2020 Election

Who did/do you plan on voting for president?

  • Total voters
Don't give up guys. There are going to be multiple lawsuits. Maybe countless ones. This is the proverbial line in the sand. The last chance to save the republic.

Fight now or be enslaved forever. I hope the voting protests continue. That's a good sign that more people are waking up.

The guy couldn't fill his own living room with supporters yet Biden had more votes than Obama did with less blacks and latinos voting for him. How stupid do they think we are? Add on more voters in many states than registered and it wasn't even close. Then there are so many democtatic voters who are already dead or between 100 - 183 years of age. This is all on record.
Don't give up guys. There are going to be multiple lawsuits. Maybe countless ones. This is the proverbial line in the sand. The last chance to save the republic.

Fight now or be enslaved forever. I hope the voting protests continue. That's a good sign that more people are waking up.

The guy couldn't fill his own living room with supporters yet Biden had more votes than Obama did with less blacks and latinos voting for him. How stupid do they think we are?

The dominion voting system revelations (relevant to the video I posted) are basically confirmations of foul play, or at least crush the legitimacy of many of Biden's leads.
The most telling thing about the subversive (((communists))) is how they were able to dumb down the population into becoming pinkos. Rather than use mass murderous purges like the communist regimes of the 20th century they went to subversion first through academia, media, sports, entertainment, all levels of government, the bureaucracy and slowly over the past 50 years it has metastasized into almost every corner of American society.

Millions of whites dumbed down, self-hating, indoctrinated, Godless, lacking cognitive development, conditioned to think based solely on emotion, triggered by anything they have not been conditioned to handle, abusing pharmaceutical and recreational drugs etc. Blacks conditioned to blame whitey, think that they have to live a certain lifestyle, believe that repression is there birth right, not lacking the ability or desire to become a better person and fit into civilization and think that living off the government is what they are entitled to for being part of this country. Non-white latinos who believe that this land was taken from their ancestors and wanting to take it back, refusing to assimilate, doing their part in killing job opportunity for actual US citizens because "they do the jobs no Americans want to do" and also getting free government benefits off the back of the taxing of the white middle class. Let's not forget to mention businesses - whether it's a landscaping business that hires illegals under the table to the tech corporations that send their manufacturing to China to make smart phones while the Chinese allow their people to work for slave wages while both they and the corporations get more and more money while pushing SJ initiatives. This is what constitute the "Democratic" party today.

Forgive me if I come off as an optimist, naive or just sound plain stupid but this may be the "jump the shark" moment for the left. The cheating is on video, well documented and blatantly obvious. Trump has spearheaded a true distrust of the main stream media and millions more are now awake to what is going on then were 4 years ago. Big Tech and the media are both obviously complicit in this cover up as well. I do think that Trump is the right man to fight this thing tooth and nail. It is refreshing to see his sons attack the Republican party who have bent over for decades and allowed the country to reach this point while putting up no resistance.
If the numbers are to believed. Trump hit 12 percent among blacks a whopping 5 percent increase! All that pandering and virtue signaling about Black Unemployment being so low didn't do ****, who'd a thunk it.
So the (((MSM))) wants us to believe that Biden who held minimally attended rallies was able to drum up the most votes in US history. His token running mate selected to appease women, blacks, Asians and whatever else was polling at around 1% during the primaries was also able to help with this historical voter turnout. Maybe our resident Biden supporter Bruce can help explain this?

There should be worry free anarchy now - no respect at all shown to what is supposed to be a fair voting process - cheating out in the open. The MSM won’t cover it because they don’t have to. Coastal white elites, minorities in cities, every fringe freak group that has been normalized during the past 50 years in this country all are held to a higher standard now. I hope these places reap what they sow.
Ya I'd like Bruce to explain how Pedo Joe received more votes than Obama or HRC. The left openly worships those two and Joe can't get 10+ people to his rallies.
If the numbers are to believed. Trump hit 12 percent among blacks a whopping 5 percent increase! All that pandering and virtue signaling about Black Unemployment being so low didn't do ****, who'd a thunk it.

Blacks have been indoctrinated the longest - victims of their own cognitive shortcomings. It’s the idiotic whites that are the real problem. Mentally unhinged and unstable - so many getting on social media crying like we lived under some repressive regime that killed millions of its own citizens whem in fact they are the best example if “useful idiots” in the history of the Marxist ideology. This is all a mind **** to me because all I can rely on is observation and common sense to guide my way.
There will be a massive false flag event within the next six months.
"White Supremacist Trump Supporters" will kill many at a very public venue, likely with video footage (but not too much).

