2020 Election

Who did/do you plan on voting for president?

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Yes. Pinnacle is down to 1.226 pay out for a Trump win.

Normal Americans are being forced to keep quiet by a communist cabal that can cost them their job/lives etc. A piss poor betting year for me has been turned around 360 degrees for me personally.

I agree the media is walking on egg shells and is afraid to report what is going on. I'm still too cautious to call it over yet. I've seen too many crazy things happen in the past. I'm positive minded and hopeful
but will save my ultimate celebration for another 3 or 4 hours. Maybe longer as so many states say they will count write in ballots for weeks. I want to see Trump win the electoral and popular vote to give a big
slap back to the media, sports, hollywood, music and to all the countless dumbed down liberals out there. Let's keep this Red Wave growing guys! :)
I’m cautiously optimistic right now. A few cold ones in already....
Several whiskeys in, I’m up all night......Cheers to all of you......
But I see Biden has just won Arizona.

No he didn't.
That's just media doing what it does.
Arizona isn't going to vote for someone who has promised to take away their guns.

Biden might end up with more votes in AZ, but the surplus will be entirely fraudulent.
Anyone still watching? I think Trump has won but the Dems are simply trying to find ways the steal the election. Trump should come out and declare victory.
Anyone still watching? I think Trump has won but the Dems are simply trying to find ways the steal the election. Trump should come out and declare victory.

I am still up. Biden just sent out his marching orders to certain states to try and play games in order to steal it. Trump is about to make an announcement.
Nothing will be decided tonight. Biden and the Press and the Deep State will declare victory. Trump will challenge.
Eventually, enough left-friendly judges will get their hands on this to give it to Biden.
We'll see what Trump does after that.
I'm up too. Will be up for a few more hours. We need Trump to win Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Michigan. He could lose maybe 1 of these but 2 of these states would be bad news.

There is no doubt they are trying to keep Trump from winning. Trump has a 15% lead in one state and they still won't call it. Even on the so called only conservative channel Fox News.

It's like it's the President vs the world who is all in be with the elite groups. Hope they call a few more states tonight for Trump. Let's go.

K.A.G.A. 2020
How much did Hillary want to win in 2016? Two words --- Tim Kaine..... On the goyim plantation, we should create a monument of sorts to this bit of history.

While I'm at it, a Memo to Sean Hannity, Biden wasn't wrong about the Racial Jungle. Talk about the 'black community' like they aren't amalgamating in record numbers. Record numbers of blexicans, blasians, blews, melungeon, etc. Are you using the one drop rule ? The *demand* is that Whites coddle the Racial Jungle. Spaniards inculcate into their kids that they are the real Latinos and are furious when an Indian steps to their daughter, but Whitey must shut up. Jews have strict control on who can be a member of a 'gogue, who can be a member of a JCC, but literally everybody including Jews can be Catholic quite easily!
Here in nj the marijuana question passed. The aspirants for the pot czar position (the agency the state will create to oversee the distribution of pot) are stepping up heir efforts to get that job. Lord only knows what degenerate acts they're being asked to perform in front of a packed audience (maybe some nasty things with barnyard animals) to get the job.
I'm up too. Will be up for a few more hours. We need Trump to win Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Michigan. He could lose maybe 1 of these but 2 of these states would be bad news.

