Bin Laden Dead!

Riddlewire said:
You're ALL falling into the trap laid by the puppet masters.
The Left will trumpet the "war hero" cred of Obama.
The Right will stumble around in confusion, trying to walk a tightrope between praising our troops and discrediting the whole assassination story.

That is precisely what this engineered event was designed to accomplish. The death of a house-bound old cripple on the other side of the planet is meaningless to this country. But everybody is talking about it. Meanwhile, Obamacare still exists, gas is still $4/gallon, the southern border invasion remains unchecked, and a handful of pallid bankers with funny names continue loading up American Gold (of the figurative kind) into unmarked vans and driving away to destinations unknown.
OBL is brilliant radio static. It's the one event, outside of alien invasion (of the outer space kind), that would get the entire U.S. population looking in the wrong direction for a crucial period of time. That's what the birth certificate was designed to do. They didn't "release" any birth certificate. They uploaded a jpg of a picture of an Adobe Illustrator document. Exactly where is this miracle piece of paper? Is it in the hands of non-partisan document authenticators? People who can do carbon dating, too? Of course not. It's nowhere. But it got people talking about that rather than the economy and taxes. However, it wasn't enough. National attention rapidly turned back to real concerns (or to Trump's next obsession: the school records). So they needed something bigger. The biggest diversion they could possibly come up with. Hey, how about the final capture/assassination of America's Greatest Enemy(TM)! That would capture the attention of the whole world. And, of course, the "fallout" from the action will last for months or years, so we all have to focus on that, too.
Stop taking the bait. What the MSM says is important rarely ever is.

Oh we ALL are. Then thank God we have someone as all-knowing as yourself to set us straight.
GreatLakeState said:
Riddlewire said:
You're ALL falling into the trap laid by the puppet masters.

Oh we ALL are. Then thank God we have someone as all-knowing as yourself to set us straight.

Leave it to you to respond in such a way, GLS. I could be wrong, but I don't think Riddlewire meant everyone on the board.

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
This smacks of a typical fedgov this case most likely leveraged to boost Obongo's sinking approval ratings & "justify" more ramp-up of the Orwellian police state. I too suspect (former CIA asset) OBL has been dead for years & this is another con job to dupe (the ever zombified) sheeple.
It is both surprising and depressing to peruse the comments sections of the "Bin Laden is Dead" articles, and see that so very few people even ask the very basic question about any physical evidence or even any kind of independent verification.
Riddlewire said:
Apparently they stopped the Phillies game last night so all 50,000 in attendance could engage in the "USA! USA!" chant for several minutes.

I guess Obama can go ahead and count Pennsylvania's electoral votes in his favor.
The Military Industrial Entertainment Complex has long since taken control of the MSM, whether it be print, television, or radio (outside of a few, mostly obscure, "Patriot" radio stations.) We are only given the illusion that we have a choice amongst ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc. These institutions are all now just a Corporatized version of Pravda of the former USSR, solely serving and propagating the interests of our Multi-National Corporatist Government.

Now they are extending their control well into the world of sports whether it be the latest draft, as Don mentioned, that showcased and worshiped the military, or directly into stadiums. Who better to easily condition than the gullible and sheeplized masses known here as the DWFs that do no critical thinking or research of their own?

This is pure conditioning for what is to come...a full-out, full bore, WWIII and absolute police state, predicated and "justified" by some impending disaster ("false flag") in the United States that will make 9/11 look like a harmless mugging in the park. We are headed towards $10/gallon gas, ever skyrocketing commodities and most likely a default on our debt. The country will be broke and bankrupt, so they will be coming after your pensions to fund this war and pay off the International Banksters...and they'll get it. You'll be considered "unpatriotic" by the media if you protest this theft. The TSA will be patrolling the streets to make sure any mass uprising are quickly quelled. You'll have a choice between living in poverty, going to prison, or "serving your country" abroad.

George Carlin nailed it in a segment on one of his stand-up performances not long before he died, and about six months prior to the financial meltdown in September 2008. At this time, his awareness as to what was going on and what will happen in the future was crystal clear:


Edited by: Highlander
Highlander when do you predict that nightmish society occuring?
Highlander said:
Riddlewire said:
Apparently they stopped the Phillies game last night so all 50,000 in attendance could engage in the "USA! USA!" chant for several minutes.

