2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

It seems most groups don't like American blacks - Latinos, Indians, Asians and african blacks all seem to not get along with them. But somehow it's not African Americans who are the problem - it's everyone else. They are the most protected social group in our country - which is exactly why we are seeing them act collectively like children.

Exactly. Time to take the training wheels off and hold them accountable for their actions as a community. A slight positive sign is that I'm even seeing "normies" point out their heavily skewed violent crime stats. Globalist commies will rebuttal thats white people's fault too.
This is an excellent expose by attractive young Millennial Millie.
Millie has got a good head on her shoulders and does excellent work. And yes, attractive she is....
I'm seeing lots of thots(slutty brainwashed college girls) taking to their social media and dating accounts to further their Afrocentric worship of BLM. Many even offering to send tit pics if you can prove you donated to one of the bailout funds. Lol why any man or woman would send their daughter to college in modern age is stupid and deserves what they get.

That's the first I've heard of Millie, though I'm wary of many of the Trad Thots too.
For serious consideration:
Heroic George “Ugly Boy” Floyd was laid to rest today. His gold encrusted casket marched to the graveyard on a caisson drawn by horses, the Houston police force standing at attention saluting the fallen hero.

This country is a joke.
Heroic George “Ugly Boy” Floyd was laid to rest today. His gold encrusted casket marched to the graveyard on a caisson drawn by horses, the Houston police force standing at attention saluting the fallen hero.

This country is a joke.
I had to tell the Lord I was sorry after reading your post because immediately after reading it I used His name in vain out loud. That's how disgusted I am with this country.
I had to tell the Lord I was sorry after reading your post because immediately after reading it I used His name in vain out loud. That's how disgusted I am with this country.

Pray to Saint Floyd for forgiveness.
I am so sick of celebrities, corporations, and media, screeching at me about white racism and white privilege. They want an open dialogue on race well here's one.

Do Black lives matter? Not to me. To the extent that all good people deserve the right to their life I will agree. All black people? No. George Floyd? He does't matter to me. Was it unfortunate that he died. Maybe. The good lord could have given him many more years to commit crimes and do drugs. Why not? Worse characters than him get long runs. But do I care that he died. Not at all. And a big reason for that is because it was basically an accident.

Accidents happen. That cop did not want to kill Floyd. Did the cop screw up? Yes, it seems so. If that is proven, then he should have to pay some price. But it was still accidental. Even the prosecutor has only charged the police officer with 3rd degree murder, if they could prove more they would certainly try to do so.
This type of tragedy happens. Black people should be told to get over it. For example, yesterday, in my area, a woman was killed in a car accident. Orphaned two kids. Now that's sad, a couple of kids will grow up without a mother. Floyd? Not so sad by comparison.

And why are they making this Floyd guy into some kind of martyr? They now have plans to parade his body around the country (3 stops are planned) so the black race hustlers can squeeze maximum exposure and dish out as much white guilt as possible. White "leaders" at every stop will prostate themselves in the disgusting fashion we are so used to and treat this guy and his supporters like saints.

No one will say the fact that more white people die in the custody of police than black people. In most cases it's an accident. I don't expect riots when a white person dies, nor do I expect them to be held up as some kind of hero.

But it's not just Floyd that makes me feel that black people don't matter. It's the whole race as a collective. I know from the numbers and my own lying eyes that black people as a race are despicable. The level of cruelty and violence they inflict on themselves and others is disgusting. Everywhere they live they create ugly and brutal cultures.

In celebration of their "hero" they have rioted and destroyed cities across the nation. You can go on the internet and watch hours and hours of black people savaging innocent white people, mobbing them and beating them, sometimes to death, and laughing about it the whole time. What kind of monsters behave like this?

And what kind of monsters excuse this long history of violence and cruelty? Much of it directed at their own people? What kind of mental sickness exists in the minds of those white people that would excuse, and even cheer on this behavior? What kind of twisted, broken, thought processes, allows them to view these videos and not feel a natural revulsion to the level that no reason, certainly not the accidental death of a thug, can excuse?

I have to believe that those white people that side with the creatures that inflict so much suffering on their fellow humans are psychotic. They have a serious problem with either reality or morality. These recent incidents, while exaggerated examples, are the kind of stuff that goes on every day. It is one thing to ignore pathological black behavior, it is a whole level worse to excuse, and even support it.

Virtually all white business or those controlled by whites will be virtue signaling endlessly in support of Floyd and his supporters. Almost all whites on social media will follow suit and pander to this disgusting ritual of support for the savages that have acted so poorly in the last weeks.

They expect me to do the same. No friggin way. But I wouldn't make a big deal about it.

Why put a target on my back? For the reasons mentioned the one group is incapable of resisting their urges to hurt, maim, and kill. The other group is so bizarrely into the destruction of their own culture and people that I can not expect sympathy from them.

In the end I cannot help but wonder why this condition exists. How is it that black people are so unspeakably cruel and vicious? How is it that good white people are so blind, weak, or broken, they cannot lift the smallest finger to oppose it?

I often feel out of sync with the "times" or with prevailing opinion. But on this it seems like a frightening dream to me. Something so painfully obvious, that any average intelligent person should be able to see like the nose on their face, eludes people as distinct as my next door neighbor to the politicians that run the country.
I know that feeling!

