Black QBs in the NFL

Gremlin's fall from grace has been one of the highlights of this 2013 season, mainly because of how much hype he has received and how the media were desperately rooting for him to succeed.

I wonder how long it will be before those Subway commercials where he's referred to as an "elite QB" are pulled from the air. After all, elite QBs don't consistently play like crap, pad their stats in garbage time, and then get benched at the end of the season.
Chris Cooley said gremlin was not going through progressions and its a big reason why he has struggled. I guess since cooley officially retired he wont have to worry about job security for criticizing one of the leagues magical kneegrows.
Mike Shanahan announced that Robert Griffin would be benched the last three games of the season, ostensibly to protect him from injury.

Cousins will be the starter and Grossman will be the backup.

I think this is a bold move by Shanahan, given the circumstances. Shanahan probably will be fired at the end of the season anyway so, with nothing to lose, he's willing to make the change. He had the option of sticking with the program.

It will be interesting to see if Cousins plays better than Griffin. I would expect that he would.
You know something I notice about black QBs? One of the biggest excuses to explain away their bad performances is the o-line. Yet when a white QB comes it the o-line often times performs better. Could it be that black QBs are just bad at detecting pressure and getting rid of the ball quickly? Of course that's what it is but no one in the media dare says it.
The reasoning all year from the Drunk White Fans religiously devoted to sniffing Robert Griffin the Turd's jock strap has been that the offensive line is terrible and that's why RGScreen isn't playing well.

The same exact sh*t the coal black denizens of Filthydelphia were spouting from their menthol-tinged mouths until Nick Foles replaced Ron Mexico and the Iggles pulled a 180.
Offensive line deficiency can be masked by scheme and play calling. Carson Palmer has been sacked two times less than Griffin this season and has led the Cardinals to a winning record (36 and 38 respectively). Cam Newton and Tom Brady have been sacked as many times as Palmer.

Another pathetic DWF excuse that doesn't hold up to even the slightest of scrutiny.
I'll just point out that the Redskins subforum has a thread for Cousins AND a thread for RG3....

As far as Snyder is concerned, possibly, the league pressured him to make that pick on the QT (all for publicity purposes) and said Cousins would be there when they wanted to pick him.

The league secretly realized that RG3 would be a bust and that Cousins would be better. Then the 31 other teams got together and agreed to help out the most hated owner in the league, a man whom even most of his fellow Jews dislike, by leaving Cousins on the board until the 4th round. This is the same league that crippled the Redskins by fining us $32 million dollars. Uh huh.

I believe in conspiracies... just not stupid ones. How about this instead:

Most of the league believes the media hype about black QBs. Those few who know better are smart enough to shut up about it. Snyder, a short soft un-athletic Jew, knows less about football than anyone, but insists on meddling anyway, and persuaded or forced Shanahan to trade away the team's future for RG3. Cousins was still available in the 4th because the rest of the league didn't need him or else slightly undervalued him.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing Cousins start three games. I don't think we will win all of them, maybe not even any of them. The team as a whole is that bad. But I think Cousins will look good.
I live in NoVA, and this area is all about the Redskins and I have to hear DWF crap all the time.

This area has Ovechkin and Harper, but I have to hear about RG3. :faint2:
You know something I notice about black QBs? One of the biggest excuses to explain away their bad performances is the o-line. Yet when a white QB comes it the o-line often times performs better. Could it be that black QBs are just bad at detecting pressure and getting rid of the ball quickly? Of course that's what it is but no one in the media dare says it.

don't forget the excuse that "he has no one to throw to", despite this being proved wrong with the whole Vick/Foles thing this season, Rg3 apologists are still using this excuse. One comment I read said "Garcon is ONLY 6 foot". Like every black quarterback should have 3 megatrons on their team. 6 foot is around the average height, and he has above average speed, he is a little bit inconsistent but above average at wideout. Collie should have been starting on the outside instead of him in Indy, but Collie was the better receiver, not diminishing the talent of Garcon. You can tell Garcon is upset with RG3.
You know something I notice about black QBs? One of the biggest excuses to explain away their bad performances is the o-line. Yet when a white QB comes it the o-line often times performs better. Could it be that black QBs are just bad at detecting pressure and getting rid of the ball quickly? Of course that's what it is but no one in the media dare says it.

