2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

Very well stated BFU.
Thanks Riggins44. It is high past time to wake up our friends and anyone who will listen. We are in perilous times.
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I am so ashamed of the whites of N.C. and the nation for their actions in these protests. If you feel you need forgiveness ask God to forgive you not another human. I hope this makes you sleep better. Just don't be shock when your new friends turn on you, and they will.

"This is a list of all of the “woke” companies (and brands) that are supporting violent protests across the United States. Despite the chaos, destruction, and deaths, “woke” companies across the country have still come out in support of #BlackLivesMatter, Antifa terrorists, and general criminals.

Please consider using this list to guide in what businesses you wish to support. Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.
To keep this list from becoming unwieldy, I’m only including one statement per company. Many of these companies have issued multiple statements in support of the insurrection across the country, some even fighting in the comments section with fans, but it’s overwhelming as it is."

Companies defending the rioters:
  1. 23andme: Attention Required!
  2. 72andSunny: Attention Required!
  3. AbbVie: Attention Required!
  4. Abbey Road Studios: Attention Required!
  5. The Academy (the Oscars): Attention Required!
  6. Activision Blizzard: Attention Required!
  7. Adidas: Attention Required!
  8. Airbnb: Attention Required!
  9. Alaska Airlines: Attention Required!
  10. Amazon: https://archive.is/lBR4u
  11. AMD: https://archive.is/i3krt
  12. American Airlines: https://archive.is/XBwhw
  13. American Express: https://archive.is/kzWXa
  14. American Apparel: https://archive.is/ETfYw
  15. Apple Music: https://archive.is/cj97E
  16. Ancestry: https://archive.is/5Q9JW
  17. Armani: https://archive.is/hX6Yw
  18. Astro Gaming: https://archive.is/9aWhf
  19. AT&T: https://archive.is/OzC04
  20. Atlantic Records: https://archive.is/65QQq
  21. AWS: https://archive.is/NXNAG
  22. AXE: https://archive.is/Xpxhw
  23. Barclays Bank: https://archive.is/9EAl4
  24. Barnes & Noble: https://archive.is/PCPKn
  25. Bandcamp: https://archive.is/5QQBT
  26. Bank of America: https://archive.is/FH1O0
  27. Bayer: https://archive.is/iT3EG
  28. Bergdorf Goodman: https://archive.is/nQiPA
  29. Bethesda: https://archive.is/2xeNE
  30. Ben & Jerry’s: https://archive.is/BqHRv
  31. Billboard: https://archive.is/Ruuv8
  32. BMW: https://archive.is/lRN51
  33. BP: https://archive.is/0qSwy
  34. Booking.com: https://archive.is/CZAs7
  35. Boost Mobile: https://archive.is/pLnAf
  36. Bratz: https://archive.is/vOA1d
  37. Burger King: https://archive.is/U9VzB
  38. Bungie: https://archive.is/81KHV
  39. Burberry: https://archive.is/ha0jP
  40. Burt’s Bees: https://archive.is/4NbLi
  41. Cadillac: https://archive.is/bS60C
  42. Call of Duty: https://archive.is/DEJA6
  43. Capcom: https://archive.is/S1BgN
  44. Capitol Records: https://archive.is/jeUpY
  45. Canada Goose: https://archive.is/y2nLo
  46. Cartoon Network: https://archive.is/CxAd7
  47. Chess.com: https://archive.is/nmguY
