Bin Laden Dead!

DWFs will believe anything, as long as there is a dead muslim involved. just heard an interview on the radio this morning with the brother of someone who was killed in the world trade center. the reporter asked if he (the brother)needed more 'proof'? the guy responded by saying something to the effect that ... if the president said it's true, then it must be true.

we really are ******.
johnnyboy said:
great day to be an American. it took the better part of a decade but the deed is done. Bin Laden is dead, and justice is served. let all terrorists know that their death will follow any attack on our country. now i hope the president ends the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and brings our troops home.


Are you temporarily intoxicated or permanently inoculated?

To abbreviate this exceedingly dubious affair"¦the western world is being lead to believe that "9/11 Scapegoat,"Â￾ Osama Bin Laden, was killed in Pakistan during a firefight with "U.S. forces"Â￾ who were conveniently acting under the direct order of Barry Soetoro (you know, that career politician who just released a forged birth certificate and has everything to gain from such news). Bin Laden's DNA was then supposedly compared to that of his deceased sisters' in order to "confirm"Â￾ his identity. Then his body was hurriedly "buried at sea."Â￾ The end.

The only known "death photo"Â￾ (easily created in Photoshop) released by the Pentagon appears even less authentic than a certain Hawaii Birth Certificate, conveniently circulated last week"¦

In keeping with the shameless custom of pea-brained cerebral famine, the American masses once again question absolutely nothing that their "authority figures"Â￾ projectile vomit into their awaiting ears. Yes, no matter how ambiguous, extraordinarily timely, or lacking in actual evidence, "we"Â￾ assume that their "announcements"Â￾ are genuine.

In the multicultural capital of the world, Jew York City, a "death pep rally"Â￾ was held. Zionist flock members (Americana Division) shrieked with unabashed rapture for Bin Laden's demise whilst draped in that worthless red, white, and blue sliver of soiled toilet paper, that corporate logo, that national emblem of white extermination, that symbol of white oppression, that Cultural Marxist insignia, that meaningless "flag"Â￾ of "ours"Â￾"¦




Below is Barry Obongo's personal "account"Â￾ of the proceedings (all lies, of course)...

"And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.
Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.

Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body."Â￾

Obama is such a brave man"¦shipping tens of thousands of fresh white troops to die in Iraq and Afghanistan, authorizing the execution of thousands of Libyans citizens through the deployment of Patriot missiles, and now, personally brining Jewish Public Enemy #1, Osama Bin Laden, to "justice."Â￾Edited by: Thrashen
Here is a nice piece on the entire "operation" from Infowars:

Media Runs Fake Photo To Illustrate Bin Laden Death Propaganda

Paul Joseph Watson
May 2, 2011


Killing Osama bin Laden is a pretty big deal. You'd think that it would be in the interests of US forces to take a snapshot of the elusive terror leader to milk the propaganda value of such a momentous turn of events, and yet the corporate media has given us nothing but a years old fake picture. This makes little sense, unless of course, somebody is trying to hide something, namely the fact that Osama's dead corpse has been on ice for the best part of a decade.

According to some reports, Bin Laden's body has already been hastily "buried at sea,"Â￾ meaning that the comic book story of his dramatic killing is based solely on the less than credible word of the U.S. government.

Of course, it's probable that we'll be treated to seeing all the gory details in due course once Osama's corpse has been properly thawed and suitably presented for public consumption.

But the fake photo, which is still being used by the likes of the Daily Mail and the London Telegraph even after it was proven to be a contrived hoax that has been circulating on the Internet for years, fits perfectly with everything surrounding the Bin Laden myth â€" the fake video tapes, the fake audio tapes, the fake claim of responsibility for 9/11.

Everything about the Bin Laden myth that has been rapaciously whipped up by the establishment over the last 10 years has been fake, so why worry about putting out a fake photo and claiming it represents the freshly dead remains of the world's most wanted?

We don't need MSNBC to tell us, "We think that bin Laden ‘death photo' is a fake,"Â￾ because we know it's a fake. It's been knocking around on the web since before Obama even took office. Here it is featured in a story released over a year ago. As Stokes Young illustrates, the bloodied face of Bin Laden is an obviously contrived composite image created from an image of Osama that dates back over 10 years.

But that didn't stop TV news stations across the Middle East, as well as major newspapers in Britain like the Daily Mail and the London Telegraph, amongst a host of others, from passing the fraud off as evidence of Bin Laden's death.