They require this to justify criminalizing the entire white race as a matter of law.
Blacks have been indoctrinated the longest - victims of their own cognitive shortcomings. It’s the idiotic whites that are the real problem. Mentally unhinged and unstable - so many getting on social media crying like we lived under some repressive regime that killed millions of its own citizens whem in fact they are the best example if “useful idiots” in the history of the Marxist ideology. This is all a mind **** to me because all I can rely on is observation and common sense to guide my way.
Leonardfan, you are on :flamethrower2:
There are MAGA Protests all over the country. Anywhere from 10,ooo and up at some of them. People do not want to accept that the election was stolen along with our freedom. The question is how long will these protests last? Second can we expect
the courts to fight for us. Our only real chance is to take it to the Supreme Court. 6 of the 9 judges are conservative so there is a chance for a fair outcome. If they vote conservative. I've already seen guys Trump put in there go against him several times
in the last year or two. Republicans and Conservatives in general need to grow a set of ba***. They back down like cowards decade after decade. You either fight now or the country is done forever. There will never be another fair election after this is if
they just let this decision stand. It's disgusting to watch our once great country go down into flames.
The Dominion Software that changes votes in the election states is as important as all of the other evidence. Nice find Arerequired.

I think he should add a charge of negligence to bolster his chances as well as fraud, charge them with everything applicable like was stated in the video.
If the numbers are to believed. Trump hit 12 percent among blacks a whopping 5 percent increase! All that pandering and virtue signaling about Black Unemployment being so low didn't do ****, who'd a thunk it.

Thanks for posting that Bucky. God bless that 12 percent, but whoopee f----ing doo. And according to one source, Trump's Latino support increased from 28 percent to 32 percent. If my calculator is right, that's a whopping 4 percent.

I couldn't find any info on the Pacific Islander vote.
Thanks for posting that Bucky. God bless that 12 percent, but whoopee f----ing doo. And according to one source, Trump's Latino support increased from 28 percent to 32 percent. If my calculator is right, that's a whopping 4 percent.

I couldn't find any info on the Pacific Islander vote.

LOL it blows Bruce's theory out of the water too.
LOL it blows Bruce's theory out of the water too.

Bruce hasn't been online since October 29th, maybe his Biden screed is a non-sequitur, or maybe he got banned I don't know.

He said a Trump second term would start a war? Why wouldn't they do that the first term... No guarantee of re-election.
Bruce hasn't been online since October 29th, maybe his Biden screed is a non-sequitur, or maybe he got banned I don't know.

He said a Trump second term would start a war? Why wouldn't they do that the first term... No guarantee of re-election.

He also got his panties into a bunch because Trump had a few rappers stump for him on the campaign. Meanwhile Biden had 88% of the black vote (probably more like 120% due to all the fraud).
Joe Biden is the first pedophile president of the US.

Civilization is crumbling, morality and common decency have been undermined by the Cultural Marxist media over the past 60 years.

Joe Biden is the first pedophile president of the US.

Civilization is crumbling, morality and common decency have been undermined by the Cultural Marxist media over the past 60 years.

I seriously doubt he’s the first. But, he’s definitely the most blatant.
He also got his panties into a bunch because Trump had a few rappers stump for him on the campaign. Meanwhile Biden had 88% of the black vote (probably more like 120% due to all the fraud).
Excellent point. I’d like to see Bruce response to this. Negroes love ol jive talkin’ Joe. Remember it was their overwhelming support that gave him his first win in South Carolina and the momentum going into Super Tuesday during the primaries.
He's not and I don't believe that he will ever be president of the US.

Hopefully this is true => https://twitter.com/tom2badcat/status/1325124397729001472

Hopefully It is true but it sounds like the QANON stuff at this point. I'd love for Trump to pull something out of his bag of tricks but this speculation has become aggravating/tiresome to follow. Not an attack on you at all my friend but we need some substance behind this.
Thanks for posting that Bucky. God bless that 12 percent, but whoopee f----ing doo. And according to one source, Trump's Latino support increased from 28 percent to 32 percent. If my calculator is right, that's a whopping 4 percent.

I couldn't find any info on the Pacific Islander vote.

Furthermore, Trump gave huge amounts of money to the reservations, more than usual. I bet the oversight is fantastic. Those folks will finally better themselves.
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