Regarding acceleration and the path we are on, I think the die is cast already whether you vote for Trump, Biden or stay home. If Trump wins, the Left will chimp out and burn the cities to the ground for 4 more years. The result, is more awareness and ultimately racial consciousness for normie Whites. If Biden wins, then it’s even more anti-White policies and flooding of the country by non-Whites. The result, more racial consciousness for normie Whites. If you don’t vote, you get one of the above. If you think you are delegitimizing the process by encouraging lower turn out, they are fudging the totals anyway. Remember the last Presidential Election there were more votes cast than ever before (wink wink), with the walking corpse receiving the record total ever. Also, if they have to cheat again in an obvious way to get Joe Brandon back in, that will radicalize more of our people.
Things are happening gentlemen whether we want them to or not. I don’t see an option that leads to deescalation. How much longer can the center hold? The bright side, as Don has said, the future is very much up for grabs so prepare accordingly and wake up as many people in your family, social circle and community as you can. We are going to need each other as the going gets rough.