Black people never admit it when an individual Black person just isn't as good as an individual from another race (almost always White). Or rather, White PANDERERS never fail to turn an issue into a racial one whether it is or it isn't (but it usually isn't).
In their efforts to act all high and mighty and egalitarian and noble, these STUPID IDIOT WHITE PEOPLE are ironically holding Black people down.
Rather than accurately appraise his or her own strengths and weaknesses (you know, like any ADULT), White liberal ******* always like to imbue Blacks with a childish notion that they are flawless.
If they lose, it's racism. If they come in second, it's racism. If they get failing grades in school...
Well, it never ends.
Which is why the Black race will always be failures, until all these DUMBF*CK politically correct retards stop condescending to these people, and let them stand up on their own feet.
It is the high point of irony when an allegedly "racist" site like this actually treats Black people with greater respect than all the leftist, goody-two-shoe liberal pantywaists who basically treat Blacks like nothing more than children.
THEY are called progressive, even though their entire modus operandi is the epitome of colonial, White-man's burden sanctimony.
Nice rant, as always. Through this endless array of pretexts to explain their countless inborn inadequacies, they are indeed enabling their sociopathic behavior within the borders of white society. Aside from a select few (who are bombarded with praise for the most meager of achievements), blacks have never been able to compete with whites on any significant level. The government, media, and corporate America’s incessant, manger-to-morgue pandering/patronizing is proof enough of that their irrefutable inferiorities are very real.
I receive “agricultural donations” from local grocery stores (perfectly good food that they’re throwing away) and feed it to my livestock as a supplement to save a little money on feed costs and save room in a landfill. Invariably, every single person I tell about this scheme will instantly utter:
“You should give it to a homeless shelter!” My response is always the same:
“Why would I want to enable bad behavior? Why would I reward someone who hasn’t earned it?” Giving to a homeless shelter is equivalent to giving liquor to an alcoholic.” Not to mention there isn’t a homeless shelter within 50 miles in either direction of me.
The new-age “Western Mentality” is heave money/donations at a person’s problem and expect them to vanish. To lie about “impediments” placed before certain racial groups to make them feel better about their lack of success whilst denigrating/marginalizing whites in every single facet of life. To institute laws and regulations and black quarterbacks and Affirmative Action to make certain that the precious few that do actually desire to work are instantly employed. To create a false sense of athletic, sexual, physical, intellectual, and creative superiority in their “men.” To pretend that they women are both strong and beautiful, when they clearly are neither. To replace their absentee fathers with government handouts, social programs, video games, and trashy television created for their enjoyment (BET, ESPN, MTV, VHI, UPN, OWN, TBS, etc). To honor their laughable “culture” through entertainment media and celebrate their embarrassingly-sparse “history” and “achievements” every February for an entire month. These venomous activities are analogous to giving food to the homeless.