2011 Penn State Nittany Lions

BSPN really went all out with their coverage on this. Every single person on that network was passionately demanding that Joe Paterno needed to step down and that he was ultimately responsible for all of this. They all defended the board's decision to fire him. The focus was 100% on Paterno .They were trying to make him out to be much more powerful than he is. I'm just wondering if maybe they could have an agenda here ?
The most sickening rumour that has emerged about this scandal is Sandusky pimping out the boys to degenerate boosters. I hope and pray that is just a rumour and nothing more. If it isn't this case could really blow up in the schools and communities face as a few "pillars" of the community are going to jail for the rest of their sorry lives. :thumbdown:http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news?slug=ycn-10407023
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Well it looks like the NAMBLA Lions couldn't pull it off without JoePa at the helm.
I saw before and after the Penn State Nebraska game the teams prayed. They even had a black preacher leading the prayers. Now the question I have about that is what denomination praying was going on? Was there a chance to face Mecca? Did the Jews and the Satanists and the Pagans get to pray to their deities? If not, why not? Were all the players on both teams and everyone in the crowd Christians? How is it in our multidenominational-multiculturist society can there be any group rite? Why is our anti-Christian society always so eager to pray?

Whenever there is some sort of tragedy the media, and government, and every other voice in society asks everybody to pray. The rest of the time they criticize any hint of religious viewpoint. What is it that they really want?
This entire Penn State/Joe Paterno incident is a microcosm of this corrupt society, low morals and the US empire in decline. People have been brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing whatever they are told and never questioning authority or thinking for themselves. I really hope this thing gets a lot worse and takes down as many people as possible with it. Any damage to the cultural Marxist establishment will be a win, plus it seems like the horse has left the barn on this one and they can't cover things up anymore.
The racist, angry black man Desi Cortez strikes again. This time he makes claims that Michael Vick is a better man than Joe Paterno. All this without any facts, just baseless accusations made by the media. He also claims Vick's dogfighting and torturing dogs is not as bad as Brett Favre sending pictures to that cheerleader behind his wifes back.

Channels : AllSports
Straight, No Chaser: Mike Vick Is A Better Man Than Joe Paterno . . . .

by Desi Cortez BASN Columnist, desicortez@blackathlete.com • View all articles by Desi Cortez BASN Columnist
POSTED: Nov 13, 2011

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Jerry and Joe, Joe and Jerry...Birds of a feather??
DENVER, CO. (BASN)--The last time I checked with my Aunt Johnnie-Mae or Aunt Earlene. . . the act of rape, being accused of rape more then once - as Pittsburgh Steeler’s Quarterback Big Ben Rothelisberger has been accused of, and paid out-of-court to stifle - ranks on their grandmotherly moral-meter much higher then Mike Vick’s dogfighting.

The same can be said for that blind-folded lady’s court-of-law. -rape, far outweighs the dog-fighting Vick was engaged in, and i s by no means comparable to a rightfully paranoid modern-day gladiator, Plaxico Burress firing a cap into his own ass.

And here, let me go further to say . . . playing around behind your Cancer fighting wife’s back, e-mailing snap-shots of your naked penis to NFL groupie hang-on “platinum diggers†- as Brett Favre did . . . is a tad-bit more deplorable than training dogs to fight each other - it just is.

Those Great White Hopes’ Rothelisberger and Favre, are two dopes guilty of the above “mishaps†. . . but yet . . . all is forgiven have White America tell it. Their “indiscretions†are merely big kids messing-around.

Can I get Ray Charles to come back and perform Mess Around . . . with the Ray-letts?

Ain’t that a . . . . There’s no question skin-color/racial attitudes and perceptions play a significant role in who’s forgiven and who’s hung at sunrise.


This is the case, it is how n’ why Vick and Plaxico, according to a nation-wide poll conducted by Nielsen and E-Poll Market Research, stand as the least liked NFL players - â€hated†by the American people more than Favre and Rothlisberger.

I’d argue Mike Vick is a bigger, better man then Joe Paterno . . .

Perhaps to understand the complexity of the matter, a better question is . . . who precisely are the “American people†casting a vote?