Despite the fact that Bin Laden's corpse has almost undoubtedly been safely stored in a highly secure U.S. government morgue since at least 2002, the political grist to be enjoyed by an administration that has plummeted to the depths of unpopularity knows no bounds, which is why Obama victoriously proclaimed Osama's "death "Â￾ during a speech last night almost as if the president himself had pulled the trigger.<NO><O>

The birther controversy and NATO's indiscriminate murder of children in their pursuit of Colonel Gaddafi will now be swept under the rug and Obama can build his campaign for 2012 on the lie that he was the president who finally brought the evil boogeyman to justice.

Never mind the fact that numerous public officials went on the record to plainly state that Bin Laden has been dead for years and that the announcement of his demise was being kept back until the most politically expedient time.

As Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones document, from FBI counterterrorism official Dale Watson, to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, to Pakistani icon Benazir Bhutto, to CFR members, to Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, all voiced publicly what the evidence clearly indicated, which is that Bin Laden died in late 2001.

The fact that a deluge of provably fake video and audio tapes were released by an organization with direct ties to the Pentagon in the years that followed illustrated how the military-industrial complex was keen to prolong the Bin Laden boogeyman myth as a backdrop against which to launch their takeover of the middle east under the umbrella of the "war on terror"Â￾.

But don't think for a minute that final "confirmation"Â￾ of Osama's death will mean an end to the "war on terror"Â￾ and U.S. troops pulling out of Afghanistan, just as the capture of Saddam Hussein did absolutely nothing to speed a U.S. exit out of Iraq.

If anything, the announcement of Osama's death will only lead to more warfare and bloodshed in the region. Whether genuine or contrived, terrorist retaliation plots are already in the works and when they are unleashed, the establishment will point to them as a justification for more air strikes, more invasions and more regime change plots disguised as humanitarian aid.

In life, Bin Laden's propaganda value as an Emmanuel Goldstein hate figure was immense, but in death his usefulness to the US military-industrial complex will, for a time at least, only increase.
* Edited to add links.Edited by: FootballDad
I think they pulled this ace out too early. Like Kaptain speculated there must be something really up that they want to deflect attention from. Maybe it's the fake birth certificate?

It seems to me that the country is rapidly dividing into two camps, those that don't believe a single thing the gov't says and those that continue to accept the official line.

I'd put the skeptics at about 20% right now. I wonder what the critical mass percentage would be.
How about this? Just perfect! What an amazing coincidence?

Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler both declared dead on May 1
BY Helen Kennedy

Originally Published:Monday, May 2nd 2011, 1:54 AM
Updated: Monday, May 2nd 2011, 10:48 AM

Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler share a towering reputation for evil - and also an anniversary.

Both were declared dead on May 1.

Late on May 1, 1945 - about as late as President Obama's TV announcement Sunday - German radio announced that Hitler had fallen "fighting to the last breath against Bolshevism and for Germany."

Even if this event is legit, and I am one of those "20% skeptics" who believe bin Laden has been dead since shortly after 9/11, it's a tremendous embarrassment that it took almost a decade to find and kill him. The U.S. is supposed to have the technological ability to track and find almost anyone, anywhere. Remember the movie "Enemy of the State" starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman which came out back in 1998? Think of the trillions of dollars (yes, trillions) that has been squandered in the last decade in Iraq and Afghanistan, ruining millions of lives and destroying infrastructure, yet the military was unable to find the supposed master of it all, with a $25 millionreward for anyone giving away his location, dragging his kidney dialysis machine from cave to cave before allegedly settling comfortably into a "mansion" somewhere in Pakistan?