I guess Obama can go ahead and count Pennsylvania's electoral votes in his favor.
The Military Industrial Entertainment Complex has long since taken control of the MSM, whether it be print, television, or radio (outside of a few, mostly obscure, "Patriot" radio stations.) We are only given the illusion that we have a choice amongst ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc. These institutions are all now just a Corporatized version of Pravda of the former USSR, solely serving and propagating the interests of our Multi-National Corporatist Government.

Now they are extending their control well into the world of sports whether it be the latest draft, as Don mentioned, that showcased and worshiped the military, or directly into stadiums. Who better to easily condition than the gullible and sheeplized masses known here as the DWFs that do no critical thinking or research of their own?

This is pure conditioning for what is to come...a full-out, full bore, WWIII and absolute police state, predicated and "justified" by some impending disaster ("false flag") in the United States that will make 9/11 look like a harmless mugging in the park. We are headed towards $10/gallon gas, ever skyrocketing commodities and most likely a default on our debt. The country will be broke and bankrupt, so they will be coming after your pensions to fund this war and pay off the International Banksters...and they'll get it. You'll be considered "unpatriotic" by the media if you protest this theft. The TSA will be patrolling the streets to make sure any mass uprising are quickly quelled. You'll have a choice between living in poverty, going to prison, or "serving your country" abroad.

George Carlin nailed it in a segment on one of his stand-up performances not long before he died, and about six months prior to the financial meltdown in September 2008. At this time, his awareness as to what was going on and what will happen in the future was crystal clear:


The PTB are fat and happy and feel unthreatened by whatever unrest the Tea Party and other movements have been able to generate to this point. Sadly, as many figured would happen, the Tea Party was co-opted by the GOP after starting off as a non-partisan grassroots movement that was equally angry at both permanent monopoly parties.

This article by Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., Lt. Col. (USAF Ret.), is pretty much spot on. It was written before bin Laden's alleged assassination, but that event changes nothing found in this assessment.

A Crack Team in Washington

With Petraeus slated to rule the massive and mysteriously budgeted CIA, and Panetta poised for the Pentagon, one cannot help but admire the Washington elite's audacity of hope.

Bush 41 family friend and cohort in crime, Robert Gates has overseen the astounding over- and under-the-table money churn called the Pentagon for over four years now. Under Gates' leadership, two wars and two nation-builds have blossomed and continued to waste billions of US tax dollars, grow the debt, create uncertainty and shortages in global oil markets, and sow hatred, and a third oil and regional basing occupation effort has been launched â€" as usual, with neither a plan nor an exit strategy. As the great men in America are measured, in death and destruction, we can count several million displaced, and tens of thousands murdered on Gates' watch. Gates was a 27-year intelligence "professional" in the CIA prior to his current position. The new Prince of Pentagonia will be former CIA Chief, Leon Panetta, whose most recent claim to fame is his enthusiastic cheerleading of CIA military-style operations in Pakistan, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere.

We don't yet have a definitive investigative guide to CIA budgets and intelligence community funding along the lines of Winslow Wheeler's new book The Pentagon Labyrinth. But the appointment of these insider-bureaucrat front-men tell us that the power elite in Washington is not really worried about growing domestic anti-war sentiment, nor are they concerned that the growing outcries opposing out-of-control federal spending overseas and at home will have any impact. Instead, it tells us that the power elite is fat and happy, hauling in the rewards of the American corporate-political kleptocracy hand over fist, with the boot firmly planted on the throat of average Americans who can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone except Ron Paul.

Panetta offers nothing new. He represents and embraces the chronic spending addiction, the chronic stupidity, and the chronic misunderstanding of the Constitution that characterizes both his predecessor at the Pentagon, and his successor at CIA. Look at this interview he gave last summer. Panetta denies the Executive Branch maintains an assassination list that includes US citizens, defends drone attacks everywhere, and expresses great concern over both Iran's [nonexistent] capabilities to threaten the US while exaggerating the risk that cybercrime poses for the U.S. proper. Panetta is hugely on board with the latest Pentagon bureaucratic cancer called USCYBERCOM, co-located with the National Security Agency Headquarters in Fort Meade, MD. The NSA is a massive sector of the U.S. intelligence community, reporting operationally to the DoD rather than directly to the CIA. Traditionally, NSA has been prohibited from collecting information and intelligence on US citizens when they are within US territory. But the co-location of Cybercom (with its domestic defense mission) with "born fighting for any new mission" NSA is a sign of things to come.

