Another ESPN jerk

BSPN loses 500,000 in April.

According to Awful Announcing, "ESPN (-500,000), FS1 (-328,000), NBCSN (-544,000), TBS (-490,000), and TNT (-495,000) were all hit hard too. And that’s perhaps especially concerning considering that it’s prime playoff time for NBCSN (the NHL’s Stanley Cup playoffs), as well as ESPN and TNT (the NBA playoffs). These are not out-of-season drops, but drops at a time while those networks have some of their best content. So there are certainly some things to worry about there."

The market opportunity for one of these networks to offer up something else besides the same old Caste narrative and become very popular and financially-stable in doing so is there, but the (((collective hive media))) is not going to allow that.

It’s wonderful to see those pro-caste hacks take a rating nose dive. I’d love to see those Marxist vermin completely implode.
This will help their ratings. They just hired Keith Olbermann to do 20 special editions of Sports Center. This has be the end of Sports Center ,why not hire Al Sharpton and get it over with.
WSJ article on BSPN’s hyper-political agenda & subsequent ratings nose dive.

Problem is, ESPN is still a monopoly. Like everything else that's a monopoly or near-monopoly (oligopoly) it's on a scale that prevents any pro-American competition to counter their communist filth. People can tune out but they still don't have an alternative that enlightens them unless they find their way to a site like this, and with the algorhithms of Google, Yahoo and other search engines now set to ignore or greatly downplay alternatives, people still have no real choice other than the small number with the initiative to really do some digging.
BSPN’s horrible idea of bringing back that moron Olbermann makes no sense at all from a rational business standpoint. BSPN is losing subscribers and this is there answer? I hope this long slide continues as BSPN continues to double down on leftist/anti-white/Marxist ********.

They ruined Sunday night baseball by adding that woman and then just made it worse by adding a-fraud. I haven’t watched one single inning of baseball on bspn this season and haven’t even bothered logging into the app since the football season. When I log onto the site it’s all NBA all the time right now front and center. I hope more whites continue to shun bspn.
Mike Florio and Profootballtalk are up there BSPN. He is constantly pushing the SJW angle - whether the Toucan story, the anthem protests or not enough minority owners. He posted a blurb today about the NFL needing more minority owenrs. I felt compelled to reply to in the response section and essentially layout the argument that the NFL needs more white players and whites are discriminated against from High School all the way up through the NFL. The comment was of course awaiting moderation - I went to refresh the story about an hour later and my comment was no where to be seen - just a small example of how the media feeds a false narrative and silences those of us who bring a different perspective (and truth) when it comes to race in this country. He irks me quite a bit and now with Peter King joining Profootballtalk and his brand of holier than thou cultural marxism Profootballtalk will be another site I avoid just about completely.

I do hope they keep pushing the anthem protests though as it is only going to be a catalyst for an increased disinterest and fatigue in the NFL.
Mike Florio and Profootballtalk are up there BSPN. He is constantly pushing the SJW angle - whether the Toucan story, the anthem protests or not enough minority owners. He posted a blurb today about the NFL needing more minority owenrs. I felt compelled to reply to in the response section and essentially layout the argument that the NFL needs more white players and whites are discriminated against from High School all the way up through the NFL. The comment was of course awaiting moderation - I went to refresh the story about an hour later and my comment was no where to be seen - just a small example of how the media feeds a false narrative and silences those of us who bring a different perspective (and truth) when it comes to race in this country. He irks me quite a bit and now with Peter King joining Profootballtalk and his brand of holier than thou cultural marxism Profootballtalk will be another site I avoid just about completely.

I do hope they keep pushing the anthem protests though as it is only going to be a catalyst for an increased disinterest and fatigue in the NFL.
"NFL needing more minority owners" - Are there any?
"NFL needing more minority owners" - Are there any?

Yes, there's that Pakistani guy Khan who owns the Jacksonville Jaguars, and Kim Pegula (Asian woman) who owns the Bills, along with her husband Terry. Those are the only ones I'm aware of.

Speaking of Mike Florio, that little **** has turned into effectively a spokesman for vermin Kaepernick and trying to push all sorts of news and stories to promote his cause and try to get him signed, it's despicable. And (((Peter King))) has long been one of the most anti-white voices in sports media for years, as bad as anyone you can find on BSPN or NFLN.
The NFL is a full-time agenda machine and it's a NWO anti-White script, all part of the larger Jewish Supremacism plan. We know King is a Jew and Florio probably is too.

The elitist snob tribe pretty much hates us and they have crossed the line in every single area of society. They've gone too far and let's just say previous consequences have not been to their benefit. I think the time has come for them them to reap the sins they have sewn. Just look at history and the 110+ countries they've been expelled from... Does Earth even have a place where they couldn't do damage to?? We can't even enjoy football anymore without these snakes ruining it! God, these are evil people. I used to love football. Sigh....
Jews are always screaming about "White Supremacism" . Yet what could be more supremacist than believing your tribe are the Chosen People?
Jews are always screaming about "White Supremacism" . Yet what could be more supremacist than believing your tribe are the Chosen People?

The Tribe is “supreme” alright...hypocrites.
"NFL needing more minority owners" - Are there any?
I’d argue that the majority of NFL teams are in fact under minority ownership. After all, the (((tribe))) that dominates the ownership ranks is only 2 or 3 percent of the population.