I had some hope that after the disastrous Iraq war based on lies, Americans had finally begun to mature beyond the level of 4-year-olds when it comes to not naively believingeverything the government and its corporate media arm tell them, but it looks like the American Idiocracy is as entrenched as ever. But then again, of course the media is going to highlight the cheering of the DWFs and make it appear as though it's a national celebration. I was watching the "celebration" outside the White House, and for some reason the only camera shot of it was from far away, so that one couldn't make out who was there and what they were doing. My guess is that the small crowd was comprised of equal parts Secret Service agents and other security personnel, and government workers from the area. Washington has become far too militarized for any spontaneous celebrations to take place.
Don Wassall said:
Even if this event is legit, and I am one of those "20% skeptics" who believe bin Laden has been dead since shortly after 9/11, it's a tremendous embarrassment that it took almost a decade to find and kill him.  The U.S. is supposed to have the technological ability to track and find almost anyone, anywhere.  Remember the movie "Enemy of the State" starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman which came out back in 1998?  Think of the trillions of dollars (yes, trillions) that has been squandered in the last decade in Iraq and Afghanistan, ruining millions of lives and destroying infrastructure, yet the military was unable to find the supposed master of it all, with a $25 million reward for anyone giving away his location, dragging his kidney dialysis machine from cave to cave before allegedly settling comfortably into a "mansion" somewhere in Pakistan?
<div> </div>
<div>I had some hope that after the disastrous Iraq war based on lies, Americans had finally begun to mature beyond the level of 4-year-olds when it comes to not naively believing everything the government and its corporate media arm tell them, but it looks like the American Idiocracy is as entrenched as ever.  But then again, of course the media is going to highlight the cheering of the DWFs and make it appear as though it's a national celebration.  I was watching the "celebration" outside the White House, and for some reason the only camera shot of it was from far away, so that one couldn't make out who was there and what they were doing.  My guess is that the small crowd was comprised of equal parts Secret Service agents and other security personnel, and government workers from the area.  Washington has become far too militarized for any spontaneous celebrations to take place.</div>
Excellent post
Many other great posts as well on this obvious hoax.
Apparently they stopped the Phillies game last night so all 50,000 in attendance could engage in the "USA! USA!" chant for several minutes.

I guess Obama can go ahead and count Pennsylvania's electoral votes in his favor.
johnnyboy said:
Westside said:
Bin Laden probably went out like Sadams sons, which is honorable in a way. Football Dad, do you know for a fact that Bin Laden had been in a deep freeze next to a bunch of really aged ribeyes? Maybe johnnyboy had friends or family killed on 9/11, or maybe he is congratulating the SpecOps who erased Bin Laden. Regardless , Bin Laden did state he was responsible for 9/11 that in of itself is worthy of a 7.62 round in the head.

thanks man. i do have friends fighting in Afghanistan. one of them took a bullet to neck but came out alright. he's stateside now waiting to see about surgery to take out some bullet fragments. physically he's fine though. no paralysis or arterial damage. he probably won't see combat again, but he's alive and we're all grateful for that.

i'm glad to see Bin Laden is dead. this ought to put the fear of God into the Al Qaeda leadership. now they know our Spec Forces and CIA are not to be f**ked with. if we can kill Bin Laden, then we can kill any terrorist anywhere, and they will have to acknowledge that. now they know that our God is bigger than their god.

i'm not into conspiracy theories. if someone wants to believe that Bin Laden has been dead for 9 years and kept on ice, that's their prerogative. i'm old enough to remember all the Y2K bullsh*t, so i hope no one is offended if i skip the festivities this time around.

thanks again for your words Westside. you're aces with me.

You're old enough to remember "Y2K" -- all of a dozen years ago! Wow, the wisdom bestowed by time. What kind of red herring is that, anyway? It's the same kind of absurd extrapolation used by your commander in chief Barry Soetoro, who this weekend compared questions over his birth certificate to saying the moon landing never happened.
johnnyboy said:
Westside said:
Bin Laden probably went out like Sadams sons, which is honorable in a way. Football Dad, do you know for a fact that Bin Laden had been in a deep freeze next to a bunch of really aged ribeyes? Maybe johnnyboy had friends or family killed on 9/11, or maybe he is congratulating the SpecOps who erased Bin Laden. Regardless , Bin Laden did state he was responsible for 9/11 that in of itself is worthy of a 7.62 round in the head.

thanks man. i do have friends fighting in Afghanistan. one of them took a bullet to neck but came out alright. he's stateside now waiting to see about surgery to take out some bullet fragments. physically he's fine though. no paralysis or arterial damage. he probably won't see combat again, but he's alive and we're all grateful for that.

i'm glad to see Bin Laden is dead. this ought to put the fear of God into the Al Qaeda leadership. now they know our Spec Forces and CIA are not to be f**ked with. if we can kill Bin Laden, then we can kill any terrorist anywhere, and they will have to acknowledge that. now they know that our God is bigger than their god.

i'm not into conspiracy theories. if someone wants to believe that Bin Laden has been dead for 9 years and kept on ice, that's their prerogative. i'm old enough to remember all the Y2K bullsh*t, so i hope no one is offended if i skip the festivities this time around.

thanks again for your words Westside. you're aces with me.