The selection of Petraeus for CIA chief is not unprecedented. For 50 years now, we've known how important it is for a President to have reliable yes-men running the CIA. This talent was certainly the key to the great career success of George Tenet, and Petraeus brings not only three bags full to the Executive suite, but provides a kind of military "reliability" to "managing" the massive CIA bureaucracy and keeping a lid on its potential to cause transparency malfunctions that could publicly embarrass the president or the power elite.

Petraeus' knowledge of the "secrets" of the Afghanistan, Iraqi, Pakistan and Yemen operations, his culpability in the torture of Afghan prisoners (and their prisonbreaks!) and the official lies about incremental success in the various U.S. outposts in the Middle East makes Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea scandal appear innocent and mild. His connection, through his hiring of past and present theater commanders, to the whole strange but true story of our Knights of Malta foreign policy in the Middle East will be very useful to him as CIA Director.

There is a bright side to these pending appointments, of which the power elite is well aware. Panetta, at age 72, may not be long for his California walnut ranch, and Petraeus' health history of prostate cancer, and the odd fainting spell during Congressional testimony frontload both of the bureaucrats for a public sacrifice, whenever needed.

For the moment, there is no hope for a rational and rapid contraction of the metastasizing U.S. empire. There is no hope for a serious reduction in debt accumulation, pointless and costly military spending, or any kind of fiscal sanity in Washington. Eighteen months from another big presidential election, in which Obama has declared himself a candidate and shifted smoothly into electoral mode, we are witnessing the final days of the empire â€" but all signs indicate it will not go gracefully.

Instead of wisdom, rationality and grace in Washington in this time of substantial governmental and constitutional crisis, these two appointments tell us exactly what we the people should expect from the political elite over the next few years. We can look forward to an increased police state at home, and a new wave of Washington-generated media implemented fear-fests (hysteria levels and color-coding to be determined). We can expect an increasingly nationally-directed economy, where public welfare crushes private production, driving the smart and lucky ones overseas or to Galt's Gulch, and everyone else into the ground. The only acknowledged "good" jobs will remain in public education, or in one of the military, law enforcement, and prison industrial complexes. Wars and occupations, current and future will continue to consume our domestic wealth and our international credibility. Inflationary pressures will cause the people to rise up and demand a new kind of "Hope," and "Change" they can believe in. And, shortly before the election, as a sign of this hope and change, Panetta and Petraeus will be thrown under the Obama bus.

It will seem audacious, assertive, finally a real sign that things will get better. The news cycle will consume and digest the significance for the useful idiots, while the political elite sucks the last bits of depleted marrow from what was once a prosperous republic, stopping only to check on the communications upgrades, helopads and security fences around their second homes in South America.
Edited by: Don Wassall
As was noted cogently earlier in this thread, America is now pretty much divided between those who trust blindly in government and other "official" sources and those who don't. As should be no surprise to anyone here, I'm one of those who don't.

In 2002, Alex Jones interviewed Steve Pieczenik, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance. Pieczenik, who was certainly in a position to know, told Jones that Bin Laden had been dead "for months" at that time. Here's the link which describes this in greater detail:

It was disheartening to see all those moronic yahooies, shouting "USA! USA!" and even "Yes we can!" last night and today. We must face the fact that we are dealing with an incredibly dumbed down group of sheeple in this country. You give them a little flag, and play that awful patriotic muzak, and they just cheer on cue. It's sickening, and an indication that we live in a full fledged idiocracy.
Parody said:
Watch this video:

Who do you think wants us to fight wars against the Muslims?



Great videos!

The must see video is so revealing.

That Adam Gadham who was the voice and face of Al Qaeda propaganda is actually a jew is old news.

I knew about those jewish fake Al Qaeda cell members apprehended by police.

I didn't know however, that the most evil terrorist known as Yousef Al Khattab is also a jew phony named Joseph Cohen.

Truly amazing!
Highlander said:
This is pure conditioning for what is to come...a full-out, full bore, WWIII and absolute police state, predicated and "justified" by some impending disaster ("false flag") in the United States that will make 9/11 look like a harmless mugging in the park.

