Joe Biden's America

Even if this is the case, is it really a bad thing? Does it make sense to artificially preserve jobs for sake of having jobs? If we have the technology to automate menial tasks in a cost effective manner, its inevitably going to happen. In the past, a huge percentage of the labor force was in either agriculture or manufacturing. Now we can perform those tasks cheaper and more efficiently with a fraction of the human labor. Would it have made sense to limit advanced farming equipment and robotics to preserve those jobs?

It might cause some growing pains in the short term, but people will probably find better things to do. Any job that can be fully replaced with AI or robotics is probably menial and tedious anyway. As long as it doesn't spiral in a technocratic dystopia, can't automation be viewed as a positive thing?
Automation doesn't have to be a bad thing, but do you really want it to happen with the current group of psychopaths who are pushing it, namely the WEF crowd that believes people are nothing more than "hackable animals," that tell us we will "own nothing and be happy" as we eat bugs and lab meat and our travel rights are greatly restricted and everyone happily lives together in multiracial "15 minute cities" where we are under constant surveillance? And do these type of globalist psychopaths even want "excess useless eaters" around after most of their jobs have been eliminated?

You must be much more trusting than me if you think this is some kind of natural process that will benefit mankind rather than be steered in a way that benefits only the top 1%. Here's just one example of an article I saw today. Many more are all over the alternative media. They don't even hide their intentions anymore, the only issue is whether they will be thwarted in their ambitions:

"You Will Own Nothing... Because They Will Steal Everything" | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Automation doesn't have to be a bad thing, but do you really want it to happen with the current group of psychopaths who are pushing it, namely the WEF crowd that believes people are nothing more than "hackable animals," that tell us we will "own nothing and be happy" as we eat bugs and lab meat and our travel rights are greatly restricted and everyone happily lives together in multiracial "15 minute cities" where we are under constant surveillance? And do these type of globalist psychopaths even want "excess useless eaters" around after most of their jobs have been eliminated?

You must be much more trusting than me if you think this is some kind of natural process that will benefit mankind rather than be steered in a way that benefits only the top 1%. Here's just one example of an article I saw today. Many more are all over the alternative media. They don't even hide their intentions anymore, the only issue is whether they will be thwarted in their ambitions:

"You Will Own Nothing... Because They Will Steal Everything" | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
One thing that’s interesting about all of this is that the 1 percent surely rule the world, and they are not benevolent, but when was it any different?

Was it different in the 19th century when thousands of poor whites were conscripted and fought each other in never ending European wars?

Or in the 20th century when world war 1 and 2 were total meat grinders for white folks ?

So my point is not that the ruling elite are good- they aren’t- it’s just that if we stop to consider it deeper they have always been scumbags.

And in some ways the current crop of degenerates are the descendants of the old.

It’s somewhat comforting to think that there really isn’t much new under the sun
One thing that’s interesting about all of this is that the 1 percent surely rule the world, and they are not benevolent, but when was it any different?

Was it different in the 19th century when thousands of poor whites were conscripted and fought each other in never ending European wars?

Or in the 20th century when world war 1 and 2 were total meat grinders for white folks ?

So my point is not that the ruling elite are good- they aren’t- it’s just that if we stop to consider it deeper they have always been scumbags.

And in some ways the current crop of degenerates are the descendants of the old.

It’s somewhat comforting to think that there really isn’t much new under the sun
What's different now is the technology. It's close to making the dystopian "Great Reset" irreversible if fully implemented. That's really been the number one goal of the ruling class since the end of WWII -- making sure they are never seriously challenged again. That's what much of their energy goes into, from 1984 type surveillance to infiltration, entrapment, lawfare, the ongoing attempted inversion of reality and human nature, weaponization of every institution including science, and many other tricks, including the development of bio-weapons which is apparently going on in a major, unregulated and unaccountable way, and waging war through AI and psy-ops, which is why some are saying the human brain is now the primary battlefield.

I'm not saying they're going to win, I think things are in flux right now and the numbers of the aware are growing fast, but it will take new ways of thinking and new tactics to win against an extremely entrenched regime. The old ways, including the "left-right" paradigm are increasingly meaningless.

