Joe Biden's America

Guys the hour is late and time is short. Prepare however you can. If you don't know about God and Jesus please take the time to
learn while you can. If they get worldwide communism it will be exactly like China here and everywhere. You will not be allowed
to have a Bible, go to church or openly believe in God and Jesus. Not to mention they will take the guns, free speech, etc. We must
fight this but in the worst case scenario there is nothing on earth more important than where your going when you die.

Trusting that (he/she/it) with anything more substantial than one days lunch money is a bad decision.

For those of us that enjoy laughing at the absurdity of American politics though, this is comedy gold!
As for prepping for the end of the world I say have a drink and chill. These idiots have tried their utmost to ruin the US and although they have largely succeeded its a big world with lots of different places. If I didn’t have kids I’d just move somewhere better. The good news is there are lots of better places, the bad news is it’s a pain to uproot your life initially.

Honestly I’d give a serious look to list of Eastern European countries or even central Asian / Russian ones. Ever seen pictures of Tatarstan ? How much worse than NewYork and NJ could it be?

Talinn Estonia? Vilnius Lithuania?

Hell even Italy offers incentives to talented people and the food is better and the place is beautiful.

Don’t want to speak Italian? Go to Dublin!

Hate the Irish weather ? Try Portugal!

Btw Christianity is growing faster in China than the US and by sheer numbers they will probably beat us in that too. No need to despair. Just look around and realize there are plenty of good alternatives. Even if you never act, it’s very calming.
Fox News has a lot of critics, but Martha MacCallum does a good job here exposing this forked tongue liar:

Kanye, Fuentes, and Milo are supposed to save us? A black, a Hispanic, and a Jew will save the White race. LOL. Is it any wonder so many people have so little energy for politics these days? Krazy Kanye who changes his opinions by the day, Milo the gay Jew who married a black man, and Fuentes the incel. This is Richard Spencer all over again (Spencer was anointed the "leader" of the alt-right by the alt-right's enemies because they knew he'd fail, and unsurprisingly did nothing but blow out a lot of hot air before eventually melting down and giving an interview where he cried and begged liberals to like him because he was "liberal on everything except race" or something). Fuentes being an incel is particularly toxic to any movement that falls into the trap of letting him "lead" them. How is the White race supposed to be saved if we can't make White babies? As a happily married man, a father, and a grandfather, I've always felt out of place in the alt-right just because of the large incel presence.

The Spencer/Fuentes/Kanye/Milo types are obsessed with being "leaders" giving speeches on balconies to crowds of adoring followers (how Leninesque), rather than working on constructive, pragmatic solutions because that's "boring" and requires hard work. They crave attention and are selected by the left to be our "leaders" because the left knows these guys will fall right into the trap. The leftist media give them the attention they crave and they eat it up, all the while wasting time and whatever money that donors are foolish enough to send them. Nothing gets accomplished, nothing changes, the left still remains in control of the institutions of power, lying and cheating their way to victory while the right is left wringing their hands helplessly. David Duke, for all his flaws, was still better than this current group of clowns. At least he could actually get himself elected to serious office.

Tucker Carlson is probably the closest thing we've got to an inspirational leader these days. He "gets it", he doesn't cuck, he's genuinely funny and entertaining and has built a large fanbase from it, and he's not a kook. There's a reason the libtards are desperately trying so hard to cancel him. He'd be a better presidential candidate than all the clowns who have already declared themselves. Ron DeSantis would probably be the next best thing. His landslide 60% re-election victory as governor was better than the margin some other Republicans got in much deeper red states than Florida. He "gets it" on a lot of big issues, though he's unfortunately flawed on others. But I'd take a flawed mainstream normie over some incel kook any day.
Kanye, Fuentes, and Milo are supposed to save us? A black, a Hispanic, and a Jew will save the White race. LOL. Is it any wonder so many people have so little energy for politics these days? Krazy Kanye who changes his opinions by the day, Milo the gay Jew who married a black man, and Fuentes the incel. This is Richard Spencer all over again (Spencer was anointed the "leader" of the alt-right by the alt-right's enemies because they knew he'd fail, and unsurprisingly did nothing but blow out a lot of hot air before eventually melting down and giving an interview where he cried and begged liberals to like him because he was "liberal on everything except race" or something). Fuentes being an incel is particularly toxic to any movement that falls into the trap of letting him "lead" them. How is the White race supposed to be saved if we can't make White babies? As a happily married man, a father, and a grandfather, I've always felt out of place in the alt-right just because of the large incel presence.