  48. Chick-fil-A: https://archive.is/yiviH
  49. Chipotle: https://archive.is/Rk9zI
  50. Chips Ahoy: https://archive.is/wOrC7
  51. Cisco: https://archive.is/fNvdP
  52. Citigroup: https://archive.is/36fkF
  53. Coca Cola: https://archive.is/bzTHi
  54. Colourpop Cosmetics: https://archive.is/AapIR
  55. Conde Nast: https://archive.is/ChMdI
  56. Converse: https://archive.is//sKjmg
  57. CORSAIR: https://archive.is/5S5DY
  58. Creative Commons: https://archive.is/kPdCO
  59. Criterion Collection: https://archive.is/JZ2Sd
  60. Crunchyroll: https://archive.is/q7Ucj
  61. CW: https://archive.is/JumZU
  62. CVS: https://archive.is/DbBSV
  63. DHL Express: https://archive.is/r4Pmp
  64. Dell: https://archive.is/IeI9j
  65. Degree: https://archive.is/SItaW
  66. Devolver Digital: https://archive.is/xcaEH
  67. DIRECTV: https://archive.is/hhBG4
  68. Discord: https://archive.is/hGtDw
  69. Disney: https://archive.is/wldfM
  70. Dollar Shave Club: https://archive.is/0r84H
  71. Doritos: https://archive.is/nLHv0
  72. DoorDash: https://archive.is/vhTW2
  73. Doulingo: https://archive.is/v9Wpk
  74. Dribbble: https://archive.is/TDWFY
  75. Dropbox: https://archive.is/O2ygm
  76. E! News: https://archive.is/3PJyz
  77. EA: https://archive.is/92ALS
  78. Eaton: https://archive.is/ezfyE
  79. eBay: https://archive.is/TYTIz
  80. Eight Sleep: https://archive.is/IiV7n
  81. ESPN: https://archive.is/1I5Tf
  82. Etsy: https://archive.is/FtTof
  83. FedEx: https://archive.is/kKVJp
  84. Fender: https://archive.is/OGjBM
  85. Figma: https://archive.is/hNpcE
  86. FILA: https://archive.is/d6bZ6
  87. Fitbit: https://archive.is/Smx2g
  88. Foot Locker: https://archive.is/XRL65
  89. Formula 1: https://archive.is/FCpBG
  90. FOX: https://archive.is/p2BvT
  91. Frosted Mini Wheats: https://archive.is/vrEYN
  92. Funimation: https://archive.is/sfN8E
  93. GameSpot: https://archive.is/zEkO3
  94. Gartner: https://archive.is/QC8tz
  95. Gatorade: https://archive.is/fo7wl
  96. Genentech: https://archive.is/phHtt
  97. General Motors: https://archive.is/IP0a6
  98. Gibson: https://archive.is/qJYZY
  99. Glossier: https://archive.is/IYlXB
  100. GoDaddy: https://archive.is/VEMk4
  101. Goldman Sachs: https://archive.is/TA2h0
  102. GoFundMe: https://archive.is/Be0fJ
  103. Google: https://archive.is/DK2T8
  104. GoPro: https://archive.is/Aakvo
  105. Gorilla Glue: https://archive.is/0R9ya
  106. Grammarly: https://archive.is/Su1PT
  107. Grindr: https://archive.is/Z6KcW
  108. Guerilla Collective: https://archive.is/TTchM
  109. Gumroad: https://archive.is/oZMr7
  110. Gushers: https://archive.is/3Dju7
  111. Habitat for Humanity: https://archive.is/B81pI
  112. Harry’s: https://archive.is/mE4NN
  113. HBO: https://archive.is/oiUyY
  114. HBO Max: https://archive.is/LGsPt
  115. Headup: https://archive.is/G8ygg
  116. Help Scout: https://archive.is//D8DCs
  117. Hershey’s: https://archive.is/ZQ5zD
  118. H&M: https://archive.is/A9ONJ
  119. Home Depot: https://archive.is/KjUtA
  120. Honda: https://archive.is/4UYtd
  121. HP: https://archive.is/BO2tc
  122. Hulu: https://archive.is/4CyO2
  123. Humana: https://archive.is/RMRmE
  124. Humble Bundle: https://archive.is/YXDb6
  125. HyperX: https://archive.is/ZfHYp