He doesn't have to win Wisconsin necessarily at this point, but he would have to win Georgia or Nevada. I believe he could actually lose Georgia and Wisconsin, but somehow pick up Nevada along with North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. If he won those four states it would give him 270. However, I would prefer he take Georgia and Wisconsin.
North Carolina is in the bag. He's ahead by 77,000 votes with nothing but rural counties to be counted. He's ahead in Pennsylvania by over 600,000 votes. Any other time in our history Pennsylvania and North Carolina would have already been called.
I'm concerned that the longer this goes the more shenanigans the Democrats will try. Very suspicious that most of the states that Trump really needed in order to win is where the calls have been delayed for whatever excuse they can come up with.
Trump was a 3/1 favorite a few hours ago to +170 now. Looks like the libtards will steal Wisconsin and Georgia, makes me sick to my stomach that this will happen. Leaving emotion out of this it appears the absentee ballots will cost Trump Wisconsin and Georgia. Since when does Fox News kiss Nancy Pelosi's ass?
And here comes the fraud. No doubt they had fradulent ballots ready to go in case they needed them and they do. You have to believe that Georgia had nearly 100% voter turnout and nearly all of the absentee ballots counted going to Biden.
And here comes the fraud. No doubt they had fradulent ballots ready to go in case they needed them and they do. You have to believe that Georgia had nearly 100% voter turnout and nearly all of the absentee ballots counted going to Biden.

It's all playing out like we thought it would. Half the population going along willfully with it. I was up until 2 am watching Baris on the Steve Bannon broadcast - he was beside himself how they could just stop counting ballots and was very confident WI and MI were Trump's. Magically ballots start appearing once the left knows how bad they are losing.
He doesn't have to win Wisconsin necessarily at this point, but he would have to win Georgia or Nevada. I believe he could actually lose Georgia and Wisconsin, but somehow pick up Nevada along with North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. If he won those four states it would give him 270. However, I would prefer he take Georgia and Wisconsin.
North Carolina is in the bag. He's ahead by 77,000 votes with nothing but rural counties to be counted. He's ahead in Pennsylvania by over 600,000 votes. Any other time in our history Pennsylvania and North Carolina would have already been called.
I'm concerned that the longer this goes the more shenanigans the Democrats will try. Very suspicious that most of the states that Trump really needed in order to win is where the calls have been delayed for whatever excuse they can come up with.
Yep, you are right. Trump has clearly won these states and should be announced as the election winner. They are trying to cook up ways to steal it.
Yep, you are right. Trump has clearly won these states and should be announced as the election winner. They are trying to cook up ways to steal it.

Looks like they stole Wisconsin and on there way to stealing Michigan. Not buying magical absentee ballots just appearing after the numbers were already in last night to favorable add votes to Biden. It's a sham. Self hating white "liberals" truly are the scourge of this country.
Vegas odds completely reversed overnight. Trump was up nearly 2 to 1 in odds late last night and now this morning Biden is the favorite by about 3 to 1 odds.
Strange. Last night when I went to sleep it looked like Trump was going to win. I woke up this morning, checked a few websites and now it seems Biden will be the new president.

Did something dishonest happen overnight? The media including Fox with (((Chris Wallace))) seemed to really want to deny Trump and give it to Biden.
Massive voter fraud appears to have given Biden a victory, don't see a path for Trump if that stands. Not to be a negative nancy but MI at 0900 Nov 4 just went up thousands for Biden just like that.
Once Biden's "victory" is "legitimized" by (((the powers that be))), Trump will have the choice of capitulating to an obvious thief or continuing a fight with no path to victory.

I predicted something like this on the coronavirus thread. The libturds were taken completely by surprise with Trump's victory in 2016 and they weren't going to let it happen again.
Overnight 138K ballots were dumped in the early morning hours in the state of MI I believe. All Biden, none for Trump! Fraud. That is statically impossible! Trump will not go down without a fight. SCOTUS will decide this. Justice Barrett will deliver. It is my lasting hope.
Overnight 138K ballots were dumped in the early morning hours in the state of MI I believe. All Biden, none for Trump! Fraud. That is statically impossible! Trump will not go down without a fight. SCOTUS will decide this. Justice Barrett will deliver. It is my lasting hope.

They don't even bother to feign realism in their fakery!

Look at the stock market soaring! The capitalists were fully supporting the communist takeover. Like The Great One said in Germany, capitalism and communism, two sides of the same coin.

"Election Coup? Something Suspicious Happening In Wisconsin & Michigan, Dem Votes Magically Appear!"

American Freedom News