Another ESPN jerk

Demonic is a perfect word. I think that the devil has infected lots whites with a demonic spirit of self hatred, knowing full well that without whites the Gospel of the Lord Jesus wouldnt survive.
I just do not understand. Anyone with average intelligence should be able to pick up on the bias and racial pandering that goes on in the media (especially ESPN). Its like our population has been infected with the plague, and somehow we are immune. I hope there are more of us out there, maybe they just havent found sites like castefootball yet to vent their frustrations..
These goes the hardiest and most innovative people (whites) the world has ever known.
I had forgot to mention a part of ESPN 1st take after Smiff had started talking about Hansbrough. Stephen A. Smith had stated that Lebron has no help on his team. To my surprise, Skippy actually made a case for Ilgauskas. Smith stated that Ilgauskas was not an All-Star and was slower than a snail with arthritis. Smith has to find a horrible insult for every white boy in the NBA, doesn't he?
Was reading an ESPN article on the Stanley Cup finals when I noticed the advertisement I've copied and pasted below. Check out the bottom link. The average Penguins player has an IQ of 84???This isthe kind of lie and insult only whites can be subjected to, and of course subjected to with impunity. I wonder if the same site ever runs ads such as "Avg. Pistons IQ = 84," or "Avg. Steelers IQ = 84." Just another daily example of the non-stop psy-war taking place against whites.

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Avg. Penguins IQ = 84
Are you smarter than a Penguins player? Take the IQ test now!</TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR>
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Edited by: Don Wassall
Wow, Don! I've seen those ads before, but never with such low IQ numbers. They usually say 100 or more. There is definitely an agenda at work in that ad. Its too different for any other explanation.
Don Wassall said:
Was reading an ESPN article on the Stanley Cup finals when I noticed the advertisement I've copied and pasted below.  Check out the bottom link.  The average Penguins player has an IQ of 84???  This is the kind of lie and insult only whites can be subjected to, and of course subjected to with impunity.  I wonder if the same site ever runs ads such as "Avg. Pistons IQ = 84," or "Avg. Steelers IQ = 84."  Just another daily example of the non-stop psy-war taking place against whites. 
<div> </div>
<div>&lt;SPAN&gt;SPONSORED LINKS&lt;/SPAN&gt;
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&lt;P title="Read how I make $150-$300 a day working from home. As seen on TV..." ="bdy"&gt;[COLOR=#000000">Read how I make $150-$300 a day working from home. As seen on TV...[/COLOR">[/url]
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&lt;P title="Avg. Penguins IQ = 84" ="ttl"&gt;Avg. Penguins IQ = 84
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Ive seen those links before, they are spam and i have never seen an iq listed as so low. They get you to take an iq test and then send the results to your cell phone which charges you a bunch of money. Ive only seen it with high iqs for black players like "Lebron James IQ is 128 take the test to see what your is!" 128! haha yeah rightEdited by: dwid
Put the idiots that fill in for Jim Rome on the list too. I was listening today to that show and the last white tailback to play for USC (maybe for a long time to with Caroll ruling the roost) Petros Papadikis was talking about how USA soccer would be so much better if they had better athletes. Of course this is true but he like all broadcasters can only come up with black athletes and ones that that don't even have the body types for soccer. Ie Lebron James who can walk on water and Jevon Kerse who hasn't been relevant for about 9 years.....
Papadikis is just as bad if not worse doing color commentary on college football games. Listening tothis whiteUncle Tomis like taking a basic course in CasteSpeak101.
white is right said:
Put the idiots that fill in for Jim Rome on the list too. I was listening today to that show and the last white tailback to play for USC (maybe for a long time to with Caroll ruling the roost) Petros Papadikis was talking about how USA soccer would be so much better if they had better athletes. Of course this is true but he like all broadcasters can only come up with black athletes and ones that that don't even have the body types for soccer. Ie Lebron James who can walk on water and Jevon Kerse who hasn't been relevant for about 9 years.....

The hosts of a talk show on Fox soccer channel, two brits, said that the US should try to get more blacks to play soccer also. Blacks are not that good at soccer. They don't have the touch and skill. Most blacks play forward or defense. There are very few top black midfielders and the ones that are considered good are holding midfielders, not playmakers. Most of the Brazilians are really mulatos, so they have some of the white ability in them.