Yes, isn't it funny how offensive lines that were widely considered among the best in the league; 49ers, Jets, Bills, Panthers, are now suddenly described as terrible?

Funny how the Eagles were always considered to have a bad o-line, now might send 3 of its members to the pro bowl?
don't forget the excuse that "he has no one to throw to", despite this being proved wrong with the whole Vick/Foles thing this season, Rg3 apologists are still using this excuse. One comment I read said "Garcon is ONLY 6 foot". Like every black quarterback should have 3 megatrons on their team. 6 foot is around the average height, and he has above average speed, he is a little bit inconsistent but above average at wideout. Collie should have been starting on the outside instead of him in Indy, but Collie was the better receiver, not diminishing the talent of Garcon. You can tell Garcon is upset with RG3.

Remember back when Vick was in Atlanta and supposedly had no one to throw to? Remember how Roddy White was an underachieveing 1st round nobody his first few years in the league? Enter Matt Ryan, then White becomes one of the best receivers in the game. When Vick went to prison, I guess White just woke up one morning and figured out how how to run routes and catch...
The media doing it's best to defend and prop up the worst rookie QB ever handed a starting job outright - Geno Smiff.

I, robot? more like I, retard. It is hilarious after one mediocre performance against a piss poor defense they are trying to create the narrative that he somehow turned a corner. He completes 55% of his throws and has a 9/20 td/int ratio.
Alex Smith vs black quarterbacks

Alex Smith has more touchdowns and less interceptions than Cam Newton, Kaepernick, and Griffin and he only has one touchdown less than Russell Wilson while also having 2 less interceptions. He has more passing yards than Wilson, Kaepernick, and Newton. Yet Alex Smith is still considered a game manager while all of those black quarterbacks are considered "explosive offensive weapons". Cam Newton and Russell Wilson are also in the MVP discussion and Wilson is probably going to finish 2nd to Manning. But is he doing anything different than what Alex Smith is doing ? Where's his praise ?
Alex Smith has more touchdowns and less interceptions than Cam Newton, Kaepernick, and Griffin and he only has one touchdown less than Russell Wilson while also having 2 less interceptions. He has more passing yards than Wilson, Kaepernick, and Newton. Yet Alex Smith is still considered a game manager while all of those black quarterbacks are considered "explosive offensive weapons". Cam Newton and Russell Wilson are also in the MVP discussion and Wilson is probably going to finish 2nd to Manning. But is he doing anything different than what Alex Smith is doing ? Where's his praise ?
Excellent post Lew. Not too mention that Wilson joined an already good Seahawks team and is now leading this year's team to a marginally better season than last. Smith, on the other hand, took over the worst team in the NFL and has lead them to a renaissance season.

To follow up on Wilson, I had the displeasure of watching the entire Giants vs Seahawks game (yes, I'm aware that I'm a glutton for punishment). I was hoping the odious Seahawks would get upset but I was also curious to evalute the "magical one" at quarterback. I'll begin by stating that Seattle genuinely has a good, albeit black, defense. They rushed the quarterback all game, have a very good MLBer in Wagner and have probably the best secondary in the NFL. They actually found black talent in their coal mining expedition.

Now Wilson is very composed and has leadership qualities. He's also very mobile in the pocket and creates extra time to complete passes. I'd say he reminds me of Rich Gannon. Now with that said he really did not impress me with any great throw or scoring drives. I'd say as a game manager, he gets an A (not an A+ as his into was on a jump ball he didn't need to throw). I just wonder if he was interchanged with any number of "2nd tier" White quarterbacks, would the Settle offense miss a beat? The announcers, Gumble and Dingleberrydorf, were talking about Wilson like he's an elite quarterback. The guy is never forced to throw for more than 250 yards a game. How can he be mentioned in the same breath as Manning, Brady, Brees, Rivers, Rodgers, Stafford, Romo, etc?
Excellent post Lew. Not too mention that Wilson joined an already good Seahawks team and is now leading this year's team to a marginally better season than last. Smith, on the other hand, took over the worst team in the NFL and has lead them to a renaissance season.

