2010 White Running Backs

Riddlewire said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Air Force RB Jared Tew had a game high 17 carries for 111 yards.

Yet he still couldn't get a mention by ESPN on the highlights. Plenty of coverage of black quarterback Jefferson, though. And those new Air Force helmets look stupid.

Yeah, its predictable treatment, but it still makes me upset. The media loves Jefferson and his affleticism. I agree with you about the helmets too. I first turned on the game and thought I had tuned into the wrong channel. AFA's whole uniform was very strange.
Sam just snagged a ball to put them into field goal range. Kicker misses. SMU up 13 to 3 at the half. Rice has to make serious adjustments. I have not seen Sam's explosiveness, hopefully it will rear its head in the second half.
You're never going to see McGuffie's explosiveness. Rice's offense is a wasteland for runningbacks. It may look similar to SMU's Run n' Shoot, but it's much more akin to a high school spread offense. Any rushing yardage accumulated is just an accident.
green fire317 said:
he should have went to a and m its close to home and has good blocking
Sherman would never have let Sam carry the ball. Receiver maybe. Or Special Teams.
Sam just ripped off a great 15 yard run. 21 17 SMU
SMU just block the field goal and returned it for a TD. 28 17 SMU DAMN!
McGuffie finished with 22 rushes for 101 yards and 4 receptions for 38 yards. Line had 11 rushes for 45 yards. Each were the leading rushers for their respective teams.
A very good game for Sam. His best game of the year. Like I said before though, I feel bad for him. He is on a very poor football team. Their qb can hit the side of the ocean. It's going to be a long year. I just want to see Sam continue to improve each week. Thank God he is only a sophmore because Rice has some major rebuilding to do. They need help everywhere except the r.b. position.
Does anyone know why Zach Line only got 11 carries yesterday? I guess I'm getting greedy however if the age old line is "you win with talent" and "the best players play" why wouldn't he be getting the lionshare of the carries? The guy has averaged over 100 years per game this season. To be honest fellas, I was more excited to watch Zach's progress in the SMU VS. Rice game than Sam but I digress. Going into to half time Zach had only 1 carry for 6 yards, what the f**K?!
. Was he injured during the 1st half?
I think McGuffie made a wise choice in ging to Rice. I played rugby with a guy who played d line for them. Their players are smart and classy for the most part. He'll hopefully receive a prestigious degree from there. And he gets to be the main guy there with a good locker room environment. It sucks playing college ball at Thug U when you're accustomed to the comraderie of a high school team in a nice school district. He can still make it to the NFL from there. It's more well known than Chadron State for example. It might be better for him to not get drafted so that he can try to get picked up by New England or the Texans in a few years.Edited by: KG2422
I could see Sam on the Colts or Packers too, but then again I thought one of these 4 teams might give Jake Sharp a chance- I was wrong. Sam has more notoriety than Sharp though- so maybe things will work out.
White FBS RBs in the top 100 in rushing yardage