There was a white American goal keeper, I think Guzan, that said, if Dwayne Wade or James decided to play soccer ,then it's over. He may have been talking just about goal keeper. Most NFL players couldn't play soccer at any decent level.It's the same thing with Basketball and Baseball. You need the innate foot and eye coordination and then you have to be able to run. You also have to develop these skills for years.
Football is not a skilled sport. It's a speed and power sport. Only the QB is skilled and maybe WR. If you are 15 years old and just starting to play football or soccer and have a certain size and athleticism, you could become a football player, except QB, much easier than a soccer player.

White people are getting more stupid to put up with this. If US soccer team is 80% black , I wouldn't watch it.

It's too bad we can't have an all white football league and BB league.
I wouldn't have thought about this even a few years ago, but it's getting to be a joke. God forbid there is a team with 50% white players in the NBA. Why should I give my money to a league where my relatives can't play in? I am not going to make black guys rich, so they can try to take our white women from us,which they want to do, while I have to go to a job at a traitorous corporation that is stabbing the average worker in the back.
Most "affletes" don't have the balance, coordination & core strength to do Parkour. The only reason Salters isn't working a Popeyes for a living is due to sheer cultural Marxist AA. She has NO business being on air.
Don Wassall said:
Was reading an ESPN article on the Stanley Cup finals when I noticed the advertisement I've copied and pasted below. Check out the bottom link. The average Penguins player has an IQ of 84???This isthe kind of lie and insult only whites can be subjected to, and of course subjected to with impunity. I wonder if the same site ever runs ads such as "Avg. Pistons IQ = 84," or "Avg. Steelers IQ = 84." Just another daily example of the non-stop psy-war taking place against whites.
If the Steelers didn't have Limas Sweed on the roster, it would be much higher, Don. Probably around 86!

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Penguins Fan Make $5k/Mo
Read how I make $150-$300 a day working from home. As seen on TV...</font></font></div></td></tr></t></table></td></tr></t></table></td></tr>
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Penguins Tickets
Buy Pittsburgh Penguins Tickets. Sold Out? Not Here.</font></font></div></td></tr></t></table></td></tr></t></table></td></tr>
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<div style="width: 100%;">
Avg. Penguins IQ = 84
Are you smarter than a Penguins player? Take the IQ test now!</font></font></div></td></tr></t></table></td></tr></t></table></td></tr>
<td style="height: 12px;" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"> Buy a link here </td></tr></t></table></div></div></div>
Has anybody seen ESPN's new NBA commercial? It is the worst one yet. The RV is stopped at a gas station or something, and the two black guys come out of the store, only to find the RV locked. Then, the camera shows a guy dancing around to stupid music in a gorrila suit(The Sun's Mascot). The black guy knocks on the door, wondering why it's locked, the guy in the gorrila suit takes the head off, and of course the guy is white.
He then turns off the music, and tells them he is taking a shower, heading the suit under the bed, and then says he is doing nothing after he opened up the door.

I'm sure the moronic idiots who thought this up were keeling over with laughter.
i've not seen that one Jack, but i saw one the other day with the dorky/creepy DWF-stalker talking to/worshipping the black dudes at a restaurant's table ... the look on the negroes' faces pretty much reflects how i feel about people, and commercials, like that, too.
It's not ESPN, but I might as well mention how much I dislike the series of commercials for Haines underwear featuring Charlie Sheen making a fool of himself while worshipping Michael Jordan.

Then there's that deep-throated black guy who seemingly does the voiceover for everything on the NFL Network and the military, among others. It's one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard and it's impossible to escape.
Don Wassall said:
It's not ESPN, but I might as well mention how much I dislike the series of commercials for Haines underwear featuring Charlie Sheen making a fool of himself while worshipping Michael Jordan. 

