Another ESPN jerk

"Mike and Mike" were discussing the QBs that they think will go in the first-round: (Eventually they get into this patch of "discussion")

Golic says: "Someone will take a chance with Newton like they did with Tebow."

(My words: You are likely correct.)

Little Greeny says: "Newton is a 1,000 times better than Tebow!"

(My words: WOW.. a 1,000, huh? Perhaps your brethren have inflated the big "H" as well?)

Golic says: "Yes, I agree with you."

(My words: Can't even stand-up to a whiny, submissive, neurotic and ball-less Jew.. says more about you than him.)

Edited by: Deadlift
Deadlift said:
"Mike and Mike" were discussing the QBs that they think will go in the first-round: (Eventually they get into this patch of "discussion")

Golic says: "Someone will take a chance with Newton like they did with Tebow."

(My words: You are likely correct.)

Little Greeny says: "Newton is a 1,000 times better than Tebow!"

(My words: WOW.. a 1,000, huh? Perhaps your brethren have inflated the big "H" as well?)

Golic says: "Yes, I agree with you."

(My words: Can't even stand-up to a whiny, submissive, neurotic and ball-less Jew.. says more about you than him.)

I bet Mike Greenturd can't bench press a 45 lb. bar.... Is he serious? Sadly I'm guessing him and Dumbo the Elephant (aka Mike Golic) are.Edited by: Jack Lambert
I don't believe that the "firing"Â￾ of one of ESPN's most loathsome Caste-Boys, "Around the Horn"Â￾ contributor Jay Mariotti, was been mentioned here. Mariotti was arrested back in August for pummeling his girlfriend in a drunken rage. He hasn't appeared on ESPN since the incident.

I used to watch the incredibly dim-witted "National Panel"Â￾ (newspaper sportswriters) featured on "Around the Horn"Â￾ simply to examine the amount of Caste-Jargon being utilized. Of all the clowns featured on the show (Tim Cowlishaw, Bill Plashke, Woody Paige, J.A. Adande, Michael Smith, Bob Ryan, Jackie McMullin, etc), Mariotti provided the some of the most reliable anti-white sentiments.

I vividly remember Mariotti's comments regarding the 2004 Monday Night Football "skit"Â￾ featuring Terrell Owens and that elderly, plastic, reptilian actress / prostitute, Nicollette Sheridan (from "Desperate Housewives,"Â￾ a show that I've obviously never seen).

It was your average Cultural Marxist "sketch"Â￾"¦Sheridan was in the locker room wearing only a towel; she has a brief dialog with Terrell Owens, falls in "love"Â￾ with him, the towel drops, and she begins to "hug"Â￾ Owens while he watermelon-grins from ear-to-ear. [Cue that annoying Hank Williams song].

When Mariotti was asked for his comments the next day on ATH, he said something like"¦"White men didn't like this harmless skit because they think of Terrell Owens as a ‘Mandingo,' rising above his masters to capture a beautiful white woman."Â￾

"Beautiful?"Â￾ That's good stuff. He can have her, Jay, as she experienced menopause long ago.

Mariotti once stated on ATH that "Baseball is still viewed as a very old, very white, and therefore very lame professional sport"¦we need a more diverse player base. Like Alex Rodriguez, who is a phenomenal player, he's Hispanic, he's handsome."Â￾

"Handsome?"Â￾ I suppose even the donkey-look-a-like, A-Rod, is indeed "handsome"Â￾ when compared to the chubby loud-mouth, Gay-Jay.

Mariotti used to constantly belittle the accomplishments of Wes Welker. During their undefeated 2007 season, Mariotti would constantly mention "Moss and Dante Stallworth"Â￾ as "The Dynamic Duo,"Â￾ conveniently "overlooking"Â￾ Welker.