  126. IBM: https://archive.is/ij3Q1
  127. IKEA: https://archive.is/piwcs
  128. IMAX: https://archive.is/OiCj1
  129. Indiegogo: https://archive.is/jrDZk
  130. itch.io: https://archive.is/UTsTi
  131. Intel: https://archive.is/93D5q
  132. Invision: https://archive.is/UZkK1
  133. ITV: https://archive.is/yD1pS
  134. Kickstarter: https://archive.is/0zwng
  135. Lacoste: https://archive.is/T7nwc
  136. Lego: https://archive.is/UKFhD
  137. Levi’s: https://archive.is/KizLO
  138. Lenovo: https://archive.is/aRuDu
  139. Lexus: https://archive.is/71b2c
  140. LinkedIn: https://archive.is/sX5zb
  141. L’Oreal Paris: https://archive.is/Jfelo
  142. Logitech: https://archive.is/vf6J7
  143. Lowe’s: https://archive.is/V5UFz
  144. Lucky Brand: https://archive.is/fY2Mw
  145. Lululemon: https://archive.is/rjCRV
  146. Lumosity: https://archive.is/Nu1Od
  147. Louis Vuitton: https://archive.is/nGZe8
  148. Lyft: https://archive.is/UXl3k
  149. Madden NFL 20: https://archive.is/CTUoi
  150. Marvel Entertainment: https://archive.is/Ptup6
  151. Mastercard: https://archive.is/K0n1d
  152. MATTEL: https://archive.is/bvsqN
  153. McAfee: https://archive.is/IGXA1
  154. McDonald’s: https://archive.is/jOZ65
  155. Merck: https://archive.is/Uq30E
  156. Mercedes Benz: https://archive.is/bs8y6
  157. Met Life: https://archive.is/Dukhi
  158. Metropolitan Opera: https://archive.fo/wecQ2
  159. Microsoft: https://archive.is/A7Vjv
  160. MOD Pizza: https://archive.is/y6tt2
  161. Mozilla: https://archive.is/m1aLg
  162. Napster: https://archive.is/fVY1s
  163. NASCAR: https://archive.is/LG2hU
  164. Ncsoft: https://archive.is/OVPVP
  165. Netflix: https://archive.is/UVSEr
  166. New Balance: https://archive.is/NyGnG
  167. New York Life: https://archive.is/HVVVk
  168. NFL: https://archive.is/G4yq4
  169. NHL: https://archive.is/lYbyG
  170. Niantic: https://archive.is/UdKYR
  171. Nickelodeon: https://archive.is/JWSPQ
  172. Nike: https://archive.is/UXYBy
  173. Nintendo: https://archive.is/5UOjp
  174. Nordstrom: https://archive.is/A7mUU
  175. North Face: https://archive.is/rq1Cb
  176. Old Spice: https://archive.is/1UK5d
  177. OnlyFans: https://archive.is/EFs5C
  178. Oreo: https://archive.is/UFa5r
  179. Paramount Pictures: https://archive.is/ixXHd
  180. Paramount Network: https://archive.is/BCAX3
  181. Patreon: https://archive.is/wzfM5
  182. Peloton: https://archive.is/d36k7
  183. Pepsi Co: https://archive.is/9S5ow
  184. Pfizer Inc: https://archive.is/A6hby
  185. Playstation: https://archive.is/52Vvl
  186. Plex: https://archive.is/9szCf
  187. Pokemon: https://archive.is/p9zuP
  188. Popeye’s Chicken: https://archive.is/CzlHd
  189. Pop-Tarts: https://archive.is/8cMGG
  190. Pornhub: https://archive.is/nciUB
  191. Porsche: https://archive.is/VrmlZ
  192. Pringles: https://archive.is/1WpA1
  193. Procter & Gamble: https://archive.is/JSMO4
  194. Puget Systems: https://archive.is/4Zcu7
  195. PUMA: https://archive.is/lHx9j
  196. Pusheen: https://archive.is/71dL1
  197. Qualcomm: https://archive.is/syYmb
  198. Quicken Loans: https://archive.is/SmDfJ
  199. Reddit: https://archive.is/H09M8
  200. RedHat: https://archive.is/ObTZu
  201. Red Lobster: https://archive.is/aIUyy
