Another ESPN jerk

Don Wassall said:
Maybe there's hope yet -- Stephen A. Smith's show was cancelled by ESPN due to poor ratings.
I wonder why he sounds like he is angry all day and is one bad moment away from pulling a Colin Ferguson....
Listened toESPN radio just long enough to hear Dan Patrick
breathlessly mention twice that he had an upcoming interview with Ryan Leaf. But this wasn't just any interview; it was an "annual tradition" that takes place on Patrick's show right before the NFL Draft each year.

Even though most of the Draft busts have been black, all the well-known ones are white. Ryan Leaf, Tony Mandarich, Brian Bosworth, Tim Couch, Cade McNown and others, the names are repeated over and over ad infinitum. Quick -- name one black bust. The only semi-well-known one is Akili Smith, who had more opportunities in the NFL than Leaf, Couch and McNown combined.

I empathize with the treatment Leaf has received from the Caste media, but I don't have any sympathy when he participates in his own degradation by participating in Patrick's "annual tradition." I'm sureLeaf thinks it's a way to have some fun with his assigned place in NFL history and perhaps lessen the ritualistic invocations of his name whenever the subject isbig-time flops, but he should know better by now.
Tim Couch actually played decently for the Browns towards the end of his tenure competing with Kelly Holmcolm, but is now not even considered a spot for a backup role.
Couch got a raw deal, its amazing he did what he did with the lack of a supporting cast. I feel bad how he got treated but he is a millionaire so im sure life is A really good QB though who never got his fair shot. Hopefully Quinn will fare better. The media hates Quinn because its everything they fear, a big strong, eloquent, ripped white man.
Don Wassall said:
Quick -- name one black bust. The only semi-well-known one is Akili Smith, who had more opportunities in the NFL than Leaf, Couch and McNown combined.

I can think of quite a few black busts. Akili Smith (as mentioned), Blair Thomas, Rashaan Salaam, Curtis Enis, Andre Ware, Charles Rogers, Ron Dayne, Aundray Bruce, Quentin Coryatt, Yatil Greene, and Lawrence Phillips just to name a few. Its just that the white ones are much more scrutinized
Lance Alworth said:
Don Wassall said:
Quick -- name one black bust. The only semi-well-known one is Akili Smith, who had more opportunities in the NFL than Leaf, Couch and McNown combined.

I can think of quite a few black busts. Akili Smith (as mentioned), Blair Thomas, Rashaan Salaam, Curtis Enis, Andre Ware, Charles Rogers, Ron Dayne, Aundray Bruce, Quentin Coryatt, Yatil Greene, and Lawrence Phillips just to name a few. Its just that the white ones are much more scrutinized

Yes, that was the point of my post. Most busts have been black but the names ritually mentioned by the Caste media when it comes to big-time NFL flops are almost always the same white names over and over. Edited by: Don Wassall
Skip Bayless just pointed out on 1st and 10 that baseball players are generally superstitious AND have the lowest IQ's of all major professional athletes. It's unclear whether he's ever heard of the Wonderlic. When questioned about his comment he stood by it and repeated it as the show closed. ESPN has done more to perpetuate sport myths and outright lies than any other single entity.
I was shopping at Best Buy tonight looking at T.V's and some ESPN show was on. A program where they asked 5 or 6 guys questions, in remote locations. One man said he wanted to talk about the NHL playoffs and the host (in an attempt to be humerous) muted the guy out. I dont believe the NHL was ever discussed throughout the show.
Don Wassall said:
  The only semi-well-known one is Akili Smith, who had more opportunities in the NFL than Leaf, Couch and McNown combined. 

I empathize with the treatment Leaf has received from the Caste media, but I don't have any sympathy when he participates in his own degradation by participating in Patrick's "annual tradition." 

After the Skip Bayless IQ assessment show ended, the next show interviewed none other than Akili Smith. Smith is now in the CFL and he didn't hesitate when asked about his lack of success in the NFL, It was due to the ineptness of his teammates, his coaches, and the franchise as a whole. He mentioned that he would love to be drafted by the Bengals now because they have a great coach in place.

Smith started 17 games completing 46% of his passes while comprising a 3-14 record.
KJV1 said:
I was shopping at Best Buy tonight looking at T.V's and some ESPN show was on. A program where they asked 5 or 6 guys questions, in remote locations. One man said he wanted to talk about the NHL playoffs and the host (in an attempt to be humerous) muted the guy out. I dont believe the NHL was ever discussed throughout the show.


