Joe Biden's America

I used to read the chronicles mag quite regularly.Had better insight than mainstream conservative media like daily wire. Not sure if it's still Paleo or the neos have take root there as well..

And I highly doubt any player will kneel as the type of character that make take an issue with the black anthem is too respectful to act disrespectfully.
I used to read the chronicles mag quite regularly.Had better insight than mainstream conservative media like daily wire. Not sure if it's still Paleo or the neos have take root there as well..

And I highly doubt any player will kneel as the type of character that make take an issue with the black anthem is too respectful to act disrespectfully.

It's still basically paleo. I've been a Chronicles reader for over 30 years.
So now Trump is telling the republicans not to back the new deal which has more money for Ukraine but border security as well .While I know this deal is bs it is better than nothing. Trump thinks he will get into the White House in January and fix everything just like last time. So laughable. Meanwhile poor white people have paid 50 million of a billionaires legal bills. That is sick.
From what I am hearing is there is a shitload of things in the bill that any decent conservative should oppose. Avenue for amnesty chief among them.
Absolutely, the bill will "slow" the number of illegals to 150,000 a month, or almost 2 million a year, and who the hell counts the number of invaders with any accuracy anyway. It should be zero, that's what a genuine opposition party would be fighting for. It also allows for mass amnesty, it's little more than codifying the Biden Cabal's policy of encouraging as many invaders as possible to enter as quickly as possible.

The Oklahoma GOP voted to censure their RINO Senator James Lankford over his support of the bill. State GOPs should follow suit and far more aggressively go after RINO Senators and Congressmen, however many Republican majority state legislatures are more RINO and establishment oriented than people realize. Changing the GOP at the local and state levels is what patriots should be doing.

So now Trump is telling the republicans not to back the new deal which has more money for Ukraine but border security as well .While I know this deal is bs it is better than nothing. Trump thinks he will get into the White House in January and fix everything just like last time. So laughable. Meanwhile poor white people have paid 50 million of a billionaires legal bills. That is sick.
Regardless of how you feel about him personally, Trump is almost single handedly responsible for moving the party away from the Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan brand of conservatism into something that at least resembles a populist movement. A lot of people want to apply purity tests, but Trump/MAGA is a massive upgrade over the previous version of the party and is the best we're going to get right now. Thinking strategically and for the long-term, backing Trump is a no brainer in my eyes. We have to move past him and expand on his agenda after this cycle, but he's created a real opening if someone else is able to come in and take the reins when he's gone. I know he invokes mixed reactions in communities like this, but I would implore anyone to consider if voting for an invisible third party or not voting at all is more productive than backing a guy who has platformed some of our ideas for the first time in a while.
Have the voting machines been fixed yet? Lol if not why expect a different outcome? There is no political solution besides maybe a tax boycott by honkeys, but most would fold like cheap lawn chairs when threatened. So ya.
I used to read the chronicles mag quite regularly.Had better insight than mainstream conservative media like daily wire. Not sure if it's still Paleo or the neos have take root there as well..

And I highly doubt any player will kneel as the type of character that make take an issue with the black anthem is too respectful to act disrespectfully.
There is no way a White player could or should take the knee as it would be career suicide. Unfortunately this is one of those times where we would actually have to outsource to a black. Maybe an ultra conservative type like I hear Micah Parsons is reported to be would do it? This hypothetical player would get the Jason Whitlock treatment from most of the brothas, but he’d still be employed. The article is right too that the player would become an overnight fan favorite for cuckservatives and civnat types. Heck, I’m sure the “based black man” would be the keynote speaker at the next CPAC.
Have the voting machines been fixed yet? Lol if not why expect a different outcome? There is no political solution besides maybe a tax boycott by honkeys, but most would fold like cheap lawn chairs when threatened. So ya.
Well, think of it like a political Pascal's Wager. If we vote and the election gets rigged anyway, we lose out on maybe an hour of our time. If we don't vote and the election isn't rigged, we've basically handed Biden the win. Getting Trump into office isn't going to do much, but it does represent a rejection of the current regime and would certainly slow the invasion of our country to some degree. So given the choice between not voting at all or voting for Trump, I think the choice is pretty clear. Completely disengaging from the political process is not a winning strategy, even if it does turn out to be futile in the end.
Completely disengaging from the political process and society is what all smart Whites should be doing. Until there is a politician/party that cares about White People. Idgaf. Let it all collapse.