Are we talking about the everyday Tom n’ Jerry? And if so, are we considering this nation is populated by millions of folks who still today believe America (their family/friends/neighbors) aren’t ready for a Black President, Black neighbors, Black classmates or, God forbid, Black in-laws . . . .

Here let me stir the Voo-Doo chili a little-bit, turn-up the flames.

I’m going to trot-out half-naked onto a journalistic limb here and offer this one up as food (Rib-eyes and Lobster tails) for thought; Penn. State pigskin icon Joe Paterno, when the dust settles in “Showergate,†will have been found guilty of enabling and facilitating the rapes and molestation of , at least 8 boys by one of his staff members, Jerry Sandusky. As this it’s the press allegations are circulating that Sandusky pimped boys out to other men . . . ?

Nonetheless, with the 84 year-old legend’s strategic-silence and in-actions, his failure to personally call the po-po - he’ll still be hoisted-up by the rank n’ file sportsfans upon some gridiron pedestal.

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing . . . .

Note, students went mad in Happy Valley as Joe’s firing was announced. Rich little White boys n’ girls snapped because the board-of-trustees read the grand jury’s findings - Joe could have done more to end the madness - but he had different priorities. Obviously saving his ass, and risking young boy’s well-being was his main concern.

And still they will defend him.

Furthermore, the illustrious NCAA Grand Pooh-Pahs will struggle to not punish Penn State . . . because Penn. state/major college football has an image to maintain - even after this tragic fiasco.

The question here is why? Why does Joe Paterno get the nod?

First n’ foremost, tragically football is America’s real religion, we “value†it far too-much. Secondly because Joe’s apart of a fraternity - economically well-off notable White men. He’ll get the “White-glove†treatment by the sports-press and fanatical fans - man-love reserved for Ronald Reagun, Elvis, baby Jesus and “super†White men.

Yes despite the horrific nature of what went on in Happy Valley - there will be a cohesive effort to lessen the fall of a Great White Father.

The sporting world is always in-search of Great White Hopes to shove-down the throats of Americans. Paterno had already been sainted, knighted, canonized and dipped in bronze - when now we discover the man appeared to have little if any real character and integrity. He allowed the sodomizing/raping of a 10 year old boy to go unpunished in order to not jeopardize his prestigious program . . . and millions will defend him.

Is it not feasible if Coach Sandusky is fired and imprisoned the Nittany loans don’t roar as loud as they did with him at the defensive helm? Penn State cheated to win. Joe kept this guy around to help him win. That’s cheating.

Paterno may still join Favre and put on a pair of Wranglers and drive around in Ford Pick-up.

This mentality of seeing no evil/speaking nor writing any evil about certain White folks . . . crosses all sectors of life in this so-called United States. It’s why millions, who believe themselves to be the only true, legit Americans gave draft-dodgers like both **** Cheney and George W. Bush the winkedy-wink and allowed these hypocritical bastards to ask more of today’s young soldiers - to exchange their blood for Texas Tea, then what they were willing to risk themselves during the Viet-Nam War?

Here, let me tell you how it really is . . . fat-cat politicians belong to the same skull n’ crossbones frat-house as Paterno does. They’re wealthy White men . . . above the morals, values standards and laws all the little people must adhere to. Both political pimps families believed, and still believe today that this nation’s wars are for Americans-of-Color and trailer Park White trash to fight - the e-lites are merely suppose to financially profit from wars.

This pattern of racial and class privilege is obvious, clear, widespread and rampant throughout US society.

Of Course execute Vick at sunset, but however leap-into “damage control†mode when it becomes clear Joe Paterno was either spineless, or willing to sacrifice young boys to maintain his version of a collegiate Camelot . . . or perhaps Joe was in the shower also with young boys?

Desi Cortez and his famous flames . . ..

What is this yearning within American society - be it sports, politics, entertainment or business, this highly visible and clearly audible desire held by the court-of public opinion to minimize/slight/diminish/ and alas dismiss the dastardly and diabolical deeds of White folks, while at the same time inflating/enhancing and maximizing the faults and failings of Black folks?

