Madden's show is on in Pittsburgh, so it was probably someone from the Burgh that called in, though he does get some callers from outside the area.
Madden always had national aspirations but the only time he managed to get a gig outside the Pittsburgh market was briefly with the WWE, which speaks volumes about his integrity (of course Donald Trump was also part of the pro wrestling charade for a bit). Here's Madden getting beat up by Tank Abbott, which was how his WWE announcing career was scripted to end:
Madden's an interesting character. He hates football and basketball and rips on the large criminal element in the NFL quite regularly, but also poses as a staunch anti-racist and is liberal on all social issues. He's mercilessly critical of Pirates owner Bob Nutting, calling him the "Hillbilly Prince." Don't know about the hillbilly part, but Nutting is indeed one of the most despicable owners in sports.
Madden loves hockey, which is why I listen in sometimes when driving. He has quite the alpha personality and can be entertaining at times. He treats his callers like dirt, insulting almost all of them as stupid and worse, but there's a lot of masochists out there because they keep calling in for more abuse. He used to challenge listeners to fights with some regularity, and even called on a few of the Steelers, but is too old now not to mention about 150 pounds overweight. He was a long-time strip club connoisseur and often had strippers on his show but finally "aged out" of that scene as he puts it.
He's far from a run-of-the-mill soyboy caste clown while also having some quite disagreeable characteristics. He's an open misanthrope and just says and does what he wants, which makes him a rarity in corporate media these days. He's on 105.9 the X M-F from 3 to 6 pm if you want to check out one of his podcasts.