Excellent post which I couldn’t have said better myself.
For serious consideration:


Another good video with a message we should strongly consider right now:

The natural human reaction when faced with this sort of attack on our very being is to do something. Anything. Fight back, argue, hold a rally, etc. It’s often the hardest to do nothing but that’s what we should do publicly when we don’t have any institutional power. The initial BLM incidents in 2016 had a large redpilling effect. This has the potential to be much bigger as we can talk to our friends, families and neighbors to gently help these seeds grow.
For serious consideration:

Yes, it's a good video, but what he's saying is what right wingers have been saying for the 35 years I've been following politics closely and for a long time before that. It could easily be a pep talk from 1985 as far as I'm concerned. Pro-Whites talk and talk and bemoan what's going on, but nothing ever changes. And this guy sounds smooth and smart, but most likely he's doing absolutely nothing himself to organize and activate his audience beyond encouraging them to do all the hard legwork while he cheers them on. The country keeps moving leftward because the leftists are the activists and are well-financed and have captured all the institutions of power and influence, while it's forever Groundhog Day with the same pep talks when it comes to the right.
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Nope. It's him and he's dead.

The real problem is The Usual Suspects in the media made him a saint. And all the converts to leftism and the political prostitutes and Communists and Communists wannabes fell in line.

This is all about the spiritual now gentlemen. It's all about converts. People who are going to be of their father the devil or people who are going to submit to the lordship of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ will give boldness and courage if we let him with wisdom and discernment. We have to seek and ask so. Eternal life is a free gift by believing on Jesus Christ. After that it's up to us to be available to him to live through us to a lost and dying world.
Nope. It's him and he's dead.

The real problem is The Usual Suspects in the media made him a saint. And all the converts to leftism and the political prostitutes and Communists and Communists wannabes fell in line.

This is all about the spiritual now gentlemen. It's all about converts. People who are going to be of their father the devil or people who are going to submit to the lordship of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ will give boldness and courage if we let him with wisdom and discernment. We have to seek and ask so. Eternal life is a free gift by believing on Jesus Christ. After that it's up to us to be available to him to live through us to a lost and dying world.

I agree with almost everything you said but look at the picture again. Countless people have noticed he has no legs?
The sight of all these race whipped whites groveling before white hating black supremacists is sickening. They should stand up and stop going along with the fake accusations of "racism" the black supremacists are making.

Blacks aren't discriminated against in America, they're given special privileges. They're treated like royalty.
The sight of all these race whipped whites groveling before white hating black supremacists is sickening. They should stand up and stop going along with the fake accusations of "racism" the black supremacists are making.

Blacks aren't discriminated against in America, they're given special privileges. They're treated like royalty.

It's truly baffling when massive corporations, politicians and the media call out "systemic" or "institutional" racism.
Not at all.

Well, I guess its more tiresome now and is of course based in furthering agenda with everyone chipping in. But thinking about it it's a bit strange from the perspective of the claim and who's speaking it, if there was truly institutional racism against "minorities" companies wouldn't be rewarded for calling it out and lampooned for going against the narrative.

What I probably should have said is how can these BLM and Antifa types think they are marching against the system and rebelling when all institutions are behind them? If they are even aware it must be cognitive dissonance.
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It's a unitary system in every way, with the Republicans playing their part as the "loyal opposition." All other institutions openly march together as one.
Well, I guess its more tiresome now and is of course based in furthering agenda. But thinking about it it's a bit strange from the perspective of the claim and who's speaking it, if there was truly institutional racism against "minorities" companies wouldn't be rewarded for calling it out and lampooned for going against the narrative.

What I probably should have said is how can these BLM and Antifa types think they are marching against the system and rebelling when all institutions are behind them? If they are even aware it must be cognitive dissonance.

There’s no cognitive dissonance. Those people still think it’s 1960 and the system is all white people that hate them. Listen to an urban AM black radio station. The whole world is out to get them. If you were to say they got special treatment they would laugh at it. None of those liberals think they have any power.
Gentlemen, Below is the address of the Minneapolis Police union office. The President's name is Robert Kroll. I am going to write a letter asking him to start a go fund me to first off collect money to pay PO Chauvin's bail and to hire the best legal defense council to defend him. Please contact the union through letter or email, ???twitter??? , etc. on this. Let's keep this from becoming another Charlottesville Stalinist Show Trial if possible.
Police Officers Federation, 1811 University Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418
Talk about real life imitating reel life....

Supposedly trainee Thomas Lane warned Chauvin about delirium and Chauvin didn't heed the advice. I do know this that if he had forcibly pushed Chauvin off of Floyd's neck or got the other officer off of his back he would have been written up and washed out if Floyd had lived with minimal health issues and if Floyd was clinging to life in a ICU he might have been sited as a hero but he would be done in the police department and labeled as a rat and forced to resign.

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In only two days the communists that took over six blocks of Seattle are begging for food, one of the leaders is threatening to kill himself, and a violent black guy is already ruling over them. And these people think they're fit to run a country?


For the most part, blacks aren't really liked anywhere in the world. If they were a gentle, respectful and kind people it would be different. But they are loud, disrespectful whiners. The youth are absolutely horrid to deal with. From time to time I meet one who is pretty normal and decent but that's maybe 25% of them.
American Freedom News