2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

In only two days the communists that took over six blocks of Seattle are begging for food, one of the leaders is threatening to kill himself, and a violent black guy is already ruling over them. And these people think they're fit to run a country?


Thanks for sharing. That video was good for lols.
Well, I guess its more tiresome now and is of course based in furthering agenda with everyone chipping in. But thinking about it it's a bit strange from the perspective of the claim and who's speaking it, if there was truly institutional racism against "minorities" companies wouldn't be rewarded for calling it out and lampooned for going against the narrative.

What I probably should have said is how can these BLM and Antifa types think they are marching against the system and rebelling when all institutions are behind them? If they are even aware it must be cognitive dissonance.

Because these "people" want more. More money and more freedom to commit crime and get away with it.
Yes, it's a good video, but what he's saying is what right wingers have been saying for the 35 years I've been following politics closely and for a long time before that. It could easily be a pep talk from 1985 as far as I'm concerned. Pro-Whites talk and talk and bemoan what's going on, but nothing ever changes. And this guy sounds smooth and smart, but most likely he's doing absolutely nothing himself to organize and activate his audience beyond encouraging them to do all the hard legwork while he cheers them on. The country keeps moving leftward because the leftists are the activists and are well-financed and have captured all the institutions of power and influence, while it's forever Groundhog Day with the same pep talks when it comes to the right.

There is a "small" chance something is changing. Depends of whether the "Q" thing is real or not. If it isn't, we should target and recruit people who follow it.
Tucker should take over for Rush. Rush probably doesn’t have much time left and Tucker could seamlessly fit into that 50 million strong audience which is insulated from sponsor pressure by both revenue and experience.
Another thing Tucker can do is move into podcasting. I don't know a lot about it but do know that Joe Rogan has developed a huge audience and recently signed a $100 million deal with Spotify. Not a bad payday and undoubtedly a lot more than Carlson makes from Fox News.
In my humble opinion the most prudent thing to do is build close friendships with other whites, help each other in any way you can. Strengthen each other. Protect each other. Stick together at all costs. We are all we have.
"Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now"

This has been censored by the USA media

That is quite a heavy letter from the Archbishop to the President. No wonder the evil MSM has censored it. They are mentioned or referenced several times for exactly the nefarious force that they are. I hope he takes it seriously and it's certain he already has a good idea where things stand. Good vs. Evil.
Police charging a man for pointing a gun at "peaceful protesters". Never mind all the smashed out windows of cars on his block. The people that actually smashed up the city were treated with kid gloves as usual. Police are useful idiots, they do whatever the commies above them command them to do.


Another example of only White's being charged with a hate crime. Wasn't even physically harmed.

That is quite a heavy letter from the Archbishop to the President. No wonder the evil MSM has censored it. They are mentioned or referenced several times for exactly the nefarious force that they are. I hope he takes it seriously and it's certain he already has a good idea where things stand. Good vs. Evil.

Archbishop Vigiano is an inspiration to traditional Catholics. He is the only man of the church to take on the current false pope. He has regularly called out the pope on his heresies. If only God would raise this man to higher position! I see schism coming in the church so there may be a place for him yet.
Short of robbing banks, the left wing mobs have accomplished what the Weathermen and Patty Hearst and friends couldn't do in the early 70's, these whack jobs may be more screwed up than even Black Lives Matter storm troopers for political correctness......

PS, has any mayor willingly ever had two hands tied behind his or her back when dealing with this level of insurrection?
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Paul Craig Roberts is now saying the U.S. is a "Tower of Babel from which White people should flee." Of course, with international travel shut down that's not quite as easy as it sounds.

Education is Offensive and Racist and so is America

I just finished the article. Where does Roberts expect whites to go? Europe? Do not think so. Europe is being overrun by illegal immigrants from Africa. Russia, maybe, but it has way fewer freedoms than here and way too cold for me. LOL Also, starting from scratch will be difficult if not wealthy. It will be difficult to flee anywhere and start anew. Nah, I say we stay here and fight back as best as we can. Certain "groups" have shown since time immemorial that they can not govern nor create a civil society. The White man will always be needed to steer the ship in civilization. Just that some will suffer along the way. Interesting voyage ahead. And that voyage will be better without the NFL and NBA.
Propertarianism is on the rise. look it up, if you’re not familiar with it. it offers solutions and an updated American constitution, filling in the loopholes that the parasitic class are exploiting.

separation/secession of Red regions from Blue cities is the only way forward for continued existence of White/tradition-valuing people in America, and the idea is becoming increasingly mainstream (even being touted by several black mouthpieces).

peaceful separation is obviously preferable, otherwise things will get ... interesting.
I just finished the article. Where does Roberts expect whites to go? Europe? Do not think so. Europe is being overrun by illegal immigrants from Africa. Russia, maybe, but it has way fewer freedoms than here and way too cold for me. LOL Also, starting from scratch will be difficult if not wealthy. It will be difficult to flee anywhere and start anew. Nah, I say we stay here and fight back as best as we can. Certain "groups" have shown since time immemorial that they can not govern nor create a civil society. The White man will always be needed to steer the ship in civilization. Just that some will suffer along the way. Interesting voyage ahead. And that voyage will be better without the NFL and NBA.

I don't think he was totally serious, more sounding the alarm about how bad things are getting. Anyway expatriation is something seriously considered and executed by only a relative few as it takes a hell of a lot of planning, intelligence and gumption, but now and especially after the November election there should be serious discussions about migrations by Whites, mostly within the U.S. to the best red areas, but also emigration out of the country. There certainly are places to go in various parts of the world (if international travel returns in a less than super-onerous way). There are communities of U.S. expats in some countries, while others go solitary. There are websites devoted to the process of expatting.

