2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

Guys this is the real deal. We are going to see them try to overtake the white house. The mayor of washington d.c. has disarmed the national guard and kicked out most of the troops. It's gonna be some serious fireworks. We are witnessing
a Coup Attempt. It's gonna be scary. For the believers on this board I would advise you start praying as much as possible for Gods protection. It's gonna get downright nasty and be watching out in your neighborhoods as well. Stay safe gentlemen.
Guys this is the real deal. We are going to see them try to overtake the white house. The mayor of washington d.c. has disarmed the national guard and kicked out most of the troops. It's gonna be some serious fireworks. We are witnessing
a Coup Attempt. It's gonna be scary. For the believers on this board I would advise you start praying as much as possible for Gods protection. It's gonna get downright nasty and be watching out in your neighborhoods as well. Stay safe gentlemen.
This is my view as well. I see this as a coup attempt. It will be dark soon on the east coast. I believe tonight could get bad in D.C.. Without a show of force the Whitehouse is open season with hundreds of thousands of "peaceful protesters".
Guys this is the real deal. We are going to see them try to overtake the white house. The mayor of washington d.c. has disarmed the national guard and kicked out most of the troops. It's gonna be some serious fireworks. We are witnessing a Coup Attempt. It's gonna be scary. For the believers on this board I would advise you start praying as much as possible for Gods protection. It's gonna get downright nasty and be watching out in your neighborhoods as well. Stay safe gentlemen.
That's what I'm thinking too. There will be about a million - by the sheer weight of numbers, they may well succeed in taking the Whitehouse. Antifa has been bringing people into Washington all day.
Not gonna happen. The insurrectionists will be slaughtered if they pierce the various perimeters that have been set up and get to the White House lawn. And I highly doubt they'll get anywhere that close even if they try.
Post copied from ___ :

These questions are going around the internet


Try reading it with an open mind.

LOTS of puzzling Questions about the Floyd George Incident:
1. Why does one photo from behind show the man on the road is not handcuffed and the video from the front that he is handcuffed?
2. Why is the cop car in the restaurant surveillance video different than the one Floyd was lying behind (different car numbers)?
3. Why were the cops in the surveillance footage that arrested him different than the police in the actual incident?
4. Why does the video show the diesel fuel price as 99 cents instead of the regular price in the area of $2.49?
5. Why does the police car have a non-municipal license plate with "Police" on it?
6. Why does Derek have a completely different police badge on top of a second police badge matching his partner's if they work for the same precinct?
7. Why is it not odd that both Officers Tou Thao and Derek Chauvin have both previously been investigated for excessive use of force and not charged by State AG Amy Klobuchar?
Additionally, Officer Derek Chauvin is married to his partner's sister Kelli.
8. Is there any cop dumb enough to continue kneeling on someone’s neck for 8 minutes when surrounded by people and being video recorded?
9. Is it possible for the deceased’s cousins and fiancé to be completely tearless during interviews?
10. Why does the main cop have one hand in his pocket most of the time he’s kneeling?
11. Why did the kneeling officer appear completely cool and calm, as if he was posing for the camera?
12. Doesn’t it seem strange that Floyd and the officer that kneeled on his neck worked security together on the same shift at the El Nuevo Rodeo Club, the officer for 17 years (both were laid off because of the COVID-19 virus)?
13. Why do the neighbors of this officer say they didn’t know he was a cop and never saw him in uniform?
14. Why has the same attorney been hired as with all the other big supposed police killings of blacks? Attorney Benjamin Crump. The same attorney that worked on previous cases that resulted in busses bringing in rioters from outside the city?
15. Why does store surveillance video show Floyd calmly and submissively walking with the officer and not resisting arrest while the officer gently allowed him to sit down on the side walk, and multiple officers calmly chatting with him? Is this the kind of suspect that a police officer would feel the need to put on the ground and place his knee on his neck?
16. Why did the EMT workers (wearing police uniforms including bullet proof vests) roughly handle and dump the unconscious George on the stretcher? This is not how trained emergency workers lift a person with a possible neck injury. Why did they not attempt triage or try CPR?
17. Can someone really not breathe when someone kneels on his neck and is the victim really able to speak for considerable periods of time if he can’t breathe?
18. Post killing: Why is a white man that looks like an undercover (St. Paul) cop in black and a riot gear mask carrying a black umbrella walking around breaking windows (and others dressed similarly starting fires) and instigating a riot? Is this reminiscent of “umbrella man” during the JFK shooting?
19. Why were almost all the rioters leading the destruction of the neighborhood at the beginning of the riots “white” and not from Minneapolis? In a black neighborhood after a police killed a black man?
20. Why did the Chief of Police make it a point that those inciting the riots and arsonists were not from Minnesota?
21. Why was a CNN News Crew not only detained but also Arrested?

These officers were involved with something, I’m not sure exactly what, but something is just not adding up.

I think there is at the very least the “possibility”, that this was a filmed public execution of a black man by a white cop, with the purpose of creating racial tensions and driving a wedge in the growing group of anti Deep State sentiment from common people that have already been psychologically traumatized by COVID-19 fears.