The Spencer/Fuentes/Kanye/Milo types are obsessed with being "leaders" giving speeches on balconies to crowds of adoring followers (how Leninesque), rather than working on constructive, pragmatic solutions because that's "boring" and requires hard work. They crave attention and are selected by the left to be our "leaders" because the left knows these guys will fall right into the trap. The leftist media give them the attention they crave and they eat it up, all the while wasting time and whatever money that donors are foolish enough to send them. Nothing gets accomplished, nothing changes, the left still remains in control of the institutions of power, lying and cheating their way to victory while the right is left wringing their hands helplessly. David Duke, for all his flaws, was still better than this current group of clowns. At least he could actually get himself elected to serious office.

Tucker Carlson is probably the closest thing we've got to an inspirational leader these days. He "gets it", he doesn't cuck, he's genuinely funny and entertaining and has built a large fanbase from it, and he's not a kook. There's a reason the libtards are desperately trying so hard to cancel him. He'd be a better presidential candidate than all the clowns who have already declared themselves. Ron DeSantis would probably be the next best thing. His landslide 60% re-election victory as governor was better than the margin some other Republicans got in much deeper red states than Florida. He "gets it" on a lot of big issues, though he's unfortunately flawed on others. But I'd take a flawed mainstream normie over some incel kook any day.
You have it backwards. The vast majority of aware Whites are "obsessed" with "leaders." The actual "leaders" are trying to lead lives the best they can in crazy Amerika, while the always critical anonymous observers expect them to live up to some ridiculous archetype from the 1930s.
It's so easy to criticize as an anonymous whatever, far more difficult to try to effect positive change. Keep on telling them what to do instead of being part of the solution yourself, Jerry.
You have it backwards. The vast majority of aware Whites are "obsessed" with "leaders." The actual "leaders" are trying to lead lives the best they can in crazy Amerika, while the always critical anonymous observers expect them to live up to some ridiculous archetype from the 1930s.
It's so easy to criticize as an anonymous whatever, far more difficult to try to effect positive change. Keep on telling them what to do instead of being part of the solution yourself, Jerry.
By having White children and White grandchildren I am far more a part of the solution than any incel. And who's Jerry?
By having White children and White grandchildren I am far more a part of the solution than any incel. And who's Jerry?
Actually you're not, as the U.S. becomes more non-White by the day. You're a typical hyper-critical do-nothing aware White man who will never dare contribute financially or as an activist to any pro-White cause. It's so much easier to nitpick those few who are willing to stick their necks out. In fact, you decided to become a critic of Caste Football before your dramatic exit a few months ago lol. Do you want to keep playing games, Jerry.
Actually you're not, as the U.S. becomes more non-White by the day. You're a typical hyper-critical do-nothing aware White man who will never dare contribute financially or as an activist to any pro-White cause. It's so much easier to nitpick those few who are willing to stick their necks out. In fact, you decided to become a critic of Caste Football before your dramatic exit a few months ago lol. Do you want to keep playing games, Jerry.
Okay then, tough guy. I'm "Jerry," whoever he is. Whatever you want to believe. Whatever makes you feel good. Maybe it makes you feel better to think two people who disagree with you are actually the same so it feels like you have fewer "enemies."