Mariotti used to continually declare that "Mike Vrabel and Tedy Bruschi are too old and too slow"Â￾ and that New England should acquire "young speed."Â￾

ATH was originally hosted by the pencil-necked, bug-eyed, Jewboy Negro-loving boxing commentator, Max Keller(wo)mann. Back then, the raging Caste-Speak was white-hot.Edited by: Thrashen
If I ever run into Mike "the Jumbo Drunk ass White fan" Golic in the air port, I will specifically ask him to give 5 of the 1000 reasons why sCam Newton is better than Tebow.

Whatever he answers, I will reply that he is a tool for his CM masters and should quickly crawl under a big rock and do harmful acts upon himself to prevent further damage to good White Men.
Westside said:
If I ever run into Mike "the Jumbo Drunk ass White fan" Golic in the air port, I will specifically ask him to give 5 of the 1000 reasons why sCam Newton is better than Tebow.

Whatever he answers, I will reply that he is a tool for his CM masters and should quickly crawl under a big rock and do harmful acts upon himself to prevent further damage to good White Men.

I'd love to know that too. sCam Newtown, you know, that guy that Tebow kept on the bench at Florida, is better than Tebow? I don't see 2 national championship rings on Newton. Not to mention Tim was doing pretty good on a crappy Broncos team late in the year too. I'm rooting for Tebow to develop harder than anybody, so he can prove idiots like Greenturd and Golic wrong.
sCam Newton is NOT better than Tebow. Tim's stronger, smarter & has 10x the character. Mike & Mike are couple of hardcore castelackey @$$clowns!

What a crock about Ron Franklin getting canned. He was one of the few announcers I liked. Cultural marxism has ran amok.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Wow, it looks like ESPN is going into Marxist overdrive with the 25th anniversary of MLK's day (WTF does he have to do with sports by the way?). Not only that but are they airing a 2 hour special that "will focus on the current image of the black athlete". Also if you want a good laugh, check out some of the surveys they performed. You can tell ESPN devoted a lot of time, money and effort into this..
Gil Brandt of disgusts me. Looking at his blog he gushes over black quarterbacks Colin Kapernick, Cam Newton and proclaimed himself as "big fan of Josh Freeman".

Notice how the question is in regards to Scott Tolzien but Gil has to give the bio of mixed QB Kapernick..

<DIV =>Gil, nobody talks about Wisconsin QB Scott Tolzien, who has decent size and good mobility. Could Tolzien be the kind of late-round prospect GB's Ted Thompson likes to develop?
<DIV id=answer_container_44168 ="response clearfix">
<DIV =>

<DIV =wrap>
<DIV ="info clearfix">
<H3 =name>Gil Brandt,</H3>
<H4 =time></H4>
<DIV =>Let me talk about quarterbacks in Wisconsin, Mark. Did you know that Kapernick was born in Milwaukee, later lived in New Lisbon, Wisconsin, and is an avid, Packers, Bucks and Brewers fan. I agree with you on Tolzien, who completed 70 percent of his passes last year. He knows where to throw the ball. I think he will be one of those guys drafted later and he will turn out better than you hope he would.
On "Mike and Mike".. they called Charl Schwartzel "tiny" multiple times. And, Greenberg said along the lines - "I'm small, yes, but he makes me look like Wilt Chamberlain!"

Hmmm, not everyone can be a towering Brown Warrior like Tiger..
Cowherd said something like golf is just golf until Tiger gets going and then it's a sport.
Deadlift, speaking of the "towering brown warrior", don't know if this has been brought up on the forum, but has anyone questioned whether "Tigger" has been juicing, because it really looks as if his body has been totally transformed, since his days at Stanford. With all the publicity lately on B. Bonds, just wondering how it would be received if it were revealed that Tigger had been using steriods to enhance his power.

Either he started eating and lifting "alot" or he got on the juice!
Does anyone agree?
From watching the Masters, it looks like "Brown Warrior" is off the juice now..