You have to remember that the majority of this country's people are...well...morons. Therefore, they don't understand hockey or the amount of talent and toughness that it takes to play the game. We (you and I) played the game, we understand. We know what its like to play injured and still produce effectively on the ice. We know what kind of physical shape you have to be in (both strength-wise and cardiovascular), in order to survive in competitve games (AA & AAA levels). We know what its like to scrap with another player, until we're both totally exhausted, and then shake hands when its over, showing total class. However, the majority of the American public does not understand any of this. They don't understand the game, or anything about what it takes to be a hockey player. They are too entrenched in football and basketball to even pay attention to the worlds fastest sport. I like to think that many of them just don't have the intelligence to follow the game.
jaxvid said:
I was listening to a nationally syndicated radio sports show and a pro-Red Sox commentator was ripping on the Yankees. A caller referred to Yankee Stadium as "the House that Ruth Built". The Red Sox announcer sarcastically remarked: "More like the House Dale Berra's crack dealer built" The other (white) announcers roared in laughter.

Man these guys are idiots. I don't even know who the hell Dale Berra is and this is supposed to be funny? Even if I did know who that guy was, why is referring to his crack dealer funny either? Man, these guys in sports media are so full of themselves, it's pitiful.
possibly the worst racist in history. Steven A SMIFF. he clowns every white player nonstop. and how many are there. not many. has he been called a racist. NEVER HE IS BLACK
Rick Reilly
hasan articlecurrently serving as the lead story called "Fortune Tellers" with the subheading "How to Go Bankrupt." Side by side in the photo that accompanies this lead article are Roger Clemens and Mike Tyson. Sure, who doesn't first think of Roger Clemens when the topic is athletes filing for bankruptcy. Wait, Roger Clemens is bankrupt? Well not quite, in the article we find only that Clemens has sold his Bentley to help pay for legal bills, an action Clemens has filed to try and redeem his reputation. There's no other indication of present or imminent financial distress for Clemens much less bankruptcy; he's made the co-star only because he's white and Tyson must be balanced out, and because the media hates Clemens.

The body of Reilly's article is similarly distorted through the Cultural Marxist imperative of balancing things racially when the subject is negative even when nearly one hundred percent of those that fit the profile are black.

I try to keep up with the US sports media's obvious agenda by posting here whenever they run an outrageous feature article. This ESPN article is similar to the SI article in which a white NFL player from 10 years is featured as a "classic warning tale" of how off-field issues can lead to a player becoming a bust.

Personally I was surprised that nobody here cared when on the day of the Euro 08 final, instead of talking about soccer, ESPN wanted to steer the discussion onto the holocaust.

Anything, ANYTHING to avoid crediting white athletes.
Did that really happen Nevada? Do you have a quote you could give us? That is shocking that they are bringing up the sad tale of the halocaust on a sports network on a huge day for the world in sports, the 08' Euro soccer final. Why focus on a horrible segment of European history on a happy day for one of the biggest stages in sports for Europe. Soccer is the world's most popular sport after all!
Don Wassall said:
Side by side in the photo that accompanies this lead article are Roger Clemens and Mike Tyson.

Standard operating procedure for the anti-white media. If a black is criticised for any reason, a white MUST also be bashed no matter how absurd thestretch.
ESPN's Jayson Stark
declares Albert Pujols the NL's MVP for the first half of the season, writing: If the Astros weren't in the midst of a six-week plummet to the bottom of the NL Central, we'd hand this award to Lance Berkman without blinking. But if we're talking "valuable," we invite you to take a look at that Cardinals lineup sometime and then explain why those opposing pitchers ever throw a pitch over the plate to Albert Pujols. Well, now that we mention it, they don't. Or they're throwing as few strikes as possible, anyway.

The Cards' "wretched" lineup features All-Star Ryan Ludwick (.293/20/64), Rick Ankiel (.271/20/50), and Troy Glaus (.271/15/60). Pujols has 18/60 to go along with his .355 average. Is Stark an idiot or a deliberate liar? jayson&id=3483646Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
ESPN's Jayson Stark
declares Albert Pujols the NL's MVP for the first half of the season, writing: If the Astros weren't in the midst of a six-week plummet to the bottom of the NL Central, we'd hand this award to Lance Berkman without blinking. But if we're talking "valuable," we invite you to take a look at that Cardinals lineup sometime and then explain why those opposing pitchers ever throw a pitch over the plate to Albert Pujols. Well, now that we mention it, they don't. Or they're throwing as few strikes as possible, anyway.

The Cards' "wretched" lineup features All-Star Ryan Ludwick (.293/20/64), Rick Ankiel (.271/20/50), and Troy Glaus (.271/15/60). Pujols has 18/60 to go along with his .355 average. Is Stark an idiot or a deliberate liar?

Ludwick currently has 28 HRs to Pujols' 22, and 80 RBIs to Pujols' 69. Troy Glaus has 5 more RBIs than Pujols, and Rick Ankiel has the same number of homers despite missing the past 9 games with an abdominal strain.
Get out the crying towels. Boo hoo hoo. Billy Simmons cranks out another anti-white tear-jerker, this one on the horrible evils Elgin Baylor went through thanks to evil white people. Time once again for Whitey to wallow in guilt and remorse while ignoring the ongoing one-sided black against white race war taking place.