If you read my "Flooding" thread, you'll see what it most likely will be. How convenient for them that all this flooding is happening right over the New Madrid fault. We already know that earthquakes can be induced. What better way to create a "nation killer" disaster than to sink 10% of the nation's landmass under fatal floodwater. No big deal to them. It's a relatively sparsely populated area, full of poor people. Oh, and if you thought the Katrina floods caused racial strife, just wait until you see what happens when Memphis becomes an inescapable tomb.
Regarding the levee destruction issue in my previous thread, here is the video of that. This just happened a short while ago. Those were ANFO blasts. Since when does anyone ever engage in large scale blasting with high explosives in the middle of the night? That just doesn't happen. And it's supposed to go on throughout the rest of tonight. No worries, though. Everyone has been removed far from the area. No witnesses to see the earth-shaker device (or whatever) lowered deep underground. Wait, did I say earth-shaker? I meant nuclear device (radioactive spike in the Mississippi River???). I don't know what they're planning. But it's clear to me that I live near Ground Zero.


Edit: Image added for illustrationEdited by: Riddlewire
The Royal Wedding, John Paul II's Beautification, and now Osama Bin Laden's death....

What an amazing coincidence for all THREE to happen within a ONE WEEK time span. Bin Laden's death, which coincides with Hitler's demise (also May 1) has sparked some sort resurgence of interest on the HOLOCAUST issue. The wedding and beatifications seems to work like cannabis, marijuana drugs, royal and religious fantasy. The sheeple really want to forget their problems.

I'd say let everyone have their FANTASY moments for now, this may last for about a month. For sure, the BLEAK economic atmosphere will bring people back to grim reality in the long run. Not even Obama's bravado (if there is any left) can fix this long messed up country.
guest301 said:
johnnyboy said:
Westside said:
Bin Laden probably went out like Sadams sons, which is honorable in a way. Football Dad, do you know for a fact that Bin Laden had been in a deep freeze next to a bunch of really aged ribeyes? Maybe johnnyboy had friends or family killed on 9/11, or maybe he is congratulating the SpecOps who erased Bin Laden. Regardless , Bin Laden did state he was responsible for 9/11 that in of itself is worthy of a 7.62 round in the head.

thanks man. i do have friends fighting in Afghanistan. one of them took a bullet to neck but came out alright. he's stateside now waiting to see about surgery to take out some bullet fragments. physically he's fine though. no paralysis or arterial damage. he probably won't see combat again, but he's alive and we're all grateful for that.

i'm glad to see Bin Laden is dead. this ought to put the fear of God into the Al Qaeda leadership. now they know our Spec Forces and CIA are not to be f**ked with. if we can kill Bin Laden, then we can kill any terrorist anywhere, and they will have to acknowledge that. now they know that our God is bigger than their god.

i'm not into conspiracy theories. if someone wants to believe that Bin Laden has been dead for 9 years and kept on ice, that's their prerogative. i'm old enough to remember all the Y2K bullsh*t, so i hope no one is offended if i skip the festivities this time around.

thanks again for your words Westside. you're aces with me.

Ditto to both johnnyboy and Westside, you are both aces with me. I heartily agree with Westside's point about how he is glad that story came out in May 2011 instead of around election time next year. This will only help Obama for a short time before the people start remembering what a complete disaster Obama has been, gasoline going up to $5.00 a gallon by this summer and the fact that we are still in three wars at moment, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. I am glad he is dead, kudos to the Navy Seals and this is indeed a day to celebrate. Patriotism is often treated like a vice around here instead of the virtue I still think it mostly is.

thanks Aragorn. stay classy.

quote of the day:

"Sure, I've been called a xenophobe, but the truth is, I'm not. I honestly just feel that America is the best country and the other countries aren't as good. That used to be called patriotism."

-Kenny Powers
j41181 said:
The Royal Wedding, John Paul II's Beautification, and now Osama Bin Laden's death....

What an amazing coincidence for all THREE to happen within a ONE WEEK time span. Bin Laden's death, which coincides with Hitler's demise (also May 1) has sparked some sort resurgence of interest on the HOLOCAUST issue. The wedding and beatifications seems to work like cannabis, marijuana drugs, royal and religious fantasy. The sheeple really want to forget their problems.