War? 25 Red States Rally 'Round Texas As Battle Brews With Biden Over Border​

That's great news. At least some states are pushing back on the leaders. Something else I also find very interesting. If you go to the
US Debt Clock they have a secret window in the upper right corner. I've been tracking the pictures posted there for at least 6 months
now. They usually are about faith, freedom and taking back control of the currency. The people that are in charge of the site live outside
of America and they remain secret. The pictures are so interesting. If only they could possibly be true. Some hopium. Here is a video.

Wow, was just now watching Jesse Watters' show on Fox. Watters is actually pretty good, no Tucker Carlson but better than I thought he would be after taking over Tucker's prime time hour.

In the segment I was just watching however, Watters was "celebrating" "DEI Thursday," showing a clip of some lunatic "furry" on Tik Tok. After that snippet ran he welcomed as his guest a black talk show host from San Francisco, last name Sotomayor. After asking Sotomayor what he thought of the "furry" nut, Sotomayor laughed and said we need safe spaces for sane people. Watters then mentioned the DEI/CRT communist lunacy at the University of Wisconsin, where students are being told in seminars that there are no exceptional White people. Watters then said he's not exceptional himself. Sotomayor responded by saying, and I'm paraphrasing a tiny bit as I can't remember the conversation word for word but this is very close, "You're right, Jessie. Here in San Francisco we have the only White running back out of 32 teams. You need to advocate for more White running backs." Watters then joked that he would, so that they would play against his team, the Eagles, meaning ensuring victory for the Eagles. Both laughed. Then Sotomayor noted that there hadn't been a White corneback since Jason Sehorn. Watters said, "and there will never be another one."

Ha, ha, ha, what racist ignorance. Shades of Rachel Maddow. Watters talks about the Great Replacement in terms of the invaders becoming Democrats, but is still in self-mocking step 'n fetch it mode when it comes to sports, happy to throw up the standards media lies and myths about White athletic inferiority, with the black guest eager to play along and in fact initiating it.
I’ve never liked Waters. Something about him reeks of insincerity. He’s an ever so slightly edgy conservative but when it comes to most taboos, he’s just another cuck.

War? 25 Red States Rally 'Round Texas As Battle Brews With Biden Over Border​

I've been aware of border issues and illegal immigration since I was a teenager. I feel it's been a big issue most of my adult life (I can remember in my late teens in the early 2000s the influx of people from Central America) everyone talks about it yet zero action has been taken while millions of non-Whites have flooded this country over the past 2+ decades. This is probably the most substantial thing I can ever recall in terms of border security. Anyone with a shred of common sense that has been aware of the world around them for the past 20 years can easily see this is all being done by design to replace the native White population of America and make the taxpayers essentially fund their own demise. It's sick and pure evil.

I hope that something substantial comes out of this shared outrage by half the states in the union. Lawsuits, holding the federal govt and the marxist bureaucrats accountable for not upholding the most basic and obvious responsibility of a country which is to protect it's borders, term limits for public office, not allowing politicians to trade stocks, not allowing politicians to accept money from lobbyists etc. I of course am pointing out the more logical things that should be done to right the ship but am certainly not naïve enough to believe the current corrupt oligarchy will do anything of the sort to give up it's stranglehold on power.

This country becomes more and more unrecognizable each decade I have been alive. It seems that the left continues to push and push the limits of what it can do to essentially marginalize and carry out a one sided govt sanctioned race war against White people. I do firmly believe that every action has an equal and opposite reaction but time will tell how long until the pendulum swings back the other way. I find myself more disgusted with folks from the left side of the spectrum everyday - the indoctrinated masses of emotional, irrational morons that make up an ever growing percentage of society. The left has done a masterful job with manipulating women to react to the abortion debate with flat out emotion and zero cognitive thought - all they can recite is "my body my choice" but these dopes were all about supporting taking everyone elses freedom away during the great Covid scam and heinous government overreach which came along with it. Blacks get all worked up about slavery and reparations despite the obvious arguments that no blacks alive today were ever slaves, a war was fought amongst Whites which resulted in their ancestors being free from slavery. Every other minority takes the "Whites are colonizers" tangent split from the original blacks and slavery grift to bring out their entitlement mentality and demonization of White people. Many folks who identify with the lgbtq ******** were just manipulated, brainwashed due to the immoral cespool that has been set upon the West for the past 7 decades. And we all know who is behind it.
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I've been aware of border issues and illegal immigration since I was a teenager. I feel it's been a big issue most of my adult life (I can remember in my late teens in the early 2000s the influx of people from Central America) everyone talks about it yet zero action has been taken while millions of non-Whites have flooded this country over the past 2+ decades. This is probably the most substantial thing I can ever recall in terms of border security. Anyone with a shred of common sense that has been aware of the world around them for the past 20 years can easily see this is all being done by design to replace the native White population of America and make the taxpayers essentially fund their own demise. It's sick and pure evil.

