The most telling thing about the subversive (((communists))) is how they were able to dumb down the population into becoming pinkos. Rather than use mass murderous purges like the communist regimes of the 20th century they went to subversion first through academia, media, sports, entertainment, all levels of government, the bureaucracy and slowly over the past 50 years it has metastasized into almost every corner of American society.
Millions of whites dumbed down, self-hating, indoctrinated, Godless, lacking cognitive development, conditioned to think based solely on emotion, triggered by anything they have not been conditioned to handle, abusing pharmaceutical and recreational drugs etc. Blacks conditioned to blame whitey, think that they have to live a certain lifestyle, believe that repression is there birth right, not lacking the ability or desire to become a better person and fit into civilization and think that living off the government is what they are entitled to for being part of this country. Non-white latinos who believe that this land was taken from their ancestors and wanting to take it back, refusing to assimilate, doing their part in killing job opportunity for actual US citizens because "they do the jobs no Americans want to do" and also getting free government benefits off the back of the taxing of the white middle class. Let's not forget to mention businesses - whether it's a landscaping business that hires illegals under the table to the tech corporations that send their manufacturing to China to make smart phones while the Chinese allow their people to work for slave wages while both they and the corporations get more and more money while pushing SJ initiatives. This is what constitute the "Democratic" party today.
Forgive me if I come off as an optimist, naive or just sound plain stupid but this may be the "jump the shark" moment for the left. The cheating is on video, well documented and blatantly obvious. Trump has spearheaded a true distrust of the main stream media and millions more are now awake to what is going on then were 4 years ago. Big Tech and the media are both obviously complicit in this cover up as well. I do think that Trump is the right man to fight this thing tooth and nail. It is refreshing to see his sons attack the Republican party who have bent over for decades and allowed the country to reach this point while putting up no resistance.