Ditto to both johnnyboy and Westside, you are both aces with me. I heartily agree with Westside's point about how he is glad that story came out in May 2011 instead of around election time next year. This will only help Obama for a short time before the people start remembering what a complete disaster Obama has been, gasoline going up to $5.00 a gallon by this summer and the fact that we are still in three wars at moment, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. I am glad he is dead, kudos to the Navy Seals and this is indeed a day to celebrate. Patriotism is often treated like a vice around here instead of the virtue I still think it mostly is.

Ditto to both johnnyboy and Westside, you are both aces with me. I heartily agree with Westside's point about how he is glad that story came out in May 2011 instead of around election time next year. This will only help Obama for a short time before the people start remembering what a complete disaster Obama has been, gasoline going up to $5.00 a gallon by this summer and the fact that we are still in three wars at moment, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. I am glad he is dead, kudos to the Navy Seals and this is indeed a day to celebrate. Patriotism is often treated like a vice around here instead of the virtue I still think it mostly is.[/QUOTE]

How do you define patriotism? Supporting contrived Zionist wars? Getting drunk because the corporate media tells you some Arab bogeyman is dead?
I guess patriotism is being happy that your government gave millions of dollars to another government (Pakistan) to help them hunt down a guy and instead they kept him comfy cozy in a secure site a few yards from their main military installations. Now I'd call that being taken for a fool, but I'm not aces with anyone, so what do I know?

Burial at sea? Why does every controversial govt event end with the evidence disappearing? It almost makes one skeptical. ;)
jaxvid said:
I guess patriotism is being happy that your government gave millions of dollars to another government (Pakistan) to help them hunt down a guy and instead they kept him comfy cozy in a secure site a few yards from their main military installations. Now I'd call that being taken for a fool, but I'm not aces with anyone, so what do I know?

Burial at sea? Why does every controversial govt event end with the evidence disappearing? It almost makes one skeptical. ;)

I can walk and chew gum at the same time, Jaxvid. I am just happy the guy is dead, that's all. He is clearly the mastermind behind what happened on 9-11 and ultimately responsible for the thousand of deaths of American soldiers since then, so excuse some of us here who are happy he is fish food right now. That doesn't mean I am happy with Pakistan which clearly has been hiding him all these years or happy with the ways these wars have been prosecuted under Obama and most of the Bush years.
How can we believe BO/BS and the liars of the Beltway about this story when they haven't told the truth in years on just about every issue under the sun? Why should we believe them now? All I hear today is the "Mighty Wurlitzer" blarin' another tune from the "Frank Wisner" Band (google it if you don't know what I'm saying here). Look, if the PTB lied about 9-11--which they did in spades--they will lie about ANYTHING if it suits them!! They cannot be trusted at all, especially about this latest story which includes a botched phony pic and rushed burial at sea. Give me a break!

I fear this real or contrived event, will lead to yet another, bigger "event" in the near future which may very well be yet another contrivance by the machine to destroy our freedoms and enslave us. Keep in mind, a CIA operative was recently caught giving WMD to the Taliban/AL-CIA-DA over in Pakistan. How can we believe these folks when they are giving the Taliban aid and comfort in the form of WMD's and supporting them against Gaddafi in Libya?

Smells like more BS from BO.

Edited by: qj
guest301, do you actually believe the bedtime story that 12 saudi dumb asses and a man on dialysis pulled that thing off, without help from big brother? Wow!

And now, we are told that this guy was given a "burial at sea", so not to offend members of a certain religion of peace. I call B.S. on that.
Bart said:
Bart said:
How about this? Just perfect! What an amazing coincidence?

Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler both declared dead on May 1
BY Helen Kennedy

Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler share a towering reputation for evil - and also an anniversary.

Both were declared dead on May 1.

How interesting that Osama was supposedly iced and then declared dead on the same date as Hitler.

How clever! Goyim will eat that up. Great trivia question.

Then his body was - conveniently - dumped into the ocean.

We will just have to believe everything our government tells us, I suppose.

What else should remain in our minds about this date?

Holocaust Memorial Day 2011 was on Sunday, May 1, 2011

Yet another coincidence or are the masters of deception laughing behind our backs?
This "little event" sounds like another "truther" conspiracy with some here. The one thing that some here have not factored in are SEAL Team 6. Those professionals are of some American's greatest warriors and their integrity is beyond reproach. Do some of you really think that this whole operation was a charade and that they(SEAL Team Members) would not come forward with the truth! Of course they would. Like some who believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy, to many people would have to be in on it, someone would grow a conscious and spill the beans on the whole act(s).

