2024 Olympics

The last supper thing. Not even surprised anymore. Dirty hook hose co ordinator.

Anyway ... back to it

Germany back in the gold with a 400m mens gold.

Women up now. Great quality race.
Ledecky, Titmus.
I really hope simone biles fails again, but at least the us all white mens swimming team took gold in 4x200. All white australia picked up silver while their women’s team got gold. I find watching the swimming competitions more and more enjoyable as they have remained 99% diverse free
The Olympic coverage on NBC and its properties (USA Network, CNBC, streaming, etc) is completely unwatchable. I tried to give it a go today tuning into different channels at various times and quickly decided that I will skip it all. It’s almost 100%, nonstop black worship with the commercials, the featured athletes, Snoop Dogg seems to be everywhere, Kevin Hart and some other black named Kenan Thompson have their own show mocking whites and glorifying blacks, it’s pure garbage.

I figured maybe Canadian coverage on CBC would be better. It’s just as bad as NBC. In a country where blacks are < 5% of the population, they’re in every commercial, same levels of black worship and promotion, and as hosts and guests in the studio as well.

I‘m tuning out of the Olympic Games. I‘m sure there will be many moments of white excellence across different sports such as track, swimming, weightlifting, wrestling, rowing, volleyball, and others. I’ll catch the highlights on YouTube. And I’m heavily rooting against so many US athletes and teams, be it men’s and women’s basketball, women’s soccer, that odious gymnast Biles, Coco ”BLM” Gauff, some of the sprinters, et al.
Interesting that they only mock Christianity. There was also a horse and rider depicted that many looked at portraying the Pale Horse from the Book of Revelation. This was an opportunity missed, in my opinion. They should have instead had a flying ass (donkey) transporting a gay Muhammad to Jerusalem. What, can't mock Islam? Or maybe a transgender Moses parting the Red Sea and freeing the LGBTQXYZLMNOP crowd from "oppression" or somesuch. Or Buddha.
There was also a golden calf next to the orchestra, clearly the ceremony was a mockery of Christianity, the references and parodies demonstrate this, Macron is a liberal, a banker affiliated with the Rothschild (https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/05/1...face-five-years-of-crazy-conspiracy-theories/), In fact France is full of Jews, Not only that, but in the ceremony there was no reference to France before the French revolution (not 100 years war, saint Louis, Charlemagne, Joan D'arc), all references are to the revolution forward (The revolution, Marie Antoinette Decapitation), with a clear bias, to consolidate the new France, the revolutionary France That the latest evolution is the current French republic as the unique France, the real France, It's no wonder Macron wrote on Twitter "this is France" In reference to ceremony, And that he ignored the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral and other churches in recent years, because they represent the old France that he, his cronies and bosses want to replace.
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Talking about the ceremony, several Arab, african countries and China cut And censored the opening ceremony at the moment it began to appear drag Queens,
It's all the left knows how to do. It's certainly offensive to those of us that are Christian but at the same time it's very cliche and safe. The left have been subverting Christianity for well over half a century now. It's a "White" religion that helped form and shape Europe for centuries. The left cannot attack Islam because it is a "brown" religion and against their programming to do so. It all really boils down to cultural marxism, Jewish subversion and hatred for the Christian West. What they don't realize is that they are in power and now seem to only be pissing off more and more normies so the pendulum will swing the other way. It's only those on the right that point out the obvious incompatibility, barbaric, backwards evil of Islam which Jews view as a broom to attack the West with. The director of the Paris opening ceremony passes the early life background check...surprise surprise.
Great post and information. Jews all over this blasphemy.


Regarding the Opening Ceremony. The world has always attacked christians and always will. God and Jesus are the only true enemy that
that Lucifer and the Luciferians fear. All the other religions are false. They must destroy the true religion. The only way to the Father(God) is through the Son(Jesus). There is no other way. I love all of you guys and respect everyone here but believe me when I say the hour is late and time is short. Please consider learning the Bible to those here that have never even opened it ever. I say this out of love. Someday they will
get rid of the last of the christians. They use the other religions and also non believers to destroy christianity.

What they did will never be done to the muslims, buddist, etc. etc. Only Christianity must be destroyed. Ask yourselves why? Thanks
for listening. I haven't watched any of the Olympics yet.
The Olympic coverage on NBC and its properties (USA Network, CNBC, streaming, etc) is completely unwatchable. I tried to give it a go today tuning into different channels at various times and quickly decided that I will skip it all. It’s almost 100%, nonstop black worship with the commercials, the featured athletes, Snoop Dogg seems to be everywhere, Kevin Hart and some other black named Kenan Thompson have their own show mocking whites and glorifying blacks, it’s pure garbage.