Historically, in election years and in politically contested areas or in groups, racial or gun violence incidents are becoming more common place. Considering the rising approval rating of President Trump in the black community, an event like this was unfortunately “Predictable”.

Consider these points and contrast them to every other police brutality incident you’ve ever seen.

The filmed portion of the incident was about 10 minutes long. In that amount of time, three officers are holding one handcuffed man down. You only know that because of the pictures taken from across the street. You can’t see the other two officers in the video because they are behind the vehicle. During 8 minutes of the entire video, the officer has his knee on George Floyd’s neck, which is not taught or approved by any law enforcement agency.

Additionally, other than the Asian officer speaking occasionally to the crowd of bystanders, there is no communication from any of the officers to Mr. Floyd. No talking, no shouting. When have you ever seen a police brutality video without police shouting?

Additionally, the police had no goal. They weren’t trying to subdue him for arrest; he was already handcuffed and all they needed to do was place him in the back of the car. There is no plausible explanation for taking him to the ground and having three men on top of a handcuffed man with a knee placed on his neck. Mr. Floyd presented no threat and was not resisting. The only goal that there appeared to be was exactly what happened: “To be a filmed brutal killing a black man”.

Think about this: these officers did not care about being filmed, in fact the officer stared into the camera with soulless eyes and an emotionless face, reminiscent of an assassin, as he knowingly killed an American Citizen.

None of the officers spoke among themselves or did they speak to Mr. Floyd. They did not respond to his pleas for life. They just sat and kneeled on him until he was passed out and then waited an additional 4 minutes after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness to ensure that Mr. Floyd was dead and could not be revived.

The bystanders are verbally communicating to the officers that he isn’t breathing. Unlike any other similar incident, you never see the officers getting on police radios. You never see or hear them calling dispatch for backup. No other police units arrive on the scene and strangely enough, the crowd does not seem to grow either.

The scene does not end until an ambulance arrives and they unceremoniously flop him on a gurney. At no point does anyone in a uniform ever check his vitals. “As if they aren’t remotely curious about the situation they are in” BTW. Who called the ambulance and for what reason? Because if the reason was that Mr. Floyd was having a medical issue, they wouldn’t have still been crushing his neck.

Shortly after the video went viral, a fake Facebook page supposedly belonging to the officer at the center of the murder appears and pictures are uploaded that say “Stand your Ground” and “Trump 2020”. A picture of the cop with a red ballcap that says “Make America White Again” is among the suspicious photos. A friends list populated with obvious sock puppet accounts and people clearly not his friends also apeears. This is the same kind of fake Facebook stunt that happened with a group made to look like support for the men involved with the Ahmed Aubrey case.

Is it mere coincidence that this happens the week after “race” becomes a major political issue after the Biden “You ain’t Black!” gaffe started to threaten the black vote the Democrats so desperately count on?

Additionally, there is substantial video evidence to arrest at least one officer now. Why would the local authorities not charge him immediately, unless there was a political advantage not to!

Is it mere coincidence that this happens right about the exact moment the COVID-19 fear campaign falls apart, and after it has psychologically traumatized the entire country and got everyone at each other’s throats and suicide attempts are spiking?

Is it mere coincidence that this happens right after the Auhmed Aubrey case… which somehow eluded the mainstream media completely until two whole months after he was killed? When has that ever happened? Timing issue? Is it mere coincidence that Supreme Race Baiter Obama was making videos a couple weeks ago connecting COVID-19 with “Systemic Racism”?

FINALLY….‼‼ this entire scene plays out with the cop car and license plate that says “POLICE”. The plate was perfectly framed for maximum subliminal impact. This also means he was literally just 1 foot away from the back seat of the police car and these cops thought it was smarter to kill a black man on camera than to pick him up and move him one foot into the back of the police car.

You can draw your own conclusions, but this appears to have all the earmarks of George Soros. Please open your eyes!!!!

FLOYDgate: George Floyd’s murder was either a pre-planned public execution or completely staged hoax! | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary


Damned good questions!

"During 8 minutes of the entire video, the officer has his knee on George Floyd’s neck, which is not taught or approved by any law enforcement agency."
I am pretty much of an expert on that sort of thing and I never heard of a restraining hold like that being taught, not where I was anyway, tho police are now being trained by trainers trained in Israel and I think the Israelis use it on Palestinians. And again, for what purpose? The alleged criminal was already cuffed!