<div> </div>
<div>Then there's that deep-throated black guy who seemingly does the voiceover for everything on the NFL Network and the military, among others.  It's one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard and it's impossible to escape.  </div>

I hate those Charlie Sheen commercials too. In fact I hate everything about that guy. I've watched his stupid sitcom a few times and it seems everytime he beds some babe, which is supposed to be his "thing" he has some kind of problem. He's always unable to perform in the sack yet we are supposed to believe that his chararcter is a major playah'. Sure Charlie, how about living up to the hype.

He's a piss poor actor, the only redeming quality he ever had was that he was sort of an alpha male, well so long to that image Charlie, sniffing a retired players jock is about as DWF as it gets. The commercials are always so stupid, crashing his car like a love struck woman. Geez he has no balls, his agent must be real piece of work.

As for the "magical negro" voice over the same thing happens on my locl radio where the state of Michigan runs commercials for gambling addicts (sponsored by the state lottery--of course, how freakin' stupid), anyway the voice over is that same deep voiced black guy lecturing the elderly white ladies and the DWF'S not to spend the rent money at the casino. Um sure black guy lecturing white people on how not to gamble stupidly. I think I've seen that guy in the loooong line for the weekly lottery along with 50 other black people, 3-1-6 boxed three ways sugah!!!!
Blacks are constantly overrepresented in television, music, and sports. I can't turn on most of my local radio stations here in the NY-NJ area without hearing this garbage they call rap. That's why I only listen to the oldies stations. You won't hear any of that poison on there.
How about the Monday Night Football "ads" that features the David Spade-like midget that is mopping the store and then picking up roadkill, and then at the end, all the dorks are playing Dungeons & Dragons at the table?

I think they are trying to say, "Don't be a dork! Be COOL and watch Monday Night Football." It's disgusting for obvious reasons. Why are ALL the dorks White, or Jews posing as White?
Did anyone see ESPN today? Outside the Lines. They were talking about the lack of White players in the league. Some spineless White player was on there degrading White player's athleticism and said the White guy that who won the slam dunk contest will be the only one to ever win it, basically saying it will never happen again because Whites "dont have the athleticism"

What a bunch of bs. I hate when White players degrade themselves more than anything.

EDIT: nevermind I see there is a thread already on it.Edited by: dwid
I didn't want to mar the glorious Masters thread with this bile-spewing piece of trash from ESPN's Bill Simmons, who goes after the traditions of The Masters, Billy Payne, and even Jim Nantz before focusing on his hero Tiger Woods. Here is how Simmons views the ceremony when the winner receives the green jacket:

Ten minutes after the tournament ended, Masters chairman Billy Payne hopped off his high horse, stood in front of the fireplace at Butler Cabin and greeted the CBS audience. I always find myself ignoring whatever he's saying and staring instead at the cabin, which looks like it was hastily put together by "Saturday Night Live" set designers between commercials after the final putt. Over the fireplace (which never has a fire going), sandwiched between bouquets of red azaleas, there's a color portrait of a golfer from the 1930s or 1940s (I think it's Bobby Jones) finishing a swing while wearing a hot yellow sweater. You can also kind of see a plant. And there's a beige door over Payne's left shoulder. It's one of the least interesting cabins ever.

And yet, the cabin always turns Nantz to jello. This year, Payne made his opening remarks and brought in his "good friend Jim Nantz," who came in sheepishly for a handshake. Payne congratulated him on a "great week and a wonderful, wonderful 25 years" while continuing the handshake, then putting his left hand on Nantz's hand for an emotional two-handed handshake. Nantz immediately responded by putting his left hand on Payne's right arm and said, "I appreciate that, what a day this was," and for a second, I thought they were going to start making out. Which, by the way, would have been awesome.

They both pulled away, then Nantz stepped back passively to let Payne finish his presentation. Nantz bowed his head, sank his shoulders and glanced around like he had never been on television before. He couldn't have been more uncomfortable. Again, this is Jim Nantz! He's been on television for three decades! He's done Super Bowls, March Madness title games, golf majors, you name it. And he was so overwhelmed by Butler Cabin that he couldn't even figure out how to stand in place for 15 seconds?