  202. Red Wing: https://archive.is/LLCVv
  203. Reebok: https://archive.is/v0nat
  204. Reese’s: https://archive.is/Rc4pJ
  205. Rice Krispies: https://archive.is/U4Zn9
  206. Riot Games: https://archive.is/2XH97
  207. Ritz: https://archive.is/S03V2
  208. Rockstar Games: https://archive.is/QdcPI
  209. Salesforce: https://archive.is/t1qZB
  210. Sanofi: https://archive.is//ErmGO
  211. Scholastic: https://archive.is/fFmX3
  212. Sega: https://archive.is/9YyUJ
  213. Sesame Street: https://archive.is/5he9K
  214. Society Generale US: https://archive.is/IoUgp
  215. Showtime: https://archive.is/YTPVw
  216. Sketch: https://archive.is/QvXDT
  217. Slack: https://archive.is/gF9ym
  218. Sephora: https://archive.is/Gm7Rc
  219. Shopify: https://archive.is/iq5jB
  220. Skillshare: https://archive.is/JX5em
  221. Snap: https://archive.is/HcGGQ
  222. Snapchat: https://archive.is/5reL4
  223. Sony: https://archive.is/1PtlU
  224. Soundcloud: https://archive.is/H3ZDC
  225. Spotify: https://archive.is/ufTeo
  226. Square Enix: https://archive.is/qmPIX
  227. STARZ: https://archive.is/eQ4YG
  228. Starbucks: https://archive.is/EENlS
  229. Star Wars: https://archive.is/xnSgt
  230. Subway: https://archive.is/D5F8H
  231. Supreme New York: https://archive.is/KqeQs
  232. Sysco Corporation: https://archive.is/WyXx8
  233. Taco Bell: https://archive.is/LLY9l
  234. Target: https://archive.is/YoIrO
  235. TBS: https://archive.is/N0QhU
  236. Tesco: https://archive.is/hZS7B
  237. Thatgamecompany: https://archive.is/7po1C
  238. Ticketmaster: https://archive.is/VkhNC
  239. Tide: https://archive.is/TzcFh
  240. TikTok: https://archive.is/bt2vy
  241. Timberland: https://archive.is/HZtxv
  242. Tinder: https://archive.is/YaY2y
  243. TMobile: https://archive.is//KB2lG
  244. Trident: https://archive.is/lMnnt
  245. Tumblr: https://archive.is/i9fMQ
  246. Twitch: https://archive.is/DAmR5
  247. Twitter: https://archive.is/auIgi
  248. Uber: https://archive.is/RrScn
  249. Uber Eats: https://archive.is/UwwQS
  250. Ubisoft: https://archive.is/0qMff
  251. Ugg: https://archive.is/YZuWv
  252. Ulta Beauty: https://archive.is/6ZESx
  253. Under Armor: https://archive.is/WuYMM
  254. UnitedHealth Group: https://archive.is/rzQXF
  255. Vanguard: https://archive.is/Y12IM
  256. Vans: https://archive.is/5nYag
  257. VeggieTales: https://archive.is/ocjzA
  258. Verizon: https://archive.is/hPZoJ
  259. VERSACE: https://archive.is/wWsxK
  260. Vevo: https://archive.is/MVtrR
  261. Via: https://archive.is/fFIvU
  262. ViacomCBS: https://archive.is/uCGXy
  263. Virgin Records: https://archive.is/QiykN
  264. Virta: https://archive.is/7e9KT
  265. VIZ: https://archive.is/eMuIW
  266. Vivaldi: https://archive.is/QO9do
  267. Warner Bros https://archive.is/F1Tqn
  268. Warner Records: https://archive.is/Mm6qb
  269. Well’s Fargo: https://archive.is/CGA4n
  270. Wendy’s: https://archive.is/7X4Nu
  271. WeWork: https://archive.is/TEpa7
  272. XBox: https://archive.is/6zdVS
  273. Yamaha Music USA: https://archive.is/ANDkF
  274. Yelp: https://archive.is/eU4NS
  275. YouTube: https://archive.is/5qz6a
  276. Zara: https://archive.is/t2QeR
  277. Zildijian: https://archive.fo/o6Tqi
  278. Zoom: https://archive.is/7o03X