I hope that something substantial comes out of this shared outrage by half the states in the union. Lawsuits, holding the federal govt and the marxist bureaucrats accountable for not upholding the most basic and obvious responsibility of a country which is to protect it's borders, term limits for public office, not allowing politicians to trade stocks, not allowing politicians to accept money from lobbyists etc. I of course am pointing out the more logical things that should be done to right the ship but am certainly not naïve enough to believe the current corrupt oligarchy will do anything of the sort to give up it's stranglehold on power.

This country becomes more and more unrecognizable each decade I have been alive. It seems that the left continues to push and push the limits of what it can do to essentially marginalize and carry out a one sided govt sanctioned race war against White people. I do firmly believe that every action has an equal and opposite reaction but time will tell how long until the pendulum swings back the other way. I find myself more disgusted with folks from the left side of the spectrum everyday - the indoctrinated masses of emotional, irrational morons that make up an ever growing percentage of society. The left has done a masterful job with manipulating women to react to the abortion debate with flat out emotion and zero cognitive thought - all they can recite is "my body my choice" but these dopes were all about supporting taking everyone elses freedom away during the great Covid scam and heinous government overreach which came along with it. Blacks get all worked up about slavery and reparations despite the obvious arguments that no blacks alive today were ever slaves, a war was fought amongst Whites which resulted in their ancestors being free from slavery. Every other minority takes the "Whites are colonizers" tangent split from the original blacks and slavery grift to bring out their entitlement mentality and demonization of White people. Many folks who identify with the lgbtq ******** were just manipulated, brainwashed due to the immoral cespool that has been set upon the West for the past 7 decades. And we all know who is behind it.
Great post.

When i was in high school in the mid 90s, it was either Time magazine or Newsweak that had a cover proudly declaring the "browning of America". It really creeped me out, and it's all come true. They were so happy to declare the genocide of whites.

Clinton also bragged about whites becoming a minority.

They 'normalized' ghetto thug blacks in the 90s by getting idiot white kids to listen to crap music. Most people will disagree with me, but I feel that grunge music was an intentional psy-op to demoralize white suburban kids by popularizing depressing, mopey music.

This has been in the works for a long time. The most noticeable difference was when satan obama transformed America, and it'll never be the same.

Whites need to regroup and form a new nation somewhere that is specifically by and for whites. It won't happen any time soon, but that should be the ultimate goal.
Great post.

When i was in high school in the mid 90s, it was either Time magazine or Newsweak that had a cover proudly declaring the "browning of America". It really creeped me out, and it's all come true. They were so happy to declare the genocide of whites.

Clinton also bragged about whites becoming a minority.

They 'normalized' ghetto thug blacks in the 90s by getting idiot white kids to listen to crap music. Most people will disagree with me, but I feel that grunge music was an intentional psy-op to demoralize white suburban kids by popularizing depressing, mopey music.

This has been in the works for a long time. The most noticeable difference was when satan obama transformed America, and it'll never be the same.

Whites need to regroup and form a new nation somewhere that is specifically by and for whites. It won't happen any time soon, but that should be the ultimate goal.

Honestly, I have had the same thought and I say that while admitting some of those bands have been favorites of mine. Looking back I feel that a lot of that music really did lay a template of apathy towards life, having a negative world view, being nihilistic etc. The way the whole scene exploded pretty much all at once and was pushed onto the masses was something that was never really witnessed either. I suppose "going viral" is a similar comparison but that is more akin to 15 minutes of fame instead of the 5-6 years of pop culture exposure. It certainly laid a template for Generation X and now we see the results with their kids as what was viewed as "alternative and weird" in the 90s become mainstream and normalized today. The push for total acceptance without standards or questioning anything as immoral or wrong.