Y’all want to vote go ahead. In smaller counties I’m sure it has most of its integrity.
Completely disengaging from the political process and society is what all smart Whites should be doing. Until there is a politician/party that cares about White People. Idgaf. Let it all collapse.

Y’all want to vote go ahead. In smaller counties I’m sure it has most of its integrity.

I am with you 100 percent. Unless it's a small local election where you personally know the people it won't change anything. Both sides
have been bought and paid for a long time ago. They love to do the communist fist in the air. DWF Voters will never wake up.
I am with you 100 percent. Unless it's a small local election where you personally know the people it won't change anything. Both sides
have been bought and paid for a long time ago. They love to do the communist fist in the air. DWF Voters will never wake up.
I’m glad there are people that still believe we can turn it around. Just not one of em. We’ve still got the numbers, barely though and not for much longer.

Most importantly no one has a desire to look out for us, let alone muster we exist and have a right to exist and have a homeland! No NGOs, political parties, or billionaires to the rescue for Whitey. Heck most Whites can’t even go back to their European Countries of origin, as they are being actively invaded as well.
I’m glad there are people that still believe we can turn it around. Just not one of em. We’ve still got the numbers, barely though and not for much longer.

Most importantly no one has a desire to look out for us, let alone muster we exist and have a right to exist and have a homeland! No NGOs, political parties, or billionaires to the rescue for Whitey.
It's gotten this way largely because whites have not flexed their political muscle for their own interests. You can blame the Jews, the media, and whoever else, but it is ultimately whites that are going to the ballot box and electing people who are replacing us or simply staying home. We don't need someone to "look out for us", we need to actually vote in our own interests. Trump/MAGA is the closest thing we have to a racially consciousness mainstream movement in politics, and I think it's foolish to squander it because it's not an explicitly white movement. MAGA is a gateway drug and has driven more people to our side than many realize. I've witnessed the pipeline in action for the past 8 years.

Even when you look at it selfishly and pragmatically, Trump is probably better for your bank account and certainly better on the border. The uniparty is real, but there are small differences and they do materialize in a very real way. I don't think the winner of the election is inconsequential by any means. I would agree that the ballot box won't solve our issues, but I'm also not on board with the notion of intentionally accelerating the decline. The idea that if things get bad enough, whites will suddenly come together and separate is very optimistic. South Africa is about as bad as it gets and yet their white population continues to tolerate it, funding the ANC's black welfare state and propping up a failing economy. I fear apathy gets us closer to that outcome than an actual long-term solution.
Whites can flex their political power by voting for conservacucks that defend Israel’s border rather than ours. It’s all just tiresome.

Actually pretty sad this is what 2 party system is trotting out these days. Sure I’ll take Trump to drop groceries and gas down. But again just a temporary fix for a nation already going down the swirler.

I do see your point and like I said earlier, glad there are others more optimistic than me.
Regarding acceleration and the path we are on, I think the die is cast already whether you vote for Trump, Biden or stay home. If Trump wins, the Left will chimp out and burn the cities to the ground for 4 more years. The result, is more awareness and ultimately racial consciousness for normie Whites. If Biden wins, then it’s even more anti-White policies and flooding of the country by non-Whites. The result, more racial consciousness for normie Whites. If you don’t vote, you get one of the above. If you think you are delegitimizing the process by encouraging lower turn out, they are fudging the totals anyway. Remember the last Presidential Election there were more votes cast than ever before (wink wink), with the walking corpse receiving the record total ever. Also, if they have to cheat again in an obvious way to get Joe Brandon back in, that will radicalize more of our people.

