The "que" was the week before when JoJo gave his speech and his main theme was "Everyone needs to accept the outcome of the upcoming elections, blah, blah, blah, blah...and if ya don't you're a domestic terrorist White supremacist, blah, blah, blah...". They always tell you what they are going to do. We've seen it over and over. We saw it a month ago when they basically freaking announced over and over they were going to blow up the Nordstream Pipeline, then claimed Russia did it to themselves. Yeah, riiiiiiight.
It's total clown world now. Neo-Bolshevik Totalitarianism is really what it is and its tentacles are in everything they "let" us see, hear and read. Sorry to be sounding Blackpilled, but unless I'm voting for a purely local or a regional issue that affects me or my concerns I don't consider voting a real option ever again. It's a past era for the most part. Funny thing is, I had a feeling walking to the polls I was wasting my time...