I don't support Sandusky in any way but as I've said before it is both A) pathetic to feel that the jailhouse should supply some "real" justice outside of the court system by expecting an institution full of mostly black scum degenerate repeat felons to do the "right" thing and make up for societies lack of proper justice.
AND B) hopelessly naive, in a way only clueless law abiding whites can be about how prison really works and what prisoners are really like. Stop watching TV, the jail houses are not full of people that made "bad" decisions and have good hearts that identify with life like you do. They are mostly sick f-cks that have done the kind of things that Sandusky has done a hundred times over. The only reason those types of psychopaths would shank Sandusky is because they know it would bring them some publicity. Otherwise it is license for that kind of dirtbag to do similar stuff to any poor white guy that gets the wrong end of the injustice system.
I rarely watch tv except for sports and never any prison or law shows. Ive been in prison before as well as my brother who has served several sentences for drug possession about 3 years worth, and is a nice person who just made bad decisions with his life. I haven't' had any serious crimes, just got locked up in O.P.P and for some reason (overcrowded? I dunno the system here is messed up) put in with the general population after a couple days getting arrested for a drunken brawl, reduced to a drunk and disorderly charge and payed a fine. Yes there are monsters in there, I saw about 5 to 7 rapes in my week stay, but what they do not tolerate is child molesters and they openly admit this, because most of those people have kids on the outside. I don't know if they care about their kids and just want to bash a child molestor's head in, but it happens. My brother witnessed it while he was doing time. My brother did time in Covington which is outside of New Orleans, many of the inmates are White and arrested for non violent drug offenses. In both prisons the Whites stick together, and you will have to fight, and never act like a punk. The only difference with child molesters is that Whites will not have your back. If you act like a little punk they will turn their back on you as well. Btw, it was the White person who dished out the punishment.
Now in Angola, they will hurt anyone for any type of reason. Not all prisons are the same. Angola is for murderers and people doing life sentences for stuff like murder, although there were a few in Covington basically doing life sentences at their age. O.P.P. is a mixture. You can have murderer in the same room as a person who failed to pay a speeding ticket.
I don't think its pathetic to have justice served inside the prison. Rapists get lesser time than some drug offenders since the prison is overcrowded because of all the non violent drug offenders. Hell even bigger crimes are let out of O.P.P. because of the overpopulation, like within a week which is why many cops here are jaded. This is why they alert you when a sex offender moves into your neighborhood...Why the **** is he out of prison in the first place? Its a disease of the mind and they will do it again. Rape may not be murder, but i think it kills a person's soul, especially a young child.
You can talk to cops in the suburbs and most will tell you that they are displeased with having to put non violent drug offenders in, in the case of New Orleans they don't care as much because they know most of these people (blacks) will commit some type of serious crime eventually, but drug addiction is something that has seriously affected the White community. Heroin use is no longer limited to the inner city, its in the suburbs as well as tons of pain pill/benzo abuse, and pain pills are basically a weaker version of heroin when you abuse them. Most are found with some type of traffic violation and then searched.
I would love for prisons to be filled with nothing but sick f*ck pychopaths but the war on drugs hasn't allowed that. They aren't even nabbing the people at the top, only the guys at the bottom using. We looked it up on the computer once and my brothers drug dealer (black) was arrested 8 times where he was caught with heroin and an illegal gun and never spent more than a night in jail, these are crimes that would put the average person away for a very very long time. He had a different 50k+ car every day of the week and according to my brother, he and his family were known for having the strongest heroin in the city. My brother said one time he went to go buy drugs from him and he was eating lunch with a sherrif. It was in the papers that he was shot in killed in New Orleans east over some dispute but I am sure his family still has some sort of drug ring with his father at the top. Supposedly their was a dispute between him and his family, don't know if it was the cause of his death but he started selling to black people in his neighborhood to gain extra cash. The dad had a rule about not selling to blacks, only sell it to the white kids (street kids, suburan kids etc), but never sell to your own community.