Things are happening gentlemen whether we want them to or not. I don’t see an option that leads to deescalation. How much longer can the center hold? The bright side, as Don has said, the future is very much up for grabs so prepare accordingly and wake up as many people in your family, social circle and community as you can. We are going to need each other as the going gets rough.
Well, think of it like a political Pascal's Wager. If we vote and the election gets rigged anyway, we lose out on maybe an hour of our time. If we don't vote and the election isn't rigged, we've basically handed Biden the win. Getting Trump into office isn't going to do much, but it does represent a rejection of the current regime and would certainly slow the invasion of our country to some degree. So given the choice between not voting at all or voting for Trump, I think the choice is pretty clear. Completely disengaging from the political process is not a winning strategy, even if it does turn out to be futile in the end.
Trump woke alot of people up, if he accomplished nothing else. He exposed the deep state. He exposed the RINOs that many thought were conservative (Pence for example). He drove a stake through the heart of the Bush family legacy and any hope they have of ever winning another election. In many ways, that is more important than any policy achievement.
Bukele has been great for El Salvador and the people there appreciate him. He's been interviewed a few times by Tucker Carlson, the only head of state anywhere who's been interviewed by him other than Viktor Orban of Hungary.
Only in a leftists mind is a leader that has achieved a 93% decrease in murders a bad leader for a country.
The "Mentally" Illhan Omar fiasco should be the final nail in the coffin for the "there are woke anti-globalists and we should court them" idiots. Remember when AOC promised to vote no on a missiles for Israel bill, then changed her vote to "present" while crying on the House floor? That was one of the funniest and most predictable political meltdowns of all time. Now Mentally Illhan is peddling regime change (along with insurrection, sedition, and election-denying conspiracy theories - oh, the irony) against the democratically elected, ultra-popular president of El Salvador (who actually IS the "most popular president ever").

No, brown feminist anti-whites are not going to save us. No, there is no "libtard sweet spot" on the political spectrum. No, there are no woke anti-globalists. Wokeness is globalism. Globalism is wokeness. There is no separating the two.
Bukele is one of the few leaders I respect. Another aspect of his leadership that could set a positive precedent was the legalization of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. Rather than falling into the usual 3rd World Country trap of allowing the globalist IMF to come in and own the place, they now have a debt free currency that is deflationary in nature. With a hard cap of 21 million coins, the value of the countries money can and should increase in value. I think this is one of the main reasons the (((usual suspects))) are coming after him hard. He’s opting out of their usury scheme and they don’t want that to catch on elsewhere.
Bukele is one of the few leaders I respect. Another aspect of his leadership that could set a positive precedent was the legalization of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. Rather than falling into the usual 3rd World Country trap of allowing the globalist IMF to come in and own the place, they now have a debt free currency that is deflationary in nature. With a hard cap of 21 million coins, the value of the countries money can and should increase in value. I think this is one of the main reasons the (((usual suspects))) are coming after him hard. He’s opting out of their usury scheme and they don’t want that to catch on elsewhere.
El Salvador's economy is among the worst in South America, so I don't really blame him for taking a gamble on Bitcoin. But from what I've read, very few people in the country are actually using it.

I get the idea behind Bitcoin, but in practice it doesn't seem to work. It took me nearly 30 minutes to withdraw cash from a Bitcoin ATM for example, and the fees were several times higher than a standard USD ATM. Trying to buy things with Bitcoin through online vendors is cumbersome for the few that accept it, and I don't see how it would operate with real world vendors given transactions can take 10+ minutes.

I also wouldn't really be comfortable with the idea of my bank account losing 66% of its value in a year, or losing 5-10% in a few days, compared to 3-4% inflation on USD in a typical year. I think its interesting as a censorproof off-the-grid type of money, but it just doesn't seem like it works as a day to day currency. Not endorsing the central banking system by any means, just not convinced Bitcoin is the answer.
El Salvador's economy is among the worst in South America, so I don't really blame him for taking a gamble on Bitcoin. But from what I've read, very few people in the country are actually using it.

I get the idea behind Bitcoin, but in practice it doesn't seem to work. It took me nearly 30 minutes to withdraw cash from a Bitcoin ATM for example, and the fees were several times higher than a standard USD ATM. Trying to buy things with Bitcoin through online vendors is cumbersome for the few that accept it, and I don't see how it would operate with real world vendors given transactions can take 10+ minutes.

I also wouldn't really be comfortable with the idea of my bank account losing 66% of its value in a year, or losing 5-10% in a few days, compared to 3-4% inflation on USD in a typical year. I think it’s interesting as a censorproof off-the-grid type of money, but it just doesn't seem like it works as a day to day currency. Not endorsing the central banking system by any means, just not convinced Bitcoin is the answer.
Fair critique.

I guess we’ll see how this experiment pays off. I failed to mention that the nation’s treasury is holding BTC now, so there could be a lot of wealth if BTC takes off again this year and beyond. I think this is a more practical use for it, at the moment, than buying a soda. Also, Bukele’s government was planning to harness the geothermal energy from the country’s many volcanoes to mine BTC. I give the guy credit for being forward thinking and looking for radical, outside the box solutions to attempt to fix a dirt poor, crime ridden country he inherited. Of course no matter how the economic ideas work out, his leadership has been a huge success smashing violent crime with tough tactics that work.
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