Joe Biden's America

Fedsurrection: Court papers reveal Proud Boys riddled with as many as EIGHT informants.. Oath Keeper’s Vice Prez an FBI informant…​

I guess the correct response should be, "Wow, only eight of them?".

Our gov't at all levels is corrupt from the core out, from the top down. And if you try to voice or demonstrate any opposition you'll be crushed or infiltrated and then crushed. Yep, it's where we are.
I still marvel that people went to Washington for what seemed like an obvious setup. Orange man is no messiah
The "que" was the week before when JoJo gave his speech and his main theme was "Everyone needs to accept the outcome of the upcoming elections, blah, blah, blah, blah...and if ya don't you're a domestic terrorist White supremacist, blah, blah, blah...". They always tell you what they are going to do. We've seen it over and over. We saw it a month ago when they basically freaking announced over and over they were going to blow up the Nordstream Pipeline, then claimed Russia did it to themselves. Yeah, riiiiiiight.

It's total clown world now. Neo-Bolshevik Totalitarianism is really what it is and its tentacles are in everything they "let" us see, hear and read. Sorry to be sounding Blackpilled, but unless I'm voting for a purely local or a regional issue that affects me or my concerns I don't consider voting a real option ever again. It's a past era for the most part. Funny thing is, I had a feeling walking to the polls I was wasting my time...
Unless states clean up their ripe-for-fraud voting process like Florida, it might as well be worthless.

Holding out a semblance of hope that things will get so bad that even the walking zombies that make up a large portion of our society snap out of their indoctrinated funk.

Clay Higgins takes no prisoners with Chris Wray… This is outstanding…​


Clay Higgins takes no prisoners with Chris Wray… This is outstanding…​

I love Higgins direct and blunt questioning! Wray is a squirming worm because he knows the truth.
The Republicans now have 218 House seats, enough for a majority. Just like the Nevada governor's election, this is a case of the Democrats being so unpopular that they couldn't win even with all the vote rigging. Look for libtards to start howling for recounts and shrieking about vast right-wing conspiracies in close-won Republican House victories. Slow Joe's "bow down and accept the election results or you're a domestic terrorist" comment will now be conveniently forgotten.

If the Democrats win, it's "do not question it, goy, or you're a traitor," but when the Republicans win, it's "hurr durr da Russians done hacked da election." This is what libtards actually believe.
If the people of the world don't find a way to stop this but refusing and not complying at any level, we will have worldwide
communism. I saw this coming at least 5 years ago. The propaganda and indoctination is so strong with most idiots everywhere.

They want a One World Govt, One World False Forced Religion, One World Digital Currency. They want to tax us for our carbon use, make us have
digital id's just to have any participation in society everywhere. They want to even change the internet where you won't be able to get
on the internet with a digital id that is approved but our masters. They want digital health vaccine system for dentist or doctor. They will take away all private property from your house to your cars, computers, phones and even the clothes on your back. Unreal Levels of Evil. Social Credit Score Worldwide. It never ends. China was the test country for the world. We must build our own systems. They are ruining the whole world.
The Republicans now have 218 House seats, enough for a majority. Just like the Nevada governor's election, this is a case of the Democrats being so unpopular that they couldn't win even with all the vote rigging. Look for libtards to start howling for recounts and shrieking about vast right-wing conspiracies in close-won Republican House victories. Slow Joe's "bow down and accept the election results or you're a domestic terrorist" comment will now be conveniently forgotten.

If the Democrats win, it's "do not question it, goy, or you're a traitor," but when the Republicans win, it's "hurr durr da Russians done hacked da election." This is what libtards actually believe.
Fox News (and CNN) were going on about how hard the R’s in the house were going to go after Biden now that they are in control. Sounds good. We’ll see what actually happens.
Fox News (and CNN) were going on about how hard the R’s in the house were going to go after Biden now that they are in control. Sounds good. We’ll see what actually happens.
What usually happens from R's (nothing) is what will happen. Nothing except caving and kowtowing to whatever they're told to do.
What usually happens from R's (nothing) is what will happen. Nothing except caving and kowtowing to whatever they're told to do.
I've been waiting decades for people to realize it's two sides of the same coin. They play on the same team when the camera are off. They
both want socialism/progressives which is the start to communism which is both parties goals. Most of them are actors. Don't believe what
they tell you as most are full of crap. When the whole system impodes in the next year or two there won't be much left to save as the whole
fiat currencies are just another endless ponzi scheme. I still would take it over what's coming though. When we lost the world reserve currency status in the near future we are fu**ed. No way to sugarcoat it. All way of living we have known our whole lives will be gone overnight.
I've been waiting decades for people to realize it's two sides of the same coin. They play on the same team when the camera are off. They
both want socialism/progressives which is the start to communism which is both parties goals. Most of them are actors. Don't believe what
they tell you as most are full of crap. When the whole system impodes in the next year or two there won't be much left to save as the whole
fiat currencies are just another endless ponzi scheme. I still would take it over what's coming though. When we lost the world reserve currency status in the near future we are fu**ed. No way to sugarcoat it. All way of living we have known our whole lives will be gone overnight.
Agreed. Unless there are major and significant laws enacted in the next two years regarding voting rules and procedures there is zero hope at all of anything going the right direction. We are now a political circus (like third world countries where common folks are peasants and know they are hopeless at the mercy of the oligarchs) and our courts are even so corrupt they are kangaroos on steroids and nobody you or I know has a snowballs chance who think like us.