While we're on the subject, I'm also Thrashen and PamelaOC. I role-played those two characters, who hated each other, just for drama and lulz.
Kanye, Fuentes, and Milo are supposed to save us? A black, a Hispanic, and a Jew will save the White race. LOL. Is it any wonder so many people have so little energy for politics these days? Krazy Kanye who changes his opinions by the day, Milo the gay Jew who married a black man, and Fuentes the incel. This is Richard Spencer all over again (Spencer was anointed the "leader" of the alt-right by the alt-right's enemies because they knew he'd fail, and unsurprisingly did nothing but blow out a lot of hot air before eventually melting down and giving an interview where he cried and begged liberals to like him because he was "liberal on everything except race" or something). Fuentes being an incel is particularly toxic to any movement that falls into the trap of letting him "lead" them. How is the White race supposed to be saved if we can't make White babies? As a happily married man, a father, and a grandfather, I've always felt out of place in the alt-right just because of the large incel presence.

The Spencer/Fuentes/Kanye/Milo types are obsessed with being "leaders" giving speeches on balconies to crowds of adoring followers (how Leninesque), rather than working on constructive, pragmatic solutions because that's "boring" and requires hard work. They crave attention and are selected by the left to be our "leaders" because the left knows these guys will fall right into the trap. The leftist media give them the attention they crave and they eat it up, all the while wasting time and whatever money that donors are foolish enough to send them. Nothing gets accomplished, nothing changes, the left still remains in control of the institutions of power, lying and cheating their way to victory while the right is left wringing their hands helplessly. David Duke, for all his flaws, was still better than this current group of clowns. At least he could actually get himself elected to serious office.

Tucker Carlson is probably the closest thing we've got to an inspirational leader these days. He "gets it", he doesn't cuck, he's genuinely funny and entertaining and has built a large fanbase from it, and he's not a kook. There's a reason the libtards are desperately trying so hard to cancel him. He'd be a better presidential candidate than all the clowns who have already declared themselves. Ron DeSantis would probably be the next best thing. His landslide 60% re-election victory as governor was better than the margin some other Republicans got in much deeper red states than Florida. He "gets it" on a lot of big issues, though he's unfortunately flawed on others. But I'd take a flawed mainstream normie over some incel kook any day.
You make some fair points but overall I’m enjoying what Nick and Ye are doing. They need to ditch Milo though. He’s a total snake.

Just found this funny meme and thought it could go here.

Okay then, tough guy. I'm "Jerry," whoever he is. Whatever you want to believe. Whatever makes you feel good. Maybe it makes you feel better to think two people who disagree with you are actually the same so it feels like you have fewer "enemies."

While we're on the subject, I'm also Thrashen and PamelaOC. I role-played those two characters, who hated each other, just for drama and lulz.
You remember Thrashen and Pamela OC (now that's going back quite a ways), but have completely blotted your other username here out of your mind. Sure you have. Pamela OC returned under a different username and was/is an excellent poster other than a single blow-up as Pamela. People do sometimes register more than one username. It's mentioned in the site guidelines as a no-no but I always have let it go as it's not a big deal. And yes there are several ways I have to find these things out, with writing style being just one. Being the owner of a website, especially one frowned upon by powerful people who wish it didn't exist, comes with different responsibilities than being just an anonymous user of the site.

I could care less if I have "enemies" here. I've been through many many times worse in real life with real people. I admin the site the way I think is best and in a way I can live with because I know what it would be like if I made it a pure "free speech" forum, which it never was (for example, that's why trolls have always been banned).