Did anyone else notice his oh-so-ordinary build?
Carolina Speed said:
Deadlift, speaking of the "towering brown warrior",  don't know if this has been brought up on the forum, but has anyone questioned whether "Tigger" has been juicing, because it really looks as if his body has been totally transformed, since his days at Stanford. With all the publicity lately on B. Bonds, just wondering how it would be received if it were revealed that Tigger had been using steriods to enhance his power.
<div></div>Either he started eating and lifting "alot" or he got on the juice!
<div>Does anyone agree?</div>

Yes it was discussed a bit in the Tiger Woods thread. The point was that any white golfer that had bulked up would be facing an unending stream of questions about steroid use. To top it off during the Tiger Woods scandal he was linked to a doctor that had provided PED's to other athletes, but there was nothing there to see, move along please.
It's from CBS, but it can belong in here..

It's been a brutal year for Cleveland runner Peyton Hillis in many different ways. Just this past Monday, the highly respected former Browns lineman LeCharles Bentley made a highly critical tweet about Hillis. It typified how Hillis has gone from poster child to pariah in the blink of an eye.
Bentley claimed that Hillis was supposed to make an appearance for a charity Halloween event for kids at a Boys & Girls Club. But according to Bentley, the running back was a no-show. Bentley then tweeted: "Peyton Hillis looking for 10mil guaranteed from Browns and can't show up to kids charity event? #ManPlease."

One of my Twitter friends had the line of the night saying Bentley did attend the event and went as the Madden curse. Later that night Bentley tweeted: "FYI, I'm a board member at Boys & Girls Club. Great event planned. Just didn't work out. We all can move on." The fact Bentley tweeted that and then later was pretty silent about the whole thing made me wonder if the situation was some sort of misunderstanding more than a blow off. But this much is definitely true. Hillis is having one of the worst seasons a young player has ever had following a breakout year. Madden curse? This is Curse of Montezuma bad.

Last year Hillis was one of the most popular players in the NFL after running for 1,100 yards and 11 scores. He became, to some, the Larry Csonka of the 21st century. This year, Hillis has 211 yards and two scores. He's been a disaster.

There have been the injuries, first and foremost. There were also the questions about his toughness raised in an ESPN report earlier this year in which teammates wondered if he was missing a game against Miami because of his contract status. His agent exacerbated the report with comments saying he urged Hillis to sit out the game because Hillis' case of strep throat was so severe. So where are we now with Hillis?

The true question is trust. A Browns team official said there is no question the team still believes in Hillis, and his injuries and health issues have been real. But around football there are plenty of questions. There are questions about Hillis' toughness and dedication, even if it isn't fair to have these questions.

Despite the Browns' declarations they have faith in Hillis, I'm hearing there are privately some hesitations, and those hesitations are understandable. The Titans just gave Chris Johnson enough money to cut the U.S. deficit in half and he's morphed into an ordinary back. Runners are the riskiest players to give massive amounts of cash for a variety of reasons.

And here's that question again -- where are we with Hillis? The Browns will publicly welcome him back with open arms, but privately I think they have the same concerns as others. Where are we ... only Hillis can answer that when he returns.

You're starting to hear comments like this more and more across the NFL. This was Phil Simms to journalist Adam Schein on uber-prospect Andrew Luck: "I'm sorry. I just don't see big time NFL throws."

One successful thing about the Miami Dolphins' season: the coaches have been able to successfully get Reggie Bush to run hard up the middle. Not just once or twice. But many times. It's been quite the transformation.

I continue to get emails from people claiming to be familiar with the business interests of Jacksonville owner Wayne Weaver, and they continue to insist a sale of the team is imminent.

There's going to be a massive showdown between Congress and the union over HGH. It's only a matter of time before subpoenas are issued and people are hauled before some committee. This battle over HGH testing is going to get ugly before it gets better.