They censored it.

This account is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules.
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"This is a list of all of the “woke” companies (and brands) that are supporting violent protests across the United States. Despite the chaos, destruction, and deaths, “woke” companies across the country have still come out in support of #BlackLivesMatter, Antifa terrorists, and general criminals.

Please consider using this list to guide in what businesses you wish to support. Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.
To keep this list from becoming unwieldy, I’m only including one statement per company. Many of these companies have issued multiple statements in support of the insurrection across the country, some even fighting in the comments section with fans, but it’s overwhelming as it is."

Companies defending the rioters:
  1. 23andme: Attention Required!
  2. 72andSunny: Attention Required!
  3. AbbVie: Attention Required!
  4. Abbey Road Studios: Attention Required!
  5. The Academy (the Oscars): Attention Required!
  6. Activision Blizzard: Attention Required!
  7. Adidas: Attention Required!
  8. Airbnb: Attention Required!
  9. Alaska Airlines: Attention Required!
  10. Amazon: https://archive.is/lBR4u
  11. AMD: https://archive.is/i3krt
  12. American Airlines: https://archive.is/XBwhw
  13. American Express: https://archive.is/kzWXa
  14. American Apparel: https://archive.is/ETfYw
  15. Apple Music: https://archive.is/cj97E
  16. Ancestry: https://archive.is/5Q9JW
  17. Armani: https://archive.is/hX6Yw
  18. Astro Gaming: https://archive.is/9aWhf
  19. AT&T: https://archive.is/OzC04
  20. Atlantic Records: https://archive.is/65QQq
  21. AWS: https://archive.is/NXNAG
  22. AXE: https://archive.is/Xpxhw
  23. Barclays Bank: https://archive.is/9EAl4
  24. Barnes & Noble: https://archive.is/PCPKn
  25. Bandcamp: https://archive.is/5QQBT
  26. Bank of America: https://archive.is/FH1O0
  27. Bayer: https://archive.is/iT3EG
  28. Bergdorf Goodman: https://archive.is/nQiPA
  29. Bethesda: https://archive.is/2xeNE
  30. Ben & Jerry’s: https://archive.is/BqHRv
  31. Billboard: https://archive.is/Ruuv8
  32. BMW: https://archive.is/lRN51
  33. BP: https://archive.is/0qSwy
  34. Booking.com: https://archive.is/CZAs7
  35. Boost Mobile: https://archive.is/pLnAf
  36. Bratz: https://archive.is/vOA1d
  37. Burger King: https://archive.is/U9VzB
  38. Bungie: https://archive.is/81KHV
  39. Burberry: https://archive.is/ha0jP
  40. Burt’s Bees: https://archive.is/4NbLi
  41. Cadillac: https://archive.is/bS60C
  42. Call of Duty: https://archive.is/DEJA6
  43. Capcom: https://archive.is/S1BgN
  44. Capitol Records: https://archive.is/jeUpY
  45. Canada Goose: https://archive.is/y2nLo
  46. Cartoon Network: https://archive.is/CxAd7
  47. Chess.com: https://archive.is/nmguY
  48. Chick-fil-A: https://archive.is/yiviH
  49. Chipotle: https://archive.is/Rk9zI
  50. Chips Ahoy: https://archive.is/wOrC7
  51. Cisco: https://archive.is/fNvdP
  52. Citigroup: https://archive.is/36fkF
  53. Coca Cola: https://archive.is/bzTHi
  54. Colourpop Cosmetics: https://archive.is/AapIR
  55. Conde Nast: https://archive.is/ChMdI
  56. Converse: https://archive.is//sKjmg
  57. CORSAIR: https://archive.is/5S5DY
  58. Creative Commons: https://archive.is/kPdCO
  59. Criterion Collection: https://archive.is/JZ2Sd
  60. Crunchyroll: https://archive.is/q7Ucj
