2011 Penn State Nittany Lions

I think you missed my point entirely so I am done.
yes, I think I got your point. That we shouldn't wish for any type of justice outside of the court system because criminals would harm for the wrong reasons and some innocent guy might be on the wrong side of their violence. Except for the fact that violence occurs in prisons every single day. Who cares what reason Sandusky is hurt for? or if the person really is against child molesters or just wants to hurt someone for no reason? No one is going to call the killer some type of hero. Blacks may be the majority in prisons but they fight amongst themselves over different gang associations (in New Orleans we don't really have "crips" or "bloods" , its more about what part of town, or ward you are from) meanwhile Whites stick together and protect themselves against these animals. Perverts are fed to the wolves. I don't know about the blacks but the Whites Ive met in there seemed sincere about their hatred of perverts, pictures of their kids and girlfriend/wife (usually ex) being the main thing helping them get through their sentence without completely losing it. The thought that some predator could have harmed them is very frustrating. Should we rely on them to serve some sort of justice that the courts failed to do and decide someone's fate? no, but if it happens to occur, then so be it. Their behavior is going to be the same regardless of what I wish and its not like they are going to get some early parole for doing so. Would a guard turn a blind eye to what was going on? maybe. Maybe this is the incentive to attack a child molester, to inflict violence without having to go into solitary, but I really don't care why. I just want what goes around to come around.
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Looks like Paterno will be getting full blame (with a few others) for the Sandusky crimes, Perhaps he deserves it, I don't know, but I do know that it's easy to blame the dead guy. There is also a lot of second guessing going on as if Paterno was supposed to know that a guy who was beloved as a helper of kids was in fact ass-raping them. Fortunately for the media they have a white criminal and some other whites who either enabled him or didn't stop him so expect this story to dominate news stories.

I also didn't realize how this case has resonated with women. I've had a couple of women mention it to me when talking about "sports" as if that is the only sports news they have any interest in. It's understandable for women to be concerned about an issue that effects the safety of children but it is also another reason why the story is going to drag on as each remaining PSU official involved will be brought up and marched through the state-media wringer for the enjoyment of DWF's and women alike.
A few thoughts: I find the self-righteous uproar against Paterno and the other principal figures at Penn State to be incredibly hypocritical. The conquered from within U.S. is the most pro-homosexual society in history. The media and the government schools promote homosexuality endlessly to both children and adults. The fact that NAMBLA is a semi-legitimate organization in this sick society says it all.

And you can be sure there are a lot more Jerry Sandusky types involved in sports, including college football. We've remarked a few times on this board about the seeming "love" that recruiters have for football players, especially black ones. The endless letters and emails and visits, the whole process is warped and corrupted, which means there are undoubtedly warped (perverted) men involved in it.

And I just about gagged when I read this whopper from an AP article by Nancy Armour: "Until last fall, Paterno symbolized all that was right about college sports. His teams won, but he didn't sacrifice his standards to do it. Penn State's graduation rates were impeccable, his players were as good off the field as they were on, and his financial support of the university often had nothing to do with the football program."

That might have been true, or close to true, 30 years ago, but Paterno changed with the times, and not in admirable ways. He specialized in turning "John Cappelletti types" into linebackers, safeties and fullbacks. He developed a love affair with black quarterbacks. He was the only coach in the country to publicly agree with the coach (can't think of his name offhand) who several years ago talked about how only black players were fast and programs had to recruit them to win.

There were lots of serious off the field incidents, almost always involving blacks. Paterno was extremely lenient with them, while harshly punishing Whites for incidents such as making prank phone calls. The epitome of Paterno's double standards was a starting black QB (again, can't think of the name) who beat up an off-duty White cop during the summer in his New Jersey hometown, because the cop was with a black woman. And this black QB had a White girlfriend who he had fathered a child with. He wasn't punished at all for his racist assault and never lost his starting job.

