2010 NFL Draft

Lurkers, if you CAN'T see the EXTREME PANDERING to everything non-White, and the typical poor performance that ALWAYS follows this type of AA, then you are simply wasting space on planet Earth.

That may sound harsh, but it's true.
Here is a blurb from Rotoworld about Gerhart. I'm not sure if Don or someone already posted this, but I'll post it again.

From Rotoworld:
Vikings GM Rick Spielman confirmed that rookie Toby Gerhart will play tailback in Minnesota.

This was an easy one, as teams don't use No. 51 overall selections on fullbacks, even though Gerhart could play there if needed. "I see him now playing in the backfield, whether it's the I-back or the split backs, or with Adrian (Peterson) in the backfield," coach Brad Childress said. Gerhart won't have trouble beating out Albert Young and Darius Reynaud for No. 2 duties
Jack Lambert said:
Konz was picked up by Seattle.

WA33, I was hoping 8 would get drafted as well.
Nice, that has to be the most white wide receivers drafted in over 20 years.

Still shocked White was not. He has to bigger and faster than 2/3 of the WRs picked.
Once again, the perpetual lovefest for mediocre Jason Campbell continues. I heard several jock sniffers mention the compulsory excuse about how many different offensive coordinators he's had. The number always changes, and now they are using a time frame of "the last ten years." Huh? Are they going back to his high school days? Rotoworld chimed in faithfully as well, noting the same excuse, which is never used for any white QBs who've been in similar situations (Alex Smith would be a recent example).

It was almost incomprehensible to watch the never ending parade of black DBs, LBs and sumo offensive and defensive linemen. Not to mention all those underachieving, underwhelming WRs, who will ensure that the league continues to be filled with marvelous affletes with hands of stone, bodies full of jiggling flubber and gay, diva attitudes.

I must be a drug addict to follow this despicable stuff.
Jack Lambert said:
Tim Toone just got picked and is already hated and reviled by the idiotic DWFs.
These days Mr. Irrelevant isn't so irrelevant. The draft is only 7 rounds and many of them make teams now. I remember in the early 90's when the draft went to 12 rounds guys like this were real long shots to make a team. I do recall Matt Elliot making the Skins after being one of these guys when he was taken in the 12th round.
Glad to see super-athlete Konz didn't have to settle for a half-@$$ FA contract or a dang practice squad. In the way of athletic ability, hardly anyone else in the 2010 draft class can hold his jock!
Blair White could catch on with the Patriots as his friend and former Quarterback Brian Hoyer caught on with the team last year as an ufa.
I think the Titans' are going to cut Marc Mariani - not because he isn't good enough - but because they have a bunch of afrolete receivers (if you want to call them that) already.
More random observations. While bouncing back and forth between ESPN and the NFL Network, I'm realizing just how odious an announcer Tom Waddle is. Like Merrill Hoge and other whites who had to face discrimination themselves, Waddle clearly understands how the Caste System works. The problem is, like Hoge, he trys to outdo the black jock sniffers. Just now, Jamie Dukes, while flashing one of those room brightening smiles, intimated that perhaps Tim Tebow isn't that bright. Waddle chuckled right along with him.

I have heard several rave reviews of San Francisco's all black draft. Interestingly, the overrated safety Taylor Mays will be "mentored" by Ronnie Lott, according to the jock sniffers. That's another thing that irks me; why is it that young black plsyers have older black "mentors," while whites never do? Michael Irvin is supposed to be mentoring Dez Bryant. Can you picture John Elway mentoring Tim Tebow? How about Cris Collinsworth mentoring Jordan Shipley?

From rookie hopefuls to the most elderly ex-players, from coaches to jock sniffers, EVERY black associated with the NFL in any way, shape or form supports EVERY other black. The racial solidarity is astonishing. In contrast, there are no ex-players of any age to support young white hopefuls, and certainly not to even gingerly point to the discrimination they face on a constant basis. Instead, the ex-players compete with the most obnoxious black announcers, with their drooling lust over each and every afflete paraded before them. On the rare occasions when they express a negative word about the league, it will be directed towards one of the few white players.

There is nothing legitimate about this ridiculous league.
Edited by: bigunreal
bigunreal said:
Once again, the perpetual lovefest for mediocre Jason Campbell continues. I heard several jock sniffers mention the compulsory excuse about how many different offensive coordinators he's had. The number always changes, and now they are using a time frame of "the last ten years." Huh? Are they going back to his high school days? Rotoworld chimed in faithfully as well, noting the same excuse, which is never used for any white QBs who've been in similar situations (Alex Smith would be a recent example).

It was almost incomprehensible to watch the never ending parade of black DBs, LBs and sumo offensive and defensive linemen. Not to mention all those underachieving, underwhelming WRs, who will ensure that the league continues to be filled with marvelous affletes with hands of stone, bodies full of jiggling flubber and gay, diva attitudes.

I must be a drug addict to follow this despicable stuff.

You mentioned before how you met some NFL players, and that they weren't "larger than life" - they weren't giants. You said that you were next to a Center that was short and had a fat stomach, something like that?

Do you have more stories?
Also Mike Mclaughlin and Chris Marinelli are other potential white prospects for the Patriots, as both are from the Boston area, and i am sure they would not mind being close to home.Edited by: green fire317
Jack Lambert said:
Tim Toone just got picked and is already hated and reviled by the idiotic DWFs.

The DWFs were on full display all 3 days. Booing white presenters and draftees, while cheering all the blacks.