To follow up on Wilson, I had the displeasure of watching the entire Giants vs Seahawks game (yes, I'm aware that I'm a glutton for punishment). I was hoping the odious Seahawks would get upset but I was also curious to evalute the "magical one" at quarterback. I'll begin by stating that Seattle genuinely has a good, albeit black, defense. They rushed the quarterback all game, have a very good MLBer in Wagner and have probably the best secondary in the NFL. They actually found black talent in their coal mining expedition.

Now Wilson is very composed and has leadership qualities. He's also very mobile in the pocket and creates extra time to complete passes. I'd say he reminds me of Rich Gannon. Now with that said he really did not impress me with any great throw or scoring drives. I'd say as a game manager, he gets an A (not an A+ as his into was on a jump ball he didn't need to throw). I just wonder if he was interchanged with any number of "2nd tier" White quarterbacks, would the Settle offense miss a beat? The announcers, Gumble and Dingleberrydorf, were talking about Wilson like he's an elite quarterback. The guy is never forced to throw for more than 250 yards a game. How can he be mentioned in the same breath as Manning, Brady, Brees, Rivers, Rodgers, Stafford, Romo, etc?

I agree 100%. Wilson, like Kaepernick and Newton, is in a position where all he really has to do is not screw it up. Now, Wilson is by far and away the best black quarterback out there, but we're only talking 10th-12th best QB in the league, he's not even close to the level of Brady, Manning, etc... And as far as the MVP goes, pretty modest numbers, and he's just not the primary reason for the team's success, it's the defense.
The Saints would be a 3-win team without Brees... Put Fitzpatrick or Cassell in Seattle, and I don't see much of a drop off, if any...
The way quarterbacks are praised is just a hyperbolic extension of the way minorities are pumped up in all facets of affirmative action life.

True, the absolute best Black quarterbacks are not any better than the so-so White ones (let alone the BEST White quarterbacks on the planet), in fact they are markedly inferior in most cases, yet the systems in place are designed to integrate as many Blacks as possible into the quarterback position, so what is actually mediocre or average is instead called amazing.

It's just like colleges, where Whites, Asians, and Indians from the Asian subcontinent routinely score higher on entrance exams than Black or Latino students, yet the absolutely SH*TTY scores of Blacks and Mexicans are enough to get them a precious spot on a college campus, while a vastly superior White student is turned away.

Funny, "minority" in the case of higher education refers solely to Blacks and Latinos. The Asiatics and Indians-from-India need no help, and so get no special pity.

As far as these Black quarterbacks go, the league is "fortunate" to find one or two who are actually any good and capable of hanging with the REAL [White] quarterbacks.

The rest are just part of some stupid, pity-the-Negro affirmative action experiment that is called something else.
Freethinker,Upside, and Giovani you guys are all right. Wilson is a good quarterback on a great team. He's in the driver's seat of the fastest car. He has a great run game and a great defense around him. He doesn't have to worry about playing from behind or putting enough points on the board. Could you imagine Wilson and Romo trading places ? Wilson would probably have a losing record and tons of interceptions while Romo could have a record breaking year. Yet if ESPN ever did a poll asking Romo vs Wilson I'd bet my life savings that Wilson would win in a landslide. The DWF are saying he's a top 5 quarterback now. But just like you guys said, put any 2nd tier white quarterback in there and that team doesn't skip a beat. If they had kept Matt Flynn they'd be just as good. I would love to have seen what Christian Ponder or Gabbert could do on a team like that, they're also both very mobile.

Giovani your point about blacks in society being hyped and propped up for being mediocre or even below average is well taken. Take for instance the black astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson. The DWF are madly in love with this guy due to all the promotion and adulation he's given by the media. But the thing is he has done nothing noteworthy in his field to deserve all the praise he's given. All his praise is due to his race. There are probably hundreds of astrophysicists out there with actual accomplishment who no one has ever heard of. Most DWF can't even name another living astrophysicist other than Tyson.