In retrospect, Joe should have retired after winning his second national title in 1986. He was right around 60 then. The Sandusky scandal has ruined his legacy, but his legacy began declining long before he began enabling his good friend Jerry.
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And I just about gagged when I read this whopper from an AP article by Nancy Armour: "Until last fall, Paterno symbolized all that was right about college sports. His teams won, but he didn't sacrifice his standards to do it. Penn State's graduation rates were impeccable, his players were as good off the field as they were on, and his financial support of the university often had nothing to do with the football program."
Wow. It goes to show that "Investigative Journalism" sure isn't what it used to be. But this is just par-for-the-course for the media as any black crime is either ignored or down-played like it didn't happen. And since almost all of Penn State's off-field criminal acts were committed by black players, these acts simply do not exist, at least according to the MSM, so that's why she can get away with writing such tripe.

That might have been true, or close to true, 30 years ago, but Paterno changed with the times, and not in admirable ways. He specialized in turning "John Cappelletti types" into linebackers, safeties and fullbacks. He developed a love affair with black quarterbacks. He was the only coach in the country to publicly agree with the coach (can't think of his name offhand) who several years ago talked about how only black players were fast and programs had to recruit them to win.

There were lots of serious off the field incidents, almost always involving blacks. Paterno was extremely lenient with them, while harshly punishing Whites for incidents such as making prank phone calls. The epitome of Paterno's double standards was a starting black QB (again, can't think of the name) who beat up an off-duty White cop during the summer in his New Jersey hometown, because the cop was with a black woman. And this black QB had a White girlfriend who he had fathered a child with. He wasn't punished at all for his racist assault and never lost his starting job.

In retrospect, Joe should have retired after winning his second national title in 1986. He was right around 60 then. The Sandusky scandal has ruined his legacy, but his legacy began declining long before he began enabling his good friend Jerry.
So true.

Personally, I think the whole sexual abuse thing is much greater than what the media will report but they want to contain it to just Penn State and make Joe Pa the fall guy as someone of his stature must be taken down to make it seem like justice was served. The truth of the matter is that there is a massive network of child sex trafficking to the elites of the world. Fritz Springmeier has investigated this at length and this was also documented in the disturbing book "The Frankl1n C0verup" which involved Satanic sacrifices and acts involving children too disturbing to mention here that went all the way to the top (and I don't mean Ronald Reagan when I say "top" but another infamous NWO leader.) It's likely that some of these children were being pimped out to the same Luciferian elite from some sources I've read.
A few thoughts: I find the self-righteous uproar against Paterno and the other principal figures at Penn State to be incredibly hypocritical. The conquered from within U.S. is the most pro-homosexual society in history. The media and the government schools promote homosexuality endlessly to both children and adults. The fact that NAMBLA is a semi-legitimate organization in this sick society says it all.

And you can be sure there are a lot more Jerry Sandusky types involved in sports, including college football. We've remarked a few times on this board about the seeming "love" that recruiters have for football players, especially black ones. The endless letters and emails and visits, the whole process is warped and corrupted, which means there are undoubtedly warped (perverted) men involved in it.

And I just about gagged when I read this whopper from an AP article by Nancy Armour: "Until last fall, Paterno symbolized all that was right about college sports. His teams won, but he didn't sacrifice his standards to do it. Penn State's graduation rates were impeccable, his players were as good off the field as they were on, and his financial support of the university often had nothing to do with the football program."

That might have been true, or close to true, 30 years ago, but Paterno changed with the times, and not in admirable ways. He specialized in turning "John Cappelletti types" into linebackers, safeties and fullbacks. He developed a love affair with black quarterbacks. He was the only coach in the country to publicly agree with the coach (can't think of his name offhand) who several years ago talked about how only black players were fast and programs had to recruit them to win.

There were lots of serious off the field incidents, almost always involving blacks. Paterno was extremely lenient with them, while harshly punishing Whites for incidents such as making prank phone calls. The epitome of Paterno's double standards was a starting black QB (again, can't think of the name) who beat up an off-duty White cop during the summer in his New Jersey hometown, because the cop was with a black woman. And this black QB had a White girlfriend who he had fathered a child with. He wasn't punished at all for his racist assault and never lost his starting job.