Elgin took the game to new heights

So come back with me to 1958, the year Elgin took Seattle University to the NCAA title game and then skipped his senior season to join the Minneapolis Lakers. If you don't think Minneapolis is teeming with black people now, you should have seen the city in 1958. America hadn't really started changing yet. Blacks were still referred to as "Negroes" and "coloreds." They drank from different water fountains, stood in their own lines for movies and were discriminated against in nearly every walk of life. When Elgin entered the NBA, the unwritten rule was every team could employ only two black players. Nobody challenged it. The St. Louis Hawks even captured the 1958 title with an entirely white team.

Elgin came into a league where guys shot running jump hooks and one-handed set shots. Teams routinely took 115 shots a game and made less than 40 percent of them. Nobody played above the rim except Russell; nobody dunked, and everyone played the same way: Rebound, run the floor, get a quick shot. Quantity over quality. That's what worked. Or so they thought. Because Elgin changed everything. He did things that nobody had ever seen before. He defied gravity. Elgin would drive from the left side, take off with the basketball, elevate, hang in the air, hang in the air, then release the ball after everyone else was already back on the ground. You could call him the godfather of hang time. You could call him the godfather of the "WOW!" play. You could point to his entrance into the league as the precise moment when basketball changed for the better. Along with Russell, Elgin turned a horizontal game into a vertical one.

It's impossible to fully capture Elgin's greatness five decades after the fact, but let's try. He averaged 25 points and 15 rebounds and carried the Lakers to the Finals as a rookie. He scored 71 points against Wilt's Warriors in his second season. He averaged 34.8 points and 19.8 rebounds in his third season -- as a 6-foot-5 forward, no less -- and topped himself the following year with the most amazing accomplishment in NBA history. During the 1961-62 season, Elgin played only 48 games -- all on weekends, all without practicing -- and somehow averaged 38 points, 19 rebounds and five assists a game.

Elgin lived through some things during his career that we like to forget happened now. Lord knows how many racial slurs bounced off him, how many N-bombs were lobbed from the stands, how much prejudice he endured on a day-to-day basis as the league's signature black star. Russell bottled everything up and used it as fuel for the next game: He wouldn't suffer; his opponents would suffer. Oscar morphed into the angriest dude in the league, someone who screamed at his own teammates as much as the referees, a great player who played with an even greater chip on his shoulder. Elgin didn't have the same mean streak. He loved to joke with teammates. He never stopped talking. He loved life and loved playing basketball. He couldn't hide it. And so his body soaked up every ugly slight like a sponge.

Only a few of those stories live on. In a book called "Tall Tales" by Terry Pluto, we learn about the time the Lakers played an exhibition game in Rod Hundley's hometown of Charleston, W.Va. Upon arrival, the Lakers quickly learned their three black players (Baylor, Boo Ellis and Ed Fleming) couldn't check into their hotel or eat anywhere in town except for the Greyhound bus station. Here's how Hundley and Baylor remembered the incident in the book:

Hundley: "The people who put on the game wanted me to talk to Elgin about playing. After pregame warmups, I went into the dressing room and he was sitting there in his street clothes. I said, 'What they did to you isn't right. I understand that. But we're friends and this is my hometown. Play this one for me.' Elgin said, 'Rod, you're right, you are my friend. But, Rod, I'm a human being, too. All I want to do is be treated like a human being.' It was then that I could begin to feel his pain."

Baylor: "A few days later, I got a call from the mayor of Charleston and he apologized. Two years later, I was invited to an All-Star Game there, and out of courtesy I went. We stayed at the same hotel that refused us service. We were able to eat anywhere we wanted. They were beginning to integrate the schools. Some black leaders told me that they were able to use what had happened to me and the other black players to bring pressure on the city to make changes, and that made me feel very good. But the indignity of a hotel clerk acting as if you aren't there, or people who won't sell you a sandwich because you're black ... those are the things you never forget."

And he didn't. If you read about the great black athletes from the '40s, '50s and '60s, everything comes back to the same point: The respect they earned from peers and fans was totally disproportionate to the way they were treated in their everyday lives. When Russell bought a house in a white Massachusetts suburb, his neighbors broke in, trashed the house and defecated on his bed. When Elgin was serving our country in 1962 and potentially sacrificing his livelihood, there were dozens of towns and cities strewn across America that wouldn't serve him a meal. Black stars felt like two people at once, revered in one circle and discriminated against in another. Just because America changed over the last four decades doesn't mean those guys forgot the way it used to be. Throw in today's nine-figure contracts and the babying and deifying of today's basketball stars and you can see why they would be a little bitter.

Full Cultural Marxist article: 08Edited by: Don Wassall
Articles like this are all too common today. I now why they are written however. I am shocked at the amounts of white people that ask, "Can blacks be racist?" It's not just a few whites, it's alot. When a race of people are taught that another race can not be racist this is brainwashing. The funny thing is blacks are the most racist people on the planet by far.
American Freedom News