I must admit, that I have conflicted emotions about what happened last night. I was frustrated how BO will use this to his gain. But in the end I focused on the success of the SEALs and those involved.

If some here believe that this is is a hoax as well as 9/11, then the next time Bigunreal puts forward his "conspiracy beliefs/fixed games" about the game of football ask him were to buy his Cool Aid and never rag on him ever again.

I don't mean to insult anyone. Just trying to put a rational defense of my beliefs and those here who don't subscribe to grand conspiracy theories as this or 9/11. Also, being meaning to post the 3 checks or counterweights to very real / feared tribe/PTB/CMs in America. 1. China. 2. Saudi Oil. 3. Russian White Gangster Government. Pretty sure they have a different agenda than our homeland enemies. We just have to work on sobering up the esmasculated DWF hordes to our way of thinking in sensible ways.
Westside said:
If some here believe that this is is a hoax as well as 9/11, then the next time Bigunreal puts forward his "conspiracy beliefs/fixed games" about the game of football ask him were to buy his Cool Aid and never rag on him ever again.

The gaping holes and lapses of logic and common sense in bigunreal's "every single game is fixed" theory have been pointed out time and again and never credibly refuted, which is why it's not permitted to be brought up here any longer.

Politics is a very sensitive and volatile subject, especially these days. There has never been a political litmus test at Caste Football, which has been my policy from the day Imade my dream of a site like this into reality. Let's be carefulin this threadnot to let it go downhill to the point of impugning anyone's integrity or patriotism. Not saying anyone is doing this, but we all love our country and people and want what's best for them (us) so let's discuss this with that in mind. Edited by: Don Wassall
Watch this video:


Who do you think wants us to fight wars against the Muslims?

[tube][/tube] Edited by: Parody
You're ALL falling into the trap laid by the puppet masters.
The Left will trumpet the "war hero" cred of Obama.
The Right will stumble around in confusion, trying to walk a tightrope between praising our troops and discrediting the whole assassination story.

That is precisely what this engineered event was designed to accomplish. The death of a house-bound old cripple on the other side of the planet is meaningless to this country. But everybody is talking about it. Meanwhile, Obamacare still exists, gas is still $4/gallon, the southern border invasion remains unchecked, and a handful of pallid bankers with funny names continue loading up American Gold (of the figurative kind) into unmarked vans and driving away to destinations unknown.
OBL is brilliant radio static. It's the one event, outside of alien invasion (of the outer space kind), that would get the entire U.S. population looking in the wrong direction for a crucial period of time. That's what the birth certificate was designed to do. They didn't "release" any birth certificate. They uploaded a jpg of a picture of an Adobe Illustrator document. Exactly where is this miracle piece of paper? Is it in the hands of non-partisan document authenticators? People who can do carbon dating, too? Of course not. It's nowhere. But it got people talking about that rather than the economy and taxes. However, it wasn't enough. National attention rapidly turned back to real concerns (or to Trump's next obsession: the school records). So they needed something bigger. The biggest diversion they could possibly come up with. Hey, how about the final capture/assassination of America's Greatest Enemy(TM)! That would capture the attention of the whole world. And, of course, the "fallout" from the action will last for months or years, so we all have to focus on that, too.
Stop taking the bait. What the MSM says is important rarely ever is.
After nearly 10 years, most people had pretty much forgotten Bin Laden. Yesterday's event may be forgotten a few months from now. Time will tell.
sport historian said:
After nearly 10 years, most people had pretty much forgotten Bin Laden. Yesterday's event may be forgotten a few months from now. Time will tell.

They already thought of that.
That was the reason for the "burial at sea".

I'll make a prediction. In a few weeks (or months), when polls show the American public is enraged about prices again, some Republican stooge will conveniently question the official account of the operation. He'll demand to know why the body wasn't verified and why it was disposed of so quickly. He'll call for an investigation and he'll whip "the base" into a frenzy. The media, meanwhile, will have to devote all of its coverage time to attacking this useful idiot. The public will line up on opposite sides and start taking verbal shots at each other. And congress, while nobody is looking, will continue voting to give itself more control over our lives.
They don't have to keep it up forever. Only until November 2012.
Riddlewire said:
Hey, how about the final capture/assassination of America's Greatest Enemy(TM)! Stop taking the bait. What the MSM says is important rarely ever is.

Epic postings this evening, Riddlewire, especially this!
American Freedom News