Granted it’s no secret many angry, conservative White males do believe a good dog is more valuable then a good woman . . . and it’s no secret this country has a track-record of “throwin’ the book at Black folks†while giving White folks the “pass†for identical if not more heinous acts.

I came to the conclusion years ago that this nation, and with that I mean White America harbors little, if actually any respect nor empathy for Black folks; we’re not really human, and the dehumanizing ordeal Black Americans have been deliberately and strategically drug -through for the last half-a-millennium is not acknowledged, recognized nor admitted by those Americans who are on the Right.

Mike Vick more than paid his dues, and his rise from the gallows has had the mainstream,sports fans and establishment backed writers chocking, gagging on their damning words. Now they must all accept Mike Vick appears to be a better man then Joe Paterno.

Yep trying to be a philanderer is worse than torturing and executing dogs. JoePa being Mr. Magoo is on par with running an illegal gambling/dog fighting ring. Unless JoePa is indicted for being involved in the Sandusky's coverup it's not even close.....:thumbdown:
whiteathlete33 why do you post so many articles from blackathlete.com? I personally don't really care what they have to say. Their agenda is clear and it's even too over the top for the MSM which feels much the same as them. Why don't you sign up to their site and post stuff from CF, I'm sure you will be attacked and banned. So why should we put up with that here?
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whiteathlete33 why do you post so many articles form blackathlete.com? I personally don't really care what they have to say. Their agenda is clear and it's even too over the top for the MSM which feels much the same as them. Why don't you sign up to their site and post stuff from CF, I'm sure you will be attacked and banned. So why should we put up with that here?

Good question.
I've posted a few articles from Desi myself, who's so over the top it's comical. It doesn't hurt to occasionally read some of the nonsense being fed to Drunk Black Fans (and which is eagerly absorbed by some of the DWFs as well).
Sorry guys! I can remove it if you want. I thought it would be relevant due to the fact that everyone is already convicting Paterno despite not knowing the whole story and guilty until proven innocent certainly applies in this case.
Like everything in life, there is some good that can come out of even the most horrible situation. The Penn St. leadership could stun the nation by doing the right thing. That would be doing away with the football program completely. But it would take courage to do that. It would take a man who knows what is right and wrong completely. Unfortuneately, those type of people aren't found in academia. The idea of right and wrong in academia is up for discussion. But, true men know the difference like a reflex action. They don't even have to think about it. It's just in them.

Tom Iron...
This entire Penn State/Joe Paterno incident is a microcosm of this corrupt society, low morals and the US empire in decline. People have been brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing whatever they are told and never questioning authority or thinking for themselves. I really hope this thing gets a lot worse and takes down as many people as possible with it. Any damage to the cultural Marxist establishment will be a win, plus it seems like the horse has left the barn on this one and they can't cover things up anymore.

Yes, it is.

I must admit, CasteFootball’s support for Paterno, temperate as it may be, is somewhat surprising. Sure, he didn’t transform Penn State’s football program into a revolting African Thug Sanctuary, but he was an effective Caste-Boy nonetheless. Nearly every white linebacker (particularly over the past 15 years) recruited by Penn State was once a standout running back (usually one who lead the state in rushing) at the high school level. Dan Connor (Strath Haven High, PA), Tim Shaw (Clarenceville High, MI), Paul Posluszny (Hopewell High, PA), and Sean Lee (Upper St. Clair, PA) are just recent examples…at a single position.

When white running back, Zack Barket, lead THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA with a super-human 4,197 rushing yards (3[SUP]rd[/SUP] best in the history of American high school football) and 66 touchdowns in 2008…the “living legend†and his Casteon staff was too interested in developing slow-footed, awesomely-average blacks such as Stepfon Green and other assorted scrubs.

I do a lot of consulting work in Center County, PA (some within the limits of PSU University Park in State College) and I can assure you that “Penn State, Inc.†is an odious, anti-white commercial enterprise which is permanently expanding. The student population, once lily-white, now appears to consist of many non-whites, the largest sector of which seems to be “Asian Imports†that cannot speak, read, write, or comprehend a word of English.