In retrospect, Joe should have retired after winning his second national title in 1986. He was right around 60 then. The Sandusky scandal has ruined his legacy, but his legacy began declining long before he began enabling his good friend Jerry.

Agreed, the main thing that stands out that the media the government and NCAA, etc. won't acknowledge is that Sandusky first and foremost was and is a homosexual! It is hypocritcal to seem shocked by this sad incident on one hand while promoting the gay agenda in our elementary schools and up. Although this is very disturbing, we shouldn't seem surprised in some ways by what happened at Penn State.

A couple of months ago I got into a discussion with another CF poster about where the gay agenda would end. It won't until they have all they want! The CF poster to my surprise kept saying he didn't care what 2 consenting adults did in the privacy of their home, I disagree, because I think other than harming a child, being a homosexual is the most disgusting act a man or a woman can be.

I would ask anyone: Would these young boys have been raped had Sandusky not been a homosexual first and foremost? The answer is no! How do we know some of these boys didn't know how to react to Sandusky's advances if they were told in school it was OK to be a homosexual.

If we speak out against Sandusky's homosexuality first; we will be labeled a homophobe scared of them(homosexuals), well count me in, I want to as far from homosexuals as possible, unless I able to witness to them about my faith.

Lastly, I may be way off here but the media and government won't act on or speak out possibly because half or more of them may be gay also. The others who aren't will not speak out for fear of losing their job.

For now, sadly, the deck is stacked against strong(masculine), straight, white men in this society. I pray one day this will change.
"The epitome of Paterno's double standards was a starting black QB (again, can't think of the name) who beat up an off-duty White co."

Well, it was the Negro and 3 of his black friends who beat up the cop. That's what blacks call a fair fight.

The white cop was a Tim Wise-type diversity instructor, so I didn't shed any tears over what happened to him. But it does prove the huge double standard.
A few thoughts: I find the self-righteous uproar against Paterno and the other principal figures at Penn State to be incredibly hypocritical. The conquered from within U.S. is the most pro-homosexual society in history. The media and the government schools promote homosexuality endlessly to both children and adults. The fact that NAMBLA is a semi-legitimate organization in this sick society says it all.

And you can be sure there are a lot more Jerry Sandusky types involved in sports, including college football. We've remarked a few times on this board about the seeming "love" that recruiters have for football players, especially black ones. The endless letters and emails and visits, the whole process is warped and corrupted, which means there are undoubtedly warped (perverted) men involved in it.

And I just about gagged when I read this whopper from an AP article by Nancy Armour: "Until last fall, Paterno symbolized all that was right about college sports. His teams won, but he didn't sacrifice his standards to do it. Penn State's graduation rates were impeccable, his players were as good off the field as they were on, and his financial support of the university often had nothing to do with the football program."

That might have been true, or close to true, 30 years ago, but Paterno changed with the times, and not in admirable ways. He specialized in turning "John Cappelletti types" into linebackers, safeties and fullbacks. He developed a love affair with black quarterbacks. He was the only coach in the country to publicly agree with the coach (can't think of his name offhand) who several years ago talked about how only black players were fast and programs had to recruit them to win.

There were lots of serious off the field incidents, almost always involving blacks. Paterno was extremely lenient with them, while harshly punishing Whites for incidents such as making prank phone calls. The epitome of Paterno's double standards was a starting black QB (again, can't think of the name) who beat up an off-duty White cop during the summer in his New Jersey hometown, because the cop was with a black woman. And this black QB had a White girlfriend who he had fathered a child with. He wasn't punished at all for his racist assault and never lost his starting job.

In retrospect, Joe should have retired after winning his second national title in 1986. He was right around 60 then. The Sandusky scandal has ruined his legacy, but his legacy began declining long before he began enabling his good friend Jerry.

The black Penn State QB Don referred to was one Rashard Casey. It happened in May 2000. Paterno played Casey the entire 2000 season while Penn State struggled to a 5-7 record.

