I'm afraid that our last chance as a race/people was WW2. Jewish influenced war was brought to a racialized nationalist Germany who emerged by shedding the yoke of Jewish power. Their success was infectious and needed to be stopped so a World War came to their doorsteps. Though a relatively small country they came hairsplitting close to defeating the parasite that had infected and infiltrated the rest of the White World. They were only stopped by an unusually cold Russian winter. We have since not been allowed to a single nation with same energized racialized united people. As obvious as this fraud was our eternal enemy has figured out how to own the minds of half of our people. I've argued with these deracialized pathetic White liberals (friends, relatives) and thoroughly defeat them over and over again but I have not been able to convince a single person of changing their mind. In fact, they have all gotten more radical over the years. When I brought up how we would be paying for reparations years ago and all our wealth would be stolen, they laughed but now that they see it is actually happening as I have predicted they have decided that we as a people deserve it. These are people with little White children who admit that their kids will have to suffer for the greater good so that they can be better people. All of them are the classic elite educated liberal who live in safe suburban-like mostly White areas and are already or intending to send their kids to private school where there is plenty of diversity (upper class Asians and Indians). They could care less about blue collar White America even or especially their own relatives, friends, and their own children. They are selfish soulless people who are not completely unwittingly participating in the end game of their own children. I don't see a way out or an escape route. Nothing will convince these people to change their minds. We have to disengage from all of them. The election shows we still have substantial numbers that are more energized but less powerful than ever before. The only solution is to not participate in their world. Nationalize quietly from within and ostracize those who are not like minded. Our lives are all in for hardship, we must educate and prepare our children every single day in the hope that one day they can find a solution we haven't been able to. Sorry for the rant that is all over the place. I've had an incredibly difficult year. A recent family death directly related to the social cost of this fake Corona shutdown has got my mind spinning. I'm venting and trying to care about the future.
Sorry for your loss brother. I have had many of the same thoughts over the past 5 days. I've gone off on some crazy rants in this thread lol.
I have a deep appreciation for this country based on it's original founding values, utmost respect and admiration for the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. I have next to no respect for anything in this country from an historical perspective post WWII. Kennedy may have been a game changer but they blew his brains out. We are all living in one big psy-op - a total mind ****. Trump has helped exponentially grow the number of people who are aware that this is going on and that is a great thing.
I think we can break down leftist whites fairly easily:
My disdain and disgust for middle class/upper middle class whites is at an all time high. These are the people who don't question anything, base their lives on greed, lack of values, no appreciation for this country at all, materialism is their religion, saying how they listen to NPR like that is some sort of validation and went to the finest indoctrination centers...eerr I mean colleges and universities. Best thing is just to start calling them out on their ******** - asking them why they aren't volunteering, why they aren't giving there money to causes they supposedly believe in. These people are too smart for their own good. These are the bluepilled cucks.
We have the baby boomers and their spawn who just vote democrat based on brand name association. They don't really delve into the policies, turn a blind eye to the violence and try to associate the democrats with Kennedy (still!). They are too stupid to realize Kennedy was opposed to communism. These are the morons who have been fed news and misinformation from the time when it was just ABC, NBC, CBS all the way through to present day where they can get their daily dose of indoctrination from the spin off cable channels of the parent stations. No critical thought from this lot. They have no idea what the long term end game is, they just go vote democrat down the ballot every election. The orange man bad wing of the democratic party.
The third group of whites we have are the unhinged. Mostly younger, from broken homes, drugged up, indoctrinated through high school and brought up to be unhinged emotionally. These are the useful idiots out there protesting along with their POC allies to destroy anything white because it is the patriarchy. There are plenty of relics from the 1960s and 1970s subversive movements in this lot too. They are essentially radicalized communist jihadists - these are the ones who hate everything about Western Civilization (besides Marxism/Communism). They want to burn everything down - they are the ones that are targeting and vilifying white people, attacking the great institutions and history of this country. These are the **** heads we see out their destroying property, attacking innocent people and preaching an end to this country. These are the ungodly communists. They are doing the bidding of their masters because they simply are lost souls. Self-hating whites.
As far as what happens next. The media and their masters have set this up as a win/win. Obvious, blatant voter fraud that has occurred which the MSM is not even acknowledging. 70+ million Americans who pay taxes and put trust in the system will be disenfranchised and pissed off...rightfully so. As far as I know everything is still boarded up so if somehow the legal process actually plays out in Trump's favor the MSM have done their job to radicalize even more of the useful idiots to come out and riot because they have been conditioned to think the election has been stolen. I have no doubt that if this is the case the protests will spread from cities into suburbs and smaller towns to attack white people whom they all identify as Trump supporters (if this happens the irony won't be lost on me when the third group of whites along with their POC allies attack the other two left groups I described above). If these riots and violence do occur - will the police stand down? will they protect the people who voted in support of law enforcement? will they just stand aside and let the people on the right thin the herd? I have no doubt that the citizens on the political right in this country have the guns, discipline and ability to make short work of the leftists if they are allowed to do so unfettered. The far left is far beyond any sort of civil discourse - they only understand and want violence. Another question is where is the US Military in all of this? Don't they have an oath to uphold the sanctity of the Constitution?
Odds are nothing positive happens.