Joe Biden's America

The Left vs Right Mindset and why it's helped to lead this path to destruction and it's a disaster for white people.

The cretin's hirelings. Don't let Trump escape, because had he been doing his job and not Tweeting his life away, it's possible that this stiff's people wouldn't have even been able to cheat his way in.


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Leftist Caught on Camera Attacking Catholic Church, Destroying Multiple Statues​

The Biden administration and their criminal cronies in the FBI, DOJ and the other nefarious wretches in charge have not even pursued any of the felonious crimes committed against churches, pro-life pregnancy centers and Christian organizations since the Roe v Wade (Dobbs) Supreme Court case at all. Months and months of continuous, shameless, vandalism, arson and even death threats and nary a peep from the Biden Crime Family. Here's someone caught on camera attacking a church in Don's state of PA (in Downingtown).

Maybe you've have an update on this, Don? These people are like demonic children with temper tantrums. I hope they nail this puke and he squeals on some others. So tolerant aren't they?...:
The media blathers on about the protests and harassment at the baby death centers, excuse me Planned Parenthood, but almost never covers the violence against churches.

Supposedly an attack on a church is the lowest behavior, look at the response when it’s a black church!

At my parish the Knights have had to set up times for us to guard the church against this kind of criminal behavior. The threat has died down some as Michigan voters overwhelmingly supported a proposal that will allow unrestricted fetal slaughter and also okays unrestrained gender reassignment for kids.

Remember when the Arabs used to call the US the “Great Satan” and we scoffed.
The media blathers on about the protests and harassment at the baby death centers, excuse me Planned Parenthood, but almost never covers the violence against churches.

Supposedly an attack on a church is the lowest behavior, look at the response when it’s a black church!

At my parish the Knights have had to set up times for us to guard the church against this kind of criminal behavior. The threat has died down some as Michigan voters overwhelmingly supported a proposal that will allow unrestricted fetal slaughter and also okays unrestrained gender reassignment for kids.

Remember when the Arabs used to call the US the “Great Satan” and we scoffed.
Great points Flint. My only issue would be with any supposed "voting" going on in the last few years, even on the state level. Vote fixing, fraud, whatever we want to call it, is an art now, and lower grade hackers can be hired to do the bidding of the string-pullers. I would bet the Michigan voters didn't even vote the way the "results" of that showed. Voting is a now a bygone era depending on who can fix things or to what degree. Local townships in rural areas, maybe still have integrity. Metropolitan areas in Lib cities is a bought off racket.
I was doing IT work in a hotel lobby and the TV was on. This kind of scene is the only place I'm ever exposed to TV, as I don't voluntarily watch it. Have any of you guys heard of this show called Atlanta, which comes on the FX network? This particular episode was called "The Big Payback", which I didn't know until I used a search engine to clue me in. The white main character seems to find that in his family tree there were slave owners, which somehow everyone at his job finds out.

He suddenly becomes a pariah; his ex wife prevents him from seeing his daughter, saying her Peruvian ancestors never owned slaves. The woman seated next to him at work thumbs her nose at him saying she is Jewish, and that her people were always enslaved. A black woman sets up camp at his front door saying she is owed three million dollars for enslaving her ancestors. At the end the guy chooses to have his wages lifetime garnished at 15% which will go to the black woman's family. The end.

People actually watch and are programmed by this sort of abomination. It even made me wonder what kind of white actors and actresses would play parts in something this putrid, so I looked them up. Justin Bartha, who portrayed the main character? From that group of people who claim to be white only when it suits their purposes. Another white dude is portrayed by a Tobias Segal. No need to look up that last name. Or Scarlett Blum, the daughter. This show was nauseating and it is a wonder that people still have one of those programming TVs in their homes.

I was doing IT work in a hotel lobby and the TV was on. This kind of scene is the only place I'm ever exposed to TV, as I don't voluntarily watch it. Have any of you guys heard of this show called Atlanta, which comes on the FX network? This particular episode was called "The Big Payback", which I didn't know until I used a search engine to clue me in. The white main character seems to find that in his family tree there were slave owners, which somehow everyone at his job finds out.

He suddenly becomes a pariah; his ex wife prevents him from seeing his daughter, saying her Peruvian ancestors never owned slaves. The woman seated next to him at work thumbs her nose at him saying she is Jewish, and that her people were always enslaved. A black woman sets up camp at his front door saying she is owed three million dollars for enslaving her ancestors. At the end the guy chooses to have his wages lifetime garnished at 15% which will go to the black woman's family. The end.

People actually watch and are programmed by this sort of abomination. It even made me wonder what kind of white actors and actresses would play parts in something this putrid, so I looked them up. Justin Bartha, who portrayed the main character? From that group of people who claim to be white only when it suits their purposes. Another white dude is portrayed by a Tobias Segal. No need to look up that last name. Or Scarlett Blum, the daughter. This show was nauseating and it is a wonder that people still have one of those programming TVs in their homes.