Here (http://sportsillustrated.com/football/college/news/2003/08/12/pennst_casey_ap) is a very pro-Casey account of the incident from Sports Illustrated.
Yes, defending Joe Paterno is like defending america, there are two americas, America 1.0 before the cultural revolution and amerika 2.0 the cesspool we now live in. JoePa was once a symbol of that old America and to many, especially old people, the clueless, and DWF's he still is. The new media knows that many of the clueless still see Joe Paterno as a figure head for that old America and that is why they attack him so savagely.

Clearly there have been many problems with black athletes at Penn State. It's on record. I had the same experience in my area where a local sports jock went on and on about how clean the Penn State record had been under Paterno and how there were no problems before the Sandusky incident. That is patently absurd, as even a brief look at the history would show, and sports jocks are supposed to be up on that kind of history.

So it's part of the cultural marxist media to make it look like a "lily-white" program at PSU is in reality a cover for an old boys network of perverts. Basically it's just another attempt to slam White society by insinuating that PSU is representative of that society and is flawed.

As to the obvious fact that Sandusky is a male homosexual that committed homosexual acts with under age boys, I have seen many media stories that seem to indicate that Sandusky is some kind of "straight" male that has this strange perversion for boys. The insinuation is that "real" homosexuals are different. So please don't confuse this married man of many years with actual homosexuals who only want to settle down with other men in stable married relationships. No, Sandusky is not a gay man, he is a straight pervert.

This kind of thinking can only exist in a society that has been so dumbed down and so indoctrinated that many people are too stupid and confused to be able to understand basic logic. Thus do not expect any coherent response from the media, and certainly there will be no criticism of our homocentric society from the media. The hypocrisy meter is off of the charts on this issue as with many other aspects of life in the Evil Empire.

I do find it fun to point this out to the many clueless people I run in to, the cognitive dissonance is astounding and worth the effort. I encourage everyone to point out these double standards to those around you. It can really get a response from people. I like to start with things like: "Gee its too bad that Sandusky guy didn't wait a few years with those boys, the Episcopal church is blessing those kind of relationships now." Sure to be a good conversation starter.
A few thoughts: I find the self-righteous uproar against Paterno and the other principal figures at Penn State to be incredibly hypocritical. The conquered from within U.S. is the most pro-homosexual society in history. The media and the government schools promote homosexuality endlessly to both children and adults. The fact that NAMBLA is a semi-legitimate organization in this sick society says it all.

And you can be sure there are a lot more Jerry Sandusky types involved in sports, including college football. We've remarked a few times on this board about the seeming "love" that recruiters have for football players, especially black ones. The endless letters and emails and visits, the whole process is warped and corrupted, which means there are undoubtedly warped (perverted) men involved in it.

And I just about gagged when I read this whopper from an AP article by Nancy Armour: "Until last fall, Paterno symbolized all that was right about college sports. His teams won, but he didn't sacrifice his standards to do it. Penn State's graduation rates were impeccable, his players were as good off the field as they were on, and his financial support of the university often had nothing to do with the football program."

That might have been true, or close to true, 30 years ago, but Paterno changed with the times, and not in admirable ways. He specialized in turning "John Cappelletti types" into linebackers, safeties and fullbacks. He developed a love affair with black quarterbacks. He was the only coach in the country to publicly agree with the coach (can't think of his name offhand) who several years ago talked about how only black players were fast and programs had to recruit them to win.

There were lots of serious off the field incidents, almost always involving blacks. Paterno was extremely lenient with them, while harshly punishing Whites for incidents such as making prank phone calls. The epitome of Paterno's double standards was a starting black QB (again, can't think of the name) who beat up an off-duty White cop during the summer in his New Jersey hometown, because the cop was with a black woman. And this black QB had a White girlfriend who he had fathered a child with. He wasn't punished at all for his racist assault and never lost his starting job.

