Joe Biden's America

It's only a matter of time until DEI -- or DIE as it should be referred to by all opposed to it -- results in some major plane crashes. It was always unthinkable that DIE and "affirmative action" would come to airline pilots and air traffic controllers, and mechanics and maintenance workers for that matter as they're just as important as the others, but there's nothing the current regime won't try to destroy.

Pure insanity by the methodical communist destroyers:

When DEI Becomes DIE: FAA Now Hiring People With "Severe Intellectual And Psychiatric Disability"​ quarterback-troubling
If they keep on like this, United's good safety record, one of the few things they have going for them, will become another casualty. They've managed to go over 20 years without a crash, and in fact their last crash was indeed caused by diversity. It was Flight 93 on September 11, 2001.
And Delta is run by virulently anti-White racists. All aware Whites should always capitalize White in response to the revolutionaries in all institutions who are trying to replace us.

Racist Delta Airlines Sends Memo to Employees Asking Them to Capitalize “Black” & “Brown” but Write “White” in Lowercase – Format Follows Far-Left Associated Press Guidelines​

Everyone look up “Tennessee Flygirl” to see how the girl power in the skies is going.

150mph nose dive to her death due to incompetence.

Everyone look up “Tennessee Flygirl” to see how the girl power in the skies is going.

150mph nose dive to her death due to incompetence.

This is sad and a tragedy. I don't see the incompetence part though. Many male pilots have crashed too. As a relatively new pilot, she was still going through certification. Two of my sons are in the aviation field, both studying and flying to obtain their various licenses. Many of their instructors have been female pilots. To say this is a result of incompetence without details is frankly misogynist. Maybe she or her father had some sort of medical emergency?
This is sad and a tragedy. I don't see the incompetence part though. Many male pilots have crashed too. As a relatively new pilot, she was still going through certification. Two of my sons are in the aviation field, both studying and flying to obtain their various licenses. Many of their instructors have been female pilots. To say this is a result of incompetence without details is frankly misogynist. Maybe she or her father had some sort of medical emergency?
The whole being a content creator first while learning to fly is what gets me.

This is sad and a tragedy. I don't see the incompetence part though. Many male pilots have crashed too. As a relatively new pilot, she was still going through certification. Two of my sons are in the aviation field, both studying and flying to obtain their various licenses. Many of their instructors have been female pilots. To say this is a result of incompetence without details is frankly misogynist. Maybe she or her father had some sort of medical emergency?
I agree with your contention that at this juncture, there is not evidence that her gender was a factor in the crash. We shouldn't rush..

However, gotta push back on the usage of the word misogynist.. that's such a bs term. The female version of racist..
I agree with your contention that at this juncture, there is not evidence that her gender was a factor in the crash. We shouldn't rush..

However, gotta push back on the usage of the word misogynist.. that's such a bs term. The female version of racist..
Spot on, though I'd be more specific and call it the toxic feminist version of racist. Many women reject feminism and the lies and poison it's based on.

Same with "sexist" and "sexism." Criticizing a woman or noting differences between men and women isn't sexist, it's a common sense observation by those still based in reality and not in the endless lies of Clown World.
From a life long conservative I finally woke up. Both parties want the same things. I hate saying this but we can't vote ourselves out of
this mess. Both sides are controled for the most part and they don't serve the people anymore. Not sure what solutions other than to
say that in my opinion no politician is going to save us as they are all bought and paid for. I still am a registered voter but am just disgusted
by the state of affairs in America. Talk about an inside job. Open to any solutions? I'm not saying not to vote. Locally it still helps but on
a national level it's who counts the votes that matters the most. Just my two cents.
Everyone look up “Tennessee Flygirl” to see how the girl power in the skies is going.

150mph nose dive to her death due to incompetence.