Then look at someone like Herman Cain. The guy was a complete imbecile as anyone who followed the 2012 republican primary could attest to. There's no way his IQ was above 85. He didn't even have a proper grasp of the English language. But as Bigunreal would say, in Don King's America Herman Cain was treated as a serious contender for president of the most powerful nation on earth. Who knows; if it weren't for the allegations of sexual assault (shocker I know) he could have won the republican primary and faced Obama
This is a little out there. I wonder if they'd do the same thing for a white player - if Frontier Airlines, for example, which is based in Denver, did this with Peyton Manning jerseys. I think
this is silly regardless of the player's ethnic background, but I also think there's definitely a
racial angle to this that was at least a partial factor in making this decision.
I'm glad I don't fly for Alaska.
This is a little out there. I wonder if they'd do the same thing for a white player - if Frontier Airlines, for example, which is based in Denver, did this with Peyton Manning jerseys. I think
this is silly regardless of the player's ethnic background, but I also think there's definitely a
racial angle to this that was at least a partial factor in making this decision.
I'm glad I don't fly for Alaska.
This is interesting. Is it only by wearing a Wilson jersey? What if a fan goes into the airport wearing a Steven Hauschka # 4 jersey? He's responsible for 130 of the Seachickens' 380 points on the year. Would he be given priority boarding?
Another propaganda machine to take notice of....the Monday Night Football introduction

It's a time-line starting with Howard Cosell..1970 Joe Namath/Richard Nixon/ Beatles/ Gifford Kissing Cosell "saying "yuck"! Earl Campbell / Roger Staubach...etc

Going thru the 80's with Terry Bradshaw/ Space Shuttle/Madonna/ Run DMC/ Reagan/Berlin Wall/Bo Jackson... 90's Joe Montana/ Jerry Rice etc...

The Millenium with 9/11...Peyton Manning/Saints return to New Orleans, etc...

Then after 2008 with "Yes We Can" from Bahama & Lady Filthy Gaga.....take a LOOK at the WHO the FINAL 4Frames are! Cam Newton doing Super-Man impersonation/ Kaepernick running / Griffin/ Russell Wilson with Gruden saying "every year you discover a new star"...

Until 2008 then EVERY QB SHOWN had WON SUPER BOWL's!! When one of these "new breed of QB/stars" WIN a SUPER BOWL...only THEN should they be WORTHY of a spot on this INTRO....

What do you all think?? Take a look for yourselves!
Michael Vick signed a one year contract for 5 million dollars with the Jets.

Overall in his career Vick has been a mediocre quarterback with an injury problem. He seldom plays an entire season.

Yet Vick keeps getting offered good contracts. You have to wonder about the competence of some of the people who run pro football franchises.
You have to wonder about the competence of some of the people who run pro football franchises.

I wonder about their level of corruption, and their anti White motives more than their competence.
I'm just glad Vick isn't replacing a white quarterback. The Jets are coal-black anyway, good fit for him.
As Teddy B continues to sink in the eye's of scouts, he'll always have one steadfast supporter.'s Bryan Fischer didn't have Louisville QB Teddy Bridgewater going in the first round in his mock draft published Tuesday.

And it wasn't as though Fischer did one of those gimmicky mocks where no QBs are taken in the top 10 -- he had Blake Bortles and Johnny Manziel going Nos. 1 and 3, respectively. Fischer also slotted Fresno State's Derek Carr to the Browns at No. 26. The hits keep coming for Teddy B, evaluator's choice whipping boy during this year's evaluation process. Rotoworld's Josh Norris is confidently steering an increasingly sparse bandwagon, as Bridgewater remains our No. 1 prospect.
Bridgewater is this year's Geno Smith. Smith was a popular #1 overall pick during the 2012 college football season.

Bridgewater probably isn't as stupid as Smith (not a particularly difficult feat), but there are a lot of parallels. Bridgewater, like Smith, has no real outstanding attribute. Above average arm, average size, not a particularly outstanding athlete, played against slightly weaker competition.
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