I also agree that Obama was absolutely the turning point. Everything changed after him, it was a slow burn for a while but around 2014 with the Trayvon Martin nonsense is when it took off. Since then everything has gone down hill. The CIA probably ran a color revolution within the country much like they did in Egypt, Ukraine, Libya during the Obama presidency. Maybe that's a tin foil hat conspiracy for me but I think these last 15 years have really been a cluster of domestic psy-ops to push our country to the breaking point and allow a uniparty system truly run by lobbyists, elites and NGOs while putting on the ever thinning façade of a lawfully elected government.
Wow, was just now watching Jesse Watters' show on Fox. Watters is actually pretty good, no Tucker Carlson but better than I thought he would be after taking over Tucker's prime time hour.

In the segment I was just watching however, Watters was "celebrating" "DEI Thursday," showing a clip of some lunatic "furry" on Tik Tok. After that snippet ran he welcomed as his guest a black talk show host from San Francisco, last name Sotomayor. After asking Sotomayor what he thought of the "furry" nut, Sotomayor laughed and said we need safe spaces for sane people. Watters then mentioned the DEI/CRT communist lunacy at the University of Wisconsin, where students are being told in seminars that there are no exceptional White people. Watters then said he's not exceptional himself. Sotomayor responded by saying, and I'm paraphrasing a tiny bit as I can't remember the conversation word for word but this is very close, "You're right, Jessie. Here in San Francisco we have the only White running back out of 32 teams. You need to advocate for more White running backs." Watters then joked that he would, so that they would play against his team, the Eagles, meaning ensuring victory for the Eagles. Both laughed. Then Sotomayor noted that there hadn't been a White corneback since Jason Sehorn. Watters said, "and there will never be another one."

Ha, ha, ha, what racist ignorance. Shades of Rachel Maddow. Watters talks about the Great Replacement in terms of the invaders becoming Democrats, but is still in self-mocking step 'n fetch it mode when it comes to sports, happy to throw up the standards media lies and myths about White athletic inferiority, with the black guest eager to play along and in fact initiating it.

This is the kind of stupidity "conservative" media personalities indulge in, especially with a black guest. Watters was too stupid to point out the only White RB in the league was also the best.
As if this article isn't depressing enough, Aritficial Intelligence, Robotics and Drones are expected to replace about 70 - 80 percent of the
jobs world wide by 2030. Just a beautiful world the powers that shouldn't be have created!
And just who do these governments think is going to fund them? If they effectively eliminate work for peoples those people depend on government for a UBI.

In turn this means that corporations and businesses will be on the dock for the vast majority of taxes… and they won’t want to pay that.

Ultimately, the governments get defunded and collapse but these people are so evil they only care about themselves and not their future generations.

I followed Taibbi's coverage of the Twitter files and find this piece to be a solid laid out argument for what the left is trying achieve this election cycle. Taibbi to his credit seems to realize that the left is now the party in charge and has enough integrity now that the proverbial shoe is on the other foot to call them out on it (Taibbi's past works, employers and affiliations certainly aligned him much more with the left).
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And just who do these governments think is going to fund them? If they effectively eliminate work for peoples those people depend on government for a UBI.

In turn this means that corporations and businesses will be on the dock for the vast majority of taxes… and they won’t want to pay that.

Ultimately, the governments get defunded and collapse but these people are so evil they only care about themselves and not their future generations.
Fund them with taxes??? Why bother? Just run the printing press and voila!!

Honestly I think it’s just a case of hubris and pushing it too far. It will collapse in on itself ultimately and will be ugly when it does, but as individuals there really aren’t tons of ways to hedge against that
It’s funny how they mention that the fbi is there to protect us. I doubt that was ever the case, but it sure as hell isn’t the case now.
So now Trump is telling the republicans not to back the new deal which has more money for Ukraine but border security as well .While I know this deal is bs it is better than nothing. Trump thinks he will get into the White House in January and fix everything just like last time. So laughable. Meanwhile poor white people have paid 50 million of a billionaires legal bills. That is sick.
So now Trump is telling the republicans not to back the new deal which has more money for Ukraine but border security as well .While I know this deal is bs it is better than nothing. Trump thinks he will get into the White House in January and fix everything just like last time. So laughable. Meanwhile poor white people have paid 50 million of a billionaires legal bills. That is sick.
I obviously haven't read the proposed bill, and in America the bills are written in indecipherable legaleze anyway, but i'm hearing it includes amnesty, and if so Trump is 100% correct to oppose it.
So now Trump is telling the republicans not to back the new deal which has more money for Ukraine but border security as well .While I know this deal is bs it is better than nothing. Trump thinks he will get into the White House in January and fix everything just like last time. So laughable. Meanwhile poor white people have paid 50 million of a billionaires legal bills. That is sick.
I view Trump with scepticism as well as this isn't 2016 and his act is getting tired however, are we sure that the new deal is the best we can get..
I obviously haven't read the proposed bill, and in America the bills are written in indecipherable legaleze anyway, but i'm hearing it includes amnesty, and if so Trump is 100% correct to oppose it.
Absolutely, the bill will "slow" the number of illegals to 150,000 a month, or almost 2 million a year, and who the hell counts the number of invaders with any accuracy anyway. It should be zero, that's what a genuine opposition party would be fighting for. It also allows for mass amnesty, it's little more than codifying the Biden Cabal's policy of encouraging as many invaders as possible to enter as quickly as possible.