I was in University Park just yesterday on business and observed that about 35% of all students walking the streets were non-white (mostly Asian). JoePa’s handlers are malevolent anti-white bastards, thieves of white capital, political bullies, high commanders of the affirmative action taskforce, and (allegedly) molesters of children.

A snapshot of the “University of Diversityâ€â€¦

As far as Joe Paterno is concerned he has been plenty criticized here for his movement to a caste perspective in coaching. I think the two issues need to be seperated. It is one thing to dislike him for his coaching choices and quite another to be glad he was brought down by the actions of a pervert.

One of the things I don't like about how this whole affair has been treated is how the 'collective' is expected to be punished for the sins of the individual. I have never supported that way of thinking. It is the same kind of thinking that says white people must be forever guilty because of past wrongs by other white people.

The fans and players of PSU did not molest those children. To insinuate that they are in some way responsible and that it is okay to punish them just through their association with the university is the same thing as saying that all white people are guilty for slavery.

An individual is not responsible nor should they be held accountable for the actions of others.

My other issue is that while it seems the accused is guilty as hell there has not even been the slightest pretense of "innocent until proven guilty". Moreso for people on the edge of this scandal like Paterno. We don't really know what he was told, cannot be sure exactly what he did yet the assumption is that he did not do enough. Until that is proven by something besides the media (which nearly everyone here believes is made up of pathological liars that are never to be believed) and government officials (who many here believe they once thought nothing of incinerating 3000 of their fellow citizens) then I think it is a rush to judgement to assume everything happened as they said.

I don't like that Joe Pateno turned high performing White running backs into linebackers. But I like that Joe Paterno gave scholarships to those kids to play linebacker instead of them having to go to a lower division school or try to make it as a walk on.
It looks a character assasination of McQueary probably happened. He has stated on the record that he broke up the alleged assault of the minor by Sandusky. ESPN has the scary interview with Sandusky where he dances around his bizarre behaviour with minors, here is the Costas interview......http://espn.go.com/college-football...ry-sandusky-proclaims-innocence-nbc-interview

He's one sick bastard I heard the interview on ESPN today and he's guilty as hell. Speaking of hell, Sandusky deserves to burn for eternities..
As far as Joe Paterno is concerned he has been plenty criticized here for his movement to a caste perspective in coaching. I think the two issues need to be seperated. It is one thing to dislike him for his coaching choices and quite another to be glad he was brought down by the actions of a pervert.

One of the things I don't like about how this whole affair has been treated is how the 'collective' is expected to be punished for the sins of the individual. I have never supported that way of thinking. It is the same kind of thinking that says white people must be forever guilty because of past wrongs by other white people.

The fans and players of PSU did not molest those children. To insinuate that they are in some way responsible and that it is okay to punish them just through their association with the university is the same thing as saying that all white people are guilty for slavery.

An individual is not responsible nor should they be held accountable for the actions of others.

My other issue is that while it seems the accused is guilty as hell there has not even been the slightest pretense of "innocent until proven guilty". Moreso for people on the edge of this scandal like Paterno. We don't really know what he was told, cannot be sure exactly what he did yet the assumption is that he did not do enough. Until that is proven by something besides the media (which nearly everyone here believes is made up of pathological liars that are never to be believed) and government officials (who many here believe they once thought nothing of incinerating 3000 of their fellow citizens) then I think it is a rush to judgement to assume everything happened as they said.

I don't like that Joe Pateno turned high performing White running backs into linebackers. But I like that Joe Paterno gave scholarships to those kids to play linebacker instead of them having to go to a lower division school or try to make it as a walk on.

Good post. I also recall lots of criticism of Paterno here over the years for his Caste ways in recruiting, playing opportunities, saying that blacks are faster than Whites, and blatant double standards in the way he disciplined black and White players when they got in trouble.
I haven't been a fan of Paterno, except for his more traditional (and imo appropriate) gameday attire. I don't like it when institutions put everything on a patsy. I'd much rather see those who actually committed crimes pay for it. I haven't done a lot of reading on this story, but Sandusky seems to be one sick creepo.
As far as Joe Paterno is concerned he has been plenty criticized here for his movement to a caste perspective in coaching. I think the two issues need to be seperated. It is one thing to dislike him for his coaching choices and quite another to be glad he was brought down by the actions of a pervert.