I want to remind our posters that Don has a great site at that covers these things in excellence and consistency. He doesn't like to toot his own horn so I will promote the site myself, lol. Seriously, I wish more folks here would avail themselves of the fine articles and take the extra step and even subscribe to the paper copy of "The Freedom Times". It's not expensive and well worth it. They are great to share with folks you know who need truth in a crazy world where lies are coming at us 24/7.
Republicucks still won't do ****. When they're in charge they act like their hands are tied. When they're not, they shill for votes saying how tough they'll be when they have majority, Ha.
I believe the term is controlled opposition?

Red team, blue team, What a hoax. It’s one team and we aren’t on it
The Republicans now have 218 House seats, enough for a majority. Just like the Nevada governor's election, this is a case of the Democrats being so unpopular that they couldn't win even with all the vote rigging. Look for libtards to start howling for recounts and shrieking about vast right-wing conspiracies in close-won Republican House victories. Slow Joe's "bow down and accept the election results or you're a domestic terrorist" comment will now be conveniently forgotten.

If the Democrats win, it's "do not question it, goy, or you're a traitor," but when the Republicans win, it's "hurr durr da Russians done hacked da election." This is what libtards actually believe.
And they have the temerity to deny ever claiming that Russians were meddling in the 2016 election at the same time, I have seen them say it.
We will have even more bread and circus the next couple of years at minimum. Now Kanye is against Trump and
he is running against Trump in 2024. So now Trump will have to beat Desantis and Kanye at minimum just to win
the nomination. Interesting times indeed. Kanye has Milo. Y. as his campaign manager and Nick Fuentes handling the
media. Kanye says he is running as a christian nationalist yet Milo is a reformed gay and I just scratch my head at all
of this. No one knows what to believe.
If there is one positive in it all, it reveals to the average Joe just how ridiculous the presidential position has become.

I actually dont have any real issues with Kanye and I like the fact that he speaks his mind, but is he a statesman?

Theater of the absurd.
We will have even more bread and circus the next couple of years at minimum. Now Kanye is against Trump and
he is running against Trump in 2024. So now Trump will have to beat Desantis and Kanye at minimum just to win
the nomination. Interesting times indeed. Kanye has Milo. Y. as his campaign manager and Nick Fuentes handling the
media. Kanye says he is running as a christian nationalist yet Milo is a reformed gay and I just scratch my head at all
of this. No one knows what to believe.

Ok I need to say some more about the so called leader of the white nationalist movement. Nick Fuentes is openly considered hispanic
by everyone. He is a self proclaimed incel and has never dated a girl in his life. He makes fun of anyone that dates women. Nick Fuentes
has a sister that is an out and open lesbian and she also promotes the trans rights movement. No one will say these things but they are all
true. I admire much of the good he has done but I must say I would prefer anyone else lead the movement. I'm all for christian nationalism
but I don't trust any of these 3 guys. Just being honest. You guys can decide how you feel. I do appreciate some good that has come out of
what him and Kanye have done. I just know when the cameras are off politiicans and stars live way different lifes behind the scenes.

Last I will add that we cannot vote ourselves out of this with any of the republicans or demoncrats. Two sides of the same coin pushing
the same end game of evil. We need our own societies and movements and I think our nation needs to break off into groups. Choose to
live among your people and protect the areas independently. We must create our own financial, farming, protection and industrial and
do similar to what the Amish have done for a very long time now. They show the way forward. We can learn from them but add our own
ideas and ways to add to the society.
I'm going to add some comments. Just my opinion guys so here it is. Many people have done great things in the Pro White Movement.
I could mention countless names but let's just take for example a guy like David Duke. While he is very educated and articulate, sadly
the majority of America when never give him much of a chance due to some things from his younger days. Such a shame the people
can't look past some factors. I've already said that no one on either side of the aisle is the answer in my opinion. The closest I saw was
Ron Paul but even his son is not as strong a leader as his dad. I still like alot of what he does but he is a puppet as well.

We need a leader for the America First Movement and a leader to protect whites future to exhist and our cultures & traditions. I'm going
to put my vote in for Andrew Torba. He is the founder of Gab a free speech alternative to facebook. He doesn't censor at all and you can
say anything on there. Very rare for any website these days. He is married with many children, successful, strong, good morals and character. He is also a christian and he speaks openly about who runs things. He has no fear. He has taken on the A.D.L. and many other groups. Even
our politicians in Washington D.C. have tried to shut Gab down but they can't. They have built Gab on their own servers and infrastructure. Then he has an alternative to paypal who censors and deletes people all over the world everyday just for the wrong think. The guy is a leader
doing things on an even bigger stage than most. He is a proud white man who loves God, Jesus and America. He would be a perfect leader
in my honest opinion. Even if he never runs I believe he should be the main guy for our movement of freedom and protecting a future for
whites in America and around the world.

Any other guys you think would be equally good? Just curious as your guys thoughts. Thanks.
I certainly believe their is voter fraud. But there has to be some evidence. It can’t just be circumstantial. This would be a wide ranging collusion and someone needs to provide some hard evidence. Maybe when the Republicans are almost completely swept out will they find the balls to fight back. They ignored it before because they were glad to see Trump defeated but now they are all in the crosshairs.

Trump's team was hopeless just the usual right wing conspiracy mongers, that might have had a few facts but absolutely no ability to ask any questions. I thought there was a chance that electronic comms had been intercepted especially on election night when they needed to produce ballots or to destroy evidence but no just some BS about computer language. But then again the Right never ever studies the Left it's always a smoke show of principles, virtue and "muh truth." The best was that immigrant from India that did some sleuthing about cell phones and the ability to track them. Face it conservatives don't have the gumption to ask their "liberal friends" any tough questions in an interrogation fashion, they might be called names or something.
American Freedom News