In retrospect, Joe should have retired after winning his second national title in 1986. He was right around 60 then. The Sandusky scandal has ruined his legacy, but his legacy began declining long before he began enabling his good friend Jerry.
Yes if you look at the historic games under Paterno he played white tailbacks and had all white backfields. Mike Guman and Matt Suhey both played tailback under Joepa. I recall that around 2000 his teams got blacker and the record of the teams got spotty and bar fights started happening. The media also started suggesting out loud that Joepa had lost the magic similar to Eddie Robinson at Grambling. I think desperation to stay on top led to the spiralling of the program. I know the program is an integral part of Happy Valley. But if I were the president of the school I might have voluntarily suspended the program for a few seasons, so that the program could get back it's moral compass.
Bobby Bowden would say that about his long time wins rival, wouldn't he. What a piece of work he is. The coach Don was referring to earlier was then Air Force head coach Fisher DeBerry, who made his comments after the game with Texas Christian in 2005.
there is some excellent discussion in this thread. it is obvious that, by and large, the level of thought and dialogue on the forums here at Caste Football is vastly higher than on internet forums at large. and a hat tip to jaxvid for his most recent post. that was excellent, sir!

keep up the good work, gentlemen.
It's also a curious bit of additional insanity that the guy who was chosen to do an investigation of the PSU tragedy is none other then Louis Freeh. Freeh, you may remember is the FBI leader who was in many ways responsible for Waco, Ruby Ridge, and investigating the Khobar building bombing, and probably his most sloppy job: the downing of TWA 800 by a missile, er sorry cause unknown, probably pilot error. Freeh was also in on the Montana Minuteman debacle, the Vince Foster investigation, the Unibomber and several high profile spying cases: Robert Hanssen, When Ho Lee, and the Chinese "donations" to the Clinton administration.

In other words if there was a dirty government job that was needed, he was the man. Obviously being front row center on all of these controversial occurrences should have been a ticket to professional oblivion but we know how the USGov works. Freeh is actually in high demand and having his fingerprints on this case is one more for the history books.
Just saw on ebay that Sandusky's "touched" books (some autographed) are going between $50-100 on ebay:crazy:
When OJ was on trial his football memorabilia was hot too. Similar to this situation I wouldn't feel right unless I donated the profits from the book to charity.
Personally, I think the whole sexual abuse thing is much greater than what the media will report but they want to contain it to just Penn State and make Joe Pa the fall guy as someone of his stature must be taken down to make it seem like justice was served. The truth of the matter is that there is a massive network of child sex trafficking to the elites of the world. Fritz Springmeier has investigated this at length and this was also documented in the disturbing book "The Frankl1n C0verup" which involved Satanic sacrifices and acts involving children too disturbing to mention here that went all the way to the top (and I don't mean Ronald Reagan when I say "top" but another infamous NWO leader.) It's likely that some of these children were being pimped out to the same Luciferian elite...
Interesting. Just found this article linked from Infowars.com, dated today, July, 15th 2012:


'The Franklin Cover-Up' author talks about how he linked Sandusky and Penn State abuse scandal years ago

DeCamp, a former state senator and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran, unraveled the Penn State child-sex scandal while investigating the Omaha child-pornography, child-prostitution ring that made him an icon.

“Apparently I had done something back then linking the football coach with Franklin,
” DeCamp said in a recent phone interview with this publisher. “They [media] called me from Pennsylvania, at least 20 calls...had to tell them the truth that yeah, I wrote the book but I don’t remember everything I read or uncovered. I’d have to go back and look at my files. Somehow or another, [convicted pedophile and ex-defensive coordinator Jerry] Sandusky was brought up some way by me way back [then, during Franklin]...I got call after call after call from Pennsylvania."


“One of Sandusky’s contacts was [here in Omaha],” DeCamp said. “Somehow those Pennysylvania people knew about it from my book; they said ‘you brought it up in your book.’”

DeCamp’s next media attention could come in the form of an ABC News 20/20 special.


Paul Bonacci, one of the victims of the Omaha Satanic ritual abuse scandal who was present at many parties involving high-level business and political leaders, is an eyewitness and direct participant in the kidnapping of Gosch. It should be noted, however, that Bonacci was forced to take part in some of the most horrific duties, many of which he said were led by “The Colonel,” Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, a psychological warfare specialist who branched off a congregation of the Church of Satan called the Temple of Set.