All the questions can be answered as follows: the “George Floyd” “killing” is a hoax, staged event.
Eddie Adams General Loan Vietcong Execution Photograph Myth - Duration: 6:56.
False Narratives and Myths in History
  • 2 years ago
The real story of the Eddie Adams Vietcong execution photograph: Eddie Adams 1998: "Two people died in that photograph: the ...
Gentlemen, the press has been playing this yellow journalism for a long, long time. The video above tells you the entire story of that killing. But at the time, no one had any idea of the context of the killing. There are reasons for everything. Nothing happens in and of itself. Every act is the end result of a series of particular events leading up to it. The journalistic leadership knows this but truth isn't their business. Selling papers is their business or in this day and age, ratings are their business. So take all this stuff about George Floyd and the police with a big grain of salt.
Not gonna happen. The insurrectionists will be slaughtered if they pierce the various perimeters that have been set up and get to the White House lawn. And I highly doubt they'll get anywhere that close even if they try.
I agree without real arms (not the odd pistol or rifle) and training it would be a slaughter similar to Tiananmen in 89'. The Anifita thugs are largely opportunists and the Black looter types have even less of stomach for violent confrontation.
I agree without real arms (not the odd pistol or rifle) and training it would be a slaughter similar to Tiananmen in 89'. The Anifita thugs are largely opportunists and the Black looter types have even less of stomach for violent confrontation.

I don't know where they got them from but in Chicago Antifa had 3 tanks. Yes I said tanks. Pics on twitter and even video. Remember alot of our guys are traitors in the military, police and other places. With connections you can get many weapons. Plus they
have billioniares and trillionaires funding them to destroy America. All I'm saying is that it's a real threat. We are in danger as a nation.
We are in grave danger as a nation for sure, but the White House is not going to topple tonight. If it happens it will be the accumulation of days and weeks and maybe months of protests that may do it, but I'm not convinced this ongoing insurrection isn't something the system wants. Racial and ideological division and hatred, with the Great Replacement of Whitey kicked into overdrive, while they remain firmly on top and unchallenged. This whole idea of hating average White people while White leftists and their black hacks control the big cities and thus are responsible for their problems is lunacy. Until Trump actually shows that he's a patriot and not a blowhard, I will view all sides with a great deal of cynicism.
Not gonna happen. The insurrectionists will be slaughtered if they pierce the various perimeters that have been set up and get to the White House lawn. And I highly doubt they'll get anywhere that close even if they try.
You were right. They were not able to closely approach the Whitehouse.
On John B Wells radio program tonight in the first two hours he had Stefan Molyneux on. Stephan stated twice during the interview that the "ruling elites" as he called them and "the ruling communists" as he termed them, said they want to totally do to America what they have done in South Africa. He said more than once that "South Africa is the test run" to get rid of the Whites and Christians that they want to get rid of". He laid out their absolute plan is to do the very same thing here in America. It makes sense. They're evil is to such great depths that they absolutely want to not only have us killed but actually have us all killed in the most torturous and barbaric ways imaginable. I said before these people are truly satanic and from what Stefan Molyneux says tonight having grown up in South Africa and knowing firsthand what goes on there it is absolutely clear what they want to do to us here. Guys, we had better get ready for the most evil attempt ever against us unleashed sooner than later.
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Eddie Adams General Loan Vietcong Execution Photograph Myth - Duration: 6:56.
False Narratives and Myths in History
  • 2 years ago
The real story of the Eddie Adams Vietcong execution photograph: Eddie Adams 1998: "Two people died in that photograph: the ...
Gentlemen, the press has been playing this yellow journalism for a long, long time. The video above tells you the entire story of that killing. But at the time, no one had any idea of the context of the killing. There are reasons for everything. Nothing happens in and of itself. Every act is the end result of a series of particular events leading up to it. The journalistic leadership knows this but truth isn't their business. Selling papers is their business or in this day and age, ratings are their business. So take all this stuff about George Floyd and the police with a big grain of salt.

I disagree with you. Selling papers isn't their business. Pushing their agenda is their business. Their agenda is the destruction of the White race and western civilization.

Allowing this one hate-crazed Talmud cult to buy up our mass media was our fatal mistake.

Imagine how many papers they could sell if just one of them broke ranks from all the rest of the controlled media and told the truth about black violent crime, including black violent crime against the police, black destruction of our once-great central cities...

I know the story of that execution. The general was using a Smith Wesson .38 Airweight.

All orchestrated by the controlled mass media that all speak with one voice, one script writer, one spinmeister, always looking to find something that they can cherry pick to further their agenda, which is our destruction...

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All the questions can be answered as follows: the “George Floyd” “killing” is a hoax, staged event.

It is strange. A lot of questions that won't be answered, as is the case in all their constant flow of false flags. I doubt that we will ever hear the police officer's side of the story. Will I be surprised if the officer gets fosterized/epsteinized? They can use the same doctor who made the revised politically corrected autopsy on the black criminal - and Epstein! - to do his autopsy too. "Yes, the officer hung himself in his prison cell with his paper drinking straw!"

PS The "news" here says that there is suddenly a big increase in the Coronavirus. I will be so sad if all the "demonstrators" get sick and die!
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Dang Charles. I couldn't make it past 42 seconds of that auditorily revolting onslaught. Why did you post that, my friend? Maybe repost in the humor section, aye? :)
Exactly. Truth and statistics are "hate" to these Communist pukes. We are at war, gentleman. It is now like General Patton said, "Our job is not to go and die for our country. Our job is to go make some other poor son of a bitch die for his country." The leftist scum don't have a country they have a Cause. I for one am here to end their effing cause.

Very well stated BFU.
Rex calling out spineless traitors in Law Enforcement who bow down to enemies:
American Freedom News