The Oklahoma GOP voted to censure their RINO Senator James Lankford over his support of the bill. State GOPs should follow suit and far more aggressively go after RINO Senators and Congressmen, however many Republican majority state legislatures are more RINO and establishment oriented than people realize. Changing the GOP at the local and state levels is what patriots should be doing.

Everything the Left touches turns to ****. Fact.
So now Trump is telling the republicans not to back the new deal which has more money for Ukraine but border security as well .While I know this deal is bs it is better than nothing. Trump thinks he will get into the White House in January and fix everything just like last time. So laughable. Meanwhile poor white people have paid 50 million of a billionaires legal bills. That is sick.

Ukraine is a foreign conflict the US should have zero interest in. It's the political elite trying to pay for cover over misdeeds many have committed in the country in regards to political corruption and money laundering. Taxpayer money going to that conflict is treasonous.

The border has been an issue for decades now. Both sides of the aisle could have shut and sealed the border down easily after 9/11 and implemented a moratorium or very selective/restrictive immigration standards. Neither of them did it and by design let this influx of illegals come into the country to implement the Great Replacement. It's elites, NGOs (many Jewish) pushing this insanity. All the politicians are already bought and paid for so they do not give a damn.

Trump has plenty of flaws - the lawsuits are all bogus though and political hitjobs to prevent him from running. The 2016 election and victory was an enjoyable moment in time but did not yield any long term results as the cultural communists doubled down on attacks of Heritage Americans and our collective history. Again, politicians on both sides of the aisle have done nothing while the currently installed regime weaponizes federal agencies to go after innocent Americans. Trump at this point is the figurehead for millions of Americans that are getting screwed, discriminated against, replaced and marginalized. He's the middle finger to the system. I don't see any new shitlords on the horizon. Trump has however awakened alot of folks who once believed in the mainstream media and the fake "two party" system in this county. At the grassroots level he is responsible for many Whites decided to check out of society and try to carve their own way.
Ukraine is a foreign conflict the US should have zero interest in. It's the political elite trying to pay for cover over misdeeds many have committed in the country in regards to political corruption and money laundering. Taxpayer money going to that conflict is treasonous.

The border has been an issue for decades now. Both sides of the aisle could have shut and sealed the border down easily after 9/11 and implemented a moratorium or very selective/restrictive immigration standards. Neither of them did it and by design let this influx of illegals come into the country to implement the Great Replacement. It's elites, NGOs (many Jewish) pushing this insanity. All the politicians are already bought and paid for so they do not give a damn.

Trump has plenty of flaws - the lawsuits are all bogus though and political hitjobs to prevent him from running. The 2016 election and victory was an enjoyable moment in time but did not yield any long term results as the cultural communists doubled down on attacks of Heritage Americans and our collective history. Again, politicians on both sides of the aisle have done nothing while the currently installed regime weaponizes federal agencies to go after innocent Americans. Trump at this point is the figurehead for millions of Americans that are getting screwed, discriminated against, replaced and marginalized. He's the middle finger to the system. I don't see any new shitlords on the horizon. Trump has however awakened alot of folks who once believed in the mainstream media and the fake "two party" system in this county. At the grassroots level he is responsible for many Whites decided to check out of society and try to carve their own way.
Yeah, I don’t think the deal is anymore more than a sham but it is trumps ego that irks me. He thinks he can fix everything. That an him using poor white peoples money to fight off all these charges.
American Freedom News