I don't have any problems with "Dwight" other than he's a chronic critic who wants everything to be just perfect, just as Jerry Reb was, which is why I disagreed with your post above. Criticize, criticize, criticize is the fallback m.o. for so many. As the saying goes, build a better mousetrap instead of just griping. There are "leaders" like Nick, Kanye and Milo because so many capable White men refuse to do anything other than bitch. Having children and grandchildren is admirable, but that in itself is not going to hold back the demographic tide that is being used to destroy and replace the Historic American Nation.
Hey Don. Great points made by alot of people. I just want to know what everyone here thinks of Andrew Torba? To me is is a hero in
the face of globalists. He has taken on all of the big boys and continues to fight with great courage and leadership. In my honest opinion,
I think he should be one of the main leaders for whites across the world. Even Germany and other countries have told him to censor
their citizens yet he won't back down. Fearless and brave was well as intelligent. Why isn't he talked about more with white nationalism?
If he continues to gain fame for fighting for freedom he may very well be a potential candidate for the president by 2028. The guys gets it and encourages whites to be more tribalistic like everyone else does.
Hey Don. Great points made by alot of people. I just want to know what everyone here thinks of Andrew Torba? To me is is a hero in
the face of globalists. He has taken on all of the big boys and continues to fight with great courage and leadership. In my honest opinion,
I think he should be one of the main leaders for whites across the world. Even Germany and other countries have told him to censor
their citizens yet he won't back down. Fearless and brave was well as intelligent. Why isn't he talked about more with white nationalism?
If he continues to gain fame for fighting for freedom he may very well be a potential candidate for the president by 2028. The guys gets it and encourages whites to be more tribalistic like everyone else does.

I have great respect for Andrew Torba and his courage in running Gab. He's also doing political organizing in Pennsylvania at the local level, which is what I recommend for everyone to do instead of just complaining.

He's going to have a difficult time being a national leader because of his beliefs and the vicious ways the fake news media would go after him. And is he a "White Nationalist" or maybe a Christian Nationalist, or a populist, or a patriot, or a libertarian, or just a Christian? To me, the term White Nationalism is too restrictive because of how it's been demonized in the minds of many normal people. Terms like conservative, populist, patriot, etc., are more broad-based and welcoming and less threatening to many of the Trump supporters who are just becoming aware of things, and that's where the numbers are, not on the tiny, splintered, infiltrated fringe.

I would also say that we don't want just one leader; dozens and dozens are needed. A single leader will be taken out one way or another with one hundred percent certainty. Hundreds of leaders and multiple organizations along with relentless grassroots activism is the most realistic path forward at this time, but because it involves lots of hard work and financial sacrifice, most aware Whites won't support it. It's much easier to nitpick from the safe background, so until that changes there will be no hope of positive change, just continued rear-guard battles here and there.
Hey Don. Great points made by alot of people. I just want to know what everyone here thinks of Andrew Torba? To me is is a hero in
the face of globalists. He has taken on all of the big boys and continues to fight with great courage and leadership. In my honest opinion,
I think he should be one of the main leaders for whites across the world. Even Germany and other countries have told him to censor
their citizens yet he won't back down. Fearless and brave was well as intelligent. Why isn't he talked about more with white nationalism?
If he continues to gain fame for fighting for freedom he may very well be a potential candidate for the president by 2028. The guys gets it and encourages whites to be more tribalistic like everyone else does.
Andrew Torba is a great man with tremendous honor, conviction and courage. He’s the premier defender of free speech in the Western World. I think he needs to continue doing exactly what he’s doing, not get into politics. He’s more valuable running and further building Gab and a “parallel society” that he mentions often.
Andrew Torba is a great man with tremendous honor, conviction and courage. He’s the premier defender of free speech in the Western World. I think he needs to continue doing exactly what he’s doing, not get into politics. He’s more valuable running and further building Gab and a “parallel society” that he mentions often.
That's a good point. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and should be left to those areas they excel in. There's a mindset among many on the right that a leader should be doing everything and be flawless while doing so, which is impossible, especially given the miniscule amount of money available to those who go beyond the "acceptable" talking points of the establishment, including the GOP establishment.