5. A) Champ of the week:
Andy Reid. He has basically been called a buffoon by many in the media because of the Eagles' poor start. He demolished the Cowboys and raised his post-bye record to 13-0.
B) Chump of the week: Tim Tebow. He's terrible.
C) Tweet of the week: From TheBillWalton – "ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage ... Chris Bosh's evening gown."

Quietly, very quietly, Ben Roethlisberger is playing some of the best football of his career.

The worst coach in football right now isn't winless Tony Sparano or Jim Caldwell. It's Mike Shanahan. His reputation is all but destroyed. Here's why. After 22 games Jim Zorn, Joe Gibbs (in his second stint), and Steve Spurrier were all 10-13. Mike Shanahan is 9-14. Shanahan and his son's coaching of the quarterbacks has been putrid. Shanahan needs to remember the reputation of his owner. Danny Snyder will fire him quick, and not even lose a minute's sleep.

People in the sport look at Philip Rivers' throwing motion and believe he's injured. His motion has always been awkward, but one personnel man who has studied film of Rivers this year says it's particularly grotesque and in some shots on film he can be seen wincing.

The most embarrassing news from the week -- and the saddest -- is that Mark Brunell is flat broke. He's going to retire following this season and according to a report from a Jacksonville, Fla., television station faces six lawsuits that could put him in a financial hole up to $25 million. Brunell did make some bad investments, but he was also horribly irresponsible with money. In the end he'll be remembered as an outstanding player for the Jaguars who won a lot of games but is now also one of the great cautionary tales.

I didn't know the NFL was 90% White! IMO, the mention of Chris Johnson was for "plausible deniability." However, he then goes on and pushes Reggie Bush, which says it all. Here's a few good comments:

MIke, your racial resentments are becoming rabid and less and less covert. You may need to break away for awhile and reexamine what your motivations are truly about and how these motivations have created in you such a powerful need for vengeance. I realize that CBSsports will continue to underwrite your career, given their ideological underpinnings, but your own psychological health and capacity for happiness will fester if you don't recognize as necessarily illegitimate that growling and hissing child of injured identity in your soul.

Shanahan is worse than Caldwell; are you kidding me ??? How many rings does Caldwell have ? Manning runs the show there...Caldwell does zero. In fact the same can be said in Pittburgh: if Lebeau ever retires they are done. Tomlin is another zero. Simply need to keep certain numbers up in the coaching ranks.
Last edited:
This jerk, Colin Cowherd, co-host of ESPN's SportsNation is absurd. He just said the problem with the Patriots is they don't have enough athleticism at the receiver position. How can someone get on TV with that type of analysis - he could not have possibly watched the game. Welker and Gronkowski are unstoppable. No mention of the dead last ranked defense.

The first time I watched Cowterd last week he twice stated that Tebow had the lowest qb rating in the league at 12.4. I couldn't believe my ears, and the girl co-host who was the pro-Tebow debater had nothing to come back with. Of course, Tebow's rating was in the 70's and was middle of the pack.

Typical ESPN d-bag.
Can't you white Americans take over the media, bank system, NFL etc? I mean you are like 70% of the country, how a good 15% of Jews and blacks combined, has so much power in the media among other things? I can't understand it, we have a lot of issues with minorities in the UK too, but if you exclude the 25-30% minorities make in the premier league, they are underrepresented in every other field of life and society. I wish i could say the same for the US too, but that's not the case. Maybe white Americans should be more vocal, courageous and energetic?
Can't you white Americans take over the media, bank system, NFL etc? I mean you are like 70% of the country, how a good 15% of Jews and blacks combined, has so much power in the media among other things? I can't understand it, we have a lot of issues with minorities in the UK too, but if you exclude the 25-30% minorities make in the premier league, they are underrepresented in every other field of life and society. I wish i could say the same for the US too, but that's not the case. Maybe white Americans should be more vocal, courageous and energetic?

EuroKing, I thought you were from Greece! Anyway it's not that easy. The PTB know exactly what they are doing.
EuroKing, I thought you were from Greece! Anyway it's not that easy. The PTB know exactly what they are doing.