<table ="table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr ="col" align="right"><td style="width: 20px;" align="left">RK</td><td align="left">PLAYER</td><td align="left">TEAM</td><td>ATT</td><td>YDS</td><td>YDS/A</td><td>LONG</td><td>TD</td></tr></t></table><table ="table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr ="evenrow p-23-481547" align="right"><td align="left">2</td><td align="left">Taylor Martinez, QB</td><td align="left">NEB</span></td><td>68</td><td ="sortcell">737</td><td>10.8</td><td>80</td><td>12</td></tr></t></table><table ="table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr ="oddrow p-23-378780" align="right"><td align="left">23</td><td align="left">Jared Tew, RB</td><td align="left">AFA</span></td><td>95</td><td ="sortcell">482</td><td>5.1</td><td>42</td><td>2</td></tr></t></table><table ="table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr ="oddrow p-23-380301" align="right"><td align="left">29</td><td align="left">Zach Line, RB</td><td align="left">SMU</span></td><td>64</td><td ="sortcell">460</td><td>7.2</td><td>36</td><td>5</td></tr></t></table><table ="table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr ="oddrow p-23-240638" align="right"><td align="left">53</td><td align="left">JJ Di Luigi, RB</td><td align="left">BYU</span></td><td>65</td><td ="sortcell">374</td><td>5.8</td><td>53</td><td>3</td></tr></t></table><table ="table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr ="oddrow p-23-481556" align="right"><td align="left">57</td><td align="left">Rex Burkhead, RB</td><td align="left">NEB</span></td><td>52</td><td ="sortcell">361</td><td>6.9</td><td>28</td><td>3</td></tr></t></table><table ="table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr ="evenrow p-23-237674" align="right"><td align="left">82</td><td align="left">Chandler Harnish, QB</td><td align="left">NIU</span></td><td>43</td><td ="sortcell">311</td><td>7.2</td><td>47</td><td>2</td></tr></t></table><table ="table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr ="oddrow p-23-237001" align="right"><td align="left">99</td><td align="left">Dan Persa, QB</td><td align="left">NW</span></td><td>68</td><td ="sortcell">271</td><td>4.0</td><td>22</td><td>2</td></tr><tr ="evenrow p-23-483302" align="right"><td align="left">100</td><td align="left">Trent Steelman, QB</td><td align="left">ARMY</span></td><td>76</td><td ="sortcell">270</td><td>3.6</td><td>20</td><td>6</td></tr></t></table>
I was thinking the same thing, Super. He only had 8 runs for 25 yards tonight.
It's obvious that Rutgers and their coach have fell in love with all of the affeletes. They have very little need for Joe Martinek anymore. This really pisses me off. The guy has NFL Talent. He like most white football players has always been a team player and look where it has gotten him. Martinek is like the Rodney Dangerfield of Running Backs. He gets no respect. What a joke!
Martinek is not completely healthy did you not notice what he was wearing to protect his injured high ankle sprain. I mean he can barely run the football. He has no abilty to cut back and his explosiveness is way down. They mentioned it several times during the broadcast that Martinek was playing injured. Joe needs to get healthy and then will see what happens. He is still Rutgers best option at runningback however the man is hurt, and Schiano has been fair to Joe their is no reason to replace him with an inferior black player. The only reason why the blacks are playing is because of an injury to brother Joe.
I didn't watch the game WP, and I hope you are right about Joe getting more carries once he's healthy again. I don't have much faith that Schiano will do the right thing by Joe. He didn't treat Brian Leonard fairly, so I don't expect anything different in this case.
TD by UGA's FB Shaun Chapas (vs. the affletes of UT (Vols))!
After being screwed over by so many coaches for so long, this has to feel pretty good:

Cory McCaffrey, Portland State
20 carries, 153 yards (7.7), 2TD

It was a losing effort, but this is the first time he's been allowed to run the ball in three years.
Nice to hear that about Cory! We keep saying its all about opportunity. Just give White athletes a chance and they will prove their worth.

J.J. DiLuigi had a great game with 134 yards and a TD. Zach Line was 8 yards away from 100 today.
McCaffrey: In The Backfield Where He Belongs</span>

<div id="ctl00_cplhMain_ctl00_div" style="width: 630px;">


<div id="ctl00_cplhMain_ctl00_divCaption"><div>A
slot receiver the last two years, Cory McCaffrey returns to his comfort
zone: running back.</div></div>


<a href="http://www.goviks.com//images/2009/5/16/McCaffrey_755.jpg" target="_blank">
</a><div>by John Wykoff</div>
<div>8/27/2010 5:27:42 PM</div><a href="http://www.goviks.com//images/2009/5/16/McCaffrey_755.jpg" target="_blank">
<a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&amp;pub=xa-4a7320e7645958d0" target="_blank">

Portland State junior Cory McCaffrey has been a running back
since the second grade (well, he played some linebacker and strong
safety, too). And, what a running back he has been!

"Simply the most prolific runner in Oregon High School football history,
gaining 8,460 yardsâ€"a three year total (at Sisters High School in
Sisters, OR)"¦that total ranks 16th on the all-time national high school
list and is more than 3,000 yards better than the next best total in
Oregon history,"Â￾ trumpets his Viking roster biography.

So, it's not surprising that the 5'9"Â￾, 180-pounder found himself
"surprised and a little confused because I hadn't played wide receiver
in high school"Â￾ to be converted to one during his first two years at

"He couldn't be a running back in the old system because the running
back was primarily a blocking back (in the pass-happy Run and Shoot
played by the Vikings during his first two years),"Â￾ said head coach
Nigel Burton.

Playing in a mostly passing offense "was a bit strange,"Â￾ he admitted,
but it wasn't wasted time. "It was extremely helpful, but kind of
different being a slot."Â￾

Running backs have to do two things, McCaffrey said, find holes and pick
the right blockers. "Running is running. As a running back, either
the hole is there or it's not,"Â￾ said the player who lead his high school
team to the Oregon 4A State Championship game as a senior with a state
rushing record of 2,925 yards.

"Being a slot taught me a lot. I learned a lot more about defenses.
Being a slot, you learn a lot about coverages. You had to think more,"Â￾
McCaffrey said.

And that knowledge has certainly been one of the reasons the former
Oregonian Player of the Year was listed first on the running back depth
chart a little more than a week before the season opener at Arizona

"He's very quick and has excellent acceleration. He's best in open
field,"Â￾ said PSU Head Coach Nigel Burton.

While the two year detour to wide receiver was instructive, McCaffrey is
extremely pleased to be back where he's most comfortable.

"I'm having a blast. This has definitely been my most memorable fall.
The coaches have really laid it out for us and the defense is looking
great, too. The competition makes it fun. I have a better chance to
excel as a running back because I've been doing that for, what"¦10 years
now. It's natural for me,"Â￾ he said.

He's also delighted with Burton's one back system because it gives him
some options. "In Coach Burton's scheme, with some of blocking schemes,
the holes are not always the same. It creates a lot of cut back lanes
and holes that open up and close quickly. That's a challenge,"Â￾ said
McCaffrey, who played one-back formations in high school.

Burton agreed that the system is "good for someone with his skills. He
is a one-back guy. A one-back system allows him to be more creative. A
two-back system is more structured, more following a blocker. If he
sees something with our system he can go for it."Â￾

As a running back, McCaffrey said he likes having options.

As a runner, he's also obviously glad that the new offense is more
balanced. And he likes the Vikings' chances this year.

"We have a lot of tools and it's all about moving the chains up field
play by play. The other offense was mostly about big plays. I feel a
bit more confident this year in the tools we have,"Â￾ he said.

McCaffrey is a "bit more confident"Â￾ to the extent that "I don't see any
way not to have a winning season. We have a lot of newcomers who will
help make the picture change this year. I've really been impressed with
a lot of the freshmen who have toughed it out this fall, through
injuries and everything being new."Â￾

So, what is it about being a running back that most appeals to
McCaffrey? After a couple of false starts about things philosophical, he
admitted he enjoys running back more than the other positions with
which he's dabbled "because I can score touchdowns."Â￾

And, if he can do that a lot, this year's edition of the PSU Viking
football team just may surprise a few folks.
Yet another example of, if the player were black, they would have been a 4 or 5 star recruit with multiple D1 scholarship offers.
Edited by: Highlander
While they didn't rack up huge yards, it was nice to see a white RB score at TD for both teams in the same game with Purdue and Northwestern (Dierking and Schmidt). Also nice to see Purdue's "less athletic" white QB Rob Henry lead in rushing with 132 yards, and that every score in the game was by a white player. A rarity in major conference football! 4 white players with a rushing TD along with 4 extra points and 3 FGs by the kickers.
American Freedom News