One of the things I don't like about how this whole affair has been treated is how the 'collective' is expected to be punished for the sins of the individual. I have never supported that way of thinking. It is the same kind of thinking that says white people must be forever guilty because of past wrongs by other white people.

The fans and players of PSU did not molest those children. To insinuate that they are in some way responsible and that it is okay to punish them just through their association with the university is the same thing as saying that all white people are guilty for slavery.

An individual is not responsible nor should they be held accountable for the actions of others.

My other issue is that while it seems the accused is guilty as hell there has not even been the slightest pretense of "innocent until proven guilty". Moreso for people on the edge of this scandal like Paterno. We don't really know what he was told, cannot be sure exactly what he did yet the assumption is that he did not do enough. Until that is proven by something besides the media (which nearly everyone here believes is made up of pathological liars that are never to be believed) and government officials (who many here believe they once thought nothing of incinerating 3000 of their fellow citizens) then I think it is a rush to judgement to assume everything happened as they said.

I don't like that Joe Pateno turned high performing White running backs into linebackers. But I like that Joe Paterno gave scholarships to those kids to play linebacker instead of them having to go to a lower division school or try to make it as a walk on.

This is a great post. You did a great job putting into words what I have been thinking as well. I believe Paterno was a scapegoat for two reasons - one is the media smelled blood in the water and knew throwing Paterno into the middle of this would garner ratings. The media have no moral compass, they are only out to promote themselves and get ratings. The media as a whole has just morphed into a bunch of talking heads spitting out asinine opinions with no facts to back them up. The media as a group is very subjective with no hint of objectivity. I did think the rioters were moronic but also found it comical they overturned a news van and nailed a reporter with a rock. The second reason is the lack of personal accountability that has destroyed this country. Sandusky is not taking any responsibility for his disgusting vile actions. He is going to prolong this whole thing and destroy alot of peoples lives rather than just coming clean and facing his punishment.
The media have no moral compass, they are only out to promote themselves and get ratings. The media as a whole has just morphed into a bunch of talking heads spitting out asinine opinions with no facts to back them up. The media as a group is very subjective with no hint of objectivity.

So true. My local sports talk radio went over this scandal for 24 hours a day fielding the same calls over and over, they never were so busy or their ratings so high. They loved this scandal and pushed and pushed away at the issue inflaming people as much as possible so as to increase listenership. To keep the flames burning they had to keep upping the ante starting with the pervert himself then moving on to Paterno and then to the football team.

At each step the desire for punishment increased--fire Paterno... wipe his name off of trophies.... send him to jail, and punish the team--forfeit the Nebraska game...forfeit the season...close down the football program. By the end of the week it was ridiculous.

I remember the day after the scandal broke a local sport talking head was saying that it would be crazy if the university lets Paterno address the media at the originally scheduled press conference, how could they force an 84 yr old man into that firestorm? However the minute the press conference was cancelled this same guy starting ripping into Paterno calling him gutless for not facing the press!

It's very easy to hate the media in this country.
It's very easy to hate the media in this country.

You better believe it! As Dixie Destroyer recently told me, a lot of those talking heads are there just to stoke the flames.
An article entitled "The one important fact they’re not mentioning about the Penn State sex abuse scandal"

This could explain why blacks are recruited by the colleges. It is not for their Athletic skill for we know they have little, or for their academics skill.
Young, muscular black boys are the prefered target for today's chickenhawks. College football teams are private harems for queer coaches. Asking them to give up blacks is like asking Hugh Heffner to give up his playmates.
This could explain why blacks are recruited by the colleges. It is not for their Athletic skill for we know they have little, or for their academics skill.
Young, muscular black boys are the prefered target for today's chickenhawks. College football teams are private harems for queer coaches. Asking them to give up blacks is like asking Hugh Heffner to give up his playmates.

I'm not totally buying in to this, but is it coincedence that one day after this came out a black guy in the gym I work out at told me he was frequently hit on by his college coaches?
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