  61. CW: https://archive.is/JumZU
  62. CVS: https://archive.is/DbBSV
  63. DHL Express: https://archive.is/r4Pmp
  64. Dell: https://archive.is/IeI9j
  65. Degree: https://archive.is/SItaW
  66. Devolver Digital: https://archive.is/xcaEH
  67. DIRECTV: https://archive.is/hhBG4
  68. Discord: https://archive.is/hGtDw
  69. Disney: https://archive.is/wldfM
  70. Dollar Shave Club: https://archive.is/0r84H
  71. Doritos: https://archive.is/nLHv0
  72. DoorDash: https://archive.is/vhTW2
  73. Doulingo: https://archive.is/v9Wpk
  74. Dribbble: https://archive.is/TDWFY
  75. Dropbox: https://archive.is/O2ygm
  76. E! News: https://archive.is/3PJyz
  77. EA: https://archive.is/92ALS
  78. Eaton: https://archive.is/ezfyE
  79. eBay: https://archive.is/TYTIz
  80. Eight Sleep: https://archive.is/IiV7n
  81. ESPN: https://archive.is/1I5Tf
  82. Etsy: https://archive.is/FtTof
  83. FedEx: https://archive.is/kKVJp
  84. Fender: https://archive.is/OGjBM
  85. Figma: https://archive.is/hNpcE
  86. FILA: https://archive.is/d6bZ6
  87. Fitbit: https://archive.is/Smx2g
  88. Foot Locker: https://archive.is/XRL65
  89. Formula 1: https://archive.is/FCpBG
  90. FOX: https://archive.is/p2BvT
  91. Frosted Mini Wheats: https://archive.is/vrEYN
  92. Funimation: https://archive.is/sfN8E
  93. GameSpot: https://archive.is/zEkO3
  94. Gartner: https://archive.is/QC8tz
  95. Gatorade: https://archive.is/fo7wl
  96. Genentech: https://archive.is/phHtt
  97. General Motors: https://archive.is/IP0a6
  98. Gibson: https://archive.is/qJYZY
  99. Glossier: https://archive.is/IYlXB
  100. GoDaddy: https://archive.is/VEMk4
  101. Goldman Sachs: https://archive.is/TA2h0
  102. GoFundMe: https://archive.is/Be0fJ
  103. Google: https://archive.is/DK2T8
  104. GoPro: https://archive.is/Aakvo
  105. Gorilla Glue: https://archive.is/0R9ya
  106. Grammarly: https://archive.is/Su1PT
  107. Grindr: https://archive.is/Z6KcW
  108. Guerilla Collective: https://archive.is/TTchM
  109. Gumroad: https://archive.is/oZMr7
  110. Gushers: https://archive.is/3Dju7
  111. Habitat for Humanity: https://archive.is/B81pI
  112. Harry’s: https://archive.is/mE4NN
  113. HBO: https://archive.is/oiUyY
  114. HBO Max: https://archive.is/LGsPt
  115. Headup: https://archive.is/G8ygg
  116. Help Scout: https://archive.is//D8DCs
  117. Hershey’s: https://archive.is/ZQ5zD
  118. H&M: https://archive.is/A9ONJ
  119. Home Depot: https://archive.is/KjUtA
  120. Honda: https://archive.is/4UYtd
  121. HP: https://archive.is/BO2tc
  122. Hulu: https://archive.is/4CyO2
  123. Humana: https://archive.is/RMRmE
  124. Humble Bundle: https://archive.is/YXDb6
  125. HyperX: https://archive.is/ZfHYp
  126. IBM: https://archive.is/ij3Q1
  127. IKEA: https://archive.is/piwcs
  128. IMAX: https://archive.is/OiCj1
  129. Indiegogo: https://archive.is/jrDZk
  130. itch.io: https://archive.is/UTsTi
  131. Intel: https://archive.is/93D5q
  132. Invision: https://archive.is/UZkK1
  133. ITV: https://archive.is/yD1pS
  134. Kickstarter: https://archive.is/0zwng
  135. Lacoste: https://archive.is/T7nwc
  136. Lego: https://archive.is/UKFhD
  137. Levi’s: https://archive.is/KizLO
  138. Lenovo: https://archive.is/aRuDu
  139. Lexus: https://archive.is/71b2c
  140. LinkedIn: https://archive.is/sX5zb
  141. L’Oreal Paris: https://archive.is/Jfelo
  142. Logitech: https://archive.is/vf6J7
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They censored it.