Thankfully I don’t think too many normal White people watch this particular garbage. Atlanta is a black show featuring a mostly black cast so I assume the audience is blacks and the occasional urbanite shitlib. From the wiki article you shared (of course the jewish media “critics” loved it):

The episode focuses on a dream being had by Earn of a man named Marshall Johnson, portrayed by Justin Bartha, whose life changes when a woman sues him for reparations for slavery. None of the main cast appears in the episode, with Bartha serving as the protagonist of the episode.

According to Nielsen Media Research, the episode was seen by an estimated 0.260 million household viewers and gained a 0.1 ratings share among adults aged 18–49. The episode received extremely positive reviews from critics, who praised Bartha's and Tobias Segal's performances and the writing, directing and social commentary, although some were divided on the execution of the subject matter, as well as the seemingly standalone nature of the episode.
Eye-opening article by Jared Taylor:

and it goes against the universalism that america and france suposedly created with things like human rights

i noticed that during the johnny depp against amber heard trial it would have been almost impossible to have a male lawyer question amber heard, especially since it was about sexual abuse

similarly only certain people are allowed to say some things in our society today
for someone to be critical of islam, he has to be muslim or formerly muslim
for someone to be critical of blacks, he has to be black

needless to say this is the oposite of universalism

these developments in the US courts will make it so only a black lawyer can question a black accused

in france nobody cares about the trials, there are no jury and what happens at trial is largely unknown, it is more of a top-down thing, like being struck by lightning, there isn't much you can do to avoid it or to defend against it

for full disclosure i do not advocate for universalism:
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Great article and truthful. I wish I shared his enthusiasm of an outcome of justice within the legal system. I honestly don't see that happening because the tentacles run deep into that as well, and nefariously so. I just don't know how that can or will happen within the system that has been so deeply entrenched at powerful levels. Anyone is welcome to convince me otherwise.
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Elon Musk has apparently resigned as CEO of Twitter. I'm sure there are many reasons offered as why and then there's the truth. Those hoping he was some kind of hero on a white horse were deluded again of course.

And yes, I know he said he was going to hand it over someday before he even bought Twitter but this is quite soon. And yes I know there was a poll taken yesterday and 57% of the voters supposedly said he should step down. Something doesn't seem right to me. I welcome anyone else's insights who may have more knowledge of the inner workings. It just seems everyone thought he was going to be some kind of savior for free speech and free up online opinions but this was very short-lived.
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I appreciate a lot of your insights and posts but that is something you have no proof of. Actually, the msm would love it if the gullible masses believed that. That's all the msm need is another reason to slander normal folks who are against the satanic onslaught on society. You should reconsider your conclusion.
BFU, you are right I don't have any proof, none what so ever. I thought about this and I don't want to put out false news like the msm. I will post whenever they catch who did this, if I am wrong I will admit it. I don't have much hope in the police solving this without putting out a big reward. I would have replied sooner but my health has been an issue for several months now but I am grateful to still be here.
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BFU, you are right I don't have any proof, done what so ever. I thought about this and I don't want to put out false news like the msm. I will post whenever they catch who did this, if I am wrong I will admit it. I don't much hope in the police solving this without puting out a big reward. I would have replied sooner but my health has been an issure for several months now but I am grateful to still be here.
Hi there booth, and thanks for the stand-up reply. You're a great poster here so I am glad you're back here regularly with us. Hope you're health improves and we see you more often. We all have a lot of battles from many directions. God bless you bro.
Lunacy! Add to that the fact that 99.9999999% of older men from traditional-valued countries like Spain assuredly despise this faggoty crap. Here's hoping this whisky company drowns in bankruptcy along with other such slop-slingers.
i don’t think this has been posted yet ... Ron Paul blasting the leviathan that is the Deep State after the “Twitter Files” revealed what we already knew/suspected.

Government schools are there to push a government agenda. If you or your kids escape without being affected by that you are in the minority. If we consider who most schools are named after the trend definitely doesn’t favor whitey or guys like Carson.
Good article… and I’m not even saying I support DeSantis or not; rather that conservatives need to wield power if/when they can in order to reverse some of the wonton destruction the current regime has caused.

jew tool coward Rino Mitch McConnell joins with a bunch of his fellows to pass perhaps the most egregious spending bill in American history: $1.7 TRILLION in corruption.

Representative Dan Bishop notes some of the more notable examples (among many):

Birds of the same feather flock together. The republicans agree with the democrats on virtually everything. They put on a good acting job only
in front of the camera. Our country has been bought and sold out from both sides. We need America First Christian Nationalists but it may
be too late. America the Babylon is falling just like Rome and all of the other former great empires. Too many people got bribed and took
the money under the table. I saw a graph today that todays is rebuplican party is more pro gay than even the democrats from over 20 years ago. They all want the lgbt and what ever else they can find. They want paedophilla to be legal and even beastialty. It's disgusting. You can't
vote yourself out of this. Traders everywhere that are nothing but glorified actors pretending that they care.
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American Freedom News