I figured maybe Canadian coverage on CBC would be better. It’s just as bad as NBC. In a country where blacks are < 5% of the population, they’re in every commercial, same levels of black worship and promotion, and as hosts and guests in the studio as well.

I‘m tuning out of the Olympic Games. I‘m sure there will be many moments of white excellence across different sports such as track, swimming, weightlifting, wrestling, rowing, volleyball, and others. I’ll catch the highlights on YouTube. And I’m heavily rooting against so many US athletes and teams, be it men’s and women’s basketball, women’s soccer, that odious gymnast Biles, Coco ”BLM” Gauff, some of the sprinters, et al.
It’s not torture watching on the Peacock app. You can select the sport and avoid the clown sports. I’ve been enjoying the rowing, handball, judo, and swimming. I walk out of the room when a commercial comes on.
I just dared to watch a few minutes on NBC and it's certainly as has been described in this thread. Appears to be much more attention paid to women's sports than men's, black worshipping at new record levels, and White men not seen at all in the time I watched, whether as competitors or in commercials.

Banning The Country That Shall Not Be Named once again and its many outstanding athletes certainly makes the "whiteout" easier for the regime's fake news outlets to orchestrate.
The Olympics without “the country that shall not be named” is boring and unwatchable in my view. Also the virulent anti white nature makes it an easy skip.

I read elsewhere that the last supper mockery was to get the right all riled up so they could tune in for the latest outrage.

No thanks.
The Olympics starting caught me by surprise. I've been paying less and less attention to what the WokeBorg wants me to pay attention to. Easier to do when you have no television.

All this sinister silliness is meant to speed up the revolution I suppose. Hope it hastens the long overdue backlash.

Not the real Olympics without all the countries participating anyway.
The Olympics starting caught me by surprise. I've been paying less and less attention to what the WokeBorg wants me to pay attention to. Easier to do when you have no television.

All this sinister silliness is meant to speed up the revolution I suppose. Hope it hastens the long overdue backlash.

Not the real Olympics without all the countries participating anyway.
I do have a TV but long ago became immune to the poison. I monitor it because I was an editor of a political publication for 40 years so had to, and still watch the absolute minimum to stay on top of the clown show/horror story America has become.

In fact I was just now watching "The Duel," the Golf Channel special about the great 1977 British Open, mentioned recently by Carolina Speed in the Jack Nicklaus thread, as I would much rather watch something like that than 99.99 percent of the contemporary "entertainment" shown on the fake news networks and their subsidiaries. During it there were several promos for the Olympics (Golf Channel is owned by NBC; these oligopoly networks are all so openly incestuous and interconnected now) and there was not a single White man to be seen among the athletes shown. It's not just a replacement, it's genocide. But point it out and you're the racist and conservative Republicans will agree with the condemnation for mentioning the obvious.
My mom has a peacock account so I’ve been using that to check in on the sports not shown on nbc and it’s so much better. Today I watched whatever the white water rapids canoe sport is called and that was pretty enjoyable. Of course you had all white european men in it, and I watched some handball between sweden and spain. Not a black quarterback in site! And seeing these guys live displaying tremendous athleticism it’s not a surprise that many european countries have fought up to america in basketball as the core concepts of handball is very similar to basketball
No one was fired or sent home for the Last Supper abomination, but this poor sucker got sent home for supposedly a sexist remark. This world is screwed.

A harmless quip, that all normal women would chuckle at. What a joke.
My mom has a peacock account so I’ve been using that to check in on the sports not shown on nbc and it’s so much better. Today I watched whatever the white water rapids canoe sport is called and that was pretty enjoyable. Of course you had all white european men in it, and I watched some handball between sweden and spain. Not a black quarterback in site! And seeing these guys live displaying tremendous athleticism it’s not a surprise that many european countries have fought up to america in basketball as the core concepts of handball is very similar to basketball
Thanks jphoss and angelus. My son pays for the Peacock app (not my money) so I'll pick and choose what to watch there. Thanks again for the tip!
A harmless quip, that all normal women would chuckle at. What a joke.
There is no humor allowed in wokeness kingdom.
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