This is what we should tell any assh0le who has the nerve to spout that “muh minority owner” bollocks.
Was listening to Mark Madden's afternoon show the other day. A caller mentioned that over half of the NFL teams have Jewish owners, and that they aren't "rich White guys" that Madden loves to denounce but rather an ethnically based minority by their own "religious" preference. Madden said "Thank you, Mr. Goebbels" and immediately cut him off the air. I considered it a minor victory that the caller was at least able to get that much out there, although only a miniscule amount of DWF listeners likely understood his point.
Was listening to Mark Madden's afternoon show the other day. A caller mentioned that over half of the NFL teams have Jewish owners, and that they aren't "rich White guys" that Madden loves to denounce but rather an ethnically based minority by their own "religious" preference. Madden said "Thank you, Mr. Goebbels" and immediately cut him off the air. I considered it a minor victory that the caller was at least able to get that much out there, although only a miniscule amount of DWF listeners likely understood his point.

That’s the de facto (canned) ‘response’ by SJWs & cux alike...the “rebuttal” to any fact shared on the Tribe must be countered with a reference to the eeeeevil NSDAP. This only serves as further proof those vermin are weak minded simpleton lemmings.
Was listening to Mark Madden's afternoon show the other day. A caller mentioned that over half of the NFL teams have Jewish owners, and that they aren't "rich White guys" that Madden loves to denounce but rather an ethnically based minority by their own "religious" preference. Madden said "Thank you, Mr. Goebbels" and immediately cut him off the air. I considered it a minor victory that the caller was at least able to get that much out there, although only a miniscule amount of DWF listeners likely understood his point.

Haha, it sounds like the caller struck a nerve. No rebuttal, no debate, just an infantile insult for stating a fact. Jews are surely the most fluid group on the planet. They're presented as a "religious minority," as an "ethnic group," as an "ethno-religious group," as a "race," and as "white" (when they're doing something negative).

Madden has smarts and looks. Some guys have all the luck!

Madden's show is on in Pittsburgh, so it was probably someone from the Burgh that called in, though he does get some callers from outside the area.

Madden always had national aspirations but the only time he managed to get a gig outside the Pittsburgh market was briefly with the WWE, which speaks volumes about his integrity (of course Donald Trump was also part of the pro wrestling charade for a bit). Here's Madden getting beat up by Tank Abbott, which was how his WWE announcing career was scripted to end:

Madden's an interesting character. He hates football and basketball and rips on the large criminal element in the NFL quite regularly, but also poses as a staunch anti-racist and is liberal on all social issues. He's mercilessly critical of Pirates owner Bob Nutting, calling him the "Hillbilly Prince." Don't know about the hillbilly part, but Nutting is indeed one of the most despicable owners in sports.

Madden loves hockey, which is why I listen in sometimes when driving. He has quite the alpha personality and can be entertaining at times. He treats his callers like dirt, insulting almost all of them as stupid and worse, but there's a lot of masochists out there because they keep calling in for more abuse. He used to challenge listeners to fights with some regularity, and even called on a few of the Steelers, but is too old now not to mention about 150 pounds overweight. He was a long-time strip club connoisseur and often had strippers on his show but finally "aged out" of that scene as he puts it.

He's far from a run-of-the-mill soyboy caste clown while also having some quite disagreeable characteristics. He's an open misanthrope and just says and does what he wants, which makes him a rarity in corporate media these days. He's on 105.9 the X M-F from 3 to 6 pm if you want to check out one of his podcasts.
I use to get my sports scores and schedules. It’s the most comprehensive and user friendly site for that purpose. However, it’s a minefield of propaganda, social justice, race, gender, sexual identity, and all sorts of b.s. It’s annoying but mostly avoidable. However, their annual The (Naked) Body campaign has started. What used to be a magazine issue designed to compete with SI’s swimsuit issue now pervades the website with in-your-face naked athletes while trying to check a box score. I’m no prude, but this is a prime example of ESPN’s arrogance to force the sports consumer to endure all sorts of non-sports content that cannot be avoided on their site.
I use to get my sports scores and schedules. It’s the most comprehensive and user friendly site for that purpose. However, it’s a minefield of propaganda, social justice, race, gender, sexual identity, and all sorts of b.s. It’s annoying but mostly avoidable. However, their annual The (Naked) Body campaign has started. What used to be a magazine issue designed to compete with SI’s swimsuit issue now pervades the website with in-your-face naked athletes while trying to check a box score. I’m no prude, but this is a prime example of ESPN’s arrogance to force the sports consumer to endure all sorts of non-sports content that cannot be avoided on their site.
Seeing naked, tatted up negros is a good way to ruin one’s day.
BSPN has removed its comments section - I noticed it this week - they are back to the safety of their echo chamber with no dissenting comments being allowed.
BSPN has removed its comments section - I noticed it this week - they are back to the safety of their echo chamber with no dissenting comments being allowed.
No big loss. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly leftist which gave a sort of fake consensus. However, I’d assume that they removed anything “hateful” from someone on our side. Then you have to factor in all the right wingers who’ve already boycotted ESPN or people who won’t sign up to Facebook to comment under their real name (for fear of retribution).

Good riddance I say.
American Freedom News