From there, Payne and Nantz awkwardly interviewed Matteo Manassero (the top amateur this year), Mickelson (our 2010 champion) and Angel Cabrera (our 2009 champion). Everyone sat stiffly and spoke in hushed voices. Nantz got to bang out his "win one for the family" line again, which he definitely came up with in his hotel room Saturday night at 3 in the morning after testing out 20 other candidates. Then, Cabrera helped Mickelson put on his jacket, followed by Payne coming in for a second two-handed handshake and CBS immediately cutting to an inspiring montage of this year's tournament -- highlighted by Nantz gushing, "Green has always been the primary color at Augusta, but today, it was imbued in pink!" -- followed by a live cut back to Mickelson smiling into the camera and everyone in the Butler Cabin applauding.

Those five minutes captured the Masters to a tee. It's contrived and corny. It has social interactions that you will never see anywhere else. It has its own music -- just a few strands of acoustic guitar that sounds like something you'd hear while getting a massage. It has no relation to any other sporting event, or really, anything about sports other than the part in which athletes are competing for something. Like Richard in "Lost," Jon Gruden or Coach K, it never seems to age or change in any way. Augusta intentionally positions itself as a cocoon, a well-preserved time capsule that preserves the good old days -- you know, before sports became commercialized, before Title IX, before DirecTV season passes, before the Internet, before everything -- when rich white guys could play golf without having to deal with anything else.
As for his hate-filled attack on "rich white guys," here's a portion of Billy's own background according to Wikipedia: Simmons grew up in Massachusetts and Connecticut. He attended The Greenwich Country Day School for ninth grade. He then attended Brunswick School in Greenwich, Connecticut and, in 1988, completed a postgraduate year at Choate Rosemary Hall, a prep school located in Wallingford, Connecticut.

This 40-year-old punk is rotten to the core. Full article:

Also currently on ESPN's homepage is an article by Rick Reilly
. It has the veneer of anostensibly pro-Mickelson piece but is actually feminist propaganda, centered on, zzzzzz, women as supposed victims in the U.S. gynocracy. According to Reilly,Phil "isthe guy who didn't need reminding that women are not disposable."

A dig at Woods, yes, but hey Rick women initiate the vast majority of divorces. Divorce law, family law, and the entire Cultural Marxist zeigeist is aimed at promoting the notion that the universe revolves around women, that men's primary responsibility is to serve women, and thateven in their role of servants men are unnecessary and disposable.

And Reilly refers to Mickelson throughout the article as a "guy"; only once calling him what he is -- a MAN -- in the very last sentence. A guess that's an exemplary white man's reward these days -- actually being called a man every great once in a while when he does exceedingly well.

article: by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
I didn't want to mar the glorious Masters thread with this bile-spewing piece of trash from ESPN's Bill Simmons, who goes after the traditions of The Masters, Billy Payne, and even Jim Nantz before focusing on his hero Tiger Woods.  Here is how Simmons views the ceremony when the winner receives the green jacket:
<div> </div>
Augusta intentionally positions itself as a cocoon, a well-preserved time capsule that preserves the good old days -- you know, before sports became commercialized, before Title IX, before DirecTV season passes, before the Internet, before everything -- when rich white guys could play golf without having to deal with anything else.

God, that weasel is obnoxious.I'm sure he gets paid well to write that drivel.He's probably working on a book about the Negro Golf Leagues back in the day. You know, how great they all were but never had a chance to play. Most of em more talented than Bobby Jones.
These days, the black supremacist members of the media wear their bigoted rage and/or envy for successful white men on their proverbial sleeves. It's not like anyone listening to them spitting caste-venom at Mickelson is intelligent enough to notice, or courageous enough to take them to task.

I watched the same ceremony"¦but the difference is that Simmons was desperately searching for any reason at all to whimper like the toddler girlie he is. I imagine the ceremony would have been described as "beautiful vindication"Â￾ if his sweetheart, TiGIRL, would have been wearing the green jacket.

I especially love this quote from Simmons: "I appreciate that, what a day this was, and for a second, I thought they were going to start making out. Which, by the way, would have been awesome."Â￾

Wasn't it Simmons' lover-boy, Cheetah, who had all the gay fantasies (and likely gay sex) which he described via email to one of his many prostitutes? Ahh, the modern journalist, hypocrisy personified into fat, sniveling little Jew-boys typing away for the sake of white destruction.
American Freedom News