Richard Spencer has been the subject of tons of scorn for various alleged flaws, but the bottom line is he was a capable and talented spokesman for what was then called the alt-right point of view. But that didn't mean he could also run websites and organizations, or anything else. All those expectations only highlighted his limitations. The idea is to find talented people and have the resources to plug them in to do one specific job where they have expertise. But the right has always been too factionalized and small to do that. That's why I sometimes am not diplomatic about making my displeasure known when the anonymous critics do their thing when IRL they almost always don't do anything to help those they criticize be better and more effective. I have seen and heard the excuses for inactivity first-hand for a long time and still see it today with a new generation. So much endless talking and criticizing, so much parsing of ideological purity tests, and so little actual activity.
This is a pretty unique forum but I have always struggled with the ideas of guys like the Z man and others who talk about dissident politics but never really say what is meant by it or what comes next.

I think having families is massively important however expensive and difficult it is. As for leaders, I think that DeSantis reelection lends a little hope that sanity can prevail if we get good candidates.

He is an excellent governor in lots of ways apart from what you tend to read about and he did a lot of cleaning up of the ridiculous voting setup in south Florida. Lo and behold he wins these places.

It’s not as desperate a situation in the US as those who constantly issue jeremiads about this or that but it’s far from perfect.

The good news is that the place is so incredibly vast it’s not tough to find a part of it that shares your values.

I don’t think that long run the us nation will continue in its current form because I think you will see more and more self segregation by both sides and eventually there will be a split. I think it could take another 20 years but who can say for sure. Personally I find almost all politicians detestable but there def are some who make you think there is hope. For me that guy was DeSantis.

Biden and company are horrible and embarrassing and should be voted out but first people in states with horrific voting setups need to push to clean that mess up.

If they don’t then the National breakup of the US probably happens sooner.
Ask yourself if the world is waking up? They have been expelled from countless countries for pushing their lies and theft of usury. They
push the alcohol, drugs and pornography. Is this the world slowly waking up to what Adolf said so almost a century ago? Not sure but
there are alot more people awake now than at any time in my life. We need to run our own country. Maybe it's time for certain groups
to leave and head back to their homelands? Interesting times indeed. Both the left and right are owned and controlled by the

Ask yourself if the world is waking up? They have been expelled from countless countries for pushing their lies and theft of usury. They
push the alcohol, drugs and pornography. Is this the world slowly waking up to what Adolf said so almost a century ago? Not sure but
there are alot more people awake now than at any time in my life. We need to run our own country. Maybe it's time for certain groups
to leave and head back to their homelands? Interesting times indeed. Both the left and right are owned and controlled by the

Is the world waking up? Probably not. Have certain places figured it out (Russia for instance) ? I think so .

Not all American members of the tribe are Zionists or usurers but do they stick together tighter than any other group of whites on average and do so to their collective benefit???? No doubt about it.

Do they vote progressively ? Absolutely

Do they dominate the media? Again, yup.

Has Biden sold out to them even more than most? Probably but it’s hard to know cause the guy is so brain dead.

There is so much money available for corruption in the us that it will be very hard for corporate interests to not dominate politics going forward.

The MiC is not something Biden invented but he sure is helping solidify it. Be interesting to see what comes next.

Still be of good cheer it’s almost Christmas and like I said before. It’s a huge country, there’s plenty of room to stretch out and find the likeminded!

And if not, there are lots of foreign options !!
I am posting this here because of Biden's pushing the transgender agenda. This was a pretty well organized attack to stop a drag show in Moore County, NC.
I am posting this here because of Biden's pushing the transgender agenda. This was a pretty well organized attack to stop a drag show in Moore County, NC.
I appreciate a lot of your insights and posts but that is something you have no proof of. Actually, the msm would love it if the gullible masses believed that. That's all the msm need is another reason to slander normal folks who are against the satanic onslaught on society. You should reconsider your conclusion.
Being Black isn't enough. You'll be canceled if you aren't a leftist and on board with their agenda:
American Freedom News