What made you think that i am from Greece? Another mate says the same thing in another thread. I thought this was a serious forum! What PTB means mate? Why do you call me Euroking?
You are being the vast majority in the US, it shouldn't be that tough to take over in my opinion.
I thinkit has a lot to do with the fact that they help their own, a lot more than white people do. I mean Jews hire other Jews and balcks will only support balck works. I recently wrote about how ****ty Tyler Perry's movies were yet he makes a ton of money because balck people go to see his movies.
Crixus said:
What made you think that i am from Greece?
Probably because you recently created a thread entitled “When the ‘black supremacy in sports’ gets exposed by numbers and facts…” This thread contained a link to something you wrote on Yahoo Answers. Naturally, the contents of said writings included an identical style, grammatical idiosyncrasies, and multiple references to Olympic “race statistics.” It was undoubtedly the ponderings of the banned poster, Euro King / Spartan / Alexsander 79.

Crixus said:
Another mate says the same thing in another thread. I thought this was a serious forum!

Boy, you’re really making a strenuous effort to sell the “I’m from the UK” storyline. You used the stereotypical term “mate,” so you’re obviously British.

Crixus said:
Why do you call me Euroking?

For God’s sake, just drop the “Who is Euro King?” charade… we all know it’s you. Just tell the truth and start contributing to this site.
Yes, we all know who it is. It's comical how some of these persistent nuisances are incapable of changing their writing style and what they obsess about, especially an "author" like this one who's as predictable as they come.
Thrashen, you should moonlight as a PI.
Buffoonery from Cris Carter that many DWFs will believe, because after all blacks are always so much faster than whites no matter their age or conditioning.

ESPN's Cris Carter said on SportsCenter Monday that he "knows" free agent Randy Moss can still run a 4.3 forty time at age 35. "The thing about Randy is, he's never really been hurt. And he still can run very, very fast," said Carter. "... I know he can run 4.3 today. I know he can still jump out of the bed and run 4.3." If Carter is right -- and we're skeptical -- Moss will have no trouble finding a team to play for in 2012.
Moss has never given 100% effort when he's been out there, and would routinely take plays off and choose when to actually involve himself in the offense. Admittedly, he possessed the physical tools which allowed him to get away with it, but at 35, it's highly doubtful he still has the same abilities. Straight-line speed and leaping ability are two of the first things to go once you are over 30, so this is silly ignorance on the part of Carter to think Moss can "get out of bed and run a 4.3" like he's 25 years old. He last played 2 years ago for 3 different teams and pretty much stunk. It'll be interesting to see if anyone will take a chance on him.
Buffoonery from Cris Carter that many DWFs will believe, because after all blacks are always so much faster than whites no matter their age or conditioning.

ESPN's Cris Carter said on SportsCenter Monday that he "knows" free agent Randy Moss can still run a 4.3 forty time at age 35. "The thing about Randy is, he's never really been hurt. And he still can run very, very fast," said Carter. "... I know he can run 4.3 today. I know he can still jump out of the bed and run 4.3." If Carter is right -- and we're skeptical -- Moss will have no trouble finding a team to play for in 2012.

Yes he will, "CC."

Later in that same interview, Carter also suggested that the Patriots are supposedly quite interested in re-signing Moss to be the “downfield threat they need.” Carter said this despite the fact that New England was literally inches away from a Super Bowl victory with their current collection of offensive talent. During the 2010 season, Moss was traded to Minnesota after week four following an alleged halftime scuffle with (then quarterbacks coach) Bill O’ Brien. With O’ Brien gone, perhaps Carter is right.

Moss' final moments in the NFL were spent loafing around the field in a Titans uniform...


CAPTION: Lazy Good-For-Nothing

Unfortunately, I’ve also heard rumors that Brandon Lloyd might sign with New England in order to reconnect with new offensive coordinator, Josh McDaniels.
American Freedom News