Shame. She was pretty good looking for a 45 year old
We don't have a "Justin Trudeau's Canada" thread so I'll post this here:

Massive Crowd Chants “F-ck Trudeau” at UFC 297 Event in Canada (VIDEO)​

Good to see the Canadians, that aren’t limp-wristed at least, hate their tyrant as much as American’s hate theirs. But similarly, will Canadians be able to reverse course before they are demographically swamped beyond recourse?
Whites are reacting to anti-White hatred and discrimination and the ongoing Great Replacement that is so blatantly obvious.

White Americans Are Quiet-Quitting Our Leading Institutions​

Whites are reacting to anti-White hatred and discrimination and the ongoing Great Replacement that is so blatantly obvious.

White Americans Are Quiet-Quitting Our Leading Institutions​

As if this article isn't depressing enough, Aritficial Intelligence, Robotics and Drones are expected to replace about 70 - 80 percent of the
jobs world wide by 2030. Just a beautiful world the powers that shouldn't be have created!
I find the article positive in the sense that White Americans are finally losing complete faith and confidence in the institutions that became weaponized against them. That realization is an important step if the long disastrous slide of the U.S. is ever to be first halted and then reversed.
I find the article positive in the sense that White Americans are finally losing complete faith and confidence in the institutions that became weaponized against them. That realization is an important step if the long disastrous slide of the U.S. is ever to be first halted and then reversed.

Yes I agree on that point. It's like the grade schools to colleges and their constant communist propaganda. The Home Schooling Movement in America has grown by leaps and bounds. Parents need to stop letting them turn all these kids into loving socialism/progressives and communist lovers. It is taught by these institutions and the brainwashing has made so many young people hate freedoms. So opting out of the cultural marxist
systems at every level will hopefully lead to a better country in the future as we try to rebuild. My biggest fear is the non stop immigration
which has changed the demographics drastically in the last 3 to 4 years. I agree we need to celebrate the tiny victories. Thanks for posting
that article.
As if this article isn't depressing enough, Aritficial Intelligence, Robotics and Drones are expected to replace about 70 - 80 percent of the
jobs world wide by 2030. Just a beautiful world the powers that shouldn't be have created!
Even if this is the case, is it really a bad thing? Does it make sense to artificially preserve jobs for sake of having jobs? If we have the technology to automate menial tasks in a cost effective manner, its inevitably going to happen. In the past, a huge percentage of the labor force was in either agriculture or manufacturing. Now we can perform those tasks cheaper and more efficiently with a fraction of the human labor. Would it have made sense to limit advanced farming equipment and robotics to preserve those jobs?

It might cause some growing pains in the short term, but people will probably find better things to do. Any job that can be fully replaced with AI or robotics is probably menial and tedious anyway. As long as it doesn't spiral in a technocratic dystopia, can't automation be viewed as a positive thing?
Even if this is the case, is it really a bad thing? Does it make sense to artificially preserve jobs for sake of having jobs? If we have the technology to automate menial tasks in a cost effective manner, its inevitably going to happen. In the past, a huge percentage of the labor force was in either agriculture or manufacturing. Now we can perform those tasks cheaper and more efficiently with a fraction of the human labor. Would it have made sense to limit advanced farming equipment and robotics to preserve those jobs?

It might cause some growing pains in the short term, but people will probably find better things to do. Any job that can be fully replaced with AI or robotics is probably menial and tedious anyway. As long as it doesn't spiral in a technocratic dystopia, can't automation be viewed as a positive thing?

First off the people that run this world are not your friends. They want us gone. They have had this technology ready for a couple of decades and were just waiting for the right time to implement it. Never let a good crisis go to waste as you can do things in a crisis you could never
do at other times. They want a digital gulag for the world. Programmable Central Bank Backed Digital Currencies based on behavior. Are you a good global citizen comrade? I sure hope so. They will have negative interest rates on this imaginary money. It's worse than 1984. On top of that humans need a purpose. From the scholastic world to careers. You think drugs and alcohol are bad now. Suicide and crime will sky rocket. Too much free time is good in a high morals society which we do not have. It's a technical form of world communism through the back door. We shall see how it plays out but I hope to God it fails.
American Freedom News