2024 Olympics

Coco Gauff is the female Olympic flag bearer for the USA. So, LeBron and Coco representing the USA, no surprise. Seems like they should choose athletes for which the Olympics is actually a big deal.
Coco Gauff is the female Olympic flag bearer for the USA. So, LeBron and Coco representing the USA, no surprise. Seems like they should choose athletes for which the Olympics is actually a big deal.
Can we sink any lower in the eyes of the world? I doubt that my not watching the Olympics will hurt the TV ratings, but I am not watching a single minute of the Olympics.
Can we sink any lower in the eyes of the world? I doubt that my not watching the Olympics will hurt the TV ratings, but I am not watching a single minute of the Olympics.
Wait, there’s more: Snoop Dogg will light the Olympic torch.
Hard pass for me too and actively rooting against my “country” .
Let’s be honest. Even if it wasn’t a giant celebration of white hate, it would still be pretty boring overall. The annoying backstory of each athlete is just too much to bear for me. If I end up watching any of it, it will be by accident
Let’s be honest. Even if it wasn’t a giant celebration of white hate, it would still be pretty boring overall. The annoying backstory of each athlete is just too much to bear for me. If I end up watching any of it, it will be by accident
Agree. The Olympics have become mostly just a creepy celebration of globalism. The complete opposite of what the ancient Greek founders of the Olympics intended. Their Olympics were celebrations of Greek nationalism and common culture, where warring Greek city-states would declare a truce just for the Games.
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Satanic imagery from the start. These people are all demonic
It seemed like half the opening ceremony was a Pride celebration as one sissy after another was prancing to modern pop music. Then of course the last two people to light the cauldron were Black athletes. Also non French nationals had prominent roles in the lighting ceremony but if they were going to have the other crap then having Nadal and Celine Dionne in the ceremony is the least of the Opening Ceremonies woes.....

So does this mean the history of France begins post 1985?
The wokeness was already being shoved down our throats way back in 2000, when they had that half-Abo woman light the torch in Sydney and the announcers went into a speech about the "evil" White Australian settlers. Mute button applied in record time, could have been an Olympic record if that was a sport.

At least Ali lighting the torch in Atlanta '96 was understandable. He'd probably be canceled from it now because of his opposition to interracial marriage.

It’s ok to oppose interracial marriage if your goal is to preserve African race.

I thought we all knew the hate goes only in one direction.

I thought Ali up there in Atlanta was humiliating. Thought he’d set himself on fire.

BTW -are there any white guys participating in the Olympics? Just perusing peacock right now and I see two white chicks (probably lesbians) highlighted, but the rest are all Africans.
I shall continue to not watch the Summer Olympics 6 decades and counting. The last summer ones we were at a pizza joint and for the hour there they had some kids doing some BMX thing playing on the stupidvision coverage of the olympics. It's literally all fake and gay.
Found out I have the Peacock Network, on somebody else’s subscription. So, I’m watching Japan/Germsny basketball. It’s entertaining basketball with Germany a medal contender. They start 4 Whites with Moritz Wagner their 6th man.
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Satanic imagery from the start. These people are all demonic
Another reason to not watch the Olympics as if I need more.
BTW, Steve Kerr and Seth Curry are backing Kamala Harris for President. I doubt I watch any of the Olympics, especially basketball. I would go out on a limb and guess neither Kerr nor Curry know a thing about Harris' policies. If they do, they just don't care anymore.
Apologies if this has already been posted on another thread.
Brazil X France in basketball, Brazil With a White starter Marcelinho tieppo Huertas 41 years Old.
The Satanic New World Order people really like making fun of the Last Supper painting. I've seen them do this many times before. This Olympics gave them a chance to do it on a really large scale.
The Satanic New World Order people really like making fun of the Last Supper painting. I've seen them do this many times before. This Olympics gave them a chance to do it on a really large scale.
Interesting that they only mock Christianity. There was also a horse and rider depicted that many looked at portraying the Pale Horse from the Book of Revelation. This was an opportunity missed, in my opinion. They should have instead had a flying ass (donkey) transporting a gay Muhammad to Jerusalem. What, can't mock Islam? Or maybe a transgender Moses parting the Red Sea and freeing the LGBTQXYZLMNOP crowd from "oppression" or somesuch. Or Buddha.
Interesting that they only mock Christianity. There was also a horse and rider depicted that many looked at portraying the Pale Horse from the Book of Revelation. This was an opportunity missed, in my opinion. They should have instead had a flying ass (donkey) transporting a gay Muhammad to Jerusalem. What, can't mock Islam? Or maybe a transgender Moses parting the Red Sea and freeing the LGBTQXYZLMNOP crowd from "oppression" or somesuch. Or Buddha.

It's all the left knows how to do. It's certainly offensive to those of us that are Christian but at the same time it's very cliche and safe. The left have been subverting Christianity for well over half a century now. It's a "White" religion that helped form and shape Europe for centuries. The left cannot attack Islam because it is a "brown" religion and against their programming to do so. It all really boils down to cultural marxism, Jewish subversion and hatred for the Christian West. What they don't realize is that they are in power and now seem to only be pissing off more and more normies so the pendulum will swing the other way. It's only those on the right that point out the obvious incompatibility, barbaric, backwards evil of Islam which Jews view as a broom to attack the West with. The director of the Paris opening ceremony passes the early life background check...surprise surprise.
I think they have shot their wad, sure the OUTRAGE model of CONservatism still has some play left but IMO soon the men who can maintain frame and mock the mockers will arise. There was this fella awhile back that could maintain his frame in the face of all sorts of hostility, can't remember his name can anyone here help me?
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