Jackson?
Why is it repugnant? To what authority do YOU appeal to decide what is moral and what isn't?
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