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I found it funny that Target and Mcdonalds are both in support of the violent protests/riots and looting since their stores were plundered. Maybe their stores are insured to the hilt and they are write offs, Also go on the Mcdonlds link and the mob are out for blood when it comes to "woke' Mcdonalds who is only "woke" when it's easy to jump on the bandwagon as they are known union busters and under pay their employees.
They censored it.

This account is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules.
I found it funny that Target and Mcdonalds are both in support of the violent protests/riots and looting since their stores were plundered. Maybe their stores are insured to the hilt and they are write offs, Also go on the Mcdonlds link and the mob are out for blood when it comes to "woke' Mcdonalds who is only "woke" when it's easy to jump on the bandwagon as they are known union busters and under pay their employees.[/QUOTE]

I've recently heard that Soros owns majority of stocks in both Target and Auto Zone, two stores that are repeatedly burned in riots throughout the country.
The big corps are almost entirely on board with the cut and paste sjw fake tears false narratives routine. Any company not falling in line will be crucified and run out of the business world.
He was toting crack and resisting arrest. The saint was a criminal.
Candance Owens speaks truth about Blacks, not just Floyd. It's good to hear a Black female, usually the most "Woe is me and Whitey wants to kill us all" group, tell it like it is:
God Bless this sheriff who isn't woke......

Ps, mayor snowflake was booed off the stage, the mob has turned on it's own, no word if snowflake was crying as he was told to take his ball home.....
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The big corps are almost entirely on board with the cut and paste sjw fake tears false narratives routine. Any company not falling in line will be crucified and run out of the business world.

Yeah I know. The whole power structure in the USA wants the USA - and especially us - to be destroyed. Anyway I quit Amazon Prime today. I wonder how many did the same.
This is an excellent expose by attractive young Millennial Millie. Minneapolis was already taken over by organized radical left groups who are organizing all over the country, who were ready to go as soon as there was an incident to spark rioting:


Clearly this was preplanned with the controlled media just waiting for an incident they can spin to set it off, but she shouldn't be using the communists agitprop language - "murder" of George Floyd. as the criminal porno film actor Floyd either died from from a drug OD or else is whooping it up in a crisis actor safe house, with the guy who played the cop and maybe Epstein too

The Tsar of Russia played nice with the communists and we know what happened there, and they've been doing the same here, and still are, for a long time now and it has grown very much worse with much of the white millennials having been brainwashed into bolshevik cadres along with the pre-existing black welfare class. And virtually the entire US ruling class has come out in full support of the terrorists.
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I had a black cab driver from Africa. He spoke with an African accent. He called the rioting and looting "barbaric." So not all blacks support them.
Two Americas:
I had a black cab driver from Africa. He spoke with an African accent. He called the rioting and looting "barbaric." So not all blacks support them.
Yep, that's been known for years up in the city (NYC). Cabbies of all ethnicities/racial groups have refused to pick up "African Americans" because of their known misbehavior.
Yep, that's been known for years up in the city (NYC). Cabbies of all ethnicities/racial groups have refused to pick up "African Americans" because of their known misbehavior.

Had an African cabbie tell me the same In Louisville.
Had an African cabbie tell me the same In Louisville.

It seems most groups don't like American blacks - Latinos, Indians, Asians and african blacks all seem to not get along with them. But somehow it's not African Americans who are the problem - it's everyone else. They are the most protected social group in our country - which is exactly why we are seeing them act collectively like children.
This is an excellent expose by attractive young Millennial Millie. Minneapolis was already taken over by organized radical left groups who are organizing all over the country, who were ready to go as soon as there was an incident to spark rioting:


"...who are organizing all over the country, who were ready to go as soon as there was an incident to spark rioting."

American Freedom News