I'd say let everyone have their FANTASY moments for now, this may last for about a month. For sure, the BLEAK economic atmosphere will bring people back to grim reality in the long run. Not even Obama's bravado (if there is any left) can fix this long messed up country.
Right, with all this going on Obama will probably "Misplace" his birth certificate
..... Edited by: lost
That was a great article, Don. Karen Kwiatkowski seems to have a lot of awareness and insight as to what's really going on, although it shouldn't really be that difficult for people to discern for themselves, if they'd simply "pay attention"...and not be led astray or distracted by the intentionally contrived "bread and circuses" all around them.

bigunreal said:
It was disheartening to see all those moronic yahooies, shouting "USA! USA!" and even "Yes we can!" last night and today. We must face the fact that we are dealing with an incredibly dumbed down group of sheeple in this country. You give them a little flag, and play that awful patriotic muzak, and they just cheer on cue. It's sickening, and an indication that we live in a full fledged idiocracy.
I noticed that, on cue, literally, crowds were told to "Chant, USA!, USA!, USA!", again literally told. Whether it be the orchestrated crowd outside of the White House that foobar75 and Don mentioned, one of Thrashen's pics where the main ticker was literally scrolling "Chant USA! USA! USA!" to the people in Times Square in New York, or, as Riddlewire noted, at the Phillies game, where the scoreboard was telling the crowd to "Chant USA! USA! USA!". This was carefully planned. Who orchestrated this? That's just a rhetorical question, obviously, as everyone should know by now.

This whole thing has been, and continues to be, a massive Psy-Ops campaign against the American people (or, sheeple). The PTB are sitting back and having a hearty laugh right us, at how easy it all was, despite all of the loopholes, contradictions, evidence, and outright lies. They now know they can do anything and get away with it. "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe"...and they are taking it to the bank.

Edited by: Highlander
Well so long to Bin Laden. He was a real rock star in his own twisted way. And he got to go out like Tony Montana in "Scarface." Not a bad exit, maybe just way he pictured it. For my part I stopped caring about what happened to that guy years ago. Still, I hope he gets his seventy-two virgins. Virgin camels, that is.

I just wish somebody would take out the real terrorists. The ones destroying our currency, flooding the country with third worlders, sending our factories overseas, oppressing law abiding citizens with the over growing internal spy network, letting hundreds of thousands of gang members slip into the country, making us live with people that we have found out the hard way we don't want to be around, and generally making life more difficult for white people as a policy every day.

I think those terrorists are living in nice big houses too.

Edited by: The Hock
Blindly chanting "USA!"Â￾ (on queue) is quite possibly the rudimentary "Mantra of the Moron."Â￾ The overwhelming sehnsucht to obey one's supposed "authority figures"Â￾ is a repulsive and utterly spineless attribute shared by members of all races, particularly modern whites. What is the purpose of this insincere recitation? To prove one's loyalty to an incessantly anti-white government? To vocalize one's echelon of devotion to "leadership?"Â￾ To absorb one's self into society's obtuse swarms of citizenry?

To those white men and women of sound mind, partaking in such a contrived manifestation as the "We Got Him!"Â￾ rallies should be a personal embarrassment. But alas, quite the contrary has been nationally observed"¦

And God spoke over the loudspeaker: "My Drunken White Fan children, your prayers have been answered"Â￾"¦

DC "Death Pep-Rally"Â￾ in progress"¦

Swathed in the "Stars and Stripes"Â￾ of self-abhorrence"¦

The Wigger masses...

A fitting symbol of white-oppression stands complacently in the background"¦

"Men"Â￾ evolving into apes"¦

The non-white "American"Â￾ hordes aren't immune to flock mentality"¦
Edited by: Thrashen
The most striking thing about those "pep rally" pictures is how White they are (I'm sure they took great pains at the capital to find the handful of May-hee-cans/negroes/mystery meats for that picture). If those pictures actually represented our national demographics most of our problems would go away tomorrow. Sadly, they do not.

