I've been following the WEF Davos Meetings very closely. We have politicians from America that are both Democrats. Rebulicans as well as Librertarians. In addition to that the f b i boys are there. It's for our good right? None of these people care about you or me.
Digital IDs and Central Bank Backed Digital Currencies are a NIGHTMARE! You won't be able to save money ever again. They can turn your
digital currency off forever if they don't like you. You have to shop where they tell you and can only buy what they allow you to buy. Also if
you don't spend in a several months it's gone. They also can steal from your digital wallet(smart phone bank) at will as they have backdoors
to all of them and the majority if not every cryptocurrency. Crypto means hidden but they will have a the All Seeing Eye everywhere.
The 15 minutes cities are already going up with roadblocks. Air, train and all travel will be limited or done away with. Then get this. Your
gonna love it. They want to bans cars worldwide. Yes you will not be allowed to own a car. They will make it unaffordable with all of the
carbon credits you would need. They will take your houses, condos, trailers, townhomes, land, etc.
President Biden is all in on this but I also believe Trump is as well. I've seen so much evidence of him being a fraud.
The sad truth is our present and future is gone and we will live in slavery in they succeed. There are no politicians coming to save you and
the banks and corporations are equal if not more dangerous.
This is the line in the sand men. We must fight worldwide or we will all be slaves. I would go on but I will leave it at that for now.