Parts of South America in particular present some opportunities as those countries for the most part still have unapologetic white or at least lighter-skinned hierarchies. It's only in the traditional Western countries (U.S., Canada, western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) where the communists are successfully demonizing Whites.
I don't think he was totally serious, more sounding the alarm about how bad things are getting. Anyway expatriation is something seriously considered and executed by only a relative few as it takes a hell of a lot of planning, intelligence and gumption, but now and especially after the November election there should be serious discussions about migrations by Whites, mostly within the U.S. to the best red areas, but also emigration out of the country. There certainly are places to go in various parts of the world (if international travel returns in a less than super-onerous way). There are communities of U.S. expats in some countries, while others go solitary. There are websites devoted to the process of expatting.

Parts of South America in particular present some opportunities as those countries for the most part still have unapologetic white or at least lighter-skinned hierarchies. It's only in the traditional Western countries (U.S., Canada, western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) where the communists are successfully demonizing Whites.
Correct. My brother and I have discussed obtaining a vacation home in Argentina, where we can trade off staying their with our families. A lot of White Hispanics there and they have no problem beating down the criminals or protesters that protest for no reason. I will look into it. Looks like the fleeing Nazis many moons ago did it for a reason.
With the virus first and now the riots, protests, etc. we are never gonna see any kind of normal ever again. The saddest thing is that sports doesn't seem to matter much anymore. Our people are being attacked,
beaten up and killed. I love all people but this trying to destroy our people from the face of the earth is flat out disgusting. Just my two cents. Protect your self and your family & friends. It's gonna get worse in
the coming weeks and months. We are all in serious danger unless humanity wakes up and realises that we are all being played by the powers that be as they sit back and laugh & mock us!
With the virus first and now the riots, protests, etc. we are never gonna see any kind of normal ever again. The saddest thing is that sports doesn't seem to matter much anymore. Our people are being attacked,
beaten up and killed. I love all people but this trying to destroy our people from the face of the earth is flat out disgusting. Just my two cents. Protect your self and your family & friends. It's gonna get worse in
the coming weeks and months. We are all in serious danger unless humanity wakes up and realises that we are all being played by the powers that be as they sit back and laugh & mock us!

I'm not sure I'd say we'll "never" see "normal" again, but the far left certainly is trying to keep this country in a permanent state of agitation. Once enthusiasm for these stupid riots burns out, they'll try to come up with a new "event" to stir people up. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't.

I agree with sports not mattering much anymore, I just can't get enthusiastic about them when these images of constant conflict are shoved in everyone's face to the extent that you can't get away from them even if you never watch CNN/MSNBC/Fox News. Especially since it appears that both the NFL and college ball are planning to go all-in on an extreme anti-white agenda that will be shoved in the viewer's face nonstop.
"Mikey the Millenial" - This Black guy knows the score - the whole Floyd thing is just another one of their phony crisis actor road shows!


The license plate on the car with the strange windows that pulled up behind the staged Floyd show in Minneapolis, filmed the whole thing, without the crisis actors playing police telling it to move on as real police would have, and then quietly drove away when the scene was over. Look at its license plate. It has a symbol and two numbers, some kind of government plate.

Leftists are always going to win in the short term in the Western World (USA, Canada, Majority of Europe & UK). Today, it's Confederate Statues being forcibly removed, tomorrow it will be financial and physical reparations from Whites to Blacks for slavery and Whites becoming a minority in North America and Europe (which at this point is nothing short of a mathematical certainty). There has been a continual shift to the left in the Western World, definitely since World War 2, likely even before that. I actually believe it all started with giving women the right to vote. Since then there is a consistent shift to the left.

As Whites become a minority in North America and Europe, the balance of power in society will shift more towards nonWhites and at that time, I believe you will see a resurgence of right wing or conservative thinking.

It's a bitter pill to swallow for those who are pro-White, but White people basically put themselves in this position collectively. Conservatives, and those who are pro-White are vastly outnumbered by Liberal Whites and as a true Conservative you can expect almost no support from the majority of fellow White people.

In the end though, leftists will lose big because they are creating a welfare society where no one works, everyone depends on government, and there is no rule of law, no moral compass, and no sense of working to achieve something or being productive. When you look at the people behind the left, for the most part its Rich Elitist Whites and Rich Jews who live in gated communities with other Rich Elitist Whites and Rich Jews. Nancy Pelosi and Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are both great examples of elitist, aristocratic, rich Whites who push "anti racism" and multiculturalism but live in a gated community, and want working class whites to accept those things while they continue to live their phony lives in a gated community. It's a form of classism by rich Whites to try to force poorer Whites into feeling White Guilt.

Quality of life in the WesternWorld has plateaued and is now declining. Western White Nations are not as rich as they used to be and in many cases are being surpassed by Asian, or other countries. I have traveled over the World, and I encourage all of you to do so, and you will find that people from the Middle East and parts of Asia have a lot more wealth than you do, and do not have debt or live check to check as people do in the West. Healthcare and other technologies in these countries also are on par with or surpass us.

As a conservative, the real thing to do here is watch this society kill itself from the inside out and to be honest, I take quite a pleasure from that. The Western World is literally imploding and, quite frankly, from an evolutionary perspective that is *exactly* what is supposed to happen. I do take a pleasure from watching this society destroy itself. Leftists will win in the short term, but at the end, Conservatives will rightfully say "told you so".

As a conservative, traditionalist, right winger, or pro-White person the worst thing you can do is try to "fix it" or contribute towards making society a better place. The only thing that would fix the West is when it crashes and burns. And make no mistake that is exactly what is going to happen and is happening. That's the mistake that people that Donald Trump make. He would have been better to let a Democrat get elected and really drive the country into the sh1tter.
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