White players have plenty of enemies, starting with owners/GMs/presidents/coaches/scouts/announcers/columnists, etc, but I think by far, the biggest enemy are the DWFs. These pathetic creatures with their unconditional love and support for the black affletes are at the root of the problem. I could be somewhat forgiving if their adulation was equally directed towards all players, but no, their biggest hatred and criticism is always reserved for the white players.

As long as the DWF attitudes stay this way, we cannot expect to see any sort of change in the caste system, especially from the top down. You need to hit the PTB where it hurts them most, and that is their pocket books. Imagine if just a small percentage of DFWs actually woke up and realized what's going on. Even if it's 10-20%, it could be enough to bring about change. Stadiums across the country that are only filled to 80% capacity, plus declining TV ratings and merchandise revenue would be sufficent to at least reverse the tide and make dents in this unjust and racist system.Edited by: foobar75
Deadlift said:
bigunreal said:
Once again, the perpetual lovefest for mediocre Jason Campbell continues. I heard several jock sniffers mention the compulsory excuse about how many different offensive coordinators he's had. The number always changes, and now they are using a time frame of "the last ten years." Huh? Are they going back to his high school days? Rotoworld chimed in faithfully as well, noting the same excuse, which is never used for any white QBs who've been in similar situations (Alex Smith would be a recent example).

It was almost incomprehensible to watch the never ending parade of black DBs, LBs and sumo offensive and defensive linemen. Not to mention all those underachieving, underwhelming WRs, who will ensure that the league continues to be filled with marvelous affletes with hands of stone, bodies full of jiggling flubber and gay, diva attitudes.

I must be a drug addict to follow this despicable stuff.

You mentioned before how you met some NFL players, and that they weren't "larger than life" - they weren't giants. You said that you were next to a Center that was short and had a fat stomach, something like that?

Do you have more stories?

I know I said I wouldn't post anymore about the NFL, but this was too good to pass up. I have met several NFL players, but the absolute closest I have ever been to NFL players was once on vacation in Louisiana when the New Orleans Saints were staying at our hotel. Among the players I got closest to were Mario Bates, Jim Everett and his room mate at the time Jeff Uhlenhake. I was not a big kid. I had sprouted up to about 5'8 1/2" 150 pounds between my Freshman and Sophomore years, but none of them towered over me. I don't believe any of them were as big as they were officially listed. Mario Bates looked like a little kid with a baby face (blotchy of course) and despite being listed as 6'1" he was lucky if he was 2 inches taller than me and did not look all that physically put together either. I will say on record right now, that Jim Everett was not 6'5" when I met him. My older cousin Josh who was with me, is a legit 6'2" and he and Everett were roughly the same height. Everett might have had an inch on him if he was lucky. Josh who probably weighed around 220lbs at the time and is not what I call a BIG GUY, was MUCH better put together than he was. That being said, Jim Everett was a great guy. I kind of felt bad because we knocked on their door when they were in the middle of eating, but he could not have been nicer and let us talk to him for a good 30 minutes. He seemed as genuinely interested in talking to us as we did him. Uhlenhake seemed really shy. He didn't do much talking and when we asked them if we could have autographs he seemed like he was surprised that we wanted his too. Edited by: Bear Backer
bigunreal said:
I must be a drug addict to follow this despicable stuff.
Well, at least CF can be your Methodone
I tried to count the white draftees but it's hard to find pics for everyone to make sure.

I think it's 58 or 59 out of 255.

The archives search doesn't seem to want to work too well, but I think I remember the previous few years we had about 62-65 draftees out of fewer overall picks.

The NFL is continuing on its way to becoming 75-80% black, just like the NBA.

The only thing screwing it up is the fact that blacks rarely can get the job done at QB, no matter how many chances they are given.

No matter how you crunch the numbers, it was a very depressing draft.
Riddlewire said:
White signs with Colts. Best case scenario.
They're white friendly and it's great for any receiver to play with Manning, but there is a lot of competition there unless Gonzo will still be hurt, which I hope he's 100% Collie and Garcon are legit.

That story involved Jeff Bostic and other Redskins, circa late 1980s. However, I think a lot of things have changed dramatically since then. With the league now being overrun with obese affletes, they certainly don't need to exaggerate their weights any more. Curiously, my story also involved Daryl Grant, who was one of the first obese black tackles in the league. Up close and personal, there was nothing to see but a short, incredibly fat guy with no muscle definition. All the DBs and WRs were tiny. In fact, the only two guys there who looked like footall players were Charles Mann and the legitimately huge ex-Notre Dame star Wally Klein.

I'm sure they still exaggerate some of the sizes of the players, in order to make them "larger than life," but they are primarily occupied now with trying to convince the DWFs that the blubbery oafs they see on the field are actually some kind of athletes. Not an easy task, but then it's always easy to sway the DWFs.

I wish I had some more stories....
At least White signed with the right team.

Van Slyke, those numbers are horribly depressing. Last year, I think we had 69 of our guys drafted.

Great news here, we may have to give McDaniels a reprive for now, with the Broncos selecting 5 whites out of 9 picks, including Tebow and Decker, the most of any team. While McDaniels says Tebow has a long way to go, at least we don't have to worry about an H-Back role.

From Rotoworld:
Coach Josh McDaniels confirmed that Tim Tebow will not play any position other than quarterback.

So we can stop with the "covering kicks" and H-back nonsense. "He's a quarterback. That's all he's going to do," said McDaniels. "Like everybody, he will be competing for a job. I don't care if a guy is a rookie. If he's earned the job, he'll play. That goes for any position. But I'll say this, he has a long way to go to get there."
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