Aquino was later implicated in the Presidio daycare child-sex scandal in San Francisco in the late 80’s.


DeCamp said he was one of the original skeptics of the Satanic ritual child abuse scandal when he first heard allegations of it, but years worth of investigation, exhaustive research and countless interviews and depositions with victims made him a believer.

DeCamp was Bonacci’s lawyer when they won a $1 million civil judgment against King, who was released from prison several years ago.


DeCamp is still as busy as ever in his Lincoln law firm, a bustling shop whose status will forever remain as the lighthouse in exposing an intricate and high-level Satanic pedophile ring whose octopus-like arms reached the very highest levels of the Nebraska and U.S. Government.

Please understand that this was 20-25 years ago, late 80's to early 90's, when he uncovered this.

Disturbed yet?
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The NCAA is threatening the "death penalty" for Penn State. That penalty is a complete suspension of the football program. I think the strategy behind the rumors is too make PSU do something drastic on their own. Supposedly the NCAA is not allowed to penalize for "criminal" infractions (or else the SEC would never play football) but all that can be thrown aside if public opinion is strong enough.

And from what I can tell public opinion is pretty bad as regards Penn State. Reading the comments and listening to sports talk radio the fan consensus is that the Paterno statue should be taken down, the football program ended, the stadium leveled, Paterno exhumed so he can be kicked and spat upon, etc.

Personally I am against that type of reaction, it reminds me of the "reparations" argument. None of the people victimized are going to be helped by sanctions and everyone punished (except the surviving leadership who WILL get put through the ringer) had nothing to do with them. Why punish current PSU football players because 10 years ago an assistant coach molested some kids? It's ludicrous.

It upsets me also because some of this hate is being directed against them largely because most fans still see PSU as some kind of Duke of football, a mostly White, old fashioned type program. Which we here know is BS but to casual fans and DWF's and many angry women, Penn State and Joe Paterno represent the old White patriarchy and must be taken down, as with everything else.

I think Penn State blew it by appointing Freeh to do the report. He's an a-hole and he really put it to them. Perhaps that's what they wanted, there is a lot of self hate amongst the college leadership and they may have wished this upon themselves at some level. If the hate can be sustained I don't see how they can continue to play football. Also every tiny little thing associated with Joe Paterno is going to be trashed. Everything. His name will be associated with scandal for the rest of eternity.

Perhaps deserving, perhaps not. We may never know for sure. Very unfortunate no matter how it works out.
Joe Pa scandal = Mark McGwire Steroids scandal

Very reminiscent the Joe Pa Penn State scandal is to the MLB steroid/perfEnhancDrug scandal. Once it really got going it was a Papparazi hunt for the biggest White Man available to bring down.

In the MLB steroid and drug scandal the big fish were Roger Clemens, Mark McGwire and somewhat Raph Palmeiro. No Quarter these gents were given when summoned to grovel in front of Congressional committee where the inquisitors were all criminal Zionazis or System animals. The most egregious violators "of color" like Barry Bonds and S Sosa were beaten much less severly than their White counterparts.

Joe Pa is the motherlode, the Biggest White Target of all time. Our slimebag media is performing full Torquemada on Joe Pa. Actually they're disappointed in not getting a literal Death Penalty for Paterno and Sandusky. This very afternoon the Joe Pa statue was removed from PSU. I'd be quite piszed about this whole thing as a real PSU football booster -- the Witch Hunt part. Not the actual events. All major pro and college sports are chock through and through with perverts and criminals.

Different story it would have been if a Negro legend coach were involved. If it had been Grambling State U. with such a story, perhaps gang rapes and sodomy performed by former assistant coaches of Eddie Robinson .... the media would laugh it off, and even blame Whitey for all of it.
It's definitely a feeding frenzy by the ultra-hypocritical, anti-White, pro-homosexual, pro-pedophile establishment. You never want to see anyone pass, but I'm glad Joe isn't around because otherwise they'd be hounding and persecuting him with a vengeance.
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