Patriotism, especially the jew-guided self-destructive sort that leads into disasters like Iraq or WW 2, is a White activity. For the others, it's all about racial self-interest. Not surprising that White political power has become such a joke in the good old red, white and jew.
Most of those white people are cheering for USA 1.0, the original version of which they have an inkling once existed. There's nothing wrong with that except USA 1.0 is gone and USA 2.0 is a disaster. Hopefully when enough people are aware of that they will acknowledge it and react accordingly.
Run Stuffing LB said:
The most striking thing about those "pep rally" pictures is how White they are (I'm sure they took great pains at the capital to find the handful of May-hee-cans/negroes/mystery meats for that picture). If those pictures actually represented our national demographics most of our problems would go away tomorrow. Sadly, they do not.

Patriotism, especially the jew-guided self-destructive sort that leads into disasters like Iraq or WW 2, is a White activity. For the others, it's all about racial self-interest. Not surprising that White political power has become such a joke in the good old red, white and jew.
The trouble is therally at the white house and other places are notspontaneous, they are no more than a flash mob being orchestrated by The Powers that Be through social networks like Twitter and have little to do with any patriotism..... Edited by: lost
The local paper showed the "mob" celebrating here in Vegas. From the carefully selected angle of the picture, it looked like no more than 10 people total. I don't know anyone anywhere who went out and joined a celebration, and I doubt many here do either.

On the other hand, I can understand the happiness of those who viewed bin Laden as the mastermind of it all, the epitome of evil. Beginning in the late 1960s this country was turned upside down and demoralized, and much of what's left of the "Silent Majority" has taken a lot of satisfaction and pridein seeing the military "get tough" again after the Vietnam debacle. Of course they have duped and diverted from the real problems and the causes of them,and we should be thankful that we have been freed from the propaganda of the Matrix and the way they have been programmed to think and react.

I watched about 15 minutes of Glenn Beck yesterday before I started gagging uncontrollably and had to change the channel. It was all about the glory of the government and the military, about American exceptionalism and how no other country would have treated bin Laden so respectfully before and after they killed him, how righteous the country has been since 9/11, and on and on. I'm sure Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly and the rest sounded similar themes. As great as the internet is, we've yet to make a dent on the great mass of White Americans. This country is divided, as jaxvid aptly put it, between those who still believe in America 1.0 and that the Republicans are trying hard to restore it, and those who have wised up and know that Amerika 2.0 is the result of a deliberate agenda. I don't know what our percentage is, but unfortunately part of it consists of the far left who truly do hate America, Whites, and Western civilization.
Under the table Winston's feet made convulsive movements. He had not stirred from his seat, but in his mind he was running, swiftly running, he was with the crowds outside, cheering himself deaf. He looked up again at the portrait of Big Brother. The colossus that bestrode the world! The rock against which the hordes of Asia dashed themselves in vain! He thought how ten minutes ago--yes, only ten minutes--there had still been equivocation in his heart as he wondered whether the news from the front would be of victory or defeat. Ah, it was more than a Eurasian army that had perished! Much had changed in him since that first day in the Ministry of Love, but the final, indispensable, healing change had never happened, until this moment.

The voice from the telescreen was still pouring forth its tale of prisoners and booty and slaughter, but the shouting outside had died down a little. The waiters were turning back to their work. One of them approached with the gin bottle. Winston, sitting in a blissful dream, paid no attention as his glass was filled up. He was not running or cheering any longer. He was back in the Ministry of Love, with everything forgiven, his soul white as snow. He was in the public dock, confessing everything, implicating everybody. He was walking down the white-tiled corridor, with the feeling of walking in sunlight, and an armed guard at his back. The long-hoped-for bullet was entering his brain.

He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.
<H1 style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; : transparent; COLOR: #000000; OVERFLOW: ; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; TEXT-DECORATION: none" =line>Steelers RB Tweets About Osama Bin Laden, 9/11 Attacks</H1>
<DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; : transparent; COLOR: #000000; OVERFLOW: ; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; TEXT-DECORATION: none">Rashard Mendenhall References Twin Towers On Twitter Comments

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His black skin privilege will provide him protection for uttering sentiments that are not approved by the lords of the PTB. Still it was refreshing to hear someone at least try to be a Christian. Unlike all of the other Christians that are all pumped up over a government ordered killing. Yay murder and death!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!
That is a pretty good and interesting response, but I agree with jaxvid. He can get